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Breaking News, Analysis, Opinions, Multimedia and Blogs - TIME
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20070810070310/http://www.time.com:80/time/

Why Is This Teacher in Space?

Viewpoint: More than 20 years after the Christa McAuliffe tragedy, educator Barbara Morgan is on her way to the Space Station. But it's NASA that still hasn't learned its lesson

Ruth and Billy Graham's Final Farewell

In his wife's last moments, Billy Graham knew that medical technology can sometimes simply prolong death, not life

Abortion Under Siege in Latin America

Though leftist parties hold power in countries like Bolivia, pro-choice activists are finding themselves on the defensive

How Safe Is Your Printer?

Laser printer emissions may make you sick, says a new study — not to mention the load of indoor air pollutants we're breathing 90% of the time

Will Olympic Security Chill Protests?

China is spending billions on high-tech systems to protect athletes, and it's raising concerns among political activists

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Edwards & Gay Rights

Two of his advisers laid out Edwards' strategy clearly — their support for Edwards stems not specifically for his advocacy of gay rights, but from his general fight for "social justice," of which LGBT rights are a part.

The Middle East Blog

Israeli Cash Ends Up With Hamas

Members of Hamas security forces, who haven't been paid a salary for months, surprisingly found that a cascade of money had tumbled into their empty bank accounts.

Tuned In

Test Pilot: Kid Nation

Despite the descriptions of the show as Lord of the Flies, it seems moving and much more focused on cooperation among the kids than on the competition.

Work in Progress

Top 10 Annoying Work Habits

Monster.com has compiled a hit list of the 10 worst traits among workers. I suggest we come up with our own list.


Courting Iowa

Photographer Danny Wilcox Frazier captures the parade of candidates trekking through his home state before this weekend's Ames straw poll



Black Hawk Down, and on Display

A relic from a 14-year old battle has made the "helicopter woman" of Mogadishu a symbol of nationalism and resistance.

Video: Swan-Upmanship on the Thames

A time-honored British tradition sees three crews of boatmen rowing upriver to inspect the Queen's swans


Open quoteThis was a last resort for someone who is trying to hold on to power and has reached a dead end.Close quote

  • retired Pakistani Army general, on reports that President Pervez Musharraf had considered declaring a state of emergency to quell protests against his government


Where Are the Home Run Balls Now?

Barry Bonds has his record. Now who gets the ball? A look at where some past record-setting baseballs have landed


How Safe Is Your Printer?

Laser printer emissions may make you sick, says a new study — not to mention the load of indoor air pollutants we're breathing 90% of the time