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XA transactions using Spring

04/27/2007 - Distributed transaction processing systems are designed to facilitate transactions that span heterogeneous, transaction-aware resources in a distributed environment. Using distributed transactions, an application can accomplish tasks such as retrieving a message from a message queue and updating one or more databases in a single transactional unit adhering to the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) criteria. This article outlines some of the use cases where distributed transactions (XA) could be used and how an application can achieve transactional processing using JTA along with the best of the breed technologies. The main focus is on using Spring as a server framework and how one can integrate various JTA implementations seamlessly for enterprise level distributed transactions.
Murali Kosaraju, JavaWorld.com

Some Recipes to Improve Your Google Web Toolkit Development
04/26/2007 -  The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source toolkit that allows you to create AJAX-based Web applications that are completely written in Java. This article summarizes experiences gained when implementing a client/server Web application with GWT and Tomcat. Lessons learned are shared as tips and recipes that can improve the development of your GWT-based Web applications.
Klaus P. Berg, JavaWorld.com

The Java Enclosing Class as an Implementation of the Builder Pattern
04/18/2007 -  In the traditional Builder Pattern, a Product's encapsulation can be compromised since its compositional logic resides in another class. What if you could determine a Product's composition at run time without breaking encapsulation? In some cases, you can accomplish this with one of Java's more obscure features: nested classes.
Jason DeMorrow, JavaWorld.com

Named Parameters for PreparedStatement
04/03/2007 -  PreparedStatement can be cumbersome to use because its parameters are accessed by index. A relatively simple wrapper can be written that lets you set them by name.
Adam Crume, JavaWorld.com

From Java EE security to Acegi
03/30/2007 -  Application security as an enterprise-level concern needs to be carefully addressed by developers. This article compares the security services defined in Java EE and Acegi to help developers select the appropriate security services and program security from an enterprise-wide view.
Dr. Xinyu Liu, JavaWorld.com

Java grid computing
03/28/2007 -  Part 1 of this two-part series on grid computing defines grid computing and contrasts it with cluster computing. This article also leads the reader through a simple Globus Toolkit 4 grid service implementation.
Corey Klaasmeyer, JavaWorld.com

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News & Reviews

Sun says bulk of Java is open sourced
05/08/2007 -  Sun announced Tuesday it has finished the process of making the bulk of its core Java technology available as open source software under the GNU general public license version 2 (GPLv2). The vendor made the announcement at its JavaOne conference in San Francisco.
China Martens, IDG News Service

Oracle focuses on app server, AJAX
05/07/2007 -  Oracle's plate of announcements for the JavaOne conference this week features upgrades to its application server and IDE as well as a kit to make it easier to work with the Spring Framework for Java development.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

JAVAONE : NetBeans IDE tackles Ruby, JavaScript
05/04/2007 -  Move over, Java. The NetBeans open source tools package is making room for popular scripting languages.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

BEA blending dev tools in Workshop release
05/01/2007 -  BEA Systems is blending open source and commercial developer tools in a release of its Workshop development tool for Java being announced on Tuesday.
Paul Krill, InfoWorld

RIM adds APIs for new types of applications
03/30/2007 -  Research In Motion is hoping to expand the types of applications developers can make for its BlackBerry handheld by adding APIs to the BlackBerry Java Development Environment.
Nancy Gohring, IDG News Service

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