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Quake Arena announced for XBLA

Yesterday, Id Software made an announcement from the comforts of QuakeCon confirming that Quake Arena is being developed for the Xbox Live Arcade. A release date wasn't announced nor any other details were talked about other than the fact that Pi Studios was working on the port.

So fanboys, you already have your Arcade Doom and it'll only be a while until you have your Quake too ... you're so spoiled.

[Via Joystiq]

GEON: Emotions gameplay explained

So yesterday we mentioned that we were completely bamboozled by GEON: Emotions for Xbox Live Arcade. Developed by Strawdog Studios and published by Eidos Interactive, GEON proved to be quite befuddling. Hearing our cries of confusion, XBLArcade has shown us the way via an IGN preview that was posted a few days ago. It seems the object of GEON is to gather a certain amount of dots before your opponent (who is doing the same thing on the flip side of the board) can do the same. Once a certain number of dots have been collected, you roll over to the flip side of the board and then into a goal. The first to achieve this process 5 times is the winner. Seems simple enough.

There are power-ups, too. The effectiveness of these power-ups is determined by the "emotion" you choose to play as. Really the only benefit of any emotion is that it adds extra benefits to certain power-ups. Power-ups are generally used to knock pellets out of your opponent's stash or gather more for yourself. So there you go. Not so confusing after all, eh?

[Via XBLArcade. Thanks, grigdog]

Official COD 4 beta details are here

We've already talked about it today, but now we have some official news about the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer beta via the official website. CharlieOscarDelta.com has just been updated with a truckload of information about the beta, confirming the idea that the beta will start in the US and roll out to other countries soon after as well as other game specifics including gametypes, weapons, classes, controls, perk and other FAQ goodness. The update also confirms that the COD4:MW MP BETA (yes, that is how they abbreviate it) will feature the three maps Overgrown, Vacant, and Crash. So, as you can tell, there's a bunch of information to take in and still no firm release date.

But we're sure you're wondering how exactly you can enter the COD4:MW MP BETA fun and to be honest it's quite easy and quite random. The download codes will be available on a first come first serve basis to those who answer three trivia questions correctly. But you'll have to keep an eye on the beta page, because the questions and entry into the beta are set at a "coming soon!" status and could open up at any moment in the near future. Head on over to CharlieOscarDelta.com fanboys, soak it all in and prepare for some beta fun!

[Thanks, SadistiK Roth]

Puzzle Fighter definitely arrives this month

Puzzle Fighte ... er ... Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is rightfully one of the most anticipated titles coming to Xbox Live Arcade. According to an IGN, the game is coming out much sooner than we thought. In fact, it's already out. No, don't go running to check your Xbox. It's not really out. The truth is that IGN was hosting an advertisement for the game -- which has since been removed -- that stated the game was now available. It looks like someone at IGN jumped the gun. Still, with this disheartening news comes some good news. Joystiq contacted Capcom for comment on the whole affair and Capcom confirmed that the game is scheduled to launch this month (alongside its PS3 counterpart). So, you might not be able to quench your puzzle fighting thirst just yet, but it won't be long now.

COD4 beta may still go worldwide

Non-American fanboys take note! It seems Activision was a little hasty in proclaiming that the Call of Duty 4 multiplayer beta would be restricted to the United States. The Infinity Ward community relations manager known as "fourzerotwo" on the COD4 forums has revised the statement made by Activision only yesterday. The community relations manager clarified on the forums (registration required) that the beta is only beginning in the United States, and that Infinity Ward is planning to make it international and is "currently sorting out those details." Unfortunately, we don't have any more details as to when such a thing will take place.

In other news, "fourzerotwo" also revealed that new details about the beta will be revealed soon. This information should detail some of the weapons and maps that will be available in the beta.

Video: First new Red vs Blue episode

Everyone was quite happy and relieved to know that Red vs Blue was coming back for a five new episode series focusing on marketing the crap out of Halo 3, but we ended up a little confused. Confused because Microsoft said that the episodes would only be available at select retailers, which got us a thinking we'd have to pay for the new vids. But, alas, we found out what only available at retail really means. With the release of the first episode we found out that websites like Gamestop will be showcasing the new episodes weekly on their sites and for free. Which is all fine and dandy, but why would we want you to leave the comforts of X3F to go watch a brand new RvB episode over at someone else's website? So, we embedded the video above. Enjoy the RvB Halo 3 banter, comic mischief and super powerful Needler in the first of five new RvB episodes.

MS blames Xbox "abuse" for deadly fire

Microsoft has now officially responded to an Illinois family's lawsuit in which a fire was allegedly caused by a faulty Xbox console in December of 2004. The fire resulted in the death of an infant, Wade Kline. According to the lawsuit, the fire was caused by an overheating power supply, which became so hot as to start the deadly fire. Microsoft, in response, has stated that the fire was wholly the responsibility of the family, and that it was the result of "misuse or abuse" of the console in question. Furthermore, Microsoft claims that the fire was the result of an "obvious" condition of which the family was aware. Considering Microsoft did not recall power cords until February of 2005 (on account of fire concerns) we're not sure to what obvious condition Microsoft is referring. Microsoft is asking that the case be dismissed and that the Kline family pay the company's legal fees.

[Via Joystiq]

Let the showdown begin: GHIII nabs Metallica

The gloves are off folks, after yesterday's revelation that Rock Band and Guitar Hero III would definitely be sharing songs, there was really only one other question that needed answering: what about Metallica? We know Metallica is in Rock Band, but what about Guitar Hero III? That question has been answered and answered well. As it turns out, Guitar Hero III will not only feature Metallica -- the news was slipped during an Activision conference call -- but the song to be featured is "One," and what's more, it's a master track. Metallica fans couldn't ask for much better than that. If the end result of having two competing music games is more awesome tracks for both of them, then we say bring on the competition.

[Via Joystiq]

Xbox 360 will be live from The Gorge

Starting August 18th, Microsoft and Xbox 360 will be sponsoring all kinds of musical acts that will be playing at The Gorge Amphitheater in Washington throughout the Summer. The sponsorship will bring different Xbox 360 activities to The Gorge fun and numerous online Game with Fame sessions featuring various bands. So far there are only three dates listed (August 18th, 25th and 31st), with the most promising being the Dave Matthews Band (seeing that they are the only band listed). The Gorge's musical talent will be bearing Game with Fame fruit, so be prepared.

Skate demo hits XBLM Aug 15, retail in September

Good news everyone! Electronic Arts has announced the release date for its upcoming skating game ... um ... skate. The game will be hitting retail shelves in the US on September 12th in the U.S. with the European version dropping just two days later on September 14th. "But I love Tony Hawk," you scream at your computer monitor, "I fear skate's newfangled controls!" That's alright, actually. If you'd rather test the waters before taking that first scary step into an entirely new skating game, you'll have your shot when EA releases a demo on Xbox Live Marketplace. The demo is set to drop on August 15th. There you have it folks, new skateboard love in September with a demo to whet your appetite.

[Via Joystiq]

Did PS3 dev troubles cause GTA IV delay?

Yesterday's big news was that Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV was pushed back from its October release into sometime next year. But what if we told you the reason for such delay wasn't because of technical issues on the 360, but problems on the PS3 version of the game? Well, that's what analyst Michael Pachter is thinking saying that "the Rockstar team had difficulty in building an exceptionally complicated game for the PS3" and that the "delay of the PS3 version necessitated a delay of the Xbox 360 version" due to contractual obligations with Sony. So, if Mr. Pachter's theory has any weight, Rockstar may have had to delay GTA IV on the 360, because of issues with the PS3 version and them not being able to release the game before the PS3 version got out the door. Very intriguing indeed.

Dynasty Warriors 6 is 360 bound

Previously thought to only appear on the PS3, developer Koei announced that Dynasty Warriors 6 will be headed to the Xbox 360 too. Today, Koei confirmed the news saying that DW6 is scheduled to appear on the PS3 and Xbox 360 simultaneously this Fall. And if you don't know, the Dynasty Warriors franchise is teh hawtness over in Japan with a few fans sprinkled in North American and Europe (we kid, we kid!) and its release on the 360 should make for another even "we have this game too" playfield with the PS3.

Blacksite gets delayed into November

During a Q2 earnings call, Midway confirmed the news that Area 51: Blacksite has been delayed and its release date will be moved back into this Fall. The new release dates for Blacksite are November 5th for North America and October 6th for Europe, which is a step back from the rough "Summer" release it was slated for previously and the September release date retailers were telling customers.

And allow us to express our opinion on this whole "delayed game" thing that has been going on lately. Simply put, we're thinking all this delayed video game madness is the cause of a rare virus. Seriously, here us out. This uber rare virus lives in the dirty kitchens of major game studios, feeds off cheesy puff crumbs and ends up messing with developers' minds, causing them to experience violent mood swings and act out in fits of rage. This ultimately delays their game as the virus makes everyone "moody". How else can we explain both GTA IV and Blacksite delays? And no, we don't believe the whole "we simply need more time" marketing mumbo jumbo either. All we're saying is that Microsoft better wrap Bungie HQ in aluminum foil and spread anti-bacterial soap all over it, because we refuse to get our Halo 3 any later than September 25th (26th for our European friends). Delayed game virus be damned!

WRUP: so sad and lonely edition

Despite the fact we had accepted that it would happen eventually, the loss of a console has taken its toll. We're angry and confused. We've been short with our friends and family. The other day, we stooped to playing Gamecube to dull the pain. It didn't work. We miss all of our dear online friends. The 360 community rug has been viciously been pulled out from under us. Honestly, we're not sure what to do next. But don't worry about us, for it is you that's important. Besides, two out of three X3F bloggers still have working consoles, and two out of three ain't bad. So, as always we must ask, what will you be playing this weekend?

Xbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard
Xbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. II

X3F Gamertags:
Richard Mitchell -- SenseiRAM (out of service)
Dustin Burg -- SuperDunners
David Dreger -- Knuckles Dawson

What were you playing? (WRUP archive)


Halo 3 Dew "Game Fuel" available August 13th

Certain video game websites (see: not us) have been receiving samples of the Halo 3 branded Mountain Dew called Game Fuel (which we've known about for a while now) and confirming that the drink will be available for only ten weeks starting August 13th. The IGN guys were lucky enough to receive their two can sample and after giving the Halo 3 Dew a few good gargles they think the orange colored, cherry-citrus flavored soda taste like cough syrup and Dew ... but that's them. We know we'll love it, because A) we're fanboys and B) because we're fanboys that will drink any Master Chief branded soda, even if there's a chance that it'll make us break out in hives or cause our ears to fall off.

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