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Trans-Pacific Radio » Seijigiri #13 - November 24, 2006 (Bullies & the Pols Who Love Them) :: Independent Podcasts from Tokyo, Japan - Japanese News, Politics, Business and Economy
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Seijigiri #13 - November 24, 2006 (Bullies & the Pols Who Love Them)

Filed under: Seijigiri Releases, Trans-Pacific Radio
Posted by Seijigiri at 4:40 pm on Saturday, November 25, 2006

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Ken and Garrett discuss the Education Bill (called the “Patriotism Bill” by the Washington Post), Tokyo Governor Ishihara’s unhelpful comments, what people outside the government are doing to address the bullying problem, and why fretting over abductees may be hurting Japan’s ability to deal with North Korea.

Why is MEXT getting it wrong on bullying? Is the kantei pushing for nationalism? Is Japan making a mistake by trying to decrease rice production?

Bonus! Japan’s workers are receiving record high bonuses. Is that a good sign?

These questions and more addressed in everyone’s favorite Japan-based English-language Japanese politics podcast.

Thank you for listening.

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November 25, 2006 @ 10:39 pm

[…] -Trans-Pacific Radio has released another Japanese politics/education news update podcast. Check it out! […]

Comment by John S

November 27, 2006 @ 3:13 pm

Ishihara? He’s a jerk, but he speaks his mind. Based on that, I’d have to vote for him.

Comment by Andrea

November 27, 2006 @ 3:16 pm

I hope you’re kidding, John. Ishihara is a racist and a fearmonger who cares only about his own fame.

Comment by M.H.

November 27, 2006 @ 8:36 pm

In all seriousness, was what Ishihara said all that bad? I mean, not just compared to some of the other nastiness he’s come up with.

I think what he’s saying is similar to what I’ve heard here - bullying won’t stop and there’s always going to be some kids who get bullied. He’s accepted that. He didn’t say he likes it, but it seems like he’s being a realist about it.

Maybe he doesn’t choose the best, or the most sensitive words to express himself with, but I doubt he would say that some kids deserve to be bullied.

Comment by Cal Hobbs

January 3, 2007 @ 3:12 am

The best way to stop a bully is with a fist on the end of his nose.

Gents, when are you ending your winter hiatus.

December 3rd was a month ago now.

Or is December just a quiet period in Japanese news and politics.

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