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Fundraise for wildlife
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Fundraise for wildlife

Raising money for Fauna & Flora International in your community, school or work place is an excellent way to give something back to the planet - and have fun in the process!

Photo: Local children in Ventanas learn about the bird species found in their forest. Credit: Juan Pablo Moreiras.Every bit of money raised counts. Be it through face painting or running a marathon you’ll be making a real difference by contributing to the survival of species, habitats and livelihoods worldwide. We greatly appreciate the effort you put in to raise money for our work.

Dust off your running shoes

In 2004, Martin Fisher and Paul Mathew took part in the gruelling 151-mile Marathon des Sables to raise money for Fauna & Flora International. Over six days the pair raced across Morocco’s Sahara Desert, navigating around sizable sand dunes and dodging dehydration. By the end they had raised nearly £10,000 for Fauna & Flora International.

You don’t have to push it to extremes like Martin or Paul, but if you are planning a marathon, why not raise money for wildlife and donate the proceeds to Fauna & Flora International? It's easy to set up your own website and gather sponsors for your walk or run. Visit Just Giving to find out more.

Give As You Earn

If you earn a salary or if your pension is paid via PAYE you can divert the money that would normally go to the taxman to Fauna & Flora International and make it work for wildlife conservation instead. To find out how to link your salary or pension to Fauna & Flora International, visit the Charities Aid Foundation website to find out more.

Dedicate a tree

Trees make a wonderful gift to celebrate a special event: a new baby, a birthday, a marriage or an anniversary. A tree planted in the name of someone you love is a living gift that comes with lasting memories and will benefit our planet now and for generations to come.

The Tree2reForest scheme developed in partnership with award-winning company Tree2mydoor provides a valuable source of income to support local communities in their tree planting activities; just two dedications alone can provide enough income to support one family for a month.

A certificate of dedication, literature about the forest your tree helps to reforest, a profile of the tree species and a copy of Fauna & Flora International’s latest newsletter are mailed to the recipient.

Log on to www.tree2mydoor.com to find out more.

To discuss any of the above options as ways to support Fauna & Flora International and make a lasting difference to the future of our planet, please contact Camila Iturra at camila.iturra@ fauna-flora.org or call +44 (0)1223 579018.

Currently Fundraising for FFI:
Katharine Balolia – Running the Berlin Marathon, 2007
Katie Yewdell and Jess Jambert-Gray – Bike ride from Hong Kong to Ho Chi Minh City, 2008
Luca Benzoni – Eco-friendly birthday bash

Donate Online Save more graphic Photo: Snow leopards are found in the mountains of Central Asia. Credit: Chris Loades.

“Investment in the work of FFI is, truly, an investment in the planet.” – Sir David Attenborough, FFI Vice President. Please join FFI today.

Learn more graphic Photo: Sumatran police show the skin of a tiger, captured for a tiger dealer. Sumatran tigers are poached for their skins and body parts. Please help us stop this. Credit: Jeremy Holden.

FFI’s magazine, Fauna & Flora, examines themes that effect our work worldwide and includes interviews, notes from field teams and species profiles. Join FFI and receive your copy.