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Is shopping at Louis Vuitton a cultural event?

Many people think of a trip to the Louis Vuitton store on the Champs-Élysées in Paris as a pilgrimage to fashion and it seems an appeals court may agree. They ruled that LVMH can keep the store open Sundays because it is a cultural experience. The French Christian Labor Union was behind the suit to force the closure of the store on Sundays. Shops are supposed to be closed on Sundays but can stay open if they have a "cultural, recreational or sportive" aspect to their business. In May 2006 the store was ordered to close on Sundays. LVMH appealed and won. The store does have art exhibits on the top floor.

StyleFoul: Men in formal shorts

Of course I had to use the most drastic visual example possible ... but what is with the outburst of men wearing formal shorts?

Men, this look is not okay. I repeat, not okay! Shorts are not formal attire, it's just not in their genes. They are a summertime garment that is only allowed to be worn in a casual social setting. Shorts have no business being paired with a suit jacket or sports coat. And you certainly can't pull some of the crap that "Big Gay" Al Reynolds here is demonstrating in this photo ... knee socks and white shoes?!

My eyes are bleeding, the whole outfit just doesn't make any sense. There has got to be an excuse for this mess. Perhaps Al stepped into a huge puddle of mud and had to chop off his pant legs and quickly hem them into a pair of shorts? But the better answer is this ... Star Jones was sick of being bashed for looking terrible at events so she made her husband dress like a fool to take some of the attention away from her.

Mission accomplished, Star ... mission accomplished.

Fergie sells out even more than she had already

Two disclaimers: 1) I have no problems with musicians (or any artist, for that matter), making money off of their work -- everyone has to eat. 2) Fergie isn't exactly making lo-fi, experimental prog-rock, so the fact that's she's "selling out" isn't all that surprising.

Disclaimers aside, Fergie has just gone from mildly irritating, to completely lame. The singer who has already turned the formerly respectable Black Eyed Peas into a lukewarm boy band, has now broken new ground in pop-music commercialism by accepting £2 million (about $4 million) from Candie's, a clothing brand, to mention their product in her music. She'll also be appearing in Candie's TV advertisements, and allowing the company's "style advisers" to dress fans at her concerts. (And if you've ever seen Candie's clothing, you know just how much that sucks.)

Musicians have been doing this for awhile -- hoping to pick up sponsorship deals after the fact (if their song becomes a hit) -- but this is the first time that a musician has accepted money from a company for the sole purpose of promoting their product.

Oh wait -- what am I saying? This has totally happened before. But it used to be called a commercial.

Fergie's advisers have released statements justifying the move in a desperate attempt to maker her look like a legitimate artist trying to make a little extra cash, but I can't imagine they'll be successful. Plus, how pathetic does this make Candie's look? Other brands are so cool musicians want to sing about them without being asked. Candie's, on the other hand, has to pay for it, and that makes the company seem like the rich kid loser who has to buy all his friends.

Paula Abdul stinks

Ever want to know what painkillers, a bottle of vodka, and botched breast implants smell like? Just take a whiff of Paula Abdul's new signature fragrance and you will find out.

Yep that's right folks ... another celebrity branded perfume, as if our fragrance hangover wasn't bad enough with the lingering aroma of breast milk and malt liquo,r aka Britney Spears' perfume. And my nostrils are still bleeding from the stench of Marc Antony's morning breath and drag queen approved cosmetics aka J Lo's Glow perfume. Now, I have to be sick from Paula's perfume. Great. Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse.

I would imagine if you were to actually spray this perfume on your body you would probably end up with a DUI (if you watch this video, you will know exactly what I mean). I watched the video twice and I still can't figure out the name of the perfume through Paula's drunken banter, I think she said Love Spell or something that has to do with love. But honestly, who cares ... is anyone really going to buy this trash? If anyone out there raised there hand "yes," I hope you don't like having friends because you won't have any after a spritz of this junk.

Dress of the Day: Rory Beca Tunic

Rory Beca Tunic in Cherry RedI am head over heels in lust with this dress.

Er, make that "tunic."

Heck, apparently the designer, Rory Beca, can make up their minds because in one place, they call this the "Elsie," a ¾-length sleeve tunic dress that comes in brown, black, bone and the cherry red shown (that I LOVE), and in another place, it's the "Rizzo" ¾-length sleeve caftan that comes in ash gray, cherry red again, electric blue, and royal blue.

Oh well. Either way, the dress is absolutely darling, and in the cherry red or either of the blues, it's perfect for a Fourth of July cocktail party.

Available from ShopBop for $242 (both the tunic and the caftan).

High Tide Heels: for the sexy scuba diver

scuba heels

I guess these are for women who like to scuba dive off of Hugh Hefner's yacht, 'cause there's no way you'd be able to walk in heels on the beach. That said, I'm not sure you'd be able to walk in these on any surface, so it's possible that their only purpose is to help your legs look sexier...underwater.

How great completely pointless.

They might, however, make a cute gift for your favorite ultra-girly diving enthusiast -- assuming you can find them. The only mention of High Tide Heels that I've come across was the above photo, and my attempts at tracking down the shoes' manufacturer on the Interwebatron have come up empty-handed. And, if this Yahoo Answers thread is any indication, no one else can find them either.

Maybe they'll turn up, but, at least for now, it looks like you'll have to keep scuba diving in flats. Bummer.

StyleFoul: A-Rod's wife wears F-bomb t-shirt to game

Ok, I'll admit it. I have a juvenile sense of humor, and occasionally find crass, offensive t-shirts with 4-letter slogans amusing. I, however, wouldn't ever wear one, especially not at a public event, and especially if that event was geared towards families.

But Alex Rodriguez's wife apparently thinks the "F-bomb" is funny on a t-shirt no matter where you're wearing it -- even if that means sportin' your "F--- You" top at the stadium during one of your husband's baseball games. Classy! Oh yeah, she was with the couple's 2-year-old daughter at the time. Even more classy!

Normally you'd get kicked out of the ballpark for a shirt like that, but when you're married to the second-highest-paid baseball player in the world, I guess you can wear whatever you want.

Designer disses Posh

Most designers would give anything for the chance to dress a well-photographed celebrity.

But for designer Christopher Kane, the publicity isn't always worth it.

Victoria Beckham recently asked the British designer if she could borrow a dress from his new collection. Surprisingly, Kane declined the request. Posh being Posh, she decided buy the dress anyway.

When asked why he said "no" to Beckham, Kane explained, "I've got nothing against her, but she's not the woman I imagine wearing my dresses. I think more of women like (French Vogue's Editor-In-Chief) Carine Roitfeld because she's sexy and intelligent. Posh Spice doesn't even get a look-in didn't seem right for his clothes."

So what do you think: should she have bought the dress or just walked away?

Prince Harry: Style icon

I've always felt a little sorry for Prince Harry. Growing up in the shadow of his heart-throb older brother William couldn't have been easy. Consider: William was dashing and adored by the press; Harry was awkward and frequently harpooned for his behavior. William was blond; Harry was red-headed. Wills dates the lovely Kate Middleton; Harry dates Chelsy Davy (a WAG if I ever saw one).

To my surprise and that of basically every woman I know, Prince Harry has proved himself to be the dreamier of the two brothers. Consider the interview with Matt Lauer on NBC. Harry came across as confident, affable and clever with -- as my British pal called it -- an "incredibly posh voice."

He's also quite stylish. As you can see from this photo taken during the Concert for Diana last night, Harry totally out shined his brother. If it weren't for the silly lanyard backstage pass (why does he need that in the first place? everyone knows who he is!), I would swear that Harry could more easily pass for a J. Crew model than for an overlooked younger brother of an oh-my-god-he's-starting-to-look-just-like-Charles Prince William.

Well-played, Harry!

Angelina in black face?

Despite disappointing box office sales, Angelina Jolie's latest movie A Mighty Heart has sparked its fair share of controversy in the media. At the heart of the matter is not whether Hollywood exploited the tragic death of journalist Daniel Pearl to make summer blockbuster cashola (my beef with the movie, for the record).

Rather, critics are up in arms about the decision to cast a very white Angelina Jolie as a woman of color. Insult, they say, was added to injury by the production company's decision to darken Jolie skin, change her eye color with contact lenses, and put her in a wig that resembled the Afro-Cuban-Dutch heroine Marianne Pearl's dark, thick, curly hair.

K. Emily Bond of the Huffington Post calls it "black-face" and goes on to suggest that "this casting choice illustrates the magnitude of the time warp Hollywood got sucked into or the vacuum within which it exists." Bond also makes the point that if they film wanted to downplay the interracial aspect of Daniel and Marianne's relationship, they should have left Angelina fair-skinned and blue-eyed.

But since the film obviously opted to portray Marianne's race, Bond suggests it would have been more "sensitive" to cast one of the many talented actresses of color such as Thandie Newton or Halle Barry, who she points out is just as hot as Jolie according to AskMen.com.

So what do you think? Is it acceptable for Hollywood to cast white actresses as women of color? If it is, how should they negotiate the difference in skin color? Is it better to leave the actress as she is, or to, as Bond puts, dress her up in black-face?

Would you wear a diamond made from a peanut?

Diamonds are expensive because they're rare -- or at least that's what the diamond industry wants us to think. But the truth about diamonds (not the Nicole Richie book, by the way) is that they're extremely common, and they're also made from a very ordinary substance: coal.

A team of scientists in Scotland is doing its part to muck up the diamond economy. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh are developing laboratory processes that replicate the atmospheric pressure that converts coal into diamonds.

The hope is that with a laboratory-controlled process "large gem-quality diamonds... [could be made] artificially" from all sorts of carbon-based materials, including peanut butter!

The PB bling is made by squeezing the spread between the tips of two diamonds, resulting in something called the "stiletto heel effect".

Given the dirty dealings and unethical practices of the diamond trade, I'm pleased to hear that the days of the status quo are numbered. Just the same I doubt many women will forgo the "Diamond is Forever" mentality for a rock made in a lab from jar of Skippy.

What do you think? Would you be happy wearing a diamond made from peanut butter?

[via BBC.co.uk]

Dress of the Day: Debra Rodman Paris Girlie Dress

Debra Rodman Paris Girlie DressFeeling a little modest? Don't like to show too much leg?

Honey, get over it.

Not only is a super short short hemline the only way to go these days, but it is summer! Working in an office where I see hundreds of people walk along a shopping avenue every day, I can tell you that really, you can't not wear a micro-mini length.

Of course, you can still maintain some level of modesty with longer sleeves and a higher neckline, like the Paris Girlie Dress by Debra Rodman. The 100% silk dress in blue and white print is on sale at Revolve Clothing for $160, down from $319.

People in need campaign

Leave it to a charity campaign to make you think about how important it is to have that "it" bag, hot new sunglasses, a ice cold cocktail, or luxury beauty items. All seem like everyday items don't they? Whether you "need" these items or they are just nice things you work to attain, they are part of our everyday lives and I doubt we think twice about it (well maybe the credit card bill gets you thinking).

Cordaid Mensen in Nood' (People in Need), a Dutch charity company, has begun a very interesting campaign in response to our "need." The campaign shows people-in-need posing with objects that we consider important and necessary.

A designer handbag (looks like Marc Jacobs to me) which cost 32 pounds is being compared to the price of food (for an entire week) which costs 4 pounds. Designer sunglasses (perhaps Gucci's) cost 24 pounds, where just having access to water is a mere 8 pounds. Other comparisons include aftershave for 35 pounds vs. a new home for 6.5 pounds. A pint of beer for 4.5 pounds vs. 50 liters of fresh water weighing in at 1.5 pounds.

An interesting campaign but has it gone too far, dressing up the starving and sick in a fashion magazine style spreads? Hopefully it will make people want to donate money to those in need and not make people stare at the pictures then go on their merry way.

So what do you all think, has Swedish fashion photographer Carl Stolz and Mensen in Nood' gone too far with these pictures?

Found: Paris Hilton's jacket

Petro Zillia- Paris Hilton's Jacket
More popular than the poncho Martha Stewart wore on her release day, is the little green jacket that Paris Hilton wore just a few days ago when was freed from the slammer. Well, the cat is out of the bag, and the label behind the infamous green jacket has finally been revealed ... L.A. based design label, Petro Zillia.

Since Paris walked down the concrete runway sporting the $448 short sleeved jacket, the Petro Zillia website has taken quite a beating (that's a good thing). I checked out the website today and I have to say, I love it. The clothes are beyond cute, and very stylish. This ready-to-wear line is whimsical, carefree, and simple to wear. Some of my favorites from the '07 collection include this adorable cupcake tee shirt, and this multi-colored tunic/ mini dress that will match with anything in your closet.

The price point is a little on the high side, but isn't that a given? I mean Paris Hilton does own this stuff. Other celebrity fans include Cameron Diaz, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, and Britney Spears.

Jay Manuel's foolish new venture

Take a good hard look at America's Next Top Model's judge, Jay Manuel. Does that look like someone you want to take cosmetic advice from? To me he resembles a more fashionable version of an oompa-loompa. If you handed him a make up brush and let him go to town you would probably end up with shiny orange skin, heavily lined eyes, and frosty lips. Scary.

Since ANTM's season is over, I guess our little Jay-bird is bored. His solution was to create a generic looking cosmetic line for the Shopping Channel. The collection includes an eye brow grooming kit, standards like mascara and foundation, as well as cleansing wipes and brushes. The worst part about the collection is not only does it looks like you could buy better at Target, but the prices are way too high -- ranging from $29- $44.

Hopefully this failure will slip away unnoticed, but something tells me it won't. I did get this tip from Perez, who doesn't let any good gossip slip under the cracks. Jay, next time ask Tyra if you can help her out on the off season, maybe she will let you brush her wigs and get her lunch. Just an idea.

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