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Trans-Pacific Radio » Easy Ways You Can Support TPR :: Independent Podcasts from Tokyo, Japan - Japanese News, Politics, Business and Economy
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Easy Ways You Can Support TPR

Filed under: Trans-Pacific Info
Posted by DeOrio at 4:43 pm on Sunday, September 10, 2006

If you’re reading this, thank you so very, very much for visiting the site and listening to 太平洋たいへいよう横断おうだん放送ほうそう (Taiheiyou-oudan Housou - Trans-Pacific Radio’s official name). A mere few months ago, 政治せいじり (Seijigiri) was just the bud of a figment of a daydream, now it’s well on its way to being a regular podcast with a regular and growing listenership. TPR also has other podcasts, such as その (Sonota) in the works. We couldn’t have, and wouldn’t be doing, any of this without you.

Some of you have even been so kind as to ask how you could help. There are a few free and easy things you can do:

1. Tell everyone you know. Evangelize for TPR. Reference it in conversation, tell people you’ve been listening. Word of mouth really helps.

2. Link to us from your blog or website. If you’re so inclined, mention us in your posts.

3. Vote for us on podcast ranking sites. This increases TPR’s visibility and can help us attract new listeners.

We are listed on the following sites, all of which accept votes and/or ratings and allow users to vote once a month. Voting for us and giving us the highest possible rating every month helps.

  • Podcast Alley - Click on the link, then click “Vote Now!” in the “Podcast Stats” box next to the description of Seijigiri. You’ll have to enter your e-mail address. When you check your e-mail and see a message from Podcast Alley, click on the link in the e-mail and your vote will be counted. From the top page of the site, search for “Seijigiri,” then click on “Podcast Details,” then vote.
  • Triyo - Right now, you can click on “What’s Hot” and scroll down until you see Trans-Pacific Radio and our logo. Click on the fifth orange star next to our entry to give us five stars.
  • Podcast Pickle - Search for Seijigiri. Leave a comment; call yourself a fan. Give us high marks in many categories - lots of 10s out of 10.
  • Pod-Planet - We’re listed under “Trans-Pacific Radio.” Give us five stars and write something nice.

4. Digg! us. Click the words “Digg It!” under the Digg icons in our posts or go to digg.com, search for Trans-Pacific Radio and Seijigiri and click “Digg It!” under the number to the left of the post’s name. Digg all of our posts - it helps generate traffic.

5. Visit TPR often and subscribe to our podcasts.

6. Let us know what you think. Give us feedback by leaving comments on this site or dropping us a line at transpacificradio@gmail.com.

7. Check it out: we even have a small image you can use to promote TPR News in your sidebar. If you use this image, be sure to let us know so that we can thank you and mention your site here at Trans-Pacific Radio. if you’d like to use it, here’s the code that will make it work:

<a href=”http://www.transpacificradio.com/category/tpr-news/” target=”blank”><img src=”http://www.transpacificradio.com/images/tpr-news.png” style=”border: 0;”></a>

Feel free to hotlink the image from our site or to grab it and keep it on your own server. Either way is cool with us.

Thank you.

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Comment by David Dickinson

October 28, 2006 @ 7:07 am

Loved the site. It’s a little busy for my age-limited eyes to skim easily, but well worth the exploration. I get the impression that it’s impolite for a native son or daughter to talk about politics, religion or traditions; so it’s fun to hear you comment on social and political topics for all things Nihon.


Comment by DeOrio

October 29, 2006 @ 4:24 am

Whether it’s impolite or not is hard to say, but it’s not done as much as we’re used to on the other side of the Pacific.
Thanks for the encouragement and even more so for the constructive criticism. You’re right, there’s a lot of rather small print going on here.

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