Girl On: Amber Wing

Sep 27 2007 / Los Angeles, CA

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When it comes to women's wakeboarding Down Under, there is one name that stands out -- Amber Wing.  Sydney-born Wing took the 2007 title in the Australia Pro Tour of Wakeboarding following a second-place finish in 2006.  And 2007 was nearly Wing's year in the US.  After a disappointing year on the US Pro Wakeboard Tour in 2006, the 24-year-old Wing took flight this year and finihed second only after an upset on the final tour stop -- still quite an accomplishment.

Off the tour Wing's been busy with Oakley traveling the world shooting for its new film which will be coming out in November.  Now she's back in Australia prepping for the 2007 APTW, looking to repeat.  We caught up with Amber before she left for Australia and checked out how she felt about her chances.


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Lat34: You came close to taking the overall PWT title in the US this season -- how did that feel?

Amber: To be that close to the tour title and not get it has made me so hungry for next year and motivated me a lot to get out there and learn a bunch of new tricks that I can throw next year and hopefully take the title.

Lat34: Now you're going Down Under for the Australian tour.  What do you think your chances are there?

Amber: Coming off a win of the Australian Tour last year and my US season has been very successful I am feeling very confident in contests and hope to take the Australian title again. Some of the girls are coming over to ride in it and my training partner Hayley Smith is riding really well, so I definitely have to be on my game if I want the title for the second year in a row.

Lat34: Do you think Wakeboarding is still continuing to grow in popularity?  How do you see things changing for you?

Amber: Wakeboarding is definitely growing. Women's wakeboarding is on fire. So many new girls in the sport and so many out there eager to learn and wanting to buy there own board. The more popular womens wakeboarding becomes the harder it is for me and there will be more girls ripping it up. It motivates me to keep pushing myself, and I love seeing new girls coming on the scene and making finals and podium, its awesome!

Video Clip


Amber shows some street performers that she can do some moves out of the water, too. cr. Swanson/Oakley
Lat34: In Australia surfing is obviously as big, if not bigger than in the US.  Where does wakeboarding rank down there?  Is it growing?

Amber: Wakeboarding in Australia is growing every year. The Australian Pro Tour is in its third year for females and sixth year for men. Lots more people are out on the rivers and lakes wakeboarding and the wakeboard schools down there are booked out all summer. The shops are also selling out of boards. So it is definitely growing and there are going to be more and more aussie rippers coming onto the World scene.

Lat34: Who are tougher?  Wakeboarding chicks or surfing chicks?

Amber:  I am so scared of surfing, the thought of paddling onto the wave freaks me out and I only catch the foam waves. So the surf chicks are definitely tougher than me out in the surf. Behind the boat, I took a concussion last week which made me vomit and snapped my board in half on one fall. I am back riding and not scared to try that trick again. I am not scared to try anything behind the boat.

Lat34: How did you start wakeboarding?

amber_wing_200x300 Amber:  My friend who I use to do gymnastics with took me out in the boat and they were all wakeboarding, so I gave it a try and loved it. I then received a wakeboard for Christmas that year and never looked back.

Lat34: What other sports do you like to do?

Amber:  Skateboarding, Tennis, jumping on the trampoline, snowboarding and gymnastics (swinging around the bars)

Lat34: What was your worst crash/slam?

Amber:  I have blown my left and right ACL out. One on a wakeskate and the other doing a indi front to fakie. They were in '03 and '05. My concussion the other week was pretty bad as well.

Lat34: Where would you like to travel that you haven't been and why?

Amber:  Tahiti. I have never been there and it looks pretty cool. I like tropical places.

Lat34:  You were recently featured in "The Chick Flick" -- when does your latest film come out?

Amber:  I have been working on The Push Process Movie with Oakley for the past year. It is being released on the 12th of November, pretty excited about the film.  We have traveled to many different locations and places I have never been to in my life. It has been an awesome journey.

Lat34: What's on your iPod right now?

Amber: Ha Ha! Mary J Blige is what i was jamming to this morning

Lat34: On our site we have a few girls who are hoping to be professional wakeboarders.  Do you have any advice for them?

Amber:  Time on the water! The more you are out on the water the better of a rider you become.

- Greg Baerg

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