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/silly: Time for Plan B - WOW Insider
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/silly: Time for Plan B

Sometimes we, as players, do some incredibly silly things. Even after, say, 45-50 levels of dealing with the character, learning the tricks of the trade and the ways of your class, we can still make mistakes which may or may not lead to our certain doom. In the case of our poor Tauren friend in this week's comic, that certain doom is very, very certain and all together rather doomish. Clicking on the big florescent green "Click Here" symbol will reveal this doomed fate to you, but don't say I didn't warn you: There will be doom involved.

Speaking of doomed fate, somewhere just beyond this sentence there is likely a link that says (more...) and clicking on it will more then likely provide you this elusive "more" they keep promising all over the Internet. Go ahead, click it. You will see.

I am about to commit blasphemy of the highest order: I have a small tale to relate, a story of a completely foolish mix up, but this story does not come from World of Warcraft. It comes from... EverQuest!.

Back before World of Warcraft was even on the drawing board, before even Warcraft III was released to the hungry Blizzard fans like flanks of meat tossed to circus lions, I was playing EverQuest. Not entirely of my own will, I must say - Dark Age of Camelot was out and I enjoyed it far, far more. But all my friends had not enjoyed DAoC as much and had returned to the lands of Norrath, and I, like a stray, pathetic dog, followed them back. Adventuring alone is just not as much fun when you know there is a group you could be adventuring just a few clicks away.

I was working on my favorite EQ character, an annoyingly cheery wood elf druid named Blynkk, and my friends and I had grouped up for a long night of level grinding. Quests in EQ were incredibly poorly tuned, difficult to find, and horribly documented, so most players relied on grinding for all their leveling needs. At any rate, we had spent several hours in the Paludal Caverns on the moon of Luclin, slaying fungal creatures until we physically bled from the nose and tear ducts. I had recently reached level 20, a rank that earns you the right to choose a surname, but hadn't decided on one that fit with Blynkk's happy-go-lucky personality.

The hour rapidly approached 3 am and it being a work night, we were all pretty much half asleep, when someone gave the word it was time to call it a night. We were fairly deep in to the caverns, but then I recalled that I had recently learned a druid spell that could help, called "Lesser Succor", which would teleport the entire party to a place of safety. So confidently, I said "Hold on, guys, Ill get us out of here" and immediately cast the spell.

With a great flash it was over. The entire party had teleported to a place of safety - a small ledge, far, far deeper into the cavern, surrounded by monsters several levels higher than us.

Needless to say, that woke everyone up. With several expletives being tossed around like water balloons at a summer picnic, we all scrambled to figure out where we were and how we could get back. The next hour was spent fighting frantically to make it back to safety, a trip that would have taken a mere 10 minutes had it not been for my mistaken attempt at saving time. We did eventually survive, and all signed off to crash out for what was left of the night.

One important thing came out of the event, however. My druid had earned her last name, and would be known from that day forth as Blynkk Chaoticbamf.


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1. I can't count how many times I leave my pet on the wrong setting. Although, most of the time that it's on the wrong setting I find myself trying to figure out why it's just sitting there watching me get ripped apart by some random mob(s) only to discover it is on passive when I thought I had it on protect.

Posted at 9:12AM on Oct 9th 2007 by ThorinII

2. LOL 1 hour lossed from a mistake, what took me 6 hours to destroy, costed me months of grief.

I'm a huge rep nut, so I decided I wanted to have both Centaur Factions friendly with me. This was back when Blizzard didn't allow us to see how much rep we gained or losted. So a the time I thought if I bring the Gelkis to Honored so fast, getting the Magram up will be a breeze, what I didn't realize was that at 60 the amount of rep you gained was 4 instead of 25. Well after killing Gelkis Centaur for 6 hours what I had accomplish was to bring my Magram to 2000/36000 Hated, and my Gelkis to 4600/36000 Hated. Basically instead of both clans liking me, they now hated my guts.

So I had to kill over 25,000 Centaurs to bring the to clans up to Honored and Revered. So instead of taking maybe a week or two to max these factions out I ended up spending 3 months of rep farming ><

Posted at 9:23AM on Oct 9th 2007 by Rao

3. I was PVPing and had my Succubus on Aggressive, after, I hearthed to Gadgetzan, where she promptly took off after the first horde in range, and the guards beat me down.

Posted at 9:50AM on Oct 9th 2007 by bdo

4. At the end of a long night once, I offered to portal the group out of Jintha'alor, after we'd gotten our ancient egg... there were three of us, I clicked on the portal spell for Ironforge...

Have you ever noticed how similar the icons for teleport and portal look, late at night?

Needless to say, I ended up in Ironforge, right as a patrol found my two friends... :(

Posted at 10:25AM on Oct 9th 2007 by HankD

5. Thanks. I needed that this morning!!!!!

I was wisely told never to put your pet on aggressive. My problem though is hitting tab to select a bad guy then sending my pet to attack thinking I have the guy I actually want when in reality I've selected a guy behind something and that's what he attacks in addition to aggroing the guy I actually wanted.

Posted at 10:43AM on Oct 9th 2007 by prudychick

6. Thanks. I needed that this morning!!!!!

I was wisely told never to put your pet on aggressive. My problem though is hitting tab to select a bad guy then sending my pet to attack thinking I have the guy I actually want when in reality I've selected a guy behind something and that's what he attacks in addition to aggroing the guy I actually wanted.

Posted at 10:47AM on Oct 9th 2007 by prudychick

7. On moroes, we killed all but one add that we were going to leave until after we down moroes. I am a frost mage, and so I have my water elemental out. The shackle broke, and he started to head to a healer, so I ranged freeze him w/ a macro. The priest got a shackle off, so we thought everything was fine. Unfortunately, moroes decided that was a good time to vanish.

The water elemental decided to start hitting the shackle, which then proceeded to 2-3 shot our healers, and wiping our group.

The most frustrating thing about the water elemental, is whenever you summon him, no matter what stance you left him in when he desummoned, he ends up in defensive stance, which can make for some very bad scenarios.

Posted at 11:14AM on Oct 9th 2007 by Fireflash38

8. That reminds me, I have a bone to pick with those stupid dinosaurs....er devilsaurs?

Posted at 12:32PM on Oct 9th 2007 by MechChef

9. What happens to me much too often is that I forget to set my G15 keyboard to a profile matching my current class. Usually I leave it on defualt instead of warlock and the first time I hit pet attack, something happens to aggro the mob and my screen fills up with a map, the quest and character windows, and a /say started, while my Fel Guard just stands there laughing at me. Then whatever I type goes in the say line while I get beat on.

Posted at 2:21PM on Oct 9th 2007 by lori

10. My first time in the Botanica, we had just wiped twice, and then finaaly figured out how not to get the healer killed on the sacrificing satyr, it was about 2:30 in the am ,and we moved on down the hall, pulling the first mob.. I target what I thought was that one,and sent my warp stalker in to attack and got the one 20 feet behind him, aggroing the whole room.. opps

Posted at 4:26PM on Oct 9th 2007 by agentaero

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