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Rumor: Hitman movie watered down for PG-13

According to website Twitch, Fox Studios pulled the director of the Hitman movie off the project in post-production and will re-edit the film to receive a PG-13 rating. There is no official word yet that this is true, but the story goes director Xavier Gens was yanked off the project because the film he submitted to executives would have guaranteed an R rating. Apparently post-production of the film has now been handed over to Nicolas DeToth, the man who edited the hell out of Live Free or Die Hard to receive a PG-13 rating. Essentially they are turning a hyper-violent (mature?) movie and watering it down for the kids -- if true, there's something wrong in that, on so many levels.

Our friends over at Cinematical put it this way: "See, here's how I know Hollywood is a lunatic bin: Whomever hired Mr. Gens for this job had to know two things: 1) The director's first film -- Frontiere(s) -- is so amazingly and powerfully violent that it almost becomes parody. 2) The video game? You know, the one that this new Hitman movie is BASED ON? It's a pretty damn violent game. Like, really violent." Not only is it violent our Cinematical friends, but the games are all rated Mature, the video game industry's version of an R rating. Oh well, guess we'll just skip the movie in the theater and wait for the unrated version on DVD.

[Via Cinematical]

Video Games Live shows scheduled for 25 cities

Video game concert series Video Games Live announced 25 new shows across the US today, with a couple in Canada and one in London, England. Tickets are on sale now for most of the shows. The newly designed concert now includes music from Halo 3, BioShock, Conan, and StarCraft II.

A list of venues can be found after the break. If you've never attended a Video Games Live concert it's definitely worth it. Although composers like Beethoven, Mozart and Vivaldi are tired, if Video Games Live plays Chopin from Eternal Sonata does that make him hip again? Hmmm. Anyway, Video Games Live is a recommendable evening of entertainment to attend when it comes to your city.

Continue reading Video Games Live shows scheduled for 25 cities

Metareview: The Orange Box (PC, Xbox 360)

Valve may have the most deficient understanding of episodic gaming EVAR(!), but they are masters of smoke and mirrors marketing. Valve made us completely lose focus on Half-Life 2: Episode 2 being in The Orange Box (YAY!) by bundling so much gaming goodness in the package, that instead of us cracking jokes about their episodic incompetence, we end up calling The Orange Box the gaming value of the year -- 'cause it is with Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. Sure, if you've played Half-Life 2 on your PC it might not be such a fantastic value, but for console owners (minus those that played Half-Life 2 on the original Xbox) this is their first go at HL2 and its episodes.
  • GameTap (100/100): "If your PC isn't quite up to snuff, the Xbox 360 version is a good substitute. Occasional framerate hitches, plus one minor gaffe with the gamepad (weapon selection) are the only things dragging down the 360 version. That, and it has freaking 99 Achievements spread across all five games. Due to the delay of the PS3 version, we haven't played it yet, but we'll update you when we do."
  • Team Xbox (96/100): "So, is The Orange Box the best bargain in gaming? While there might be longer games (Oblivion, for example) or games that pack more titles onto a single disc (any of the 'classic' compilations), this is a near-perfect blend of varied games. ... Although this is undeniably one of the must-own games for the Xbox 360, we have a few questions. Will we be getting Episode Three over Xbox Live? And where's our Counter-Strike: Source?"
  • IGN (95/100): "There's nothing else available on any console like The Orange Box. Though you could argue that Half-Life 2 is old news by now, there are still four components of the Box brand new to consoles. That so much great content is offered at the standard single-game price is astonishing ... And all on one disc. While Portal and TF2 may not be strong enough to stand on their own, coupled with the Half-Life titles, The Orange Box really is one of the best games ever released."

SimCity Societies teaches players to think 'green'

With Maxis still hip-deep in Spore's primordial ooze, EA's decision to hand the next game in the storied SimCity franchise over to Caesar IV devs Tilted Mill was understandable, if not entirely welcome given the game's move away from being a 'realistic urban simulation,' a shift decried by fans to the tune of "you killed my baby!"

In keeping with the forthcoming SimCity Societies' touchy-feely approach, which looks to abandon simulation gameplay in favor of 'social energies,' EA has announced that the game will also include 'climate education' through "low-carbon electricity choices and carbon emission monitoring" thanks to a partnership with 'green minded' alternative energy organization BP. The goal, says EA, is to give players an "accurate" look at some of the causes and available solutions to the inconvenient truth of global warming, no doubt giving Al Gore reason to smile as he continues to tango with Mizuguchi.

Thankfully, according to EA, the game will not shove any eco-friendly environmentalist perspectives down players' collective throat. Instead, Societies will offer choices on how players wish to power their cities, leaving those of us who feel less at home hugging trees than we do while shoveling coal into the furnace free to do as we please when the game ships for the PC this November.

Oblivion to get free, final DLC: Fighter's Stronghold

Get ready to saddle up your blessedly armor-free horse and don the Crusader's relics one final time. Bethesda announced today that The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion would be receiving new downoadable content on Xbox 360 and PC next week, beginning on Oct. 15. The good news? It's free for a week! The bad news? It's the last bit of DLC for the game. Fighter's Stronghold will add a new castle for you to run, complete with your own vintner to create wines for you, a combat trainer, even a taxidermist to create trophies for your pad ... and creep out the local girls.

In other Oblivion DLC news, Bethesda says that they're "close, very close to working something out to bring Shivering Isles to PS3 owners." Which is close, very close to being very good news for those of you who didn't wait out for the Game of the Year edition.

'Jasper' is the next Xbox 360 chipset

Jasper is both the name of the of the next Xbox 360 chipset, and an old prospector heading to the rocky hills of Utah, planning to strike it rich on "The durned richest haul you've jest about evar seen! Yeehaw!" Which one comes to mind first when you hear that name?

Basically the hurricane-like string of Xbox 360 chipset names continues. First we had Zephyr, then Falcon, and now sometime next August, Jasper. What does Jasper bring? We're glad you asked. According to Dean Takahashi at the Mercury News, it brings exciting things like ... a 65nm graphics chip from ATI, and smaller memory chips.

This isn't all that exciting, since the current Falcon chipset uses a 65nm processor already, but it means that Microsoft is still working on bringing production costs down. Which could also translate to even cheaper Xbox 360s next holiday season ... meaning 2008, three years after the introduction of the system. We're all for cheaper prices, but we like added value too. Zephyr brought us HDMI, why can't Jasper bring us something. At least milk and cookies.

Rumor: Battlefield 3 info leaked

A PDF has been leaked to game news site Digital Battle that reportedly contains some of the first details of the next game in the Battlefield series, appropriately titled Battlefield 3. According to the PDF, the modern day game pits two factions, NATO and MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition) against each other, arming them with 48 different vehicles and 56 different weapons.The site reports the game will ship with eight maps in late 2008, and a teaser trailer will emerge early next year. Perhaps most exciting in the short term is that a public beta is rumored for next summer.

Though it's impossible to vouch for the validity of the info (EA is staying predictably mum), we thought it would at least make some good discussion fodder for fans of the series. Check the site for a full list of rumored features.

MyWiiStory.com lets the sunshine in

Nintendo keeps the public relations love parade with the Wii going as they introduce MyWiiStory.com. The site is designed as a place for Wii owners to post "real-life anecdotes" about the way the Wii has changed their life. Like the time the Wii ran into the street and saved the family cat right before it was about to get hit by a car, or the time the Wii baked that amazing lasagna your in-laws are still raving about. "Everyone's a gamer and every gamer has a Wii story to share," said Nintendo's US Marketing Lead George Harrison, as he continued preparing to leave the company and contemplating whether he'll wear his tiny Speedo when he takes that trip to Ibiza he's always wanted.

The site isn't active yet, but feel confident in knowing it'll be comment policed to be only the happiest Wii place on earth. Expect the stories to be a demographic spread expounding the brilliance of the Wii. Some of the preview quotes we received were things like the mom who discovers video games for the first time with the Wii, or the bone cancer victim bowling again ... no, seriously, there's a cancer victim in there: "'I always liked to bowl, although I wasn't very good at it, but I had to stop 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with bone cancer. ... Thanks to Wii I am able to enjoy one of my life's pleasures again.' -- Randy Bhaga" We can't wait for the Wii story that helped some kid come out of the closet or solve gang violence.

Foundation 9 to merge Collective and Shiny

Pour one out today for Shiny, which will soon be merged with another dev team, The Collective. Gamasutra's reporting that the developer collective that controls the two teams, Foundation 9, will be fusing them into one as-of-now-unnamed entity. ... May we suggest Shillective?

Spearheaded by Dave Perry, Shiny was once a bastion of creativity in the industry, with titles like MDK, Earthworm Jim and Wild 9. The Collective is no slouch themselves, currently helming Silent Hill V, making them the first American company to develop a game in that series. While Shiny has lost some of its luster in recent years, and this new developer's going to be packing a lot of talent, it's hard for us not to be a little sad at the prospect of the house that Jim built finally being dismantled.

Pit your Mii against Mario & Sonic at the Olympics

While Miis continue to be the face of Nintendo's push into the uncharted blue ocean of social gaming, the bobble headed avatars have remained criminally underutilized by the bulk of the console's software library. Apparently Sega agrees, as the company confirmed that the little guys and gals (and ninjas, and sith lords...) will be playable as characters in the upcoming Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games.

In addition, Sega has also announced four new over the top 'Dream Events,' making the previously announced normal events seem positively humdrum by comparison. These new events, which will be available as both single and multiplayer matches, look to take a more playful approach to this fan service, offering power ups and character-specific special moves in challenges such as racing, fencing, table tennis, and diving. Given the inclusion of Miis, it will be interesting to see if they are also given abilities of their own, or are left at a disadvantage when matched against these super powered mascots.

Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games just went gold, and is expected to hurdle onto retail shelves for the Wii on November 6.

Rumor: Team ICO project explores The Last Canyon

Though we haven't been able to obtain a copy and confirm, the latest issue of Game Informer is rumored to have a feature piece on Shadow of the Colossus developer Team Ico's latest PS3 title. The game, reportedly called The Last Canyon, will have you exploring a desert similar to Death Valley, searching for "something" (that part not revealed yet).

The protagonist's method of transportation will consist of a simple, non-motorized glider that you can mount and dismount. From the alleged excerpt: "From what we've seen there's never before been that feeling of flying around in the sky, combined with this scale of environment."

Clever rumor or legitimate clipping? We won't know until the next GI hits newsstands.

Update: The original source of the rumor doesn't lend it much credibility. We'll just go back to begging Ueda to hurry up then.

PS3 Monster Hunter 3 cut due to high dev costs

Last night, Nintendo confirmed that Monster Hunter 3 is coming to the Wii. Capcom's uber-popular title was previously known to be a PlayStation 3 title, so what came of that project? According to Capcom, that version is gone.

"Due to high development cost of titles for PS3, we have decided to switch the platform to which we release our Monster Hunter 3 title," said Capcom's Katsuhiko Ichii in a report from Thompson Financial News (via Gamasutra).

Though the series has not enjoyed as much popularity here, Monster Hunter is a highly successful franchise in Japan and sure to drive hardware sales for Nintendo up a bit. We can't resist pondering, though, if the Wii version will re-use assets from the previous PSP games in the series.

Nintendo unveils more WiiWare titles, new Dr. Mario details

Following last night's unveiling of upcoming Wii Ware titles, Nintendo has announced its first-party lineup for the downloadable service when it hits Japan in March.

In addition to last night's Dr. Mario and Pokemon Farm announcements, Nintendo will also release Maruboushikaku and Minna de Puzzloop (known stateside as Magnetica). Maruboushikaku involves three screens displayed, each with its own pattern (circle-, line- and square-based). We don't yet know the objective of the game, but your actions in one window will affect the other two.

The game previously known as Pokemon Farm is officially titled Pokemon Bokujou Channel (Pokemon Ranch Channel) and will let you take your Miis to the ranch to take pictures of your pokemon and send your friends. Pokemon management was mentioned, but no information on whether you level up your characters in the channel.

Dr. Mario & Saikin Bokumetsu (or "bacteria extermination") will also feature your Mii characters in-game and has options for online multiplayer. Saikin Bokumesu is a minigame from the Japanese Brain Age 2 and will feature four-player online co-op. IGN has a handful of pictures from the game.

Star Soldier R, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land and Moji Pittan Wii were also announced last night. Wii Ware is coming to Japanese consoles in March.

Wii Japan getting DS downloads, contest channels

Come this November, Wii owners in Japan won't have to venture into the wilds of the internet for information on upcoming games or go down to the local retail chain to try out the latest DS titles, as Nintendo has announced plans to launch the Minna no Nintendo Channel (Everybody's Nintendo Channel), promising to turn the Wii into a Nintendo DS Station retail kiosk for the living room.

According to IGN, this latest channel in the Wii's arsenal, which was announced during Nintendo's 2007 Fall press conference in Japan, will offer promo videos for upcoming games, as well as allow players to download playable demos, though the report only mentions DS demos at this time, solidifying the linkage between both the Wii and Nintendo's touchable handheld.

Just the same, we remain thrilled to see Nintendo warming up to the idea of demos, and are hopeful that this could open the door for a similar treatment for Wii games, though sooner rather than later would be nice. In addition, the channel will also include a bit of social networking, allowing players to search for information on games based on data provided by other Wii users.

While less exciting, the Minna no Nintendo Channel will also be joined by the Mii Contest Channel this November in Japan as well, offering a place where players can show off their Mii creations, as well as vote on and even take home other people's Miis. While no release date for either channel has been announced for the U.S. or Europe, we've informed Dr. Zoidberg and he's already packed his bags.

Joystiq hands-on: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (DS)

The PC-and-console version of Call of Duty 4 rocks as much as expected. But at a recent hands-on session, the DS take also impressed. The 3D graphics look surprisingly good; after a few minutes of settling in, I stopped scrutinizing textures and focused on the gameplay. And that gameplay carries the title.

COD4 switches between FPS sequences, helicopter-gunner modes, bomb-disarming moments, and AC-130 gunship sections. The DS version feels full of care and craft, from thought put into controls, to the segmented sessions that play well on a handheld.

Gallery: Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat (DS)

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