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More Than Meets The Tongue: Color Of A Drink Can Fool The Taste Buds Into Thinking It Is Sweeter (February 16, 2007) -- Does orange juice taste sweeter if it's a brighter orange? A new study in the March issue of the Journal of Consumer Research finds that the color of a drink can influence how we think it tastes. In ... > full story

Intimacy And Sex: The Unspoken Casualties Of Cancer (February 15, 2007) -- Caring for a partner with cancer may be one of the most testing and stressful experiences a person can have during their lifetime. An unspoken casualty of the cancer diagnosis can often be the loss ... > full story

Romance, Schmomance: Natural Selection Continues Even After Sex (February 14, 2007) -- Some breaking news, just in time for Valentine's Day: Researchers have identified something called "sperm competition" that they think has evolved to ensure a genetic ... > full story

Men Who Haven't Been Victims Less Likely To Believe Child Sex Abuse Claims (February 13, 2007) -- Some guys just don't get it. In this case, that commonly used setup line doesn't result in a joke. A University of Oregon study has found that young men who have never been traumatized are the least ... > full story

'Benign' MS May Not Be So Benign (February 13, 2007) -- People who have multiple sclerosis (MS) for 10 years and have few of the disabling symptoms of the disease are often told they have "benign MS" and that their symptoms will likely not ever occur to ... > full story

Newborn Brains Grow Vision And Movement Regions First (February 13, 2007) -- The regions of the brain that control vision and other sensory information grow dramatically in the first few months following birth, while the area that controls abstract thought experiences very ... > full story

Influence Of The Menstrual Cycle On The Female Brain (February 11, 2007) -- What influence does the variation in estrogen level have on the activation of the female brain? Using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Jean-Claude Dreher, researchers in France and the United ... > full story

Smell May Outlast Other Senses (February 9, 2007) -- While eyesight and hearing deteriorate markedly during the normal aging process, new research suggests the sense of smell may actually last longer in otherwise healthy ... > full story

Recurrent Middle Ear Infections Can Have A Major Impact On Children's Development (February 6, 2007) -- A study by the University of Western Sydney has revealed that recurring middle ear infections in early childhood can have a detrimental impact on language and literacy skill development in later ... > full story

Does He Love You So? Maybe It Really Is In His Face (January 30, 2007) -- Can you judge a man's faithfulness by his face? How about whether he would be a good father, or a good provider? Many people believe they can, according to a University of Michigan ... > full story

Workplace Pressures, Hazards Raise Risk Of Job Injuries In Youths (January 29, 2007) -- Exposure to work hazards and a frenetic job pace increases the likelihood of injury among adolescent and young adult workers, a new systematic review suggests. Work setting also appears to play a ... > full story

Quitting Smoking May Be Harder If Mom Smoked During Pregnancy (January 25, 2007) -- Quitting smoking may be more difficult for individuals whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, according to animal research conducted by Duke University Medical Center ... > full story

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Misogyny -- Misogyny is hatred or strong prejudice against women. Compared with anti-woman sexism or misandry (hatred or fear of, or strong prejudice against men), misogyny is usually regarded as directed ... > full article

Bulimia nervosa -- Bulimia nervosa, more commonly known as bulimia, is an eating disorder. It is a psychological condition in which the subject engages in recurrent binge eating followed by intentionally doing one or ... > full article

Rett syndrome -- Rett syndrome (or Rett's disorder) is a progressive neurological disorder that is classified as a pervasive developmental disorder by the DSM-IV. The symptoms of this disorder are easily confused ... > full article

Bisexuality -- Bisexuality in human sexual behavior refers to the aesthetic, romantic, and/or sexual desire for people of either gender and/or for people of either ... > full article

Sudden infant death syndrome -- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is any sudden and unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant aged one month to one year. The term cot death is often used in the United Kingdom, and crib ... > full article

Hypothalamus -- In mammals, the hypothalamus is a region of the brain located below the thalamus, forming the major portion of the ventral region of the diencephalon and functioning to regulate certain metabolic ... > full article

Narcissistic personality disorder -- Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a form of pathological narcissism that first appeared as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1980, in the edition ... > full article

Personality disorder -- Personality disorders form a class of mental disorders that are characterized by long-lasting rigid patterns of thought and behaviour. Because of the inflexibility and pervasiveness of these ... > full article

Phobia -- A phobia is a strong, persistent fear of situations, objects, activities, or persons. The main symptom of this disorder is the excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid the feared subject. Some ... > full article

Social cognition -- Social cognition is the study of how people process social information, especially its encoding, storage, retrieval, and application to social situations. There has been much recent interest in the ... > full article

Self-Made Man : One Woman's Journey into Manhood and Back
Following in the tradition of John Howard Griffin (Black Like Me) and Barbara Ehrenreich (Nickel and Dimed), Norah Vincent absorbed a cultural experience and reported back on what she observed ... > read more

Social Psychology
The most up-to-date account of social psychology available, this text introduces key concepts through balanced coverage of classic studies, contemporary research, and current social issues. The ... > read more

The Cultural Landscape : An Introduction to Human Geography (8th Edition)
Trusted for its timeliness and readability, this book introduces geography by emphasizing the relevance of geographic concepts to human problems. Two years after Rubenstein's Update Edition was ... > read more

Cultural Anthropology : The Human Challenge (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)
Comprehensive, readable and written for the student, Haviland/Prins/Walwrath/McBride's market-leading text, CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY, is a highly relevant, high-quality teaching tool. The narrative ... > read more

Body for Life for Women: A Woman's Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation
It's not all about the jeans; flattening the tummy helps fight "Toxic Fat"--the disease-inducing weight Dr. Pamela Peeke teaches women how to conquer in Body-for-LIFE for Women. Her firm belief is, ... > read more

Nols Wilderness First Aid (Nols Library)
75 illustrations 5 x 8 Revised and updated Comprehensive guide to diagnosing, treating, and transporting patients New chapter on leadership, teamwork, and communication 40,000 sold Praise for the ... > read more

The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
In many ways, The pH Miracle is reminiscent of an earlier generation of diet books. Much of the focus is on an intestinal cleansing program, followed by a diet that is 70 to 80 percent vegetables, ... > read more

Raising Cain : Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher's groundbreaking book, exposed the toxic environment faced by adolescent girls in our society. Now, from the same publisher, comes Raising Cain: Protecting the ... > read more

The Argumentative Indian : Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity
A Nobel Laureate offers a dazzling new book about his native countryIndia is a country with many distinct traditions, widely divergent customs, vastly different convictions, and a veritable feast of ... > read more

The Oxford Classical Dictionary
For almost half a century, the Oxford Classical Dictionary has been the unrivaled one-volume reference work on the Greco-Roman world. Whether one is interested in literature or art, philosophy or ... > read more

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