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Allergy To Hair Dye Increasing (February 5, 2007) -- Allergic reactions to hair dye are increasing as more and younger people dye their hair, warn researchers in this week's British Medical Journal. This can lead to dermatitis on the face and, in ... > full story

New Role In Asthma For Old Drug (February 5, 2007) -- The results of a study in mice by researchers from Erasmus University, The Netherlands, have indicated that an inhaled drug currently used to treat individuals with pulmonary arterial hypertension ... > full story

Allergies, Lung Infections Need Different Treatments, Study Indicates (January 31, 2007) -- New research suggests that different treatments may be needed for chronic asthma, depending on whether it results from allergies or lung ... > full story

Allergy Shots Offer Safe Relief For Hay Fever, Review Concludes (January 29, 2007) -- Allergy shots are effective and safe for reducing symptoms of hay fever, according to a new review. The injection series caused no deaths and few serious adverse reactions in 51 controlled studies. ... > full story

Subcutaneous Injection Of Pollen-extract Can Ward Off Symptoms Of Hayfever (January 25, 2007) -- Injecting small amounts of pollen-extract just below the skin in people who have hayfever can desensitize them to the pollen and reduce their symptoms. It also reduces the amount of medication they ... > full story

Inhaled Steroids Best Treatment For Children With Asthma, Study Finds (January 24, 2007) -- Although several medications are available to help children maintain asthma control, clinical trials directly comparing them have not been conducted. In fact, current recommendations in national and ... > full story

Clues To Cause Of Difficulty With Swallowing In Children (January 18, 2007) -- Eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is disease that was first described in children only 20 years ago, but has shown a rising incidence in both children and adults. An inflammatory condition of the ... > full story

White Blood Cells In Lung Produce Histamine Seen In Allergies (January 12, 2007) -- In a surprise finding, scientists have discovered that histamine, the inflammatory compound released during allergic reactions that causes runny nose, watery eyes and wheezing, can be produced in ... > full story

Allergic Reactions To Insulin Have Declined And CSII Could Reduce Them Further (January 11, 2007) -- A review of published research from the University of Liege, Belgium, reveals a decline in the number of people experiencing allergic reactions to insulin. This is largely due to better purification ... > full story

Giving In To The Urge To Scratch: Researchers Find Not All Itches Created Equal (December 8, 2006) -- Different reactions in the brain to two common allergy triggers -- allergens (pollen and dust) and histamine (allergy cells within the body caused by foods, drugs or infection) -- may shed some light ... > full story

Infants Wheeze Less In Homes With Multiple Dogs (December 1, 2006) -- Living in a home with multiple dogs may help reduce an infant's risk for developing wheezing in the first year of life, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati. The researchers, ... > full story

Pilot Study Successful In Taming Allergic Reactions To Food (November 22, 2006) -- Children who were allergic to eggs were able to essentially overcome their allergy by gradually consuming increased quantities of eggs over time, researchers at Duke University Medical Center and the ... > full story

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Allergen -- An allergen is any substance (antigen), most often eaten or inhaled, that is recognized by the immune system and causes an allergic reaction. Dust, pollen and pet dander are all common allergens, but ... > full article

Hay fever -- Allergic rhinitis, also called pollinosis, hay fever or nasal allergies, and often also written together as hayfever, is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, that occur after ... > full article

Allergy -- An allergy or Type I hypersensitivity is an immune malfunction whereby a person's body is hypersensitised to react immunologically to typically nonimmunogenic substances. When a person is ... > full article

Hypoallergenic -- Hypoallergenic is the characteristic of provoking fewer allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. Hypoallergenic means to have a decreased tendency to cause allergies; hypo means less, not none. ... > full article

Antihistamine -- An antihistamine is a drug which serves to reduce or eliminate effects mediated by histamine, an endogenous chemical mediator released during allergic reactions, through action at the histamine ... > full article

Urticaria -- Urticaria or hives is a relatively common form of allergic reaction that causes raised red skin welts. Urticaria is also known as nettle rash or uredo. These welts can be 5 mm (0.2 inches) in ... > full article

House dust mite -- The house dust mite is a cosmopolitan guest in human habitation. Mites belong to the order same as spiders, and have existed for longer than insects. Dust mites flourish in the controlled environment ... > full article

Hypoallergenic dog breeds -- Hypoallergenic dog breeds are those touted as being hypoallergenic; that is, provoking fewer allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. These breeds usually shed less dander and hair and are, ... > full article

Nasal congestion -- Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nasal passages usually due to excessive secretion of mucus that is caused by a virus and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. It is also known as ... > full article

Histamine -- Histamine is a biogenic amine chemical involved in local immune responses as well as regulating physiological function in the gut and acting as a neurotransmitter. New evidence also indicates that ... > full article

The Inflammation Syndrome : The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma
Challem's new book hits a home run -; with the latest research on what to eat and take to defeat our real number-one cause of health problems -; inflammation. It's a message of the utmost ... > read more

Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment
New edition of the acknowledged authority in the field of impairment evaluations since 1971...significant improvements in cardiology, respiratory, musculoskeletal and dermatology chapters, new ... > read more

Your Body's Many Cries for Water
As a result of extensive research into the role of water in the body, the author, a medical doctor, believes that he has found chronic dehydration to be the cause of many conditions including asthma, ... > read more

The First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats (Prevention Pets)
It's every pet owner's nightmare: suddenly your four-legged friend isn't breathing. What to do? There is no 911 for pets, so it's up to you to save a life. The First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats is ... > read more

What Every Home Owner Needs to Know About Mold and What to Do About It
The complete guide to dealing with mold in your home--the asbestos of the new millennium Toxic mold infestations in the home have been brought to the forefront of public awareness. Erin ... > read more

Brain Lock : Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior
An estimated 5 million Americans suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and live diminished lives in which they are compelled to obsess about something or to repeat a similar task over and ... > read more

Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, Fifth Edition
Universally acclaimed as the industrial hygiene professional's definitive text, the Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene outlines establishing and maintaining programs, collecting and analyzing data to ... > read more

Celiac Disease : A Hidden Epidemic
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects nearly one in every hundred people. Unfortunately, 97 percent remain undiagnosed and untreated. They continue to suffer from gastrointestinal ... > read more

Elementary Statistics : Picturing the World (3rd Edition)
Every aspect of Elementary Statistics has been carefully crafted to help readers learn statistics. The Third Edition features many updates and revisions that place increased emphasis on ... > read more

The Perricone Weight-loss Diet: A Simple 3-part Program To Lose The Fat, The Wrinkles, And The Years
In The Perricone Weight-loss Diet, the father of the Inflammation Theory of Aging reveals the role of internal micro-inflammations, caused mainly by additive-packed foods and a sedentary lifestyle, ... > read more

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