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Watch video of two new stunts from Jackass game

We're going to go ahead and say it: We think the upcoming Jackass game may be the most faithful adaptation from another medium, ever. Why? Well, the two work on the exact same level. Namely: It's impossible to look away when someone is falling flat on their face. Yeah, we'll say it: So far, these Jackass videos are the equivalent of watching a grown man poop his pants.

Check out that first video. Don't you just love how digital Wee Man doesn't move a freaking millimeter while he's getting a tattoo from drunken digi-Steve-O? Watch the clip below the break of "Snow Job" (get it?!). Don't you just love ... everything? We want to stop posting these videos but we just can't.

Continue reading Watch video of two new stunts from Jackass game

Watch Jackass: The Game's Friiiiiidge Racer

Did you have high hopes for Jackass: The Game? No? Well, that's good news. Feel free to watch the above video and enjoy its Kaz Hirai dig and the cute bone-breaking combo system without fear of being disappointed by its decidedly sub-par graphics and the general underwhelming-ness of it all.

If you did have high hopes, we need to have a little talk about why, exactly, you'd feel that way. Maybe you just love the show and performers that much, in which case, we feel for you. But we're not sure there are any other valid reasons. No, we haven't actually played it yet, but after watching this video, the magical sense that's kept us from ever, ever buying a Batman game is going absolutely haywire.

Today's riskiest video: Jackass trailer

Jackass: The Game interests some of us idealistic gamers. Yes, we're the hopeful ones that think this could be an inventive, Stuntman-esque title, where you have to complete odd feats to progress. The cynical recognize Jackass as an easy cash-in; MTV Games didn't even spring for next-gen development costs and instead decided to sling it to PS2, PSP, and DS players.

Will the real joke be on the gamers who buy the title? We'll find out with the game's September 24 release. Until then, watch the trailer after the break.

Gallery: Jackass: The Game

Continue reading Today's riskiest video: Jackass trailer

'Jackass' game much less threatening than TV show

You know, we always enjoyed that Jackass program, but thought it would be much improved without the threat of physical injury. Thankfully, Red Mile Entertainment and MTV Games have heard our prayers. Jackass will appear in game form on the DS, PS2 and PSP on Sept. 24. That information alone is probably enough for you to fill in the blanks, but we'll ruin the suspense. It's a series of 35 minigames featuring the likenesses of some of the show's stars. Some are based on actual stunts from the defunct show and some are ideas that Johnny Knoxville and crew had dreamed up but never performed.

The Hollywood Reporter quotes Knoxville as saying "We just hope that our video game is as crappy as our movies." Well, John, with your game not appearing on any current-gen consoles, we feel fairly confident that our dream of a safer Jackass won't be the only one to be fulfilled.

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