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Nanotechnology? What's That?!
Engineers Create Exhibits on Achievements, Promise

Nanotechnology has already brought advances such as self-cleaning windows and energy-efficient LED lighting, and could soon deliver medical breakthroughs. To educate the public about nanotechnology's ... > watch video

Back in the Game
Orthotics and Prosthetics Experts Use New Materials to Let Injured Athletes Play

Athletes can play even with fractured bones, thanks to new light-weight braces. The braces are made from a combination of plastic and carbon that is heated to become soft and then molded into ... > watch video

More Fuel-Efficient Cars
Metallurgical Engineers Introduce Stronger, Lighter Steel

New steel technologies are offering better looks, performance and protection for cars. To make new steel alloys, metallurgical engineers are mixing different kinds of metals like nickel, with iron ... > watch video

Gene Chip for Personalized Meds
Psychiatrists Can Now Predict An Individual Patient's Response To A Drug

The first in a new generation of gene microarrays, computer chips that chemically or electrically express DNA, can predict how a person's body will metabolize about 25 percent of drugs on the market, ... > watch video

Protecting Your Hair
Mechanical Engineer Studies Nanoscale Effects of Hair Conditioners

Hair conditioners can help protect your hair by replacing natural oils that are lost while shampooing. But now, an atomic-force microscope reveals that some conditioners do not protect the hair ... > watch video

Heated Chemo
Surgeons Combine Heat, Chemistry to Bolster Anti-Cancer Drugs

In efforts to boost the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs, a new method called intra-peritoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy works by flushing a heated chemotherapy drug through tissue surrounding a ... > watch video

Blimps in Space
Mechanical Engineering Students Develop High-Altitude Reconnaissance Airships

On a shoestring, and with off-the-shelf components, students are designing prototypes of robotic blimp that could one day be used by the Pentagon. Cheaper than spy satellites, blimps can hover in ... > watch video

Cheaper Drugs
Biomedical Engineers' 'Body-on-a-Chip' Could Reduce Cost of Developing New Drugs

A new kind of microchip can host human cells to mimic the reaction of different tissues in the body. The chip could help reduce the need for animal testing, and lower the cost of developing new ... > watch video

What Makes Your Cereal Go Snap, Crackle, and Pop?
Food Chemists Find that Milk Pushes Air to Break Crystallized Sugar

Food scientists have discovered why Rice Krispies make their characteristic sound when soaked in milk. Rice Krispies contain lots of sugar and are cooked at high temperature, which makes the sugar ... > watch video

Fog Cleans Air Pollution
Atmospheric Chemists Show Morning Fog Captures Particulate Matter

While it hassles commuters, morning mist removes a lot of airborne particles which are hazardous for people with respiratory health problems. The water droplets inside morning fog are of just the ... > watch video

Dating Hidden Treasures
A Technology for Comparing Different Editions of the Same Print

A biologist developed a method to determine the date of antique prints made from hand-cranked presses. In his so-called print-clock method, image analysis software counts the number of breaks in the ... > watch video

Fog-Free Glass
Materials Scientists Create Polymer Coating Against Fogged Glass

When moisture condenses on a cool surface, droplets can form that are the right size to scatter light, fogging up glass. A new polymer coating draws droplets into nanopores and transforms them into a ... > watch video

Unbreakable Bridges
Structural Engineers Develop Disaster-Resistant Technology

A new bridge design replaces reinforced concrete columns and bars with steel tubes filled with concrete. The steel and concrete bind, creating strong yet supple columns For the bridge pier's footing, ... > watch video

Liquid Body Armor
Rheologists Apply Shear-Thickening Fluids to Protective Gear

Rheologists have created a new way of bullet-proofing clothes using shear-thickening fluids. Fabric treated with shear-thickening granular suspensions can turn soft material into solid protective ... > watch video

Football Frenzy: Picking the Perfect Play
Astrophysicist Develops Software to Aid Football Coaches

Computers could one day help football coaches make strategic decisions, such as going for the touchdown or for the kick, or accept the penalty or declining it. New software designed by an ... > watch video

Blue Jean Insulation
Environmental Engineers Replace Chemical-Laden Building Insulation with Recycled Denim

A medical center is insulating its walls with recycled blue jeans instead of fiberglass. The new construction material is more environmentally friendly, as fiberglass contains formaldehyde, which is ... > watch video

Molding Fingerprints
Materials Chemists Apply Photonic Crystals to Forensics

Photonic crystals -- materials with precise patterns of gaps that make them reflect only selected wavelengths of light -- could soon replace the traditional ink-based fingerprinting. In a new ... > watch video

New Tornado Scale
Meteorologists, Wind Engineers Standardize Fujita Scale

The Fujita Scale rates tornadoes based on the damage inflicted upon buildings, so accurate rating requires knowing how resistant buildings were in the first place. Starting February 2007, the ... > watch video

Why I Hate Anchovies
Exhibit Delves into Science of Taste and Smell

An exhibit at San Francisco's Exploratorium explains the science of cooking and eating, and in particular how we taste food. Our sense of taste comes from a combination of smell receptors in the nose ... > watch video

Turn On Sunlight Inside
Optical Fibers Feed Hybrid Solar-Electrical Lighting

Optical and electrical engineers have invented a system that could cut down the cost of indoor lighting almost in half. Parabolic mirrors collect sunlight on the roof and optical fibers channel it ... > watch video


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Buckyballs To Fight Allergy? (June 21, 2007) -- A research team has identified a new biological function for a soccer ball-shaped nanoparticle called a buckyball -- the ability to block allergic response, setting the stage for the development of ... > full story

High-performing Room-temperature Nanolaser Uses Honeycomb-like Photonic Crystal (June 21, 2007) -- Scientists have built a highly efficient room-temperature nanometer-scale laser that produces stable, continuous streams of near-infrared laser ... > full story

Nanotube Adhesive Sticks Better Than A Gecko's Foot (June 20, 2007) -- Mimicking the agile gecko, with its uncanny ability to run up walls and across ceilings, has long been a goal of materials scientists. Researchers have now taken one sticky step in the right ... > full story

Clean Energy: Carbon Nanohorns For The Storage Of Hydrogen (June 19, 2007) -- Hydrogen would be the ideal candidate to replace fossil fuels if only it wasn't so difficult to store it safely. Researchers have now discovered a storage solution which is both efficient and cheap: ... > full story

Nanoparticle Offers Promise For Treating Glaucoma (June 19, 2007) -- A new nanoparticle can safely get past the blood-brain barrier, making it a nontoxic tool in treatment for ... > full story

Nanoparticles Unlock The Future Of Superalloy Metals (June 18, 2007) -- As part of Sandia's nanoscale research, a group of experts specializing in inorganic synthesis and characterization, modeling, and radiation science have designed a radical system of experiments to ... > full story

Nanotechnology Study Could Impact Noninvasive Treatment Of Cancer Tumors (June 18, 2007) -- Scientists started out investigating the complex effects of nanoparticles on cell freezing, according to an article in the journal Nanotechnology. The results of their study -- while not what they ... > full story

Pollution Controls In Nature: Proteins Sweep Up Nanoparticles (June 18, 2007) -- Here's a pollution-control tip from nature: Deep inside a flooded mine in Wisconsin, scientists have discovered a world in which bacteria emit proteins that sweep up metal nanoparticles into immobile ... > full story

Bacteria Ferry Nanoparticles Into Cells For Early Diagnosis, Treatment (June 15, 2007) -- Researchers have shown that common bacteria can deliver a valuable cargo of "smart nanoparticles" into a cell to precisely position sensors, drugs or DNA for the early diagnosis and treatment of ... > full story

Nano Technique Allows Precise Injection Of Living Cells (June 15, 2007) -- Specialized pulsed lasers have been used to inject individual cells with a variety of materials, but little is known about how this type of injection might affect living cells. For the first time, ... > full story

Brightening Prospects Of Using Fluorescent Nanotubes In Medical Applications (June 11, 2007) -- Researchers have removed an obstacle that has restricted fluorescent nanotubes from a variety of medical applications, including anti-cancer treatments. They describe a method that can successfully ... > full story

Silicon Nanowires Upgrade Data-storage Technology (June 11, 2007) -- Scientists have fabricated a memory device that combines silicon nanowires with a more traditional type of data-storage. Their hybrid structure may be more reliable than other nanowire-based memory ... > full story

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Nanomedicine -- Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology and related research. It covers areas such as nanoparticle drug delivery and possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology (MNT) ... > full article

Nanowire -- A nanowire is a wire of dimensions of the order of a nanometer (10−9 meters). Alternatively, nanowires can be defined as structures that have a lateral size constrained to tens of ... > full article

Nanorobotics -- Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the scale of a nanometre (10-9 metres). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the still largely theoretical ... > full article

Nanoparticle -- A nanoparticle is a microscopic particle whose size is measured in nanometres (nm). It is defined as a particle with at least one dimension <100nm. Nanoparticles made of semiconducting material may ... > full article

Carbon nanotube -- Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are an allotrope of carbon. They take the form of cylindrical carbon molecules and have novel properties that make them potentially useful in a wide variety of applications in ... > full article

Fullerene -- The fullerenes, discovered in 1985 by researchers at Rice University, are a family of carbon allotropes named after Buckminster Fuller. They are molecules composed entirely of carbon, in the form of ... > full article

Quantum dot -- A quantum dot, also called a semiconductor nanocrystal, is a semiconductor crystal whose size is on the order of just a few nanometers. At 10 nanometers in diameter, nearly 3 million quantum dots ... > full article

Materials science -- Materials science is an interdisciplinary field involving the properties of matter and its applications to various areas of science and engineering. It includes elements of applied physics and ... > full article

Mechanical engineering -- Mechanical engineering is a very broad field of engineering that involves the application of physical principles for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical ... > full article

Scanning tunneling microscope -- The scanning tunneling microscope or STM, was invented in 1981 by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer of IBM's Zurich Lab in Zurich, Switzerland. t is used to obtain images of conductive surfaces at an ... > full article

Carbon -- Carbon is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol C and atomic number 6. Carbon occurs in all organic life and is the basis of organic chemistry. This nonmetal also has the ... > full article

Tensile strength -- Tensile strength measures the force required to pull something such as rope, wire, or a structural beam to the point where it breaks. The tensile strength of a material is the maximum amount of ... > full article

Silicon -- Silicon is the chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Si and atomic number 14. A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon. It is the second ... > full article

Metallurgy -- Metallurgy is a domain of materials science and of materials engineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements and their mixtures, which are called ... > full article

Electron microscope -- The electron microscope is a type of microscope that uses electrons to create an image of the target. It has much higher magnification or resolving power than a normal light microscope. Although ... > full article

Machine -- A machine is any mechanical or organic device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of tasks. It normally requires some energy source and accomplishes some sort of ... > full article

Molecule -- In general, a molecule is the smallest particle of a pure chemical substance that still retains its composition and chemical properties. In chemistry and molecular sciences, a molecule is a ... > full article

Space elevator -- A space elevator is a theoretical structure designed to transport material from a planet's surface into space. Many different types of space elevators have been proposed. They all share the goal of ... > full article

Chemical compound -- A chemical compound is a chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemically bonded chemical elements, with a fixed ratio determining the composition. The ratio of each element is ... > full article

Chemistry -- Chemistry is the science that deals with the properties of organic and inorganic substances and their interactions with other organic and inorganic substances. In the study of matter, chemistry also ... > full article

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