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Virtual Reality Videos

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Virtual Reality Field Trips
Psychologists, Human-Factors Engineers Design Computer-Generated Educational Outings

Psychologists Janis Cannon-Bowers and Alicia Sanchez are part of the team that created virtual reality field trips -- not just for fun, but to help children learn. Employing some of the latest ... > watch video

The New Virtual Reality
Human-Interface Engineers Create Virtual-Reality Experience by Letting Users Walk in Rotating Sphere

A new invention allows users to explore virtual worlds while moving around safely in their real physical environment. Wearing a virtual-reality helmet, users walk inside a rotating, hollow sphere, ... > watch video

Virtual Reality for Navigation Skills
Vision Researchers Test Theory on Visual Orientation

Vision researchers suspect that people who do not need maps to find their way may be remembering visual landmarks. To test this theory, the scientists are having volunteers navigate through a virtual ... > watch video

Virtual Human Body
An Interactive, 3D Voyage into Human Anatomy

Anatomists and biochemists have created a detailed virtual view of vital organs in the human body, down to the level of tissues and cells. The software recreates the visualization from a combination ... > watch video

Breaking Sound Barriers
Electrical Engineers Develop Glove That Translates Sign Language

A new high-tech glove enables the translation of sign language into written text, facilitating communication for the hearing or speech impaired. The glove senses movements of the hand and fingers, ... > watch video

Real-Life Baby Simulator
Pressure Sensors and Transducers Help Make Dummies More Life-Like

Electrical, computer, and biological engineering combine in creating baby-patient simulators for training new pediatricians. A new simulator incorporates microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) and ... > watch video

Dancing With Robots
Robotic Camera Will Take Motion X-Rays by Following Patients' Movements

... > watch video

Mona Lisa: Smiling?
Computer Scientists Develop Software That Evaluates Facial Expressions

Computer vision software can now map a person's face onto a mesh computer model and calculate facial expressions based on facial points such as lip curvature, eyebrow position, and cheek ... > watch video

Life-Sized Holograms
Computer Scientists Refine Hologram Technology, Usher In Host of New Applications

New hologram technology is producing some of the most accurate and realistic 3D images ever made, making them potentially useful for new applications from car design to city planning. The new ... > watch video

Battle of the 'Bots
Young Inventors' Firefighting Robots Are More than Just Fun Toys

At an international high-school contest based in Connecticut, students compete with their home-made robots. The goal for the robots is to navigate a maze, find a fire, and put it out in the shortest ... > watch video

Betting on March Madness
Mathematicians Show Randomly Guessing NCAA Outcome Is Extremely Improbable

Combinatorics calculates that randomly picking the outcomes of every game in the NCAA tournament stands one chance of success in more than 18 quintillion. If every person on Earth could fill out a ... > watch video

Smart Cars
Human Factors Research Suggests Ways to Keep Drivers Alert

The human factor -- such as the lag in reaction to unforeseen events -- is the primary cause of road accidents. Researchers are now experimenting with WiFi technology to make cars talk to each ... > watch video

Save Energy at Your PC
Energy Scientists Propose Color-Coding Standard for PC Sleep Mode

Different computers use different indicator lights to signal that they are in energy-saving, or "sleep" mode. Users are often unsure if their PC is truly saving energy, rather than just turning its ... > watch video

Singing Coach
Software Engineers Develop Biofeedback Method for Singing Lessons

Keeping a beat or staying on-key can be acquired skills. Software engineers have designed a new software package to make that easier, turning your computer into a singing teacher. The system plots ... > watch video

Smart Pants
Computer Engineers Develop Clothes that Sense and Interpret Movements

New "electronic textiles" could help monitor the activities of patients with chronic illnesses. Computer engineers have developed pants with sensors embedded in the fabric that measure speed, ... > watch video

Traffic Reports From Your Cell Phone
Civil Engineers Track Roaming Cell Phones to Monitor Traffic

Real-time cell phone use data can now be turned into better travel information. The new system, being tested in some states, follows the movement of cell phone signals from one cell tower to another. ... > watch video

Pain-Free Computers for Kids
Ergonomists Find Kids Too Are at Risk From Repetitive Strain Injuries

Ergonomists say that, even in teens, poor body posture and incorrect positioning of the keyboard, screen, and mouse are contributing to the risk of contracting neck and back pains and even carpal ... > watch video


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Supercomputing On Demand: New Resource for Rapid Response (July 12, 2007) -- Somewhere in Southern California a large earthquake strikes without warning, and the news media and the public clamor for information about the temblor -- Where was the epicenter? How large was the ... > full story

Search Engine Mashup (July 9, 2007) -- A mashup of two different types of web search tools could make find the useful nuggets of information among all the grit on the Internet much ... > full story

Most Middle-school Boys And Many Girls Play Violent Video Games (July 4, 2007) -- A new study by researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Mental Health and Media dispels myths and uncovers surprises about young teens and violent video and computer games. The ... > full story

Building And Heating A Virtual Greenhouse (July 2, 2007) -- Growers can now build and heat a "virtual" greenhouse--or upgrade existing greenhouses--on a computer, to find out how much it would cost to heat with different fuels, heating schedules, heaters, ... > full story

'Virtual Patient' To Simulate Real-time Organ Motions For Radiation Therapy (June 30, 2007) -- Researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are developing a physics-based virtual model that can simulate a patient's breathing in real time. When used in conjunction with existing 3-D models, ... > full story

Research Identifies Major Challenges In Future Of Pervasive Healthcare (June 28, 2007) -- A research project carried out by a University of Southampton Masters student has identified three research challenges that will need to be addressed before pervasive healthcare becomes a reality. ... > full story

Maryland Professor Creates Desktop Supercomputer Prototype (June 28, 2007) -- A prototype of what may be the next generation of personal computers has been developed by researchers in the University of Maryland's A. James Clark School of Engineering. Capable of computing ... > full story

Using Computerized Sense Of Touch Over Long Distances: Haptics For Industrial Applications (June 22, 2007) -- Firstly, what is "Haptics"? This term means "of or relating to the sense of touch." Haptic technology, or haptics, refers to the technology that connects the user to a computerized system via the ... > full story

Virtual Qumran Sheds New Light On Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery Site (June 21, 2007) -- The mysterious archaeological ruins located paces from where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered 60 years ago served first as a fortress before being adopted by a Jewish religious sect, two ... > full story

Livestock Virtually Fenced In (June 19, 2007) -- A virtual fence for livestock that allows better use of pasture, protects the environment and reduces labour, is being developed by the CSIRO Food Futures Flagship using satellite technology. The ... > full story

Pendulum Links Virtual Reality To Real System (June 18, 2007) -- What's nerdier than creating an online avatar that fights dragons and raids strongholds? Creating a virtual pendulum that you can sync up to your real-life pendulum. Leave it to physicists to do just ... > full story

Guessing Robots Predict Their Environments, Navigate Better (June 13, 2007) -- Engineers at Purdue University are developing robots able to make "educated guesses" about what lies ahead as they traverse unfamiliar surroundings, reducing the amount of time it takes to ... > full story

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Antiprism -- An n-sided antiprism is a polyhedron composed of two parallel copies of some particular n-sided polygon, connected by an alternating band of triangles. Antiprisms are a subclass of the prismatoids. ... > full article

Prism (geometry) -- In geometry, an n-sided prism is a polyhedron made of an n-sided polygonal base, a translated copy, and n faces joining corresponding sides. Thus these joining faces are parallelograms. All ... > full article

Virtual reality -- Virtual reality (VR) is a technology which allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment, be it a real or imagined one. Most current virtual reality environments are primarily ... > full article

Cube -- A cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex. The cube can also be called a regular hexahedron and is one of the five ... > full article

Videoconferencing -- A videoconference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions ... > full article

Graphical user interface -- A graphical user interface (or GUI, often pronounced "gooey"), is a particular case of user interface for interacting with a computer which employs graphical images and widgets in addition to text to ... > full article

Massively multiplayer online game -- A Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG or MMO) is a computer game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously, and is played on the Internet. Typically, this ... > full article

Computer animation -- Computer animation is the art of creating moving images via the use of computers. It is a subfield of computer graphics and animation. Increasingly it is created by means of 3D computer graphics, ... > full article

Tetrahedron -- A tetrahedron (plural: tetrahedra) is a polyhedron composed of four triangular faces, three of which meet at each vertex. A regular tetrahedron is one in which the four triangles are regular, or ... > full article

Grid computing -- Grid computing is an emerging computing model that provides the ability to perform higher throughput computing by taking advantage of many networked computers to model a virtual computer architecture ... > full article

Morphing -- Morphing is a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image into another through a seamless transition. Morphing software continues to advance today and many ... > full article

Scientific visualization -- Scientific and Information visualization are branches of computer graphics and user interface which are concerned with the presentation of interactive or animated digital images to users to ... > full article

Computer software -- Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware). This includes application software such as a word processor, ... > full article

Polyhedron -- A polyhedron is a geometric shape which in mathematics is defined by three related meanings. In the traditional meaning it is a 3-dimensional polytope, and in a newer meaning that exists alongside ... > full article

HTTP cookie -- An HTTP cookie is a packet of information sent by a server to a World Wide Web browser and then sent back by the browser each time it accesses that server. Cookies have been of concern for Internet ... > full article

World Wide Web -- The World Wide Web ("WWW" or simply the "Web") is a global information space which people can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym ... > full article

Computer and video games -- A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment. A video game is essentially the same form of entertainment, but ... > full article

Artificial intelligence -- Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science and engineering that deals with intelligent behavior, learning, and adaptation in machines. Research in AI is concerned with producing ... > full article

Alan Turing -- Alan Mathison Turing (June 23, 1912 - June 7, 1954) was a British mathematician, logician, and cryptographer. Turing is often considered to be a father of modern computer science. Turing provided an ... > full article

Aspect-oriented programming -- In software engineering, the programming paradigm of aspect-oriented programming (AOP), also called aspect-oriented software development (AOSD), attempts to aid programmers in the separation of ... > full article

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