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Fog Cleans Air Pollution
Atmospheric Chemists Show Morning Fog Captures Particulate Matter

While it hassles commuters, morning mist removes a lot of airborne particles which are hazardous for people with respiratory health problems. The water droplets inside morning fog are of just the ... > watch video

Aerosols and Pollution
Late NASA Scientist Linked Aerosols to Cloud Formation

A NASA scientist, who died recently, helped understand how the color of aerosols determines its role in cloud formation. Light-colored aerosols -- such as those that predominantly occur in nature -- ... > watch video

Wind Farms Impacting Weather
Environmental Engineers Detect Turbines' Turbulence Effects

Wind farms may have an impact on local weather patterns. As environmental engineers have discovered, wind farm propellers create a lot of turbulence in their wake, mixing air up and down with effects ... > watch video

Turning Trash Into Power
Biological Engineers Generate Natural Gas with Bacteria

A new kind of waste digester uses two different strains of bacteria in different tanks. This would normally take place in the same environment, but microbiologists have now separated it into two ... > watch video

Cleaning Up Our Beaches
Environmental Engineers Link Contamination Levels to Tides

By washing decomposing plants into the ocean, high tides could contribute to the increased levels of Enterococci that are often responsible for beach closures. Scientists have now established a clear ... > watch video

Is Your Water Safe?
Physical Chemists Devise Quick Spectrometry-Based Mercury Test

Physical chemists have created a new, cheap test to detect mercury, an element known to harm the brain, kidneys, heart, lungs and immune system. A gold nanorod absorbs mercury from a sample and, then ... > watch video

Fire Sensors
Ecologists Deploy Wireless Sensors for Early Detection of Wildfires

New fire-sensing devices can spot a fire in its earliest stages, up to six miles away, and they can relay the information to emergency responders through a computer network and even automatically ... > watch video

Predicting Major Weather Disasters
Disaster Experts Map Risk Across the Nation

Disaster experts including meteorologists and seismologists have identified the types of catastrophic events the United States is most likely to face, quantifying the risk of earthquakes, urban ... > watch video

Weather System Protects Homeland Security
Meteorologists Use Weather Knowledge to Predict Path of Toxic Spills

Homeland security officials are tapping researchers' capability to predict the paths of toxic waste spills and hazardous airborne particles. Using computer science and mathematics, along with ... > watch video

Hurricanes: Inside the Storm
Meteorologists, Atmospheric Scientists Fly Through Storms to Gather Data

During hurricane season, scientists fly aboard NOAA aircraft to pinpoint the precise path of the eye of a storm, and to take data to send back to the National Hurricane Center. The planes are now ... > watch video

Is Your Drinking Water Contaminated?
New Software Helps Track the Path of Toxic Spills

Ecological engineers have developed software that can model the path of a toxic spill in waterways anywhere in the United States. The system can predict if and when a contaminant will reach a ... > watch video

Harder Rain, More Snow
Meteorologists See Future of Increasingly Extreme Weather Events

While raising average global temperatures, climate change could also bring more snow, harder rain, or heat waves, meteorologists say. Computer models based on climate data from nine countries ... > watch video

Can Your Home Trigger Asthma?
Environmental Toxicologists Link Household Bacteria to Asthma

Scientists have found that chemicals called endotoxins can inflame airways and trigger asthma. Endotoxins are shed by bacteria in household dust. Experts say better home hygiene, washing bed linens ... > watch video

Sun Darkens Electronics
Space Physicists and Atmospheric Scientists Can Now Predict Disruptions Caused by the Sun's Coronal Mass Ejections

Solar activity can wreak havoc in communications systems -- particularly during coronal mass ejections, when plumes of electrically charged particles hit earth's atmosphere. Scientists can now track ... > watch video

Detecting Toxins: Saving Lives
Electrical Engineers Develop Microplasma Device to Detect Toxins

Electrical engineers have developed a new, portable lab that identifies chemicals by their unique color signatures. It is the first such device to be portable, allowing scientists to recognize ... > watch video

Blue Jean Insulation
Environmental Engineers Replace Chemical-Laden Building Insulation with Recycled Denim

A medical center is insulating its walls with recycled blue jeans instead of fiberglass. The new construction material is more environmentally friendly, as fiberglass contains formaldehyde, which is ... > watch video

Greener Grass, Less Water
Scientist Measures Land Used by Lawns

Using census data, satellite images, aerial photographs, and computer simulations, a NASA scientist estimated that turf grass is the single-largest irrigated crop in the United States, three times ... > watch video

Safer Water Worldwide
Industrial Toxicologists Develop Cost-Effective, Life-Saving Disinfection

Industrial toxicologists at a non-profit venture founded by Procter & Gamble developed PUR, a water purifier that combines a flocculant -- which separates particles and organisms from water -- ... > watch video

Smart Trash Cans
RFID-Based Recycling Technology Makes Philadelphia Greener

Electrical engineers have developed a system that identifies a recycling bin by its household, using Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) chips embedded in the bins. Bins are scanned and weighed ... > watch video

Flying and Radiation Risk
Physicist Calls for Airline Industry to Educate Workers about Radiation Levels

At the high altitudes and latitudes commercial airlines fly, crews are subjected to higher-than-normal radiation levels from the sun and cosmic rays. Physicist Robert Barish believes airline crew ... > watch video


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ESA's Medspiration Project Branches Out To Support Biodiversity (March 22, 2007) -- Maps of the sea surface temperature around Galapagos Islands and Cocos Island in the Pacific Ocean are being produced daily and are available online in full resolution in near-real time as part of ... > full story

Biologists Produce Global Map Of Plant Biodiversity (March 22, 2007) -- Biologists have produced a global map of estimated plant species richness. Covering several hundred thousand species, the scientists say their global map is the most extensive map of the distribution ... > full story

Lack Of Fuel May Limit US Nuclear Power Expansion (March 22, 2007) -- Limited supplies of fuel for nuclear power plants may thwart the renewed and growing interest in nuclear energy in the United States and other nations, says an MIT expert on the ... > full story

Recycling: Scientists Blend Paint Into Plastic (March 22, 2007) -- Engineers at Rutgers University have developed a process to recycle waste latex paint -- the largest component of household hazardous waste -- by blending it with common plastics. In laboratory ... > full story

Substantial Amount Of Mercury Entering The Ocean Through Groundwater (March 22, 2007) -- Researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution have found a new and substantial pathway for mercury pollution flowing into coastal waters. Marine chemists have detected much more dissolved ... > full story

Improving Microbial Fuel Cells Using A Brush Full Of Microbes (March 22, 2007) -- Generating electricity from renewable sources will soon become as easy as putting a brush and a tube in a tub of ... > full story

Biofuel: Turning Old Fat Into Jet Fuel (March 22, 2007) -- New biofuels technology developed by North Carolina State University engineers has the potential to turn virtually any fat source -- vegetable oils, oils from animal fat and even oils from algae -- ... > full story

Whatever The Warming, Ocean Acidifies From Carbon-dioxide Buildup (March 22, 2007) -- A new study indicates that future changes in ocean acidification caused by atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions are largely independent of the amount of climate change caused by those ... > full story

Solar Blast From The Past Dwarfed Modern Ozone Destruction (March 22, 2007) -- A burst of protons from the Sun in 1859 destroyed several times more ozone in Earth's atmosphere than did a 1989 solar flare that was the strongest ever monitored by satellite, a new analysis ... > full story

Going Nowhere Fast: Top Rivers Face Mounting Threats (March 21, 2007) -- Rivers on every continent are drying out, threatening severe water shortages, according to a new WWF report. The report, World's Top Rivers at Risk, released ahead of World Water Day (22 March), ... > full story

Lower Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Coal-fueled Power Plants Possible With Technology Development (March 21, 2007) -- A more economical technology for a 90 percent reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fueled power plants is being developed by a chemical engineer and his colleagues at the University of ... > full story

Powerful New Tool To Track Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide By Source (March 21, 2007) -- Scientists from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory have announced a new tool to monitor changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by region and source. The tool, called ... > full story

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Waste -- Waste, rubbish, or garbage is unwanted or undesired material. Waste is something which has lost its apparent value to its owner. It is a misplaced ... > full article

Environmental engineering -- Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to improve the environment (air, water, and/or land resources), to provide healthful water, air, and land for human ... > full article

Tropospheric ozone -- Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere. Photochemical and chemical reactions involving it drive many of the chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere by day and by night. ... > full article

Smog -- Smog is a kind of air pollution, originally named for the mixture of smoke and fog in the air. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area and is caused by a mixture of smoke ... > full article

Hazardous waste -- Hazardous waste is waste that poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment and generally exhibits one or more of the these characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, ... > full article

Groundwater -- Groundwater is water located beneath the ground surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of geologic formations. A formation of rock/soil is called an aquifer when it can yield a useable ... > full article

Water pollution -- Water pollution is a large set of adverse effects upon water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater) caused by human activities. Although natural phenomena such as volcanoes, storms, earthquakes ... > full article

Air pollution -- Air pollution is a broad term applied to any chemical, physical (particulate matter), or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a complex, ... > full article

Waste management -- Waste management is the collection, transport, processing or disposal of waste materials, usually ones produced by human activity, in an effort to reduce their effect on human health or local ... > full article

Landfill -- Landfill is a waste disposal site for the deposit of the waste onto or into land. Most modern landfills require a minimum of one containment ... > full article

Smoulder -- Smouldering (or smoldering in American spelling) combustion is a flameless form of combustion, deriving its heat from oxidations occurring on the surface of a solid fuel. Common examples are the ... > full article

Pollution -- Environmental pollution is the release of environmental contaminants, generally resulting from human activity. Carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides produced by industry and motor ... > full article

Fossil fuel -- Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. In common dialogue, the term fossil fuel also includes ... > full article

Septic tank -- A septic tank is part of a small scale sewage treatment system often referred to as a septic system, which consists of the tank itself and a septic drain ... > full article

Automobile emissions control -- Automobile emissions control covers all the technologies that are employed to reduce the air pollution-causing emissions produced by ... > full article

Nitrogen oxide -- NOx is a generic term for the various nitrogen oxides produced during combustion. They are believed to aggravate asthmatic conditions, react with the oxygen in the air to produce ozone, which is also ... > full article

Environmental impact assessment -- An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the likely human environmental health impact, risk to ecological health, and changes to nature's services that a project may have. The ... > full article

Power station -- A power station or power plant is a facility for the generation of electric power. At the centre of nearly all power stations is a generator, a rotating machine that converts mechanical energy into ... > full article

Surface runoff -- Surface runoff is water, from rain, snowmelt, or other sources, that flows over the land surface, and is a major component of the water cycle. Runoff that occurs on surfaces before reaching a channel ... > full article

Planetary boundary layer -- The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is also known as the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). It is the lowest part of the atmosphere and its behavior is directly influenced by its contact with the ... > full article

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