(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
ALLIED by Jeneane Sessum
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20070703201558/http://allied.blogspot.com/

July 02, 2007

happy birthday marek

for you, the poem i wrote for your birthday way back when ...

1:30 a.m. Birthday Poem for Marek

Pick up the bat,
chipped wood offering slivers,
feel them break the skin
cut my palm and the
creases where my fingers bend.
Little bit of blood never hurt

Walk the streets, hungry for
something to make sense,
Find myself there
without knowing when or how,
See the red convertible
parked to perfection, six inches
from the curb, outside
the overdone estate
that son of a bitch CEO
calls home.

The glare off the hood
screams at me from
across the street
alarms going off
in my head
RUN you stupid

With my bat I have
only wishes and dreams
no one and everyone knows.
I cross the street slowly, take in
the chrome wheels and
flawless finish, glaring,
mocking me.

Before I lift it
high above my head
I don't think: and then what?
I bring it down with the force
of fire, speed of wind,
feel the connection
the windshield give way,
and then
shatter into snow
that rains
on the pavement in
a rainbow tapestry
of joy.


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never let me rap, okay?

It's just NOT a good idea.

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workin through it


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July 01, 2007

ATL ain't the valley

SO our first friend has an iPhone, and he was talking to George about his wait at Lenox Mall in Buckhead Friday--maybe an hour's wait total (heehee). He talked about how guys were trying to sell their spots in line. "Hey man I'm number six in line; I'll sell you my spot for $500." As time to entry got closer, the price dropped. Line occupant number 16 offered his spot up for a scant c-note. I don't know if he had any takers. But you play that game enough times, you might actually be able to afford an iPhone.

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June 30, 2007

WonderChicken, He's Our Man...

if he can't do it, no one can!

Like a breath of hot... err.. i mean fresh air, the WC enters the race for the White House. Never mind that he doesn't live here--that may be all the better. I don't think Dick Cheney's lived here in three years. In fact he may not be alive at all. And he's got a Very Important Government Job.

SO there you have it. Vote WonderChicken. At Least He's Alive (TM)


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June 29, 2007

technorati top 5k blog

you claw your way into the top 5,000 blogs, and this is what you get?

What kind of thing is that?

Talk about dancing on the head of a pin!

What the hell kind of respect does that show for the ex-blogger bodies strewn across the information super highway that I had to walk over -- nay trample -- on my way to the not-really top?

What'd that take, about 32 seconds to create?

Is it because Kevin Marks is gone?

No one to do the heavy lifting over there?

First they go and mess up the interface, and now they stick hardly-visible "lookatyou!" minipixel icons up there?

Or maybe i just need some sleep.


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Prince's Planet Earth "Beggars Belief"

UK Bloggers, save me a copy of Prince's new album Planet Earth (old people still call these things albums), could you? Because you'll be getting it for free if you get the Sunday Mail, nearly a month before it's officially released.

Whooo, Prince knows how to cause a stir, fellas. The loud scream you heard was the collective coronary suffered by the record retailers in the UK, who are throwing some sticks and stones at the news that they won't be making any money off Prince's new product.

"It would be an insult to all those record stores who have supported Prince throughout his career," said aul Quirk, co-chairman of the U.K.'s Entertainment Retailers Association, who is in some serious need of media training. "It would be yet another example of the damaging covermount culture [anyone???] which is destroying any perception of value around recorded music. The Artist Formerly Known as Prince should know that with behavior like this he will soon be the Artist Formerly Available in Record Stores. And I say that to all the other artists who may be tempted to dally with the Mail on Sunday."

Lord let me wake up tomorrow on Prince's PR team so I can issue a release entitled: "I know you are but what am I."

Anyway, I'm wondering what Sony BMG UK is thinking -- reports being that Prince's people did an end-run on the label with the deal to giveg away product -- LOTS of product -- causing a hiccup in the payola food chain of this squeeky clean industry.

It's also rumored that Planet Earth will be given away for free at Prince's 21 scheduled UK shows--or at least to those who purchase tickets.

Hey, first blogger to get your hands on a copy, don't forget to twitter!


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June 28, 2007

No, not condiments

George is back from big lots. no condiments.

Yay!!! but we did get...



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Live Blogging Movie Review

Christopher: what the hell are you watching?
me: night at the museum (kids movie)
Christopher: oh yes, saw the trailer
me: ben stiller, dick van dyke, robin williams??
it looks cute?
mickie roonie!!
Christopher: I dunno.
me: ?
Christopher: omg
me: not a good ansswer
Christopher: you're getting senile
me: "he looks like a wierdie"
Christopher: oh he was weird alright
me: (oh did i get the wrong guy?)
(the little short one?)
andy rooney?
Christopher: child prodigy in the 30s or something
me: mickie roonie?
Christopher: mickie roonie
me: yeah he says to ben stiller: "You look like a weirdie"
Christopher: child star -- obnoxious little brat
me: YES
dick van dyke looks great
Christopher: never grew out of it, either
me: he musta kicked the bottle
or maybe that was his brother.
Christopher: maybe you're thinking the Dutch Masters painter?
Van Dyke
16th century?
me: oh yeah
Christopher: or the cigars
me: DVD says (that's dick van dyke): "No foolin around in here--this stuff's really old."
Christopher: Ernie Kovacks
what the fuck are you watching???
me: Night at the Museum!!!!!
you goober!
i told you
Christopher: I thought that was a NEW movie
a remake?
no dick van dyke is in it NOW
he's a security guard
micki roony's in it NOW
Christopher: no, listen: there is a NEW movie about being trapped in a museum at night
me: as a short old man
YES THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher: just came out recently
me: OMG you r a freak
are you fucking with me?
Christopher: so how are all these OLD fuckers in it?
me: that is what i am WATCHING
security guards
they're like NUTS
ben stiller's in it too
he is not old
Christopher: no: YOU are like NUTS
me: why do you think i'm saying DVD looks GOOD (dick van dyke)
i mean GOOD FOR 100.
Christopher: and why do you keep telling me you've been stiller?
is that like "It's quiet. Too quiet..."
ok he's in the museum now
by hisself
and its nighttime
Christopher: OK.
me: and it sure's ben stiller
Christopher: are you going to chat me the entire movie???
me: only if you don't keep telling me i'm nuts
Christopher: you are weirder than me by far
me: he's singing earth wind and fire on the intercom system
Christopher: dig yourself
me: nah
Christopher: you've lost all control
me: i am so blogging this
Christopher: right now? as we speak?
no later
so i don't ruin the ending
Christopher: LOOK OUT!!!
me: for all the friends out there.
Christopher: spoiler alert
me: the BIG STATUE isn't where he left it
Christopher: oh MG
me: "Cecil? Ok very funny cecil!! what is this a david copperfield thing?"
Christopher: O MY G
me: get ready to jump
Christopher: JUMP
me: nope not yet
Christopher: too soon?
me: ooooo
Christopher: JUMPPPPPPPP
Christopher: did I make it?
me: he's never ben stiller.
Christopher: WTF?
now he's running but the dinosaur is chasing him
oooo good effects
run ben
Christopher: images in mirror may be closer than they appear...
me: ooo he's hiding behind the desk
Christopher: running already!
me: but the dino is big
Christopher: hide hide hide
the dino just picked up the desk
Christopher: OMFG
me: Ohhh!!!!!!!!!
Christopher: YIKES
me: the dinosaur just wants to play fetch!!!
Christopher: DON'T EAT ME!!!
me: instruction number 1:
"Throw the bone"
Christopher: you realize this is totally insane, right?
me: he's playing fetch
isn't that CUTE!!!!
he's a goooood dinosaur
Christopher: awwww
me: how cuuuuuute
Christopher: give him a cracker
me: he's like kitty kitty except bigger
he's playing fetch
wagging his skeleton tail
Christopher: we talking a Tyranosaurus Rex here?
me: yep
Christopher: HFS
me: it kind of shakes the building when he runs
Christopher: baboom baboom
me: ok now the elephant's on the lose
i think it's a wooley mammoth
Christopher: HFS
me: ok it's getting confusing now
Christopher: HFS
me: too many living characters
i may have to go pay attention
Christopher: what you mean GETTING???
me: the natives are after him
Ugh oh
Christopher: jesus
me: on the elevator
he's going up
Christopher: I may have to go rent this
me: "Oh mandy" is playing on musak.
i think it's better in chat
Christopher: this is definitely lo-fidelity this way
I can't SEE
what's happening
me: oh right
i forgot
Christopher: I have to take your word for it
what if you're lying to me
me: oh well there's a pretty Indian girl, and i don't mean East.
Christopher: what if you're really watching Gone With the Wind?
me: sackajewea
louis and clarke
Christopher: toss me another sack o' jaweea
me: Huns
the Huns are after him
Christopher: very postmodern
me: wow
Christopher: transtemporal
me: it does look like the rochester museum came to life
know what else i rented?
Christopher: HFS
me: black snake moan
Christopher: oh cool -- Samuel L
me: yepper
i won't chat thru that one
you may haveta get it
Christopher: tell me how that one is
me: wow ostraches are BIG
Christopher: might just
me: like TALL
Christopher: this chat is going into the museum too
me: oh right
Christopher: the Museum of Weirdness
It's goin' to the blog
Christopher: what is this fucking movie called again?
me: i think it's night at the museum
oooo the monkey got his keys
Christopher: I Think It's Night At the Museum?
me: Night the Museum
Christopher: what a weird title
this is too exciting for me. I have to go take me calm-down pills
Christopher: check me later, see if there's still a pulse
me: ok
you be careful in there
there's lions and all kinds a shit on the loose


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fresh from pool on phone with george

he's headed to big lots. look out.

condiments--no doubt.


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Can anyone tell me if this is legit?

Got an(other) email last night that tugged at my worthy cause heartstrings. But I don't know if this is legitimate because it came to me through an unsolicited email--some might call it spam it sounds too real to be spam--and I'm hoping it's just one blogger asking some others for help. Minnich sounds for real and the blog is not sploggy, but there aren't any pictures or ways to get to know those involved. So I thought I'd put this out there to see if anyone I know knows whether or not its the real deal. And so that if you'd like to find our or help Minnich, you have the info. And if it is for real, what a perfect social marketing opportunity for Stormhoek!

anywhoo Thanks!



Wait! Please don't delete. Read on and if there is still nothing you can do about it, then at least you will have entertained yourself.

This is not a Spam, and it is not a Nigerian Con letter. I don't need your money to pay for an American Passport or to transfer money from some war torn country or help set off credit card debts or… well, you know how they go.

This is a humble request to help make a change. I have gone through your blogs, all of you (sorry I had to Bcc your Email address as this letter goes to 30 different people) and they are all intriguing, interesting, entertaining, soulful, mindful… all of it.

I am Minnieh, A Girl From Africa, I may have posted comments on some of your blogs or already send you an E-mail earlier. I am 28yrs and in a programme that educates girls from East Africa. I have so far put three girls through secondary school, two are in their final year and one has one more year to go. Requests from my country folk have been coming in and the need is overwhelming. I can only stretch myself so far, and we all know I ain't no Oprah (bless her) so won't be coming up with a Leadership Academy any time soon, not without some outside help (Nothing is impossible). So, I have decided to seek your help to assist me carry on putting them through school, one by one, two by two, whatever we shall manage to do. I do not have a website but the girls and myself have been blogging, trying to do up some short stories and African folklore and sell through a Read-For-A-Dollar initiative at www.girlfromafrica.blogspot.com. I wouldn't mind doing up a website but I thought about it… $36 (cost of a web?) is enough to put one girl through school for a term, …$36 is enough to feed a family of 5 for a month, …$36 is enough to put a dressing on a painful wound, …$36 is enough to… by the time I finish with the list of what $36 can do, I'm not sure I will still be thinking of a web site any more.

So, to all of you fellow bloggers, the young mummies, the super mummies, the mummy fighting the world to save her son, the mommy-to-be who is on a countdown to her delivery date (I am one), the chap trying to translate English for an African girl in a Chinese shop in Germany, the Australian babe making a life in Europe, the Norwegian girl married to a gorgeous guy, the momma of 5 trying to get organised, the chaps whose blogs are raining men, Susan who runs for her life, Kelly whose blog rains men, pet mommies, the Iraqi raising his/her voice for fellow country men, children writing to keep a parents candle burning – a parent killed in the Iraq war, Crystal, a purpose driven wife… all of you, all of us.

All I ask… beg of you is to donate 1 Dollar/Pound/Euro (one will do, 5 will be good, 10 might be too much to ask for but, thanks anyway) through a PayPal account under the email girlfromafrica@gmail.com and, if you could be kind enough, pass this message to a couple of friends kind enough to also make a donation.

If you are not in a position to, thanks anyway for taking the time to read this far, but please do not hurl insults at me, or get too negative about my initiative. It's just an idea I have come up with, and it's my small way to make a small change in someone's life.

Be part of a positive change. Please help put a girl through school.

Kind regards,


A Girl From Africa



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