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Peripheral nervous system -- The peripheral nervous system or PNS, is part of the nervous system, and consists of the nerves and neurons that reside or extend outside the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) to ... > full article

Sensory neuron -- Sensory neurons are nerve cells within the nervous system responsible for converting external stimuli from the organism's environment into internal electrical impulses. For example, some sensory ... > full article

Motor neuron -- In vertebrates, motor neurons (also called motoneurons) are efferent neurons that originate in the spinal cord and synapse with muscle fibers to facilitate muscle contraction and with muscle spindles ... > full article

Sympathetic nervous system -- The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which also includes the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The sympathetic nervous system activates what is ... > full article

Nervous system -- The nervous system of an animal coordinates the activity of the muscles, monitors the organs, constructs and also stops input from the senses, and initiates actions. The nervous system of vertebrate ... > full article

Biological tissue -- Biological tissue is a collection of interconnected cells that perform a similar function within an organism. The study of tissue is known as histology, or, in connection with disease, ... > full article

Frog zoology -- About 400 million years ago, some members of the sarcopterygian group of fish moved onto land. These became the first amphibians. Today, these animals still spend part of their lives in water and ... > full article

Pain -- Pain's an unpleasant sensation which may be associated with actual or potential tissue damage and which may have physical and emotional components. According to the International Association for the ... > full article

Biomass (ecology) -- In ecology, biomass refers to the cumulation of living matter. That is, it is the total living biological material in a given area or of a biological community or ... > full article

Human biology -- Human biology is an academic field of biology which focuses on humans; it is closely related to medicine, primate biology, and a number of other fields. A human being is a multicellular eukaryote ... > full article

Muscle -- Muscle is the contractile tissue of the body and is derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ cells. Its function is to produce force and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within ... > full article

Microorganism -- A microorganism or microbe is an organism that is so small that it is microscopic (invisible to the naked eye). Microorganisms are often illustrated using single-celled, or unicellular organisms; ... > full article

Vocal folds -- The vocal folds, also known popularly as vocal cords, are composed of twin infoldings of mucous membrane stretched horizontally across the larynx. They vibrate, modulating the flow of air being ... > full article

Parasympathetic nervous system -- The parasympathetic nervous system is one of three divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Sometimes called the rest and digest system, the parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the ... > full article

Developmental biology -- Developmental biology is the study of the process by which organisms grow and develop. Modern developmental biology studies the genetic control of cell growth, differentiation and "morphogenesis," ... > full article

Neuroscience -- Neuroscience is a field of study that deals with the structure, function, development, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology of the nervous system, divided into the central ... > full article

Embryo -- In organisms that reproduce sexually, once a sperm fertilizes an egg cell, the result is a cell called the zygote that has all the DNA of two parents. In plants, animals, and some protists, the ... > full article

R/K selection theory in ecology -- In ecology, r/K selection theory relates to the selection of traits (in organisms) that allow success in particular environments. In unstable or unpredictable environments r-selection predominates, ... > full article

Vertebrate -- Vertebrates are members of the subphylum Vertebrata (within the phylum Chordata), specifically, those chordates with backbones or spinal columns. About 57,739 species of vertebrates have been ... > full article

Vitamin K -- Vitamin K denotes a group of 2-methilo-naphthoquinone derivatives. They are human vitamins, lipophilic (i.e., soluble in lipids) and therefore hydrophobic (i.e., insoluble in water). They are needed ... > full article


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Break-up Of Antarctic Ice May Expose Marine Life To More Sunlight And Alter Food Chain (February 10, 2007) -- The predicted break-up of Antarctica's ice shelves due to global warming may trigger a major change in the marine food chain, by exposing its coastal seas to sunlight, according to new research by ... > full story

Loss Of A Universal tRNA Feature Reported (February 10, 2007) -- Scientists at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI) report that two alphaproteobacteria lack the universal extra guanylate nucleotide typically found in the transfer RNA molecule tRNAHis. tRNAs ... > full story

Which Small And Large DNA Variants In Our Genome Matter? (February 9, 2007) -- Findings published in Science will accelerate the search for genes involved in human disease. This first genome-wide view shows that activity of more than 1000 genes is affected by sequence ... > full story

Scientists Discover Parallel Codes In Genes (February 9, 2007) -- Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science report the discovery of two new properties of the genetic code. Their work, which appears online in Genome Research, shows that the genetic code -- ... > full story

Scientists Reverse Autism-like Symptoms In Genetic Mouse Model Of Rett Syndrome (February 9, 2007) -- The Rett Syndrome Research Foundation announces results of a landmark study reversing the symptoms of Rett Syndrome in a genetic mouse model. The findings, by Adrian Bird, Ph.D., of the University of ... > full story

Detection Of Salmonella In 24 Hours (February 9, 2007) -- The food and drink we consume have to pass strict quality controls. Nevertheless, these measures are not always sufficient, given that sometimes certain foodstuffs can still give rise to food ... > full story

Cryptococcosis: New Recommendations Against Major Opportunistic Infection (February 9, 2007) -- Cryptococcosis ranks second among fatal opportunistic infections in patients infected by HIV and who are profoundly immunosuppressed. A multicentric prospective study, published in PLoS Medicine, was ... > full story

Decision-making: Demonstration Of Link Between Cognition And Execution (February 9, 2007) -- For the first time, researchers have revealed the existence of an interaction at the cellular level between cognitive information and motor information. This discovery provides the missing link ... > full story

Enhancing Activity Of Marijuana-like Chemicals In Brain Helps Treat Parkinson's Symptoms In Mice (February 8, 2007) -- Marijuana-like chemicals in the brain may point to a treatment for the debilitating condition of Parkinson's disease. In a study to be published in the Feb. 8 issue of Nature, researchers from the ... > full story

Floods Cause Feeding And Breeding Frenzy In Australia (February 8, 2007) -- Vast flocks of water birds from across Australia will soon start gathering for a long-awaited feeding and breeding frenzy sparked by flooding in western Queensland. The floods will produce a bird ... > full story

Male-killing Bacteria Makes Female Butterflies More Promiscuous (February 7, 2007) -- A study at UCL (University College London) finds that a high-prevalence of male-killing bacteria active in many species of insect including the butterfly, actually increases female promiscuity and ... > full story

Man-made Proteins Could Be More Useful Than Real Ones (February 7, 2007) -- Researchers have constructed a protein out of amino acids not found in natural proteins, forming a complex, stable structure closely resembling a natural protein. Their findings could help scientists ... > full story

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Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (7th Edition)
KEY BENEFIT: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Seventh Edition featuresenhancements to its award-winning art program and time-saving pedagogy. The coordination between narrative discussions and ... > read more

Childhood Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors: A Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers
Childhood Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors, the most complete parent guide available, includes detailed and precise medical information about both benign and malignant brain and spinal cord tumors that ... > read more

Evolution of the Insects
This book chronicles the complete evolutionary history of insects--their living diversity and relationships as well as 400 million years of fossils. Introductory sections cover the living species ... > read more

Biology, Sixth Edition
The Sixth Edition of BIOLOGY by Neil Campbell and Jane Reece builds upon the earlier versions' dual goals to both help readers develop a conceptual appreciation of life within the context of ... > read more

Aphids on the World's Crops: An Identification and Information Guide, 2nd Edition
Fully revised and updated, this new edition of 'Aphid's on the World's Crops' is the only publication to provide non-specialist workers wherever they are in the world, with an identification guide ... > read more

The Third Chimpanzee : The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
Jared Diamond states the theme of his book up-front: "How the human species changed, within a short time, from just another species of big mammal to a world conqueror; and how we acquired the ... > read more

Biological Science (2nd Edition)
Infused with the spirit of inquiry, Freeman's Biological Science helps teach readers the fundamentals while introducing them to the excitement that drives the science. By presenting unifying concepts ... > read more

Marine Fishes: 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species (The Pocketexpert Guide Series for Aquarists and Underwater Naturalists, 1)
---Comprehensive: 500+ species photographs, covering all popular and commonly available aquarium species ---Authoritative: expert advice on feeding and captive care ---Informative: aquarium ... > read more

Short Protocols in Molecular Biology (Short Protocols in Molecular Biology)
Recently expanded to 2 volumes, Short Protocols in Molecular Biology, Fifth Edition, provides condensed descriptions of more than 700 methods compiled from Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. ... > read more

Rocket Propulsion Elements, 7th Edition
Aerospace Engineering/Mechanical Engineering The definitive text on rocket propulsion-now completely revised to reflect rapid advancements in the field For more than fifty years, this seminal text ... > read more

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