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March 5, 2007

The Editors make the case against a widening war, Alisa Solomon reports from the World Social Forum, Andrea Batista Schlesinger defines real immigration reform.

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Jeremy Brecher | Who says the Iraq debacle is unsolvable? There are decisive, meaningful steps that can be taken to stop the bloodletting and promote stability in the region.

Katrina vanden Heuvel | Congress must act firmly to rein in the Bush Administration's rising hostilities with Iran: Nullify the war powers authority it granted to the Administration and prohibit Bush form widening the war.

Michael Corcoran | Media frenzy to the contrary, a warm winter doesn't point to the end of the world--scientific evidence does.


Beat the Devil
ALEXANDER COCKBURN | The New York Times's credulous reporting of flimsy "evidence" regarding Iranian weapons in Iraq is enabling Bush's anti-Iran propaganda drive. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY

Deadline Poet
CALVIN TRILLIN | A prize-winning piece of work. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY

The Liberal Media
ERIC ALTERMAN | The majority of Americans support fair-trade policies--so why do mainstream pundits treat the idea with so much contempt?

Subject to Debate
KATHA POLLITT | Dinesh D'Souza revs up the Republican base with a book arguing that lifestyles of the decadent left triggered Muslim anger that led to 9/11.

Diary of a Mad Law Professor
PATRICIA J. WILLIAMS | Americans have become so sedated, obsessed and afraid, we are numb to the murders committed in our name. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY

NAOMI KLEIN | Does it lessen the horror to admit that this is not the first time the US government has used torture to wipe out political opponents? The exclusion of the impact of the School of the Americas on war crimes in El Salvador, Argentina and Panama from our current debate on torture is evidence of our collective amnesia.


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Listen to this week's show:

Could war with Iran be the Bush crew's next covert war? IPS fellow Phyllis Bennis says we need a new Boland Amendment to stop it. The Nation's David Corn and Dahr Jamail on the week's news coverage, Pratap Chatterjee of CorpWatch asks if any government reform or oversight will follow this week's hearings, and Newsday reporter and author Robert Polner on what Rudolph Giuliani won't tell the voters. Plus: Moby, the hot recording artist who wants to cool the planet. (13mb mp3)

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Barack Obama

Obama and Us

As Barack Obama pursues the presidency and the media obsesses over exactly how black he is, Patricia J. Williams contemplates America's slippery notions of race, culture and ethnicity.

McCain Mutiny

Max Blumenthal reports that John McCain's conservative base in Arizona is abandoning him, outraged by his failure to stick to their agenda as he pursues the presidency.

Targeting Tehran

Michael T. Klare writes that as the Bush Administration takes aim at Iran, Congress must contest its escalation strategy and bar specific acts of aggression.

Check out Around the Nation, our new national progressive calendar!


John Nichols | For the first time since the invasion of Iraq, the House of Representatives has condemned the president's warmaking. Now, will Congress move from good rhetoric to necessary action?

John Nichols | As Florida, California and other big states set early primaries, well-known and well-funded candidates such as Hillary Clinton gain another advantage.

John Nichols | Thomas Fairchild, who has died at age 94, mounted a courageous challenge to McCarthyism at its height.

David Corn | Libby's lawyers claimed the CIA and White House plotted against Scooter; they closed without producing evidence of this--or much else.

Katrina vanden Heuvel | When he was fighting for his political life, Joe Lieberman vowed to get the bottom of Bush's incompetence. Why has he changed his mind?

Peter Rothberg | ExxonMobil, the most profitable corporation in history, is still avidly opposing action on global warming.

Who's the most likely GOP presidential contender?

  • Chuck Hagel
  • John McCain
  • Mitt Romney
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • George Pataki
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Jeb Bush


Important articles from around the web.

Death by Prius | Erik Hoffner/Grist -- posted 2/16/2007 14:29 EST

Bush Makes a Comeback | David S. Broder/Washington Post -- posted 2/16/2007 14:26 EST

Libertarians Abandon Bush | Ron Chusid/Liberal Values -- posted 2/16/2007 10:44 EST

Snow Not Sure Anything Went Wrong in Iraq | Editor & Publisher -- posted 2/16/2007 10:36 EST

Is Obama Full of It? | Matt Taibbi/Rolling Stone -- posted 2/16/2007 10:24 EST

How Well Do You Know the News? | BBC -- posted 2/16/2007 10:16 EST

Digging Up the Dirt on Rumsfeld | Roger Morris/TomDispatch -- posted 2/16/2007 10:12 EST

Fox Launches Daily Show for Conservatives | Troy Patterson/Slate -- posted 2/16/2007 10:11 EST



DAVE ZIRIN | Former NBA player John Amaechi's admission that he is gay exposed the league's compassion and bigotry.

NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN | As debate unfolds on a non-binding Iraq resolution, the House should consider exacting a promise from President not to invade Iran.

Green Times
MARK HERTSGAARD | The good news on the latest global warming report: Political leaders can no longer ignore it. The bad news: It's probably too late.

ROBERT SCHEER | Sen. Carl Levin is determined to get to the bottom of how Douglas Feith's false intelligence helped lead the US to a disastrous and illegal war.

Taking Liberties
DAVID COLE | Bush's about-face on warrantless surveillance demonstrates what a difference a Democratic majority makes. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY

Moral Compass
GEORGE MCGOVERN | A challenge to the President's moral integrity, wayward policies and strategies as he leads the American people deeper into war.

Sweet Victories
KATRINA VANDEN HEUVEL & SAM GRAHAM-FELSEN | Let Justice Roll deserves credit for mobilizing values voters around minimum wage initiatives.


Liza Featherstone | Documents to be released next week illuminate police misconduct during the 2004 Republican Convention.

Gary Younge | Why can't white people and black people have access to a shared history that is accurate, honest, antiracist and inclusive?

James K. Galbraith | Progressives need to create an economic agenda that encompasses the environment and social justice. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY


Annia Ciezadlo | To understand why the playground of Beirut has again become a battleground, look beyond the myth-making biographies of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

Vivian Gornick | Isaac B. Singer: A Life fails to fully illustrate the complexity of the writer's struggle with his heritage.




Ari Melber | Is it really necessary to start the campaign this early?

Sam Graham-Felsen | Barack Obama's youthful supporters are using Facebook and other social networking web tools to spark a movement that could make a real difference.

Andrea Batista Schlesinger | Immigration reform should be shaped by progressive values that prize the dignity of all workers. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY


Tom Engelhardt | Are Bush and Cheney so wedded to their delusions that they might gun the car and head directly over the cliff in a confrontation with Iran?

Robert Dreyfuss | A new Pentagon report documents how the Bush Administration fooled us once with lies about Iraq's Al Qaeda ties. Will that keep them from fooling us again on Iran?

Jeremy Brecher & Brendan Smith | Now that Lieut. Ehren Watada's court-martial has ended in mistrial, his case could focus America's attention on how we came to fight an illegal war and what we must do to end it.



A selection from our digital archive, offering every single Nation article published since 1865.

As Marc Cooper continues The Nation's muckraking tradition in his coverage of ICE raids in Colorado, here's a look at Upton Sinclair's 1929 coverage of corruption in Boston. | June 6, 1929 issue

Read any Nation article from 1865-2006 in our fully-searchable, exact page image Digital Archive.


Lewis Lapham | Her writing--sharp, satirical, infused with the spirit of skepticism--reminds us that dissent rescues democracy from a quiet death behind closed doors.

George McGovern | A challenge to the President's moral integrity, wayward policies and strategies as he leads the American people deeper into war.








Nation in the News

RadioNation with Laura Flanders (radio) | February 17, 2007

Amanda Spake on Paltalk's Newstalk (radio) | February 20, 2007

Liza Featherstone on Al Jazeera's Everywoman (TV) | February 21, 2007


RadioNation with Laura Flanders | January 17, 2007

Katrina vanden Heuvel on Marc Steiner show (radio) | January 24, 2007

David Corn on Eye on Washington (TV) | January 26, 2007



Paul Wachter | Washington is all too happy to overlook the undemocratic excesses of Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi, who has pledged his support for Bush's "war on terror."

Stephen F. Cohen | The cold war never really ended: Russia's continuing instability and weapons of mass destruction, combined with Washington's triumphalist foreign policies and US/NATO military buildup, are creating an even more dangerous situation.

Alisa Solomon | The World Social Forum marched into Nairobi full of conflict, action and ideas. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY




Katrina vanden Heuvel | Congress must act firmly to rein in the Bush Administration's rising hostilities with Iran: Nullify the war powers authority it granted to the Administration and prohibit Bush form widening the war.

also playing...

Katrina vanden Heuvel | It's time for Congress to stop talking and start moving on Iraq.

Bill Moyers | It's time our leaders recognize Americans hold a set of values that contradict the conservative agenda that has dominated politics for a generation.


Richard Kim | Poor Tim Hardaway, the world's loneliest homophobe. Where's his parade?

Alexander Cockburn | The New York Times's credulous reporting of flimsy "evidence" regarding Iranian weapons in Iraq is enabling Bush's anti-Iran propaganda drive. SUBSCRIBERS ONLY

Dave Zirin | Former NBA player John Amaechi's admission that he is gay exposed the league's compassion and bigotry.

Richard Kim | Drew Gilpin Faust's appointment as Harvard president makes for compelling feminist symbolism, but will she earn 81 percent of what her male peers do?

John Nichols | The Dixie Chicks were reviled by the country music establishment for their protest against the Iraq War. But now they've garnered Grammys.


McCain Mutiny | Max Blumenthal

L'Étranger | Patricia J. Williams

White History 101 | Gary Younge

Thelma and Louise Imperialism | Tom Engelhardt

Obama's Impressive Youthroots | Sam Graham-Felsen

Targeting Tehran | Michael T. Klare


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