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Mineralogy Database
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Mineralogy Database

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Mineralogy Database Last update 2/18/07. This mineral database contains 4,442 individual mineral species descriptions with links and a comprehensive image library.  Visit the "What's New" section for details.

Mineral data for individual species are linked to mineral tables by crystallography, crystal structures, X-Ray powder diffraction, chemical composition, physical and optical properties, Dana's New classification, Strunz classification, mineral specimen images, and alphabetical listings of mineral species. There also are extensive  links to other external sources of mineral data and information.


User Tip #4

Many short-cut features are offered on alphabetical (A to Z) index of mineral species. This:
Java Crystal Forms Icon links a Java crystal form for the mineral, created with the program JCrystal, which can be manipulated and rotated.

What is a Mineral? What is a Mineral ? Selected mineral definitions.
Crystallography Mineral species by crystal system.  New Java Crystal Models.
  Crystal Structures Mineral species and other structures with crystal structure data using the jPOWD applet. The jmol version is located here.
X-Ray Diffration Table X-Ray Powder Diffraction Mineral species by intensity and D spacing.(400 kb)
Periodic Chart Chemical Composition Mineral species by chemical elements selectable from a periodic table.
New Dana Classification New Dana Classification Mineral species by New Dana system.
Hugo Strunz Classificaion Strunz Classification Mineral species by Strunz system (courtesy of GEOLIB with updates from MinDAT, Athena, and MinMax).
Hardness, Density, Cleavage, Color, Optics Determinative Mineralogy Mineral species by physical and optical properties.  Mineral species listed by calculated radioactivity.
Alphabetical Listing Alphabetical Listing Mineral species listings.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y X Z All
Mineral Images Mineral Pictures Mineral picture images.  php/MySQL database.
Help on Mineral Definitions used in webmineral.com Help TopicsExtensive help files which explain mineralogical terms and other features used in webmineral.com.   Help on Mineral Name Pronunciations and Radioactivity
Mineral News Current Mineral News 2007-06-29 - e-Rocks - Ste Marie aux Mines Seller Page
2007-06-28 Wrights Rock Shop - Updated Gallery 1 - Mexican Smithsonite
2007-06-28 Dakota Matrix - New Additions under $50 and Rare Species
2007-06-28 - e-Rocks - Auction 135 Closing
Links to Mineralogy Data Other Links Links to other sites with mineral data.
Search the Mineralogy Database Search Page Search the Mineralogy Database site. See examples.

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