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EthioBlog - Ethiopia: Islamic leader urges 'Greater Somalia'
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Ethiopia: Islamic leader urges 'Greater Somalia'


Permalink 12:54:05 am, by nazret.com, 524 words, 149 views   English (US)
Categories: Ethiopia, Somalia

Ethiopia: Islamic leader urges 'Greater Somalia'

Islamic leader urges 'Greater Somalia'
Associated Press
Shik Hassan Aweyes
- The leader of the Islamic group that controls much of southern Somalia has revived the idea of a "Greater Somalia" that would incorporate regions of Kenya and Ethiopia - a move that could further stoke tensions with the neighboring countries.

Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, chairman of the Council of Islamic Courts, told Shabelle Radio in an interview late Friday that his group would work to unite ethnic Somali peoples, but he did not say how it proposed to achieve a "Greater Somalia."

This is the first time that Aweys has spoken about expanding the influence of the Islamic courts outside Somalia since his group seized control of the capital, Mogadishu, in June and then consolidated its control over most of southern Somalia.

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"We will leave no stone unturned to integrate our Somali brothers in Kenya and Ethiopia and restore their freedom to live with their ancestors in Somalia," he said.

After present-day Somalia was formed in 1960 from Italian and British colonies, the country's leaders began pushing for the unity of all Somali-speaking peoples. Somalis live in Djibouti, northeastern Kenya and eastern Ethiopia.

Somalia launched an invasion of Ethiopia in 1977, which was quickly repelled. Since then, Somali nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists have continued to advocate the idea of a "Greater Somalia," and a minor ethnic-Somali insurgency continues in eastern Ethiopia.

Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another. A government was formed with the help of the United Nations two years ago, but it controls just one town.

Experts have warned that the country has become a proxy battleground for Somalia's neighbors, Eritrea and Ethiopia.

A confidential U.N. report obtained last month by The Associated Press said 6,000-8,000 Ethiopian troops are in or near Somalia's border with Ethiopia, backing the interim government. The report also said 2,000 troops from Eritrea are inside Somalia supporting the Islamic courts.

On Nov. 2, the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, issued a warning saying Somali extremists were threatening suicide attacks in Kenya and Ethiopia. Somalia's Islamic militia denied they planned any such attacks.

A U.N. panel charged with monitoring the 1992 arms embargo on Somalia said in a report obtained Wednesday by the AP that 10 countries, including Ethiopia and Eritrea, had provided weapons, money and training to armed groups in Somalia.

The four-member panel based their report on their own investigations, interviews and material supplied by embassies in Nairobi. Several of the countries have denied the allegations.

The U.S. ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger, said Saturday there was ample information that foreign countries were providing weapons to Somalia. He would not comment specifically on the U.N. report, although he said it was "generally known Eritrea is involved."

"We do have reliable information that arms are flowing into Somalia from a number of different sources," Ranneberger told The Associated Press in Kapenguria, Kenya.

Eritrea's information minister, Ali Abdu, said Saturday the allegations were "absurd."


Associated Press Writer Elizabeth A. Kennedy contributed to this report from Kapenguria, Kenya.

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msg Comment from: seble [Visitor]
this explains why OLF and ONLF are working with the jihadists.
all want a peace of Ethiopia.
but they are not going to get it.

PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 01:32

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msg Comment from: whatwhat [Visitor]
Not an inch will be given. Of course Meles might help you on this one, but not the Ethiopian people.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 02:13

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msg Comment from: Free [Visitor]
Monkey face Aweyes,

You dont know who you are messing with. If there is any thing easy for Ethiopians to do, crushing the spine of enemies is the first. Internal crisis does not make our border an open field for wild animals such as the red beard monkeys. We oppose the existence of our soldiers somewhere in your land, however such a stupid and reckless desire for unrealistic "greater somalia" tends to justify woyanes meddling in your countries internal crisis. I asure you that, you will never get an inch our of our land and any attempt to step you feet on Ogaden will be a suicide both for you and your fanatic ideology. The choice is in your hand, behave or die!

And Seble, as usual, you are not making any sense at all. I suppose Hume's philosophy is swirling your head.

PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 02:20

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msg Comment from: kolotemari [Visitor]
yeah this morons also said they will control the world and they will replace the white house with a "black" stone, because its their destiny...this idiots are being supported by iran and syria...i say lets exterminate them before this nonsense goes out of hand
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 02:30

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msg Comment from: cajn [Visitor]
sorry, ain't gonna happen
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 02:58

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msg Comment from: Wazib [Visitor]
Did he realy said that! I donīt think so. The western media are an ally of weyane and this is a good propaganda for long life of weyane. Ethiopians! if he realy said that this can be only a dream and you know everybody has imposible dreams. So stop the zeraf and concentrate on your real enemy Meles. He is trying to decive you again with the issue Somalia. Think twice!
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 03:35

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msg Comment from: tazabe [Visitor]
Somalia back to 0 again!
Never learn from past mistake!
I am sorry to the people of somalia!
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 03:56

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msg Comment from: ababu [Visitor]
Oh! This Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, he is quite a joker, isn't he?

This is nothing new, of course. I don't think he himself believes it. But apparently he thinks it serves the purpose of uniting his fellow citizens in Somalia who have been looking inwardly. (That is clans fighting each other for 15 years). He wants them to look outwardly and wants them to think that he has found the enemy and the enemy is not them but the bad people of Ethiopia and Kenya and the US. He thinks this intangible idea will help Somalis rally behind him in the shortest time possible.

But on a serious note: If Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys really, really cares for his fellow ethnic Somalis living in Ethiopia and Kenya; he should do what the Germans have done recently. That is to invite them to Somalia, grant them free access, a full Somali citizenship etc. and see how many of them would like to come?

The Germans had, for many years, territorial claims againest their neighbors based on the ethnic Germans living in these countries. However, they abandoned that unattainable claim and instead invited their fellow ethnic Germans living in Russia, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary and other countries bordering Germany to come to Germany and offered them all amenities and entitlements that a German citizen has. And they pored into Germany by the millions. That what you call caring. But, there are two things why Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys will not do what the Germans have done: 1. He does not have a country (oops) and 2. He does not care for the "Somalis living in Ethiopia and Kenya". He just wants the lands they are living in. That is all.


PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 04:19

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msg Comment from: ababu [Visitor]
Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys said: "We will leave no stone unturned to integrate our Somali brothers in Kenya and Ethiopia and restore their freedom to live with their ancestors in Somalia."

Ok!Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys. You do not have to turn a single stone.It is not as hard as you think. Just invite your "fellow brothers" living in neighboring countries to come to Somalia. Now, what better way is there to show your love for your brothers than that.
But, Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, I really beleive you are being a little deceitfull here! Are n't you? What you really meant to say was that you want the land mass of your neigboring countries not the masses of "your brothers" living in them.


PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 04:29

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msg Comment from: TG [Visitor]
These radicals can't even govern southern Somalia. Now They are talking about Greater Somalia? I don't know who they sleeping with this days, Iran or Syria? Maybe both, but I say dream on...
This Islamist fundamentalist has been portrayed as powerful by many since the black hawk down incident. I really think these guys can not even restore or obey basic rules of law, let alone fight one of the regional power. Maybe, it is written in their Sharia law, these hate mongers radicals all they know is distraction and anarchy. I say the famous Chinese proverb, “Be careful what you wish for"....
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 06:03

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msg Comment from: g-unit [Visitor]
we are not going to fight
let woyane fight
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 06:41

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msg Comment from: Hagos [Visitor]
The islamic court is just like kenigit (haveing list to be killed by them from the woyanes)they want the have it all before even they smell the power of thier own. In his situation one would dream to get his sit warmed up a little while and hope to see the shattered pre 1990 somalia re-emerge than to dream Siad Bares wish and cause of downfall. Are they trying to incorporate Minisota too there are more somali in that state than in kenya?
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 08:20

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msg Comment from: Tedla Asfaw [Visitor]
Sheik Awaye as a former member of Siad Barre army knows the consequence of such dream and why he thinks it is different now?

Are Somalis not tired of war and gave you a chance to bring stability?

The Ogaden National Liberation Front is fighting for the Somalis right and equality with other Ethiopian oppositions and will not buy your failed Greater Somalia dream.

The Islamists should not be used by Arabs who are silent on Darfur genocide, and never treat Somalis as their equals to foment war between African's neighbors.

ONLF and OLF who are members of AFD should come and condemn such misguided adventure before further destabilizing our region.

Our region should not follow colonialists blue print rather future integration to extract us from poverty, and Greater Somalia is not one of them.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 08:22

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msg Comment from: Ethiopian Pride [Visitor]
Ethiopia Is Being real Kind.They could Destroy Somalia In 10 seconds.
What are a couple of Big headed somali's With old weapons gonna do.When the royal ethiopian air force attacks.And when ethiopian infantry invades it's over.The only Reason ONLF Aint bombded Out of Ogaden.Is the Oil.Al You Somali's from Ogaden Say youre Somali's.Wel go 2 somalia Then.It's Only couple of miles away...
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 09:49

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msg Comment from: Maji [Visitor]
Just to add a few points on what my friend FREE said, Mr. Aweys is actually multiplying enemies before he decisively dealt with the first one .The emphasise of rhetoric might be helpful to mobilize his compatriot around him, but it can be a recipe for his demise too.
I had sympathy for his struggle to change a lawless Somalia into civilised modern society but the ill-conceived ambition he pursue to establish “Greater Somalia” made me feel that Mr. Aweys is actually number one enemy of Ethiopia.
If he is advised and calculated on our internal problem, then it is a grave mistake that will lead his dream short lived and end up with out fulfilling even the need for central government in Somalia.
Nevertheless, when it comes to our sovereignty, the internal problem we had will not affect us from guarding and defending the sovereign territory of Ethiopia. Therefore,
Mr. Aweys, be wise, watch your statements and refrain from antagonising yourself with the entire horn of Africa by reviving the out dated ambition that has a dire consequences for future Somalia to coexist as a country side by side with its neighbours.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 10:37

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msg Comment from: cooldani [Visitor]
Mr. Aweyes is a lunatic who makes crazy statments all the time. I don't take this idiot seriously. But the Tplf regime and its western allies shouldn't fool us again. They very well know they can play Ethiopians nationality card. The western media is purposely fanning and exaggerating this kind of crazy statments so that we fight thier crazy war. Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti have the same case in relations to Somalia and there is no reason why it is only Ethiopian sons and doughters die. This is what the Tplf regime wants to achieve. We should never lose our focus from the struggle for democracy in Ethiopia just because a crazy lunatic man like Mr. Aweyes makes brazen statment. The Ogaden issue is settled according to the Colonial boundry. The Tplf regime must stop meddeling in the internal Somalian affairs.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 10:54

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msg Comment from: Yeha [Visitor]
The Somali terrorists are confussed now days. Because they don't even control their own people and land. Aweyes talking about the greater Somalia and trying to expanding the inflience of Somalian out side of the country. Its a joke.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 11:33

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msg Comment from: elcad [Visitor]

Well said bro.

Regardless of our internal differences, We all are Ethiopians. And, we are united against any forighen invasion.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 11:33

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msg Comment from: Risaala [Visitor]
I seriouselly challenge and ask My Ethiopian fellows one question and would really appreciate if they don't let emotions and animosity creep into their system, Do you really and honestly beleive that Ogaden is and was always part of Ethiopia? don't you really know that it was Britian who transferred these then helpless and poor people to the Empire of Ethiopia??? with all due respect to my Dear Ethiopian friends, but this is not even debatable! i mean it is still fresh in the minds of my father,uncle and all our family members!
I cherish,adore and respect my Ethiopian fellows but facts are always facts! i will be more than happy to be convinced, plzz do send me any facts you have in my email. risaala@hotmail.com.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 12:16

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msg Comment from: TEDDY [Visitor]
Ogaden and all other parts of the country where the somaly ethnies live have and will remain entirely inside our dear motherland Ethiopia. Nobody can not dismantle our national unity .Zenawi and his fellow woyanes are the only responsable for such crises . God bless free and UNITED ETHIOPIA UNITED WE WIIL WIN !!!
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 12:34

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msg Comment from: ogaden. [Visitor]
one day justice will come and the ogaden , oromo,afar,benishungul,harari,gambela will be liberated from amhara-tigrain colonization.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 13:48

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msg Comment from: Yirgacheffeeይርጋጨፍ [Member]
I think our government is waiting too long to break this camel's back!
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 14:14

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msg Comment from: zolla [Visitor]
it is not unusual and a new thing for us their expansion's policy and their wildest dream of greater Somalia will never happen as long as we Ethiopians are alive.and they new what we are made off .let them dream about Somalia unity rather than great Somali.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 14:31

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msg Comment from: selamawit [Visitor]
Well said,FREE. You are absolutely right.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 15:27

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msg Comment from: duran [Visitor]
just outta curiousity is ethiopians only amhara and tigraens? and how is ogaden ethiopian owned, when its 99% somali, that only shows that ethiopia is an occupational force,...if any of u ethio's go to the ogaden, the people their use somali shillings, and not the BIRR...somali's don't want ethiopian lands, just what is rightfully theirs

PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 15:38

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msg Comment from: fuattoti [Visitor]
viva shiekh hassan dahir aweys
we are your somali brothers who were humalited in ethiopia near half century and in the hands of the abbysinians
please send us your shabaab soldiers immediatly
and tell them learn leasons the woyone soldiers
abbysinians please you live with your colonism idealogy we want to jion the islamic democary in greater somalia
and please answer this quesion after meles who will dictate the people?
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 15:40

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msg Comment from: fuattoti [Visitor]
black stone has no value in islam exept he is in the mecca and part of pilgrimage circle we worship direct god not like you through none sense gross
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 15:46

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msg Comment from: kemal [Visitor]
greater somalia? keep on dreaming u idiots thats the only thing u can do. the minute u set ur feet in ogaden we will extriment u from planet earth onc and for all.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 17:34

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msg Comment from: somali solja [Visitor]
well you Ethiopians are not making sense at all. Ogaden belongs to somali and will ever be under somalian. remember 1977 war we captured all ogaden and awasa but soviet union helped you to get back. that is the reality. and Kenyan and Ethiopians can't has any inch of out beloved territory, God bless all Somalis and Oromos and peace loving Ethiopians
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 18:01

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msg Comment from: love [Visitor]
that is why we dont grow.we have enemies left and right.they donnt want us to develope.always causing problems.we have to be one to fight our enemies otherwise they will see an aportunity to tear us apart.we should not give them a chance!!!!!! may god bless ethiopia and its people
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 18:28

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msg Comment from: mushunga [Visitor]
We Somalis are coming to ensure we get our land back. The current forced cohabitation in Ethiopia is simple unworkable model (also known as ethnic federalism). Just look what happened to Yugoslavia....just matter of time before Somalis lit-the-spark.
The main item keeping the regime going is western Aid. Most of food aid is also deliberately kept at Addis warehouses while the regions starve and few cronies corruptly siphon off the rest.

Don't comfort yourself that the city-state of Addis with many of it's inter-marriages is going to be a cohesive protection.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 20:17

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msg Comment from: The Horn [Visitor]
I am afraid, the mighty Islamic Courts will snach away what is rightfully theirs, Ogaden and sidama which has been occupied forcefully by Ethiopians and Kenyans. With Eritrea, Dijibouti, OLF and ONLF on their side, creating greater Somalia is days or weeks away. If it wasn't for the Americans and the Soviets interferance back in 70's, Somali forces were miles from Addis. Now with American military over streached there will not be no help.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 20:42

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msg Comment from: peter [Visitor]
Great Somalia? did you take "chate"
or "asheshes", Ogaden is our land ,I don't understand why you claim Ogaden? you can claim some somali language speaker but you don't have any right to claim my land. I am ready to fight with you.
be carefully you stupid war leader!
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 20:53

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msg Comment from: Daniel [Visitor]
To. All Ethiopians, Kenyans, and Jabutians.

Did you forget, what the first Somali goverment
started in the years of sixities as soon as this
Somalia got their from Italian and British, which
they started immidiately creation of guerrile
torrorist rebel groups, called in Somali language
(FALAAGO), and (SHUFTO). that used to attack those
countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Jabuti.with help
of Somali militery. Somalians believe that the
largest region of Ethiopia, Hararge,Ogaden and
Bali is their Allah given lannd. Also their
believe Nothern part of kenya as well is their
Allah given land. also, Jabuti as an integral
part of greater Somalia. this is still what the
white star with five corners is pointing.
Islamists have not yet brought a new thing to
table, but they have a secret agenda, which they
will expose as soon as they will fullfil the
first Somali amendament which was on the
constition of first Somali goverment the
to unite five Greater Somalia in under a Islamic
Salafi-Wahabi law. then they will continue to
declare their campaign, so called liberation of
all Islamic ethinic groups in East Africa.
So far, the Sawahil people of Kenya, Tanzania,
up to Mozabique, the Ethiopian Ethinic Muslims
of Somalia, Guragas,Oromos,bin Shanqula,Anfar
Harari, will be their target to liberate.
OO, Ethiopians, Kenyans and Jabutian Isasa and
Anfars do not be late to defend your self from
this terror group from Mogadishu before it is
to late.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 21:07

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msg Comment from: Shagray [Visitor]

Leader of the Somali Islamic Group,

First change your country from a mere "geographical expression" to nationhood, before talking about the expansionist dreams that will never come true. You cannot succeed where your predecessor, Barre, had failed, irrespective of the presence of a strong national state at the zenith of its military strength, people, foreign support and enough resources. Don’t try to chew what you cannot swallow. Such empty rhetoric will never help. On the contrary, it sets the whole region on fire and finally backfires on its author. If you are really sincere to your people and religion, be modest, realistic and focus all of your energies and time on national survival or to save your people from the humiliation, fast cultural and religious assimilation, unprecedented family disintegration and social decadence they are facing daily in the West, and try to restore their national pride on them. To do that, you need to avoid meaningless territorial claims and adventurism, and be good to and co-operate with your neighbours, instead of turning them into enemies when you already have enough and strong enemies. I pray to Allah to help you against yourself, before helping you against your enemies, because you are number one enemy of yourself.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/06 @ 21:43

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msg Comment from: elcad [Visitor]
The Horn

" Creating greater Somalia is days or weeks away "

Well, well! All I can say is see you in " days or weeks ". May be with your mighty father Aweys, chewing khat in the streets of Addis.

The greater Somalia has been a myth and continue to be a myth. At the time when Somalia more than ever to look outward, there is a danger for this kind of wishful thinking. A significant change in course can make sense, if it would have been targeted to bring Somalia to the level of at least self governing. But unfortunately Somalia is a full of moron dreamers like you.

Later !!
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 00:33

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msg Comment from: Somali [Visitor]
For sure Somalis would like to have change. Give the Islamic courts 1 or 2 years and Ethiopia will be History.
sheikh Aweys never called for problems against the neighboring countries until they showed their hate for Islam and the Somali people.
If Kenya and Ethiopia want peace, they should give back what is not theirs. This is the Eastern North Eastern part of Kenya and Harar, sidame, Ogaden, Afar part of Ethiopia. Also be advised that the Cushites of the whole of the Horn of Africa will unite and create one big cushitic land. If Amharas and Tigres would like to changes their Ethnic origin like the Falashas did, we might accept you. Meaning Amharas and Tigres join your provinces. One time the Woyanes should be the prime minister and the amhara the next if Meles accepts. Also the one who was saying there are more Somalis in Minnesota than in Kenya, be advised that there are 3.5 million Somalis living in Kenya, Owning two of the biggest provinces almost 1/2 Kenya.
Islamic courts are getting 2 million dollars of aid only from Ethnic Somalis living in Western countries. Only one town in the UK donated 50,000 to rebuild some damaged roads. The Islamic courts do exactly that. NO STEALING.
Remember you cannot fool people always.
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 01:53

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msg Comment from: Abebe Boke [Visitor]
To all great Ethiopians:
Now all of you guys put our political differences aside, you all stand together and fighting against this monkey pace Awey who is our main enemy.
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 04:10

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msg Comment from: Eshetu Daba [Visitor]


PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 04:35

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msg Comment from: Yeha [Visitor]
Yirgacheffeeይርጋጨፍ that is absolutely right my friend. Our government gives those animal shiritam Somalis a long time than taken action.
They can attacked our army but the responds from our army would be so severe and unforgettable lesson to these shiritam animals.
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 05:02

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msg Comment from: chala [Visitor]
we got it now.. if u spent more time with isayas the only thing cames to your mind is fighting with your neibours.
now is the real time for ethiopians to choose . all oppositions have to condomened this very quikely.
Most ethiopians are voted to opposition againes melas is b/c of the belive they show in ethiopian unity.
now after a yr gone all ehiopian enamies, like islamist somalia,eritria,egipt,iran and so on are on the prosses to distablise
the big truth here is those are not againes the gov. they want to destroy ethiopia who ever in power in ethiopia. so those are the enamy of ethiopia and ethiopians . lets show our solidarity on this.
when its came an avoidable to go to war the 1st thing must b not the somalian should be its isaya has to punished personaly . then those bulled 2nd.
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 05:29

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msg Comment from: Waryaa [Visitor]
What Aweys said is a new beginning, and I welcome. Somalis will and must eventually rule Western Somalia (known to Somalis as Soomaali Galbeed).
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 06:18

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msg Comment from: Ogaden [Visitor]
Everybody should mark on their diaries that whether they like it or NOT, Ogaden belongs to Somalis. It has been and will remain part and parcel of Somalia!

Dear Mr.Risaala and Mr. Horn, I am afraid you will never ever get a sensible answer from this morons. The reason being that their IQ is way below the average human IQ. My dear, here we are dealing with people of a mere IQ = 63. This is a little bit above the IQ of our ordinary domestic animals. The difference between them and the animals, that could only see the world as EDIBLE (i.e. grass, leaves…etc) and NON-EDIBLE items, is the TAIL. The morons who have littered this page with the incomprehensible messages see only the LAND and not the people who live in it. With the exception of few, most of them ramble and rant about the land Ogaden and never ever mention the inhabitants (Somalis). While people with average IQ see things comprehensively (the land and the people) and discuss sensibly, this IQ deficient MORONS are here to kill the time and waste our precious time.

Simply, what Mr. Aweys is saying is that the Provisional Colonial Administrative Line that has been drawn between Ogaden and Somalia by Britain in 1940s is fading away. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to hammer this VERY simple message into an impervious brain with an IQ of 63!!!!

One of the most shameful practices in Ethiopia is an age old Plagiarism. Neftegnas never acknowledge those who help them. They never give credit were it is due. You hear them boasting about defeating Somalis in 1977. The fact is that former Soviet Union, the whole of former eastern bloc and Cuban mercenaries reversed our people’s military gains. Anyhow, it is an honor for every Somali that our people fought against the mighty Warsaw Pact and held them at bay for days; and a dishonor for those who have been saved!

Also what I hate most is the lumping together of the marauding Minilik’s militia (parasite) and the hard working majority (host) who have suffered for the past 100 years. Calling the aggressor and its victim Ethiopians is a historic crime. Menilik has stolen the biblical name ‘Ethiopia’ and undemocratically stamped on others, patched together randomly three pieces of fabric calling it a flag, forced his dead language and folklore on peaceful neighboring nations. Nowadays, Neftegnas are fantasizing a version of Ethiopia that is nowhere to be found, meanwhile, seriously underestimating the will and the consciousness of the nationalities that have suffered under their forefathers. If they follow this dead ended trail, for sure, they will be GORED.

Two things are nowhere to be found in Ethiopia:
1) an honest and trustworthy Wayane
2) and a genuinely democratic Shawa Amhara.

Unfortunately, these two thugs have always fought over others disregarding and denying them their very existence. If these two greedy bands don’t stop messing around, they will only hasten the disintegration and demise of ETHIOSLAVIA!

We Somalis love our brotherly nations such as Oromos, Sidamas, Hadiyas, Wallaytas, Kambattas, Kaffichos, Siltes, Alabas, Guraghes, Anuaks, Nuers, Afars, Hararis, Democratic Amharas, Honest Tigres, Benishanguls, Agaws, Gumuz, Shinashas…… etc. What we despise is Neftegnas and Wayanes who use others in time of war (as cannon fodders) and abuse in time of peace.

When the primitive soldier Mengistu came to power instead of presenting a clear program, he come up with an empty slogan that was “Ethiopia First”. Everybody was asking himself or herself then what????? They never ever got an answer.

Now, some hardcore Neftegnas are marketing a hollow slogan that is “Ethiopian Unity”. Like Mengistu, they don't have an answer for the question...."then What?" The reason being that these losers have neither a program nor a plan to have a program. They are only sugarcoating and shouting for the old and defunct Neftegna system. Some idiots even went to the extent of saying that “Ethiopian Unity” is a magic wand that could solve all Ethiopia's problems. Here we come to the conclusion that all this nonsense is due to the the low IQ of 63.

PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 14:06

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msg Comment from: Mohammed Alli [Visitor]
Yeha and Yirgachefee,I don't think you are genuine to tell it.Why the government in harry to make an agly war.It has many important agenda to do with.War is not a football match to please with it.If you think of a priority,why don't you be the first in the front line.I wonder " Fesam-Kizenam, hulishim alga sir medebek yelemedish,lemin endewend menager amaresh ".Go and try.Your mind and heart would think that this is not "Ethiopian army".I see your stand in commenting in other views.Don't be confused,don't be spoiled,you will not be accused by being good citizen.
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 16:20

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msg Comment from: Somali realist [Visitor]
Somali will Unite SOON...whether Tigre and Amharas likes it or not. The british and the Americans gave you the land and it is coming back to their owners..nothing to be sad about..peace
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 17:48

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msg Comment from: jack [Visitor]
Do these people know International law and boundaries? If they are wise can learn form 1991 Gulf war.
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 18:42

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msg Comment from: The Horn [Visitor]
Ogaden, well said and well done. I agree with every points you made.
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 22:44

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msg Comment from: GurereB [Visitor]

You having a better IQ than Amharas should have made your point clearer and complete within one paragraph. However, showing your true IQ of 7 like Ziadbare, misspelled on purpose, you rant and salivate allover the place about true Ethiopians. It is funny that you claimed the Russians beat Somalians not Ethiopian soldiers in 1977. You did not forget the date, did you? Do you remember the Ethiopian air force pilot who downed few of Somalians planes and kicked your ass inside Mogadisho within one week? Do you rally think the mighty real Ethiopian army will be defeated by chat chewing Somalians who stop fighting in the afternoon to pray. Stop chewing chat and perform you god given duty as a subservient to Amharas who despite their low IQ of 63 ruled you for two thousand years. By the way, what does that make you???
PermalinkPermalink 11/20/06 @ 22:44

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msg Comment from: fuattoti [Visitor]
dont you know thusands of tones of khat or chat is ignited by fire in moqdisho now days and baned completley
before we were but we are not now
PermalinkPermalink 11/21/06 @ 09:58

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msg Comment from: coolman [Visitor]

You pointed out several good and interesting issues, which are true. However, your approach alienates even the moderate among Ethiopians. You are very bitter, may be for good reason.

Somalia’s current burning problem is not Ogaden; it is rather lack of stable government facilitating a functioning civil administration, order, and peaceful life. I do oppose strongly that the Ethiopian government sent troops to Somalia. What ever Somalis do with their country is their internal problem. Calling out Greater Somalia, on the other hand, will not help create a functioning civil society in Somalia. This is not realistic and no Ethiopian (with or without Weyane) or Kenyian government will allow this to happen.


I do not get your arguments. You are just confirming Ogaden’s claims. If you wish to counter him, come up with reasonable arguments. He has strong points, even though I do not like his tone and do not share all of them.

PermalinkPermalink 11/21/06 @ 10:12

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msg Comment from: Yirgacheffeeይርጋጨፍ [Member]

I think its time for our government to make a "ኪሳራkisara" out of the Shaebia/Arab military investment into the Somali Jihadists.
PermalinkPermalink 11/21/06 @ 12:35

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msg Comment from: tafesse [Visitor]
O ye worthless bragadoccios of yesteryear and the eternal meadows of the parking lots, allow me to tell you that just because you have the freedom of speech, it does not follow that you have to go babbling twenty four hours a day. Take it easy. Worry not. Your country and mine is in good hands, our courageous and wise leader His Excellency Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, may his tribe increase and may his enemies drown in the Red Sea like the army of Pharaon. He does not need your bragging and the false promises of Kentucky Fried pseudo gringos. You couldn't even make it past Kaliti, let alone Somalia.
That being said, just for the record, Somalia, be warned. Don't mess with Meles.
PermalinkPermalink 11/21/06 @ 15:32

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msg Comment from: GurereB [Visitor]

You said, “You are just confirming Ogaden’s claims. If you wish to counter him, come up with reasonable arguments.”
What a total disappointment you are, Abo. I am not participating in this blog to impress you or to argue with simpltonOgaden. After what Ogaden calls Ethiopians, all kinds of disparaging names, you are asking me to argue with him reasonably? Dream on.
PermalinkPermalink 11/21/06 @ 22:55

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