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Topical Testosterone Cream Does Not Increase Sexual Drive In Female Cancer Survivors (May 2, 2007) -- Increasing the testosterone levels of female cancer survivors using testosterone cream did not improve their libido more than a placebo, according to a randomized controlled clinical trial in the ... > full story

Electromagnetic Fields Are Not Increasing Cancer Risk Among Energy Workers Overall, Study Suggests (May 1, 2007) -- Electromagnetic fields do not pose a health hazard to workers in the electrical energy supply industry, suggests a large study of 28,000 people in Occupational and Environmental ... > full story

Combination Treatment Stymies Breast Cancer Growth (May 1, 2007) -- A combination of three different drugs that block the HER-2 receptor, a critical cellular growth signal for some breast cancers, eradicated aggressive breast tumors in mice and could point the way ... > full story

High Calcium And Vitamin D Intakes Associated WIth Higher Risk Of Cognitive Impairment In Elderly (May 1, 2007) -- Elderly men and women who consumed higher levels of calcium and vitamin D are significantly more likely to have greater volumes of brain lesions, regions of damage that can increase risk of cognitive ... > full story

Children With Cystic Fibrosis Showed Early Onset Of Poor Bone Mineralization (May 1, 2007) -- In a study of children with cystic fibrosis, French researchers found evidence of very early onset defective bone mineralization in the lumbar spine that was not caused by either nutritional status ... > full story

Nuns Study Writes Book On Good Habits (April 30, 2007) -- More than 30 nuns gathered to celebrate the 40th anniversary of a study they participated in, which was pivotal to our modern-day knowledge about women's bone health and ... > full story

Why Alcohol Consumption Increases Breast Cancer Risk (April 30, 2007) -- A new study presents the first animal model to confirm alcohol consumption stimulates tumor growth and malignancy of breast cancer and reveals some of the mechanisms of alcohol-induced breast cancer. ... > full story

New Nanocomposites May Mean More Durable Tooth Fillings (April 30, 2007) -- Scientists have shown that nanotechnology has the potential to lessen that toll by producing tooth restorations that are both stronger than any decay-fighting fillings available today, and more ... > full story

Obesity-breast Cancer Link May Be Due To Fat Tissue-derived Hormone Leptin (April 29, 2007) -- Being obese increases the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women, shortens the time between return of the disease and lowers overall survival rates. Researchers now report evidence on how ... > full story

Breast Cancer Milieu: Progression, Tamoxifen Sensitivity, And DNA Reversion (April 26, 2007) -- The American Journal of Pathology highlights the influence of the cellular microenvironment on breast cancer in the current issue. These articles describe advances in our understanding of progression ... > full story

New Hereditary Breast Cancer Gene Discovered (April 26, 2007) -- A new hereditary breast cancer gene has been discovered. Researchers found that women with a certain hereditary deformity syndrome run a nearly twenty times higher risk of contracting breast cancer ... > full story

Lessening Hot Flashes: Exploring The Role Of Genes, Obesity And Alcohol (April 25, 2007) -- Many women in the menopausal transition experience hot flashes: unpredictable, sometimes disruptive, periods of intense heat in the upper torso, neck and face. Three new studies explore the role of ... > full story

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Menopause -- Menopause (also known as the "Change of life" or climacteric) is a stage of the human female reproductive cycle that occurs as the ovaries stop producing estrogen, causing the reproductive system to ... > full article

Hysterectomy -- A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus, usually done by a gynecologist. Hysterectomy may be total (removing the body and cervix of the uterus) or partial (also called ... > full article

Hormone replacement therapy -- Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a system of medical treatment for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, based on the assumption that it may prevent discomfort and health problems caused by ... > full article

Uterine fibroids -- Uterine fibroids (leiomyomata, singular leiomyoma) are the most common neoplasm in females, and may affect about 25 % of white and 50% of black women during the reproductive years. Fibroids may be ... > full article

Mammary gland -- Mammary glands are the organs that, in the female mammal, produce milk for the sustenance of the young. These exocrine glands are enlarged and modified sweat glands and are the characteristic of ... > full article

Estrogen -- Estrogens (also oestrogens) are a group of steroid compounds, named for their importance in the oestrus cycle, and functioning as the primary female sex hormone. While estrogens are present in both ... > full article

Rickets -- Osteomalacia, also known as rickets, is among the most frequent childhood diseases in developing countries. The predominant cause is a vitamin D deficiency, but lack of adequate calcium in the diet ... > full article

Gynecologic hemorrhage -- Gynecologic hemorrhage represents exessive bleeding of the female reproductive ... > full article

Osteoporosis -- Osteoporosis is a disease of bone in which the bone mineral density (BMD) is reduced, bone microarchitecture is disrupted, and the amount and variety of non-collagenous proteins in bone is altered. ... > full article

Progesterone -- Progesterone is a C-21 steroid hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle, pregnancy (supports gestation) and embryogenesis of humans and other species. Progesterone belongs to a class of ... > full article

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause (TM) : The Breakthrough Book on Natural Hormone Balance
The classic bestseller that has helped nearly a million women discover the answer to menopause is now revised and updated. Hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, low sex drive, hair loss, fibroids, ... > read more

The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection--The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men
Menopause is a complicated business. Medical issues vary widely and treatment options seem endless--especially in the wake of bad news about hormone replacement. While The Sexy Years isn't meant to ... > read more

Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book: New Edition 2005
Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book has been considered the bible of breast-care books since it appeared in 1990. In 1995, Love completely updated the book in a 600-page second edition, including new biopsy ... > read more

Living Well with Hypothyroidism Rev Ed : What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You... that You Need to Know
As many as one in eight women have a thyroid condition. In Living Well with Hypothyroidism, Mary Shomon outlines the most common of these--too little thyroid hormones in the body. Weight gain, ... > read more

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer : How Hormone Balance Can Help Save Your Life
An informative and absorbing read for both medical practitioners and their patients, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer takes aim at "the breast cancer industry" with a barrage of ... > read more

Rosen's Breast Pathology
...the gold standard provides a comprehensive overview of breast pathology in a clinical context...updates include new information on sentinel lymph node biopsy and increased coverage of needle core ... > read more

100 Q&A; About Breast Cancer
...a patient-oriented guide to dealing with breast cancer.. questions and answers cover basic questions about the disease such as risk factors and causes; methods of prevention, screening and ... > read more

Diseases of the Breast
Completely revised and updated, with 24 brand-new chapters, the Third Edition of this definitive reference is a must for all clinicians who treat benign or malignant breast ... > read more

The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook, Second Edition
The best-selling guide to mastectomy and reconstruction has been rewritten and updated. This new 2nd edition of The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook retains all the comprehensive information, ... > read more

Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook
If you're a Weight Watcher, this collection of 500 recipes in a handy loose-leaf binder could put you in the fast lane on the road to success. This cookbook is designed for Weight Watchers' ... > read more

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