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New Wii gun accessory goes two piece - Joystiq
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071011192954/http://www.joystiq.com:80/2007/09/14/new-wii-gun-accessory-goes-two-piece/
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New Wii gun accessory goes two piece

Everybody wants to get into the act ... at least when it comes to turning the Wii remote into a gun. First it was the Joytech Sharp Shooter then Core Gamer's Wii Blaster, and, of course, Nintendo's own soon-to-be-released Wii Zapper.

Well, get ready to add another competitor to the list. Brando's 2-in-1Combined Light Gun has a leg up on rivals in its ability to be used as a pistol-like remote holder or a bazooka-style combination for the remote and Nunchuk together. The $18 accessory is sure to increase the ire of some people who think holding a plastic video game controller will turn our children into cold-blooded killers, but more sensible gamers should enjoy it.

With all these gun-like designs being bandied about, we can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the original Wii Zapper prototype shown at E3 2006. It had an economy of design that hasn't been matched by any of these bloated, white plastic accessories. R.I.P., little prototype.

[Via WiiFanboy]

Tags: blaster, lighgun, shooter, wii, zapper

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Sep 14th 2007
These gun attachments are stupid considering what you see is not what you get.. the wiimote is a relative pointer.
Sep 14th 2007
at least this one looks pretty cool
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
Hopefully more pointer-oriented games will start letting you calibrate your cursor, a la Zelda:TP. Otherwise these shells are a waste of time and money. Actually they may be a waste of time and money regardless, since they don't really add any functionality.

That said, I think this one looks cooler than the Zapper...
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
Couldn't agree more. The Wii control really benefits by using relative pointing like the mouse, why would you want to ruin it with a crappy plastic attachment?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Wait, you mean you guys don't have rubber grips and badass plastic attachments to trick out your mouse and keyboard?
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
would be cool if it had recoil...nice little touch of realism...
Sep 14th 2007
I'm with JOYSTIQ on this one... WhyTF did Nintendo opt for the tommy gun look over the old school zapper? :\ I'd pay the $20 for that. Especially with recoil.

"Mine fired out my rechargable batteries!"
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
why anyone would buy a gun/tennis racket/baseball bat shell for the wii just baffles me
Sep 14th 2007
u gotta use the bat so u can feel the kill. i want a broken beer bottle attachment too. Im gonna man hunt u to u Die dIE!
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
Id like the controller to have a bit that fired warm fake blood spurts in my face and give off the smell of people pissing themselves in fear. Die DIE dIe diE! take that guy who stared at me. Die DIe woman who cut me off in traffic DiE dIE security guard and policemanz scream Die DIe !!!! I waNNa tast e the kill. This should be nintendos commerical for their zapper. Jack Thompson would in fact explode and society would finally cave in w00t! _
wow who are you..?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
i am the one thats gonna get u. ;) you need to find the ring that lets u take a joke.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Watch out for his barbarian rage!
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
One goes in the front and the other goes in the back,Good grief that poor wiimote is getting gang raped.
Sep 14th 2007
This is about 2x better than the zapper, since it maintains separate wiimite/nunchuck movement input, as well as being more comfortable.
How am I supposed to hit the buttons on the remote?

Also, the prototype zapper was so much cooler.
Sep 14th 2007
Looks better than the Nintendo version.
But still, trigger is on B.

I haven't tried yet games where trigger is on B, but A is definitely better suited.

As I was already explaining, B is like analogue trigger and A is simple button. Simple button is better representation of real gun's trigger, since distance trigger needs to travel is very small - just like of normal button. It works as trigger only on non/semi-automatic weapons, where initial press on trigger is used to load a gun. But again, you do not "load and shoot" (what B tries to simulate), you normally "load, pause to target, shoot". And when shooting, finger needs to press trigger only slightly - since otherwise it would spoil previously done targeting.

All in all, I'm disappointed with both - that thing (which yes, looks better than) and Zapper.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
Why do we need ANY of these gun shells, again?
I'll buy Link's Crossbow Training and then these for multiplayer.
Sep 14th 2007
That one actually look pretty darn cool—at least, when compared to the new Zapper and the other imitations by the third parties.
Sep 14th 2007
pew pew pew
Click ZAP Click ZAP Click ZAP
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
that girl has some gross arms and an ugly figure.
Sep 14th 2007
thats a guy. You fail.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Rob Accomando
Rob Accomando
Sep 14th 2007
ok, now how about some decent games that use this?
For some reason I like this design alot.
It's probably because it resembles an actual gun, and not a retarded shoe horn.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
At last, something that actually looks like a gun!

Yet, it begs the question: are all of those wii peripherals killing the whole concept of what the wiimote was supposed to be, an awesome universal motion controller capable of performing almost any action ingame?

I thought that the beauty of virtual reality was about experiencing a whole world with your imagination via limited inputs (technological innovations and choices of mediums just being there for the sake of more polished inputs).
See above my other comment.

It only looks like gun: trigger is attached to button B.

Real gun trigger normally behave more like button, than trigger. Long travel distance (as of for example B button) involves many hand/palm/finger muscles what harms targeting.

It would be better if games would have used A button.

Basically, they have traded usability for look. It is look what would sell that thing to kids. (...Added another point to my long list why all consoles are retarded...)

P.S. Though it would be interesting to try to modify the WiiGun to behave like real gun. But then index finger would have to apply much more pressure. Talk about "defective by design".
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 14th 2007
The first Wii gun shell that doesn't suck?

Still pretty useless though.
Sep 14th 2007
Eh better than the zapper
Wow after looking at Nintendo pseudo-zapper this thing actually looks cool.

Good Job.
None of them are particularly well-designed. Some (like this one) make the remote buttons inaccessible, others (like the Wii zapper, and some of the earlier gun cradles) connect the nunchuck to the unit, making it impossible to use the accelerometers on the nunchuck.
Sep 15th 2007
wow they don't look that bad. they don't look that great either.
Logic Bus
Logic Bus
Sep 15th 2007
From the product site:

"The NEW Wii 2-in-1 Combined Light gun makes you feel more fun and realistic when you are playing the shooting game.

Moreover the disassembly design make it more convenience to use!"
Sep 16th 2007
I really sometimes regret buying my wii, I have only nominally used it more than I have the PS3. It seems that people spend more time making peripherals I won't buy than games I want to play.

I have bought 6 games for wii, and spent more time playing the 1 ps3 game I have (motorstorm, and only fire that up about an hour or 2 a week, damn long ass load times suck) that I got free... How pathetic is that?

Maybe I need to have people over more often, but who wants to tell adult friends to come over for a video game playing party? At least wii fit will hopefully be one I want to play by myself, or just me and my wife.

Anyway, long whiny introspective aside, quit making this crap people!!!!
Sep 17th 2007
id get it if it was just the pistol, merley so i could use it for re4 wii's gun range mode till the wee hours of 4:23.

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