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PC World Site FAQ

PCWorld.com FAQ

PCWorld.com offers a broad spectrum of information on technology topics, including content unique to PCWorld.com and stories from current and past issues of PC World magazine.

If you're like most people who come to PCWorld.com, you have a specific goal in mind. To help you get the most out of your visit, every PCWorld.com page includes navigation systems designed to get you where you want to go as swiftly as possible.

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  • Top navigation links
    Links across the top of each PCWorld.com page take you to general types of content, such as reviews, news, and how-to stories, as well as to features such as our downloads library, forums, and product shopping/price-comparison center.
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    You can search for a specific subject, downloads file, or title by using the search field at the top of each PCWorld.com page. On the Search Results page you can narrow your query to a content subcategory (such as news, reviews, or how-to) by clicking the category link above the search field.
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    What kinds of information are available on PCWorld.com?

    ♦ How-to

    Our how-to articles cover word processing, databases, the Internet, hardware, multimedia, upgrading, and many other subjects. Click the How-To link at the top of any PCWorld.com page. To see all of the topics available, including how-to topics, click the Browse by topic link.

    ♦ Reviews

    Product reviews are some of the most popular content on PCWorld.com. We offer reviews and comparisons of products, as well as analysis of current computer-related trends and new information-technology products. Click either the Hardware Reviews or Software Reviews link at the top of any PCWorld.com page. To see all of the topics available, including reviews topics, click the Browse by topic link. In the reviews sections you'll find links to current articles, as well as to archived reviews. Many product reviews include a link that goes to the price-comparison page for that item in PCWorld.com's Shopping section.

    Reading a lab-test PCW review is good--but reading a lab-test PCW review plus the opinions of readers who have used the product is even better. Product reviews in major hardware and software categories include a User Reviews tab, plus an Add Your Review tab that, when you are signed in, lets you quickly add ratings and evaluations of products you own and use.

    Want to research hardware products in a major category such as cameras, desktop PCs, printers, or televisions? In our hardware review section, as well as elsewhere on the site, you'll see a Find a review link on the top right side of the page. Click that link, and the Review Finder appears. After you choose a product category, you'll receive more choices that allow you to focus your search; click Get reviews to see a list of every product we've reviewed that matches your criteria. Finally, click on a product's name or photo to go to the full review.

    Read how we test.

    Read our guide to PC World Ratings.

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    Once you've arrived at a specific review, at the beginning of the article we give you top-level information, including specs, pros and cons, our PC World Rating, and links to merchants. You can roll the mouse pointer over thumbnails to see multiple views of a product, and you can click on tabs to read user reviews or add your own evaluation when you are signed in.

    ♦ Price comparisons

    For price-comparison information, links to sellers, connections to PC World reviews of specific products, and much more, click on the Shop & Compare link at the top of any PCWorld.com page. This will take you to PCWorld.com's shopping and price-comparison section. Powered by PriceGrabber, it provides a wide variety of information to assist you in shopping wisely. You can select a product category from the list on the Shopping page. You can also look for a specific product by entering its name in the Search for fields, just under the Shopping page header.

    ♦ Blogs and columns

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    ♦ Forums

    PCWorld.com offers discussion forums on tech topics from laptops to Linux. They're great places to ask (or answer) a question, to chime in on the news of the day, or to provide feedback to PC World. You can lurk and read without registering, but we hope you'll become a member and post messages of your own. Click the Forums link at the top of any PCWorld.com page to see the community's discussions on issues, exchange of technical information and help, and much more.

    For more information on forums, see the Forums FAQ.

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    ♦ Downloads

    Click on the Downloads link at the top of any PCWorld.com page to visit the Downloads library, an extensive selection of freeware files and shareware trial versions that you can try and then buy, as well as some complete software marked for purchase only. Here are some guidelines for finding Downloads files:

    • As on all PCWorld.com pages, the search function is at the top of the page. You can locate a specific file by typing its name or one of the words in its name in the field. (If you are not sure which letters in the file's name are capitalized, enter the search object as all lowercase; the search engine will search all possibilities.)
    • To look for a general type of file, use the Browse Downloads topic tree, which is arranged by categories. Click on one of the category links to see a list of files available under that topic, as well as a list of subtopics that can help you refine your search.

    The individual page for each Downloads file includes its specifications, such as size, compatibility, and a link to the author's Web site. You can also browse related files in a list farther down the page.

    Our Downloads section also provides an evaluation feature that lets you rate and review shareware, freeware, and demos when you are signed in; you can see what others have to say in their own user reviews as well.

    For much more information about the Downloads library, check the Downloads FAQ.

    You can also visit the Download Store, powered by Digital River. In the store you can shop for and purchase software, often at special prices.

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