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Macworld 2008 registration now open

Macworld Conference & Expo is the social event of the Mac season. Once a year Mac geeks gather to bask in the glow of new products, learn some cool stuff, and meet Mac notables and fellow Mac users. I've been to my fair share of Macworlds, and it is always a good time.

That's why I am happy to report that registration for Macworld 2008, happening in San Francisco January 14 through the 19th, 2008, is open. If you register before October 5th you can get a free Exhibit pass (using Priority Code: 08-E-VF01) or special rates for the higher end passes (which allow you into the various classes and labs offered at the Conference).

TUAW will be on the ground, running around blogging, interviewing folks, and shooting some cool videos (well, at least we hope they will be cool). Hope to see you there.

Update: Left off the last digit of the code.

John Mayer's calls to Steve Jobs no longer returned

John, John. OK, dude, behind the sensitive rock star/guitar god front, we know you're a not-so-secret Mac geek. Sure, you jammed out to Message In A Bottle with the Police at Live Earth, but wasn't it just as big a thrill to be onstage for a legendary Stevenote? Wasn't it good, John? Good enough for you?

Apparently Mr. "I'm Going To Serenade The Macworld Faithful" has been sneaking around the country with some other company's smartphone. Sure, Blackberry might sponsor your summer tour, and even provide some exclusive photos and video, but we know what kind of mobile device you're keeping in the pocket closest to your heart, with your guitar picks... and its name begins with 'i' and ends with 'one,' if you know what I'm talking about.

*sniff* Two-timing creep. I'm taking all the photos of you down from my locker RIGHT NOW.

Note: Comments have pointed out the striking similarity between this story and Fake Steve's take on the same issue. While I can think of nobody better to flatter by imitation, the deal is this: I wrote this post very early Wednesday morning (about 1:30 am ET), FSJ's post not yet published. My post was published at 11 am ET on Wednesday, and I hadn't read FSJ's post... which is timestamped 6:58 pm, Wednesday 7/11. Even if FSJ's on UK time, that's still well after my post went live. So... let's just go with "great comedy minds think alike" and call it a day, mmmkay? (Much love, FSJ.)

WWDC '07 Liveblog List

Michael Yurechko has compiled a list of websites that will host live WWDC 07 updates. Sites include Engadget, LoopRumors, MacRumors Live and more. In addition, we at TUAW will be keeping an eye on the ongoing events and will publish a "metaliveblog" with the latest news as we hear it. It looks like the live audio feed we posted about earlier today has already crashed from too much interest.

Swiss Macworld Expo Cancelled

Back in February we mentioned that Macworld Expo was coming to Switzerland. Unfortunately, German language Mac site macprime is reporting (German) that the show has been cancelled. It seems that not enough exhibitors were interested. Sorry, Swiss Mac-lovers, you're always welcome at WWDC or MWSF; according to Google Maps, you just have to "swim across the Atlantic Ocean."

Thanks, Steve!

MacworldEncore: Macworld Sessions Online and DVD

For all of us who couldn't make it to Macworld in January comes MacworldEncore. The folks behind the Macworld conference have collected more than 80 presentations on a whole variety of topics that were presented in San Francisco. For the most part these are 640x480 QuickTime movies that have the audio from the presentation along with what appears to be a video capture of the (I assume) Keynote presentation itself. They are available both all together on a $299 DVD (which will ship in 4-5 weeks) or now for individual download at prices ranging from $5 to $30 each. To whet your appetite they've put Rob Griffiths' 75 minute "The Best of Mac OS X Hints" online as a free download.

[Via Macworld]

Update: correction

Macworld 2007 Show Floor Showoff: ETCHamac

Some Mac websites might say, 'Macworld 2007? That's old news, grandpa!' Not TUAW, though, because we are devoted to getting as many videos that feature yours truly onto the internet as possible. After some production delays we can finally share with you our brief chat with the guys behind ETCHamac, whom we have covered here at TUAW a few times before.

Here is the iPod ready version, so feel free to avoid the Netscape player if you like.

Apple posts ADC Developer Pavilion Interviews

One of the coolest places at Macworld this year was the ADC Developer Pavilion. Lots of small developers showing off their wares to the masses is always a good time if you ask me, but I'm crazy for third party developers. Apple has just posted audio interviews with 9 of those very developers, along with a photo gallery of the pavilion.

This is great, to be sure, but at the risk of sounding like an ingrate, these 9 interviews would have been great as a podcast (or a podcast series). That being said, the interviews are well worth a listen.

Macworld Expo returns to Switzerland

After many years, MacWorld Expo is set to return to Switzerland. TUAW reader Steve pointed us the news over at MacPrime. My German is pretty schreklich, but it sounds like May 22th is the day to be looking forward to in Zürich. German-speaking readers, please feel free to jump in and translate the article for us and let us know what's up on the Macworld.ch front.

Thanks Steve

Rogue Amoeba's Paul Kafasis at Infinite Loop

According to Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba, about the same time as he sat down with our very own David Chartier for TUAW Podcast #18, he also gave an interesting interview to the good folks over at Ars Tehnica's Infinite Loop. They talk about Rogue Amoeba's focus on audio, the controversy our own Laurie Duncan helped to start over what Paul dubbed The Delicious Generation, and more. So if you haven't already, first go listen to the podcast then check out the interview and you'll have more than met your recommended daily allowance of cool Mac audio developer news.

TUAW Podcast #20: Macworld Interview with Guy Kawasaki (Extended Remix)

Wow - you overwhelmingly asked for it, and here it is. I was blown away by the response to the 'TUAW edit' of my Guy Kawasaki interview, so the extended remix is ready for download. This one clocks in at over 55 minutes, so it should satisfy the fans of Guy in the crowd. It was an honor to speak with Mr. Kawasaki, and as you'll discover, we touched on so many more topics throughout the rest of the interview. We covered being a venture capitalist, Guy's surprising humility, what a car from Apple would be like, whether Guy bought a Wii, how he gets his blogging on and so much more. I was admittedly speechless at times around Guy, and I'm glad Laurie Duncan, who graciously came along to handle the recording aspects, was there to help me keep from stumbling. You'll hear her pitch some great questions to Guy a few times throughout the interview.

There is, however, one catch even with this extended cut: we wound up chatting with Guy for so long that the recording equipment we used ran out of juice just before we wrapped up. Don't worry - you have virtually all the juicy stuff we talked about, but I just wanted to give a heads up on the use of the canned conclusion.

With that said, you can now grab my full interview with Guy Kawasaki, which weighs in at 50MB and 55 minutes. Enjoy it from this direct link, our iTunes Store Podcast directory or our own podcast RSS feed. Enjoy.

Hookup Your iPod and Your Bluetooth Phone

Computerworld has an article up on some interesting products from Macworld that were potentially missed in the iPhone hoopla. Perhaps the most interesting of them is the hookup from Lenntek ($170). It is a two piece solution for integrating your iPod and Bluetooth phone. It features a transmitter that fits onto the Dock connector of your iPod and a wireless iPod remote into which you plug your own headphones. You pair your phone with the remote and then use it to listen to (and control) your iPod, but then when the phone rings, a press of a button will stop the music and connect the call. There is a microphone built into the remote so you can take your call and when it's finished you can get back to your tunes. This is not the first product of this type, but it seems that the sound quality is not bad (at least according to one review), and it definitely is a slick looking little device.

In addition to the full-size hookup for the full-size iPod, Lenntek is also working on a lanyard model for use with the nano, but that one does not seem to be available yet.

TUAW Podcast #19: Macworld interview with Guy Kawasaki

At long last, my Macworld interview with Guy Kawasaki, for which you told us what to ask, is ready to go. Sitting down in the same room with The Guy™ during the week of Macworld 07 was quite the experience, and we had a good time chatting about the iPhone, where Apple is going as a company and more.

There's a catch with this podcast, however. Since many TUAW readers have expressed their interest in shorter podcasts, I chopped our interview down to just over 16 minutes. This means I have roughly an hour or so of chatting with Guy which I think is still interesting stuff. So, we decided to put a vote to you readers: after listening to what I put together here, do you want to hear the rest of the interview with Guy? We kept on chatting about the rest of the industry, why no one's buying software, evangelism and its place in business today... the guy really knows his stuff. If you're interested, leave a comment to let us know, and I'll publish a part 2.

But for now, enjoy TUAW Podcast #19 which weighs in at just over 15MB and 16 minutes. You can snag it from this direct link, our iTunes Store Podcast directory or our own podcast RSS feed. Enjoy.

iPhone provides grassroots inspiration

MSN Money has a fascinating report on the reaction to Apple's unveiling of the iPhone at January's Macworld. If any event could be said to trigger a groundswell of grassroots reporting, it was the iPhone. In fact, the iPhone certainly set new records in that regard with a huge response of rich media--podcasts, photos, videos, hands-on reports and more.

According to the MSN article, the iPhone was mentioned by more blogs for the next 10 days than either McDonald's or George W. Bush. Wikipedia had an iPhone entry within minutes of Jobs' keynote speech. Nifty article, well worth a read.

Hints of the Next Version of Keynote?

Many people noticed some unusual Keynote presentation effects in Job's recent keynote at MacWorld (e.g. the small text exploding above). Now Brian Peat over at KeynoteUser.com has gone through the keynote with a fine-toothed comb, identifying a bunch of new stuff, like path animations and lots of explosions that cannot be done with Keynote 3 (editorial note: explosions = good). Since it stands to reason that Jobs might just have access to some pre-release version of Keynote, it's a pretty safe guess that this is a preview of what's in store for Keynote 4. It's an interesting read and will probably have heavy Keynote users salivating for iWork '07.

[Via MacRumors.com]

Macworld 2007 Show Floor Showoff: Etymotics

During my interview with Jeremy Horwitz, Editor of iLounge, I asked him what headphones he would recommend to replace the Apple supplied earbuds that come with an iPod. Without missing a beat he said the Er6is from Etymoic Research. I had to find out what made these headphones so good, so I headed over to the Etymotic booth on the showfloor and managed to get some time to talk with Mead Killion, Etymotic's President and founder. This man knows his sounds, and he knows how to make an awesome headphone.

We chat about the Er6i and the ety8 (the Bluetooth earphones). As always, if you like to enjoy these in Quicktime point your browser here.

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