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Instance guide

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Dungeons, keeps, or other confined areas can have sub-areas called "Instance Dungeons", or just "Instances". These Instances are special areas in the World of Warcraft where your group or raid party is able to interact with a dungeon privately; that is, without interference from other parties.

Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Getting through an instance requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players that are of an appropriate level for the challenge.

Please check each instance's individual page for maps, strategy, and loot lists (see below).

Related Categories:

See also:

General instance info:

  • Instance Grouping Guide - Info on how to make the most of your instance group
  • Instance attunement - A guide to getting all the keys and attunements
  • Instance portal - Details on the different types of portals
  • Instance limitations - Details about the restrictions instances have
  • It is considered rude to invite someone to join your group without first asking. Always pratice good etiquette if you want to be invited into future instances.

[edit] Eastern Kingdoms

Eastern Kingdoms [edit]
Name A.K.A. Location Key Advised
End Boss Map
The Deadmines DM, VC, DMVC Westfall N/A 15-22 5(10) Edwin VanCleef A, GA, Amp
Shadowfang Keep SFK Silverpine Forest N/A 22-27 5(10) Archmage Arugal A, GA
The Stockade Stocks Stormwind N/A 22-30 5(10) Bazil Thredd A, VGM
Gnomeregan Gnome, Gnomer, GR Dun Morogh [Workshop Key] 28-36 5(10) Mekgineer Thermaplugg A, GA
The Scarlet Monastery Graveyard SM-GY Tirisfal Glades N/A 30-34 5(10) Bloodmage Thalnos A, GA, VGM, WWn
The Scarlet Monastery Library SM-Lib Tirisfal Glades N/A 31-37 5(10) Arcanist Doan A, GA, VGM, WWn
The Scarlet Monastery Armory SM-Arm Tirisfal Glades [The Scarlet Key] 35-39 5(10) Herod A, GA, VGM, WWn
The Scarlet Monastery Cathedral SM-Cat, SM-Cath Tirisfal Glades [The Scarlet Key] 33-42 5(10) High Inquisitor Whitemane A, GA, VGM, WWn
Uldaman Uld, Ulda The Badlands N/A 38-44 5(10) Archaedas A, GA, VGM
The Temple of Atal'Hakkar ST, Temple, Sunken Temple Swamp of Sorrows N/A 49-56 5(10) Shade of Eranikus A, GA
Blackrock Depths BRD Burning Steppes / Searing Gorge [Shadowforge Key] 51-56 5 Emperor Dagran Thaurissan / Princess Moira Bronzebeard A, UG
Lower Blackrock Spire LBRS Burning Steppes / Searing Gorge N/A 56-60 5(10) Overlord Wyrmthalak A, GA
Upper Blackrock Spire UBRS Burning Steppes / Searing Gorge [Seal of Ascension] 58-61 10 General Drakkisath A, GA

Stratholme Strath, Strat Live, Scarlet Strat, HU Strat, UD Strat, Strat UD, Strat SM, SM2, Baron Eastern Plaguelands [Key to the City] 58-63 5 Balnazzar / Baron Rivendare A, GA
Scholomance Scholo Western Plaguelands [Skeleton Key] 58-63 5 Darkmaster Gandling A, GA
Zul'Gurub ZG Stranglethorn Vale N/A 60 20 Hakkar the Soulflayer A
Molten Core MC Inside Blackrock Depths Attunement to the Core 60 40 Ragnaros A
Blackwing Lair BWL, Blackwing Inside Upper Blackrock Spire Blackhand's Command 60+ 40 Nefarian A, WG
Naxxramas Nax/Naxx Eastern Plaguelands The Dread Citadel - Naxxramas 60+++ 40 Kel'Thuzad A

GA (Abom)
GA (Dk)
GA (Pla)
GA (Spi)
GA (Frost)

Burning Crusade
Sunwell 5-man SP5 Sunwell Plateau 70 5 Unknown
Karazhan Medivh's Tower, KZ, MT, "Kara" Deadwind Pass [The Master's Key] 70 10 Nightbane
Zul'Aman ZA South-eastern Ghostlands. 70+ 10 Zul'jin
Sunwell Plateau Raid SP25 Sunwell Plateau 70++++ 25 Kil'jaeden

[edit] Kalimdor

Kalimdor [edit]
Name A.K.A. Location Key Advised
End Boss Map
Ragefire Chasm RFC Orgrimmar N/A 13-18 5(10) Bazzalan A GA
Wailing Caverns WC The Barrens N/A 17-24 5(10) Mutanus the Devourer A GA
Blackfathom Deeps BFD Ashenvale N/A 24-32 5(10) Aku'mai A GA
Razorfen Kraul RFK The Barrens N/A 29-38 5(10) Charlga Razorflank A GA
Razorfen Downs RFD The Barrens N/A 37-46 5(10) Amnennar the Coldbringer A GA
Zul'Farrak ZF Tanaris N/A 44-54 5(10) Gahz'rilla A GA
Maraudon Mara Desolace N/A 46-55 5(10) Princess Theradras A GA
Dire Maul West DM, DiM Feralas [Crescent Key] 55-60 5 Prince Tortheldrin A GA
Dire Maul North DM, DiM Feralas [Crescent Key] 55-60 5 King Gordok A GA
Dire Maul East DM, DiM Feralas N/A 55-60 5 Alzzin the Wildshaper A GA
Onyxia's Lair Ony Dustwallow Marsh [Drakefire Amulet] 60 40 Onyxia A GA
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj RQ, RAQ, AQ20 Silithus N/A 60 20 Ossirian the Unscarred A
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj TQ, TAQ, AQ40 Silithus N/A 60++ 40 C'Thun A
Burning Crusade
Escape from Durnholde Keep,
in Old Hillsbrad Foothills
CoT: Durnholde, Thrall, CoT 1, Old Hillsbrad, Durn Caverns of Time, Tanaris Heroic Mode: [Key of Time] 66-68 5 Epoch Hunter
Opening the Dark Portal,
in the Black Morass
CoT:Dark Portal, CoT:DP, BM, CoT 2 Caverns of Time, Tanaris Escape from Durnholde Keep
Heroic Mode: [Key of Time]
70 5 Aeonus
Hyjal Summit CoT: BMH, CoT raid, Hyjal Caverns of Time, Tanaris Friendly reputation with Scale of the Sands 70+++ 25 Archimonde
Wrath of the Lich King
Old Stratholme CoT: Strat Caverns of Time, Tanaris 80 5 Mal'Ganis

[edit] Outland

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade This section concerns content exclusive to The Burning Crusade.
Outland [edit]
Name A.K.A. Location Key Advised
Endboss Map
Hellfire Ramparts Ramparts, Ramp, HFR Hellfire Citadel, Hellfire Peninsula Heroic Mode: [Flamewrought Key] 60-62 5-man wing Vazruden & Nazan A, Amp
The Blood Furnace BF Hellfire Citadel, Hellfire Peninsula Heroic Mode: [Flamewrought Key] 61-63 5-man wing Keli'dan the Breaker A, Amp
The Shattered Halls SH Hellfire Citadel, Hellfire Peninsula [Shattered Halls Key]
Heroic Mode: [Flamewrought Key]
70 5-man wing Warchief Kargath Bladefist A, Amp
Magtheridon's Lair Mag Hellfire Citadel, Hellfire Peninsula N/A 70+ 25-man raid Magtheridon A
The Slave Pens SP Coilfang Reservoir, Zangarmarsh Heroic Mode: [Reservoir Key] 62-64 5-man wing Quagmirran A, Amp
The Underbog Bog, UB Coilfang Reservoir, Zangarmarsh Heroic Mode: [Reservoir Key] 63-65 5-man wing The Black Stalker A, Amp
The Steamvault SV, Vaults Coilfang Reservoir, Zangarmarsh Heroic Mode: [Reservoir Key] 70 5-man wing Warlord Kalithresh A, Amp
Serpentshrine Cavern SSC, Vashj Coilfang Reservoir, Zangarmarsh [The Mark of Vashj]
Attunement Removed 6/19/2007
70++ 25-man raid Lady Vashj
Mana Tombs MT, Tombs Auchindoun, Bone Wastes Heroic Mode: [Auchenai Key] 64-66 5-man wing Nexus-Prince Shaffar Amp
Auchenai Crypts AC, Crypts Auchindoun, Bone Wastes Heroic Mode: [Auchenai Key] 65-67 5-man wing Exarch Maladaar Amp
Sethekk Halls Seth, Sethekk Auchindoun, Bone Wastes Heroic Mode: [Auchenai Key] 67-69 5-man wing Talon King Ikiss Amp
Shadow Labyrinth SL, Shadow Labs, Lab, Slabs Auchindoun, Bone Wastes [Shadow Labyrinth Key]
Heroic Mode: [Auchenai Key]
70 5-man wing Murmur Amp
The Mechanar Mech Tempest Keep, Netherstorm Heroic Mode: [Warpforged Key] 70 5-man wing Pathaleon the Calculator Amp
The Botanica Bot Tempest Keep, Netherstorm Heroic Mode: [Warpforged Key] 70 5-man wing Warp Splinter Amp
The Arcatraz Arc Tempest Keep, Netherstorm [Key to the Arcatraz]
Heroic Mode: [Warpforged Key]
70 5-man wing Harbinger Skyriss Amp
The Eye TK, Eye Tempest Keep, Netherstorm [The Tempest Key]
Attunement Removed 6/19/2007
70++ 25-man raid Kael'thas Sunstrider
Gruul's Lair Gruul Blade's Edge Mountains N/A 70 25-man raid Gruul the Dragonkiller
Black Temple BT Shadowmoon Valley [Medallion of Karabor] 70+++ 25-man raid Illidan Stormrage

[edit] Northrend

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.
Northrend [edit]
Name A.K.A. Location Key Advised Level Player Limit Endboss Map
Utgarde Catacombs UC, Catacombs Utgarde Keep, Howling Fjord 70 5-man wing Ingvar the Plunderer
Utgarde Pinnacle UP, Pinnacle Utgarde Keep, Howling Fjord 80 5-man wing
Azjol-Nerub AN, Nerub Dragonblight An Old God
Grizzlemaw Grizzle Grizzly Hills
Ice Caverns Nex IC The Nexus, Coldarra 70 5-man wing
Magical Rings Nex MG The Nexus, Coldarra 5-man wing
Nexus Raid Malygos The Nexus, Coldarra 80 25-man raid Malygos
Ulduar Uldu The Storm Peaks
Icecrown Citadel ICG Icecrown Glacier 80 The Lich King
Naxxramas Naxx, Nax 80 25-man raid Kel'Thuzad

[edit] Speculative future instances

See also: Coming Soon
Speculative Future Instances [edit]
Name A.K.A. Location Possible Endboss Notes
Grim Batol GB Wetlands, mountains to the East
Stormwind Vault SV,SWV Stormwind, between Old Town and The Trade District
Uldum UD,UDM Tanaris, mountains to the South Similar to Archaedas
Mount Hyjal (present day) MH, Hyjal Winterspring, Darkwhisper Gorge, network of tunnels to the south
Timbermaw Hold TH Azshara, mountains to the North West
Roland's Crypt RC, Roland Deadwind Pass, west of Karazhan
Nazjatar Naz The Great Sea Queen Azshara
Tol Barad TB East from Kul'Tiras.

[edit] Game Mechanics

Because instances are in effect separate from the actual main World of Warcraft maps such as Azeroth, Kalimdor and Outland much like the Battlegrounds, players too are literally moved from one part of the map to an artificial creation of the main map sections. However this is not to suggest that Blizzard did not go to the effort of re-creating instance geography and terrain within the main maps. Areas like Zul'Farrak are fully constructed within Tanaris though it is impossible for players to enter this area without any way to climb over the hills. This is a rarity since in order to save processing power and make the world smoother to run without rendering useless features that no one would ever see, Blizzard creates a "false" portrayal of the instances such as Shadowfang Keep where only what the player sees is worth rendering.

Because map viewers allow players to see everything there is within an instance, it is revealed that instances will include the sections before the instance gates itself to give a feeling of authenticity that they are leaving one world and can look back to see where they came from. Such is the case with all instances. Some bugs can allow the user to see what actually is available, for example, Mages can Blink past the instance portals in many places and see what is beyond, like the entrance to Stratholme on the dead side.

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