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Study: Mars was once wetter and warmer

LONDON, Feb. 8 (UPI) -- A British-led study suggests although Mars' surface is now barren, it once was warmer, wetter, and possibly able to sustain life.

Lead study author Lewis Dartnell of University College London says modern Mars lacks a global magnetic field or thick atmosphere, allowing the surface to be exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation.

To determine whether life can survive today, Dartnell and colleagues modeled the propagation of solar energetic protons and galactic cosmic rays through the Martian atmosphere and through several surface scenarios. Their results show the ionizing radiation environment on or beneath the Martian surface is never lethal to even radiosensitive bacteria, suggesting potential life on Mars is similar to that on Earth.

The researchers say surface freezing conditions imply any cells must be dormant. And since radiation eventually deactivates dormant cells, the sampling of any surviving life requires near-surface cells to periodically revive to repair radiation damage and reproduce and-or be excavated from sufficient depths.

Deep rock layers impart their own radiation environments, so promising candidates for such excavation include frozen crater lakes or Mars' putative frozen sea at Elysium.

The findings appear in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.

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