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Viva PiƱata toys busting out of BK

In celebration of the release of Viva Piñata Party Animals Burger King is offering a collection of new kid and adult friendly Viva Piñata toys. The set of eight toys are available in BK's kids meals and include a "surprise in every piñata" where you'll find one of two possible toy options varying from flip books, to yo-yos, to a wicked cool party knocker. The eight Party Animal toys (Horstachio, Sparrowmint, Elephanilla, Fudgehog, Macaraccoon, Fizzlybear, Cocoadile and a Goobaa) are only available at BK for a limited time, so stock up, use them to decorate your desk or give 'em to a piñata'less kid in need.

[Via Pinata Island, Thanks jimmcq]

Fresh off the stove, melted Xbox 360

Lesson learned, don't leave your Xbox 360 on the kitchen stove even if there is no other place to put it. Why? Because that's exactly what Engadget reader Ty did which ultimately resulted in the gooey mess you see above.

As the story goes, Ty held a crazy fun Halo 3 LAN match with a few buddies and they ran out of physical gaming space. So, the only option was to setup shop in the kitchen and place his 360 on the stove for what he thought would be safe gaming. But during the Halo 3 mayhem someone "accidentally" turned the stove knob resulting in his 360 getting all melted. Supposedly funny and friendly prank gone bad? We think so and we also think Ty should track down the knob turning arson that he calls a friend, stick his face on the stove and "accidentally" melt his flesh to the burner. You hurt a 360, you get punished. It's an eye for an eye in fanboy world.

[Thanks, Trevor Leon]

Shipping this week: fall colors edition

And the flood of new releases keeps on, um, flooding. This week's headlining title is easily The Orange Box from Valve and EA. Boasting what is probably the most bang for you gaming buck this year, The Orange Box contains Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Episodes One and Two, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. That's five bits of gaming goodness for one delicious price. Well, it's not a delicious price, but just remember that you'd be expected to pay the same price for just one of the other games being released this week. Speaking of other titles, let's have a look at all the games being released this week.
Now, go forth and purchase. The consumer machine demands it.

[Via Joystiq]

Puzzle Quest and Yaris are XBLA bound

Even though we were tipped off about one XBLA release this week Microsoft decided to surprise us with another. Releasing to the XBLA this Wednesday, October 10th are two new Arcade offerings including the puzzle adventure Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords which is priced at 1200 Microsoft points and a racing game sponsored by Toyota called Yaris which, to US and Canadian Live members, will be absolutely free.

We're sure Puzzle Quest fans are already frothing at the mouth in anticipation for this Wednesday and already purchased their Microsoft points cards, but where the heck did this Toyota Yaris game come from? Total left field here, but a free corporate sponsored game and some free Gamerscore is something we won't question.

Speedball II heading to the Arcade next week

According to a very official looking press release sent out by Empire Interactive, Speedball II: Brutal Deluxe will be hitting the Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday, October 17th. And Speedball II fans will be pumped to know that there will be additional features in this 800 Microsoft point XBLA edition of the game including more teams, improved graphics, a 3D option, online versus and an improved upgrade system too. We don't think anyone can deny that futuristic Speedball has ever played so good.

So, looking at our unofficial Microsoft XBLA calendar, we've got some unofficial Puzzle Quest fun going down this Wednesday and some unofficial Speedball II coming next week. Microsoft better get their act together with announcing these XBLA games before we have publishers releasing press materials for games that come out in December.

Halo: Uprising goes hardcover next year

Spotted for pre-order over on Amazon.com by eagle eyed halo.bungie.org member Onebitrocket is a listing for a yet to be announced hardcover version of the Halo: Uprising comic books. The Marvel comic series, which bridges the story gap between Halo 2 and Halo 3, was initially slated for four separate comic books with staggered release dates throughout the year and into 2008. But never did Marvel mention plans for a collective hardcover version of the comics and at a $16 retail price, you can count us in. Hardcover Halo: Uprising FTW!

[Via HBO]

Video: First 17 minutes of Project Origin

Downloadable over at IGN and embedded after the break is a horror-rich and somewhat spoiler'ish video of the first 17 minutes of Monolith's sequel to F.E.A.R. called Project Origin. And after watching just a snippet of the gameplay video we noticed two themes in the game; there's lots of hospital gear laying around and lots of blood on the walls. So, if you've got a thing for blood streaked along hallways or doctor's offices in general, then give the new F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin gameplay video a watch. That is unless you don't want your game spoiled and soiled, because then we'd advise staying far, far away from this post and forgetting we ever mentioned that the first 17 minutes of Project Origin is posted after the break. Because, you know, it is posted after the break ... just saying.

[Via Game Stooge]

Continue reading Video: First 17 minutes of Project Origin

Holiday Xbox 360 bundles are official

It's not like we didn't see this offer headed down the pipeline, but now it's 100% official. This morning Microsoft sent out a press release announcing the release of the planned Xbox 360 holiday bundles. Starting sometime near the end of October, consumers will start seeing all new Xbox 360s and Xbox 360 Elites come bundled with both Forza Motorsport 2 and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. This bundling of games will of course help with Microsoft's plans at world domination this holiday season and hopefully win over the hearts of Wii crazy mothers.

Next up, the confirmation of the Xbox 360 Arcade which we say will be announced sometime next week. Place your bets.

XBLM gets Simpsons and Conan demos

Ah, who doesn't love a good demo? It's not quite like getting a free game, but it's close. Every day we turn on our beloved 360, hoping to see some shiny new demos winking at us coquettishly. Suckers that we are, we download them all, regardless of whether or not we're likely to enjoy the game. Today is extra special though, because not only do we have two new demos on Xbox Live Marketplace, but we have demos for games we've been eager to try. The first is Conan, which gives us license to chop, hack, and bludgeon hapless foes (and who doesn't enjoy that?). The second demo is for The Simpsons Game, which has been looking more appealing all the time. We're hoping that the demo gives us a nice long look at the self-referential humor that has been present in the recent trailers. But hey, whatever happens, they're free, right? Go give 'em a try.

Assassin's comic reveals some more secrets

Making its way onto the internet (for your leaked enjoyment) in fully scanned form is an Assassin's Creed comic book that was given out at a recent EB Games conference compliments of Ubisoft. But what's so spectacular about this comic book you ask? Well, just a basic setup of the secretly secret Assassin's Creed storyline and hints at what the game is all about ... that's all. So, if you need that instant gratification and want to know a few tidbits about the game's storyline then go already, click and make the jump to page through the comic feature. We're not sure how much the comic will "ruin" the storyline, but we're chickens and don't want to take a look.

[Via Digg]

Frankie talks Bungie's independence

The very interesting and somewhat confusing news of Bungie leaving the comforts of Microsoft and going independent has shocked and awed the gaming world, but what exactly does it mean for everyone involved? Well, according to Frankie in an interview with Game Informer not too much will change and he says it will actually benefit both parties in the long run.

In his sit down with Game Informer Frankie talks about the future of the studio, where they're headed, how their operations will work and goes on to give praise to Microsoft saying that they've been extremely supportive of their decision to go independent. Mr. O'Connor also confirms the fact that they'll still be publishing under Microsoft Game Studios and that their future projects will revolve mostly around Microsoft platforms. Yes, it's still a somewhat odd and head cocking arrangement that has been set up that leaves a lot vagueness in the air, but if you're curious to know what we think this is how we see it: In general, Bungie (post Halo 3) wants to create other IPs and the only way for them to feel free to do so is to not be held back by Microsoft's Halo shackles. So, both companies agreed, they gave each other a big hug and continue to be best friends forever while Bungie technically becomes an independent studio. Sounds good to us, how about you?

[Thanks, bigbeck89]

Zanzibar looking good all LEGO'ed

In continuation of our love and admiration of anything that blends our obsession of video games with the simplicity that is LEGOs, we proudly present to you Zanzibar LEGO'fied. As you'll see in the video embedded above, a college student meticulously crafts Halo 2's Zanzibar in LEGOs along the way spending thousands of dollars and over two years of his college life. We give this Halo inspired LEGO creation an A for effort, an A- for accuracy and an A+ for shear amount of Halo geekiness that's involved. LEGO Zanzibar ... who would have thunk it.

[Thanks, Josh]

Get $5 off with an Orange Box pre-order

If you already have decided on purchasing the Orange Box this coming Tuesday you can save $5 on your purchase if you're willing to pre-order the game at Gamestop. From now through October 9th (the game's release date) Gamestop is willing to chop $5 off the game's price if you plop down a few bucks on an Orange Box pre-order. True, $5 isn't all that much of a savings, but if you're already purchasing the game then why not save a few bucks and treat yourself to a McFlurry or a few lottery tickets with your cash savings. There's no need to thank us, we're always looking out for ways to keep your wallet from becoming empty. That's just the kind of bloggers we are.

[Thanks, BostonKingB]

Puzzle Quest just might make a release this Wed

In a press release that was sent out yesterday, D3 Publisher announced (maybe somewhat prematurely) that Arcade game Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords would hitting the XBLA this Wednesday if "all goes well". The press release didn't mention any other specifics and we haven't heard anything from Microsoft yet, so things could change by the time Wednesday rolls around. But knowing publishers' batting averages as of late, we're confident in saying that come October 10th we'll paying 1200 Microsoft points to play Puzzle Quest on our Xbox 360. Anyone willing to take up our bet?

Halo movie is pretty much dead for now

In an interview with Creativity Online, Halo director and overall good guy Neill Blomkamp commented on the status of and his involvement in the Halo movie and pretty much confirmed our worst fears, that the movie is indeed dead in its tracks. Blomkamp told Creativity Online that, in its current configuration, the Halo movie has been killed off since late last year when Universal, Fox and Microsoft couldn't agree on the movie's specifics. "It's a fragile industry" Blomkamp said, and if the movie ever gets made it "will be a totally different configuration". Sorry Halo fanboys, it has been nothing but icky news as of late.

[Thanks, Dobbs]

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