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Tokyo 2007 Preview: Yamaha on two-wheels - BOBBY - Part 4 of 6

The fourth of Yamaha's environmentally-friendly two-wheelers to be shown at the 40th Tokyo Motor Show is imaginatively, and simply, named BOBBY. Odd name choice aside, the idea of a fold-away little bike makes some sense, and actually has been done before, including with this electric machine from Yamaha themselves. If you're into styling which falls squarely into the "box it came in" philosophy, perhaps this diminutive machine will fit right into your Scion XB.

An interesting feature that this concept vehicle supports is the capability of starting the bike up with certain cellular phones. It's push-button starting taken to a whole new level!

So, what does this concept machine bring to the table that the EC-02 doesn't? Hmmm... I guess that depends on your priorities. Would you prefer the EC-02's iPod dock, or would you rather wow your friends by starting your BOBBY with a cell phone? We'll call it a draw!


[Source: Yamaha Motors]

Tokyo 2007 Preview: Yamaha on two-wheels - FC-Dii - Part 3 of 6

Carrying on Yamaha's onslaught of the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show and their slew of environmentally-friendly cycle concepts, we now introduce you to the FC-Dii. Like the LUXAIR that we showed you previously, the FC-Dii appears to be based on a model originally shown in 2005 called the FC-me. Like that machine, the FC-Dii gets its power from a fuel cell which uses Yamaha's methanol-water solution. The fuel cell creates electricity which continuously charges the on-board lithium ion battery pack. That battery pack is also removable for charging and replacement purposes. According to Yamaha, their fuel cell "features the highest level of power density in the 1kW class... which achieves a top-level performance of 30% system efficiency for a DMFC (Direct Methanol Fuel Cell) system."

The bike itself appears quite small, which makes sense considering that Yamaha would want to keep the machine as light as possible. Nothing really appears to be innovative here besides the fuel cell system, and a good deal of the components appear to carry over from the FC-me. AS soon as we are able to get better pictures, we'll be sure to update this post.


[Source: Yamaha Motors]

Tokyo 2007 Preview: Yamaha on two-wheels - LUXAIR - Part 1 of 6

Yamaha's staging a full-on blitz of the Tokyo Motor Show which is right around the corner. Of the 19 total "exhibition" models that they intend to show, 6 of them could be classified as motorcycles or scooters featuring electric drive, hybrid or fuel cell power. We'll take a look at each one of them in a series, starting with the LUXAIR.

Looking like an evolution of their Gen-Ryu concept from 2005, the LUXAIR is a hybrid design. The Gen-Ryu featured a 600cc inline four-cylinder engine from the famed R6 sportbike, but no mention has been made yet of the engine powering the LUXAIR. The electric motor is being called the Yamaha Intelligent Power Unit (YIPU) and is apparently thin enough that it is built into the rear hub. As would be expected, the motor aids in acceleration and also generates power while cruising to recharge the battery. Perhaps more interesting is the helper assist which makes the machine easier to move around by hand and the available motor-only reverse. The LUXAIR is said to also feature a "special audio system" for whatever that's worth. Be sure to take note of the single-sided swingarm and front fork.

Styling is very long and low, with floorboards integrated into the sides. The seating position looks quite low, even for a scooter. Overall, most will probably prefer the styling on the LUXAIR to the Gen-Ryu, but some will miss the built-in luggage and old-school style seating. The LUXAIR appears to seat only one occupant... but it really doesn't matter since this is just a concept bike after all. Still, the fact that Yamaha has kept working on the design that they pioneered in '05 might mean that they are seriously looking at the possibility of offering a hybrid motorcycle. We're not ready to put any money down on it, but the concept is sound. We've asked Yamaha for high resolution photos of this concept, and we'll be sure to update you when they arrive.

[Source: Yamaha Motors]

Razor E300 electric scooters recalled

Considering that the topic of electric two-wheeled transportation often comes up in conversation on our site, we thought you might like to know about this recall of Razor E300 electric scooters. It seems that there may be faulty welds on the handlebars causing them to snap off. That, as they say, would be bad. Apparently there have been instances of this happening in the wild, and injuries sound like a distinct possibility.

Maybe one of those handlebar-less Segway's aren't such a bad idea after all? Or if that is just too pricey, how about one of these electric skateboards? On second thought... maybe those aren't a whole lot safer after all!

[Source: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission via Engadget]

Kawasaki touts the fuel economy of their revised Ninja 250; lowers emissions of ZX-14

Kawasaki's little Ninja 250 has been with us for ages, and it's about time the bike got some love from its parents. The bike receives a makeover this year, the most obvious change being the new bodywork. Featuring a brand spankin' new full-fairing that looks more like the rest of the Ninja line, the styling is now much less likely to put off those who hated the dated lines of the old version. Of more importance, though, is the upgrade to 17-inch wheels, allowing for many more tire choices and a larger front brake rotor. Also of note are the revised camshaft profiles and the new 2-into-1 exhaust system. Despite often running at very high engine speeds, expect the smallest Ninja to return fuel economy well over 70 miles per gallon.

Related only by the fact that they are from the same manufacturer, the monstrous ZX-14 has received a few changes this year as well. In an effort to meet Euro-III emissions requirements, the bike got a third exhaust catalyzer and a remapped fuel-injection profile. While the changes were made to meet emissions and noise requirements, an added benefit was a bit more low-end grunt - as if this beast needed that!

So there you go... changes to Kawasaki's largest and smallest sportbikes, all in the name of fuel efficiency and emissions. We like the sound of that!

[Source: Kawasaki]

Paris Motor Show: Matra MS1-Electric Motorcycle

You may never have heard of the French automotive company Matra. You've probably seen some of their designs and cars that they have built for other companies such as Renault, though. For instance, the strange and strangely popular Renault Espace minivan was initially made by Matra for Renault. They also have a rather successful history of racing, in Formula 1, Formula 2 and at Le Mans. The moped-like bike you see above and here in our gallery seems to be from the same company, although they do not produce cars anymore. The bike is electric and also allows for pedaling. The range of 60 miles or so could be increased with human power. Although limited to a bit less than 30 miles per hour, the bike can likely go faster, but it would lose out on being considered a moped and therefore would require a motorcycle license. This electric bike should be available for sale in Europe in the not-too-distant future, but no word on whether it'll make it to the States.

Interesting features of this electric bike include the disk brakes and their unusual mounting-system. The bike also supports regenerative braking. My guess is that batteries are stored in the rack above the rear wheel, but the round enclosure around the hub of the front wheel probably has batteries in it as well, while the other one at the rear is likely the motor. Looks like a fun little commuting machine!

Gallery: Matra

[Source: Bikes in the Fast Lane, thanks Mike!]

Uma Thurman, Tyra Banks take steps to green their transportation

Because celebrities are always in the spotlight, they are even photographed while just running errands. Now, generally speaking, a celebrity running errands in no way qualifies them for inclusion on this here website. But, in the case of this fetching actress, we've made an exception. Uma Thurman can be seen in the photo to the right riding a human-powered scooter on the sidewalks of New York. Way to go, Uma!

While on the subject of celebrities, apparently Tyra Banks is trying to make a green impression on her wanna-be-model followers. I've never actually seen the show, reports are showing up on the web that the cast of models were driven around in a mini-bus which was using 100 percent biodiesel because "Tyra wants to call attention to "the environment" and that "Top Model is going green". Unfortunately, some of the more pampered among the not-real-models found the conveyance less than flattering; they were heard wondering aloud why they didn't get a limo. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

[Source: Valley Pop via TMZ]

Tokyo Preview: Suzuki Crosscage and Biplane concepts

Suzuki is planning on sending a few concept motorcycles to the Tokyo Motor Show. One of those, the Biplane, has gotten some attention over at Autoblog. We thought that the Crosscage would be better suited to our green-minded readers, as it comes equipped with a fuel cell and lithium ion batteries. No gasoline engine appears to be present. Take a minute and read the press release past the break. Sea bass... uh, I mean Suzuki appears to be using the fuel cell technology from Intelligent Energy, makers of the ENV bike. It looks like the hydrogen may be stored directly in the center of the frame, right where the two intersecting tubes of the frame come together. That would leave plenty of room in the area normally reserved for the gas-tank of a normal motorcycle for the batteries. This is really just conjecture at this point, though, so we'll have to wait until we hear some English press releases to be sure exactly what is going on inside this cool-looking bike.

Besides the fact that the bike is powered by a fuel cell and batteries, the bike looks pretty sporty. Considering the reputation that Suzuki has earned with their GSXR series of bikes, that should not be a shocker to anybody. What is rather interesting, though, are the suspension systems on the bike. That front fork looks suitably high-tech, being single-sided along with the rear swingarm. We're not counting on ever seeing this bike in production form, but it's still an awesome design.

[Source: Suzuki]

Continue reading Tokyo Preview: Suzuki Crosscage and Biplane concepts

The Electric Vehicle Company is set to introduce the Volta GT electric scooter

There could be some competition for the Vectrix electric maxi-scooter coming from imaginatively-named Electric Vehicle Company. Their scooter, known as the Volta GT, is expected to make its debut at the Alternative Car Expo on October 19th. The scooter will have a switch that will allow riders to select either a performance mode (allowing speeds of up to 70 mph) or a economy mode (allowing travel up to 70 miles). No details are given regarding battery type or price, but I have sent a request for more information.

From the pictures, we can see what looks like a typical maxi-scooter sporting features like disk brakes, a center-stand and a rear-rack for storage. According to this article, the scooter is expected to be available in the first quarter of '08. We'll see what (or, if) we hear back from the company to better understand how this scooter compares with the Vectrix.

[Source: EVC, LLC and BCBR, thanks Domenick!]

The greenest city in America is ...

West Hollywood? 'Tis true, says this announcement about a new Green Building Resource Center that will open there on Monday. Most of the city's "Responsibility to the Environment" core value is represented by a greener buildings ordinance called the Mandatory Green Building Programs for Private Development (which is important). There are a few mobility-related dimensions of West Hollywood's green-ness, but not very impressive ones. Of the thirteen steps outlined by the city (and pasted after the jump), only two are transportation-related:
  • Provide bicycle parking as required by the code.
  • Reduce vehicle trips by complying with the City's Transportation Demand Management programs.
Not bad, but bike racks work a lot better when you have nice bike lanes in your city. And reducing trips makes even more of an impact when the car that are driven are high-mpg, low-emission.

Remember, Yahoo! had a similar christening recently and picked Hastings, Nebraska as the greenest city in America.

[Source: Business Wire]

Continue reading The greenest city in America is ...

The Electrobike Pi: pretty cool and really expensive

Let me get this fact off my chest before I write anything else: this thing is flippin' expensive! Alright, now that we're through with that, let's analyze this electric bike, known as Pi. The frame is an aluminum monocoque, meaning that it is a single piece made up of metal which is all a similar thickness. Moving on to the electrics, the batteries are nickel metal hydride, not the better-but-pricier lithium ion. The motor is a 36-volt brushless DC model which produces about 1 horsepower, or 750 watts. Of course, add your human power to that power amount if you are willing to pedal. In case you were wondering, you are capable of producing much less than one horsepower! If you are willing to pay the $7,500 (!) asking price, you can find the bike at Design Within Reach.

If you do manage to cough up the money, you will be rewarded with an electric bike capable of less than 30 miles per hour box-stock. The bike has the power to go faster and can be geared to do so, but you'll need a motorcycle license for that. The asking price does include a designer helmet... The circular frame is probably where the name came from, you think?

One very cool piece of technology buried in that aluminum frame is the NuVinci planetary gearbox. This piece of hardware allows the bike to change gear ratios without actually manually switching gears. Click here for more on that. If you can afford the bike, you may also be able to spend the extra $1,800 for the solar charger, which further lowers your carbon footprint. Speaking of that footprint, just about any electric bike will offer similar CO2 output, but the Pi from Electrobike is designed with the reduction of emissions in mind, so you can feel good about that. Unless you get the gas/electric hybrid model (which will get its very own dedicated post later), which seems to fly in the face of the rest of the concept. If anybody actually does get one of these, make sure to let us know about it. It'd be interesting to compare it with a Segway, which is another really expensive way to get from point A to point B.


[Source: Electrobike and LA Times, Thanks for the tip, Domenick!]

Shiny! Electric bicycle has solar-wheels

While it is not uncommon for electric bikes to have a front hub motor or for them to have batteries mounted on the rear racks, these are the first pair of wheels that I have seen with solar panels integrated into them. I think that the idea is pretty cool, and can't really think of another place on a bike where there is enough real estate for an effective amount of solar cells to be mounted. Wheels like these are likely a bit more aerodynamic, but could pose a bit of an issue if there are heavy side-winds. Still, with this bike you could pedal when the going was easy and engage the motor when the going gets tough - and all the while never need to gas it up or plug it in.

[Source: Therapy Products via Reuben Miller - thanks!]

KTM builds a "four-wheel centre of excellence" exclusively for their X-Bow

Up until now, it had been thought that KTM would be out-sourcing the production of the KTM X-Bow. Now it seems that the motorcycle-making company will build a new plant for the production of their first four-wheeler. KTM has been caught off guard by the demand that their diminutive sportster has drummed up and is not prepared to make the car themselves at any plants that they currently operate. So, the decision was whether to pay an assembler to produce the carbon fiber machine or to do it themselves with a new plant. Perhaps the fact that they have gotten double the 500 orders that they were counting on has made the business case for a new plant more attractive and prompted the decision to create KTM's own "four-wheel centre of excellence."

KTM is on a tear as of late with the introduction of new street-going motorcycles. Their next installment is expected to be the RC8 superbike which will compete with sportbikes such as Ducati's new 1098. Exciting times for the Austrian company!


[Source: Autocar via Autoblog, Gizmag]

Honda to debut a few two-wheelers in Tokyo including a 750cc Silverwing

We've seen news of some impending two-wheeled vehicles that Honda is set to show off at the upcoming Tokyo Motor Show. One of those vehicles belongs on Autoblog, but we'll take the time to share the others with you here. There will be four new scooters at the show:

  • Today 50cc
  • Lead 100cc
  • Forza Z ABS 250cc
  • Silver Wing 750cc

The most interesting of these new scooters is the Silver Wing 750. Currently, Honda offers a Silver Wing in the U.S. with an engine of just under 600ccs and it competes with scooters from Suzuki with 650cc engines. Piaggio seems set to introduce a scooter with an engine of over 800ccs too, so Honda is readying a competitor. I have raised a question in a past post about just how large scooter engines should get, and I still think it's valid. In my own mind, a 500cc scooter which is capable of breaking every speed limit in America even with a passenger on board seems large enough to me. But, if the market for big-bore scooters exist, it should probably be filled. Take a look at Honda's "leadership position when it comes to the environment."

[Source: The Scooter Scoop, Honda]

George Clooney reminds us to be safe out there when riding on two wheels

We often bring you the latest information on two-wheeled riding, because it can be a great way to save on some gas. We also like to offer friendly reminders in most of those posts, because no matter how good of a rider you are, you are still at the mercy of the other motorists on the road. And, I am sure we don't need to tell you what the motorcycle's chances are when facing off one-on-one with your everyday average sedan. That's why we send our well-wishes to George Clooney and his significant other, Sarah Larson. The couple is recovering from an accident with a car while riding Clooney's motorcycle. Clooney has made news on our site in the past for his appreciation of electric cars like the Tango. Both Clooney and Larson were wearing helmets, which likely made an impact (ha ha) on the relatively minor severity of their injuries.

Now would be a good time to mention the BMW C1, which performed rather well under crash-test scenario's. There are plenty of riders out there who wish that this vehicle, or one like it, were still available.


[Source: Yahoo! OMG]

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