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Cell Phone Viruses
Software Engineers Allow PCs to Scan Mobile Devices for Viruses

As cell phones, PDAs, and other wireless devices become more sophisticated, hackers are starting to spread viruses that can infect them. Software engineers have developed an application that allows a ... > watch video

Wireless Wonders
Computer Engineers Improve Wireless Networks by Making Users Connect Through Each Other

Several cities, including Philadelphia and San Francisco, are considering installing city-wide wireless internet connections of a new generation. These so-called wireless mesh networks will enable ... > watch video

Space Pilot for Computers
Ergonomists Reduce Repetitive Stress with Computer-Mouse Alternative

An alternative to the mouse, the SpacePilot 3D motion controller combines programmable keys with a circular controller that can sense and adapt to the user's needs. In a recent study, ergonomists ... > watch video

Medical Records on Your Cell Phone
Computer Scientists Turn Cell Phones into Health Care Resource

New software technology allows cell phone and PDA users to download their medical records, making them quickly accessible in case of emergency. The new software, to be available in a year, can even ... > watch video

Battle of the 'Bots
Young Inventors' Firefighting Robots Are More than Just Fun Toys

At an international high-school contest based in Connecticut, students compete with their home-made robots. The goal for the robots is to navigate a maze, find a fire, and put it out in the shortest ... > watch video

Breaking Sound Barriers
Electrical Engineers Develop Glove That Translates Sign Language

A new high-tech glove enables the translation of sign language into written text, facilitating communication for the hearing or speech impaired. The glove senses movements of the hand and fingers, ... > watch video

Hi-Tech Typing
Computer Scientists Invent Typing System for Persons with Disabilities

A new system makes typing easier for persons with disabilities. Invented by computer science student Jake Wobbrock, EdgeWrite is a typing method that uses edges of a square template to guide a PDA ... > watch video

TERC Sensor
Engineers Develop Non-Acoustical Sensor to Improve Battlefield Communication

A new device will soon help troops communicate on a noisy battlefield. The Tuned Electromagnetic Resonance Collar -- or TERC sensor -- detects changes in the electrical field around the neck produced ... > watch video

Forest Robot Fleet
Electrical Engineers Monitor Environment with Robotic Sensors

Fleets of robotic sensors, networking through thin cables, can track environmental changes such as biogeochemical cycles or loss of biodiversity, helping to manage wild lands. The technology is the ... > watch video

Sports Injury Prevention & Performance
3D Imaging System Helps Athletes Recover from Injuries

A new computer-based system gives physical therapists real-time, objective measures of the motion of each joint in the patient's body. The system uses magnetic trackers to read the positions of ... > watch video

The New Virtual Reality
Human-Interface Engineers Create Virtual-Reality Experience by Letting Users Walk in Rotating Sphere

A new invention allows users to explore virtual worlds while moving around safely in their real physical environment. Wearing a virtual-reality helmet, users walk inside a rotating, hollow sphere, ... > watch video

Virtual Reality Field Trips
Psychologists, Human-Factors Engineers Design Computer-Generated Educational Outings

Psychologists Janis Cannon-Bowers and Alicia Sanchez are part of the team that created virtual reality field trips -- not just for fun, but to help children learn. Employing some of the latest ... > watch video

Gadgets Getting Smaller
Electrical Engineers Envision Broad, Transformational Use of Flash Memory

With their high capability and no moving parts, flash drives safely store data in camera memory sticks and in some MP3 players, and they also hide in gadgets such as cell phones. Experts say once ... > watch video

Forecasting Aftershocks
U.S.G.S., Caltech Seismologists Develop Online Tool to Predict Aftershocks

With a new online map, scientists can better forecast when and where aftershocks may happen. The maps calculate information based on historical earthquake patterns and known behavior of aftershocks. ... > watch video

Mouse Adapter for Tremors
Physicists' Invention Opens Access to Computers for Persons with Tremors

For 0, people with tremors could finally be able to use a computer mouse. A new mouse adapter filters out the high-frequency, shaky component of the movement, transmitting only the steady part. ... > watch video

Football Frenzy: Picking the Perfect Play
Astrophysicist Develops Software to Aid Football Coaches

Computers could one day help football coaches make strategic decisions, such as going for the touchdown or for the kick, or accept the penalty or declining it. New software designed by an ... > watch video

Traffic Reports From Your Cell Phone
Civil Engineers Track Roaming Cell Phones to Monitor Traffic

Real-time cell phone use data can now be turned into better travel information. The new system, being tested in some states, follows the movement of cell phone signals from one cell tower to another. ... > watch video

Virtual Reality for Navigation Skills
Vision Researchers Test Theory on Visual Orientation

Vision researchers suspect that people who do not need maps to find their way may be remembering visual landmarks. To test this theory, the scientists are having volunteers navigate through a virtual ... > watch video

Virtual Human Body
An Interactive, 3D Voyage into Human Anatomy

Anatomists and biochemists have created a detailed virtual view of vital organs in the human body, down to the level of tissues and cells. The software recreates the visualization from a combination ... > watch video

Protect Yourself: Fighting Computer Crimes
Computer Scientists Attach Images to Passwords to Prevent Fraud

Web sites that visualize images while the user enters a password could help prevent impostors from stealing personal data or money. The user would see a familiar image for every letter typed, thus ... > watch video


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Software Allows Scientists Better Access To Expensive Microscopes And Telescopes Over Internet (October 12, 2007) -- Software under development is helping scientists operate big-budget research instruments -- such as high-powered microscopes and telescopes -- over the Internet, more safely and efficiently than was ... > full story

Video Conferencing Could Help Resolve Conflicts At Work And At Home (October 12, 2007) -- The latest video technology could help to resolve conflicts between employees at work, neighbors or even family members, according to researchers. At present, conciliators and mediators are called in ... > full story

How Ferroelectric Computer Memory Works (October 11, 2007) -- Chemists and engineers have performed multiscale modeling of ferroelectric domain walls and provided a new theory of behavior for domain-wall motion, the "sliding wall" that separates ferroelectric ... > full story

'Watermarks' Can Identify Pirated Internet Videos (October 10, 2007) -- For centuries, watermarks have protected written documents from forgery. Now their digital brothers are to prevent videos from being released in the Internet before their television premieres. ... > full story

Mathematicians Help Unlock Secrets Of The Immune System (October 10, 2007) -- A group of scientists, led by mathematicians, has taken on the challenge of building a common model of immune responses. Their work will radically improve our understanding of the human immune system ... > full story

Grid Computing Offers New Hope In Race Against Bird Flu (October 9, 2007) -- A new attack against the deadly bird flu virus, harnessing the combined power of more than 40,000 computers across 45 countries to boost the pace of anti-viral drug discovery, has just been launched. ... > full story

Computing Change: Researcher Traces History Of The Personal Computer (October 9, 2007) -- Carbon paper? Punch cards? What are those? The Internet, personal computers, word processing and spreadsheets are so embedded in today's society that it's hard to remember that just 35 years ago they ... > full story

Technology Would Help Detect Terrorists Before They Strike (October 9, 2007) -- Are you a terrorist? Airport screeners, customs agents, police officers and members of the military who silently pose that question to people every day, may soon have much more than intuition to ... > full story

New Prosthetic Devices Will Convert Brain Signals Into Action (October 8, 2007) -- Researchers have developed a new algorithm to help create prosthetic devices that convert brain signals into action in patients who have been paralyzed or had limbs ... > full story

Emergency Responders Will Soon Have Data From US Sensors Immediately Available (October 8, 2007) -- Today's systems of sensors that can detect radiation, chemicals and biological agents are of limited use because there is no clear-cut standard to allow the systems to share data. A new website, ... > full story

Software 'Chipper' Speeds Debugging (October 4, 2007) -- Computer scientists have developed a technique to speed up program debugging by automatically 'chipping' the software into smaller pieces so that bugs can be isolated more easily. The "Chipper" tools ... > full story

Running Shipwreck Simulations Backwards Helps Identify Dangerous Waves (October 4, 2007) -- Big waves in fierce storms have long been the focus of ship designers in simulations testing new vessels. But a new computer program and method of analysis makes it easy to see that a series of ... > full story

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Instant messaging -- Instant messaging is the act of instantly communicating between two or more people over a network such as the ... > full article

Cyber-bullying -- Cyber-bullying (cyberbullying, online bullying) is the use of electronic information and communication devices such as e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, mobile phones, pagers and defamatory ... > full article

User interface design -- User interface design or user interface engineering is the design of computers, gadgets, appliances, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites with the focus on the ... > full article

Malware -- Malware ("malicious software") is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system, without the owner's consent. The term describes the intent of the creator, rather than any particular ... > full article

Videoconferencing -- A videoconference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions ... > full article

Application software -- Application software is a subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly and thoroughly to a task that the user wishes to perform. This should be contrasted with ... > full article

Local area network -- A local area network (LAN) is a computer network covering a small local area, like a home, office, or small group of buildings such as a home, office, or college. Current LANs are most likely to be ... > full article

Graphical user interface -- A graphical user interface (or GUI, often pronounced "gooey"), is a particular case of user interface for interacting with a computer which employs graphical images and widgets in addition to text to ... > full article

Streaming media -- Streaming media is media that is consumed (read, heard, viewed) while it is being delivered. Streaming is more a property of the delivery system than the media ... > full article

Voice over IP -- Voice over Internet Protocol (also called VoIP, IP Telephony, Internet telephony, and Broadband Phone) is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or any other IP-based network. The voice ... > full article

Webcam -- A web camera (or webcam) is a real time camera whose images can be accessed using the World Wide Web, instant messaging, or a PC video calling ... > full article

Speech recognition -- Speech recognition technologies allow computers equipped with a source of sound input, such as a microphone, to interpret human speech. The challenge for developers of Automatic Speech ... > full article

Webcast -- The word webcast is derived from "web" and "broadcast". Its use has varied over the past decade by different types of organisation and as the nature of the medium came into public ... > full article

Phishing -- In computing, phishing is a criminal activity using social engineering techniques. Phishers attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card details, by ... > full article

Massively multiplayer online game -- A Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG or MMO) is a computer game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously, and is played on the Internet. Typically, this ... > full article

World Wide Web -- The World Wide Web ("WWW" or simply the "Web") is a global information space which people can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym ... > full article

Computer virus -- A computer virus is a self-replicating computer program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. Though the term is commonly used to refer to a ... > full article

Search engine -- A search engine or search service is a document retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a computer system, such as on the World Wide Web, inside a corporate or proprietary ... > full article

Wi-Fi -- Wi-Fi (also WiFi, Wi-fi, Wifi, or wifi) is a brand licensed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to products which pass testing demonstrating that they implement a set of product compatibility standards for ... > full article

Computer simulation -- A computer simulation or a computer model is a computer program that attempts to simulate an abstract model of a particular system. Computer simulations have become a useful part of mathematical ... > full article

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