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Phosphate Bead Tests
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Phosphate Bead Tests

Table of Reactions Obtained with Na2(NH4)(PO4)

This table of flux fusion reactions with sodium ammonium phosphate is based largely on the book "Determinative Mineralogy and Blowpipe Analysis" by Brush & Penfield, 1906. The reactions are observed by fusing a crushed (and roasted in the case of sulfides) sample of the mineral in a Na2(NH4)(PO4) bead embedded on a loop of platinum wire. The color is observed in the bead after heating the sample with the oxidizing flame and then the reducing flame of the torch (blowpipe).

Oxidizing Flame Amount of Material Chemical Element(s) Reducing Flame
Colorless Colorless, but when strongly saturated the beads may in some cases appear opaque white Little or Much Ca, Sr, Ba, Mg, Be, Zn, Y, La, Th, Zr, Sn, and Si, the later almost insoluble Colorless Colorless, but when strongly saturated the beads may in some cases appear opaque white
Very Pale Yellow Colorless Much Ta and Cd Very Pale Yellow Colorless
Very Pale Yellow Colorless Much Pb, Sb, and Bi Gray Gray
Very Pale Yellow Colorless Much Nb Brown Brown
Very Pale Yellow Colorless Medium W Dirty Blue Fine Blue
Yellow Colorless Medium Ce Colorless Colorless
Yellow Colorless Little Fe Very pale Yellowish Green Colorless
Yellow Pale Greenish Yellow Medium U Pale Dirty Green Fine Green
Yellowish Green Colorless Medium Mo Dirty Green Fine Green
Deep Yellow to Brownish Red Yellow to almost Colorless Medium to Much Fe Red, Yellow, to Yellowish Green Almost colorless to very Pale Violet
Yellow to Deep Yellow Yellow Little to Medium V Dirty Green Fine Green
Reddish to Brownish Red Yellow to Reddish Yellow Little to Medium Ni Reddish to Brownish Red Yellow to Reddish Yellow
Green Rather Pale Blue Little Cu Pale Yellowish Green Pale Blue, nearly Colorless; at times ruby Red
Dark Green Blue Medium Cu Brownish Green Opaque Red
Dirty Green Fine Green Little to Medium Cr Dirty Green Fine Green
Blue Blue Little to Medium Co Blue Blue
Grayish Violet Violet Medium Mn Colorless Colorless
Pale Rose Pale Rose Much Nd Pale Rose Pale Rose

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