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Oblivion: Shivering Isles may become DLC on PSN - PS3 Fanboy
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071011101808/http://www.ps3fanboy.com:80/2007/10/10/oblivion-shivering-isles-may-become-dlc-on-psn/
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Oblivion: Shivering Isles may become DLC on PSN

Currently, to play Shivering Isles, the only option PS3 owners have is to buy the full-priced Game of the Year Edition, which releases next week. Obviously, that won't sit well with current Oblivion fans. No worries, says Pete Hines from Bethesda. The company says its "very close to working something out," although it's not fully confirmed quite yet.

"[The expansion] may be in downloadable form via PSN, or as a standalone retail disc, or both. I can't say definitively yet that it will happen, and I definitely can't say when. But it's looking good, and hopefully we'll have good news soon."
A downloadable expansion will guarantee that PS3 owners won't be missing out on any of the content delivered to Xbox 360 owners. Hey, Bethesda -- all of us have hard drives and free access to the PSN. Let's get it rolling!

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1. apparently 360 and pc owners are getting free downloadable content for a period of one week. Bethesda should do this for the ps3 oblivion ppl...

Posted at 6:33PM on Oct 10th 2007 by haiddasalami

2. I hope they'll make Shivering Isles available as DLC on PSN cause it's a bit unfair to expect people to drop another 60 bucks on the game just to get the expansion, which really wasn't that long....at least not compared to the normal game. I already have Shivering Isles on the PC, but I'd buy it again for the PS3 'cause my brother never really got into the PC version of oblivion (beyond me why not).

Posted at 7:10PM on Oct 10th 2007 by Neil

3. Sweet this Would be Awesome I was really considering trading-in the original PS3 version for this but then decided i wouldn't cause it ain't worth it, but now I'll just wait to see(fingers crossed) if it comes to PSN all the downloadable content that 360 and PC got would be nice too, it is annoying to see it listed in the offical Player's guide for the game and not be able to get it.

Posted at 8:35PM on Oct 10th 2007 by Tim Parsons

4. Is the expansion worth the extra $30 bucks?

Maybe I should explain a little
Oblivion PS3 costs $30
Game of Year PS3 costs $60
(I rented the game and LOVED it)
Is the expansion worth the extra $30 bucks?

Posted at 8:37PM on Oct 10th 2007 by Andy

5. @4 Andy at first i was gonna go for it but decided within the last couple days that no it isn't. I'd get back $30 from the one i have which was $69.99 CND when I got it,. and $69.99 CNd for the GOTY one so I'll be losing $40,. or as you put it it's an extra $40,. 30 for you assuming your in the US,. don't think it is though i was tempted at first,. let's hope if it comes to PSN if it aint free it's reasonably priced

Posted at 8:43PM on Oct 10th 2007 by Tim Parsons

6. #4. Yes the expansion is worth $30, that was the price to get it on pc and on 360. well $29.99 plus tax and 2400 Ms points.

Meanwhile its worth far more than that, SI is soo much more fun than the rest of the game (main story that is, Dark Brotherhood and the thieves guild were awesome.)

Sadly the ability to get you SI on a disc will be much like the upcoming disc form to the 360. (just SI and Knights of the Nine for them on the disc, none of the rest, youll still need to hope for more dlc.)

From what i recall plug ins for OB required something ps3 didnt have internally. (I dont want to say memory but i think it was ram. been a year sence that debate was started over on elder scrolls website.) I wish you guys the best of luck sence the razor quest was hands down the best part of dlc aside from SI.

Posted at 9:07PM on Oct 10th 2007 by ShaggyB

7. It'd suck to be a xbox2 owner, having to drop $50 a year or whatever just to access the online store so you can spend more money to get the expansion.

Posted at 12:23AM on Oct 11th 2007 by Da

8. @7

no, i'm fraid you are mistaken. "xbox2 online" or the xbox 360 Live Silver is free and allows free access to the marketplace for downloadable content such as the Shivering Isles expansion (which was awesome BTW).

Live Gold is for Multiplayer and is $50 a year which is basically you the consumer paying for the developers to build and maintain a server instead of the developer building one on their own.

this is great for cheapskates like AM2 who wouldn't setup their own server for Virtua Fighter 5. M$ may have pressured AM2 to have VF5 online with the 360, but having it's users support the connection was a bonus to them.

even tho i got my 13 months of live for 40 bucks, i still would like to play VF5 and Halo 3 for free, who wouldn't? but you gotta do what you gotta do right?

Posted at 2:32AM on Oct 11th 2007 by ryano

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