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VIDEO: Airborne Nissan Qashqai for no apparent reason - Autoblog
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VIDEO: Airborne Nissan Qashqai for no apparent reason

In Europe, when one says "football", they are more than likely talking about what we Americans call soccer. That is unless you're talking about the Nissan Qashqai CUV, which goes all Dukes of Hazard over the ramp, through the uprights, and onto a cushy platform in a Euro commercial. The tag line is "Nissan Qashqai 3, visitors 0." It's hard to guess exactly the message behind the spot, but any fan of American football in Europe who wants to jump ramps and do stunt work should definitely check out the Qashqai. Check out the video after the jump.

Editor Note: As several posters pointed out in the comments, the Qashqai video is making a Rugby reference, not American Football. Maybe we can get the Qashqai to perform at halftime for our American football games anyway.

Thanks for the tip, Liv!

[Source: Netsummary]

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Seminole @ Oct 11th 2007 11:37AM

Almost as believable as the Tundra Commercials.

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Calebe @ Oct 11th 2007 11:39AM

crash! Because you can.

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gianmarco felippo

gianmarco felippo @ Oct 11th 2007 12:24PM

It´s post like these that let me down. USA isn't the only country in the world you know, nor by far the best. And American Football isn't the only sport with parallel posts. For your info, those are RUGBY goals, one of the most popular sport in europe. And right now, the RUGBY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP is taking place in France, so 1+1=...... Come on, can't you research just a little bit before writing nonsense?

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John R

John R @ Oct 11th 2007 12:06PM

Its a rugby reference, man. You have to kick the ball thorugh the uprights in that sport also. Rugby is only second to futbol in Europe.

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teeb @ Oct 11th 2007 12:08PM

Er...that's rugby goals in the advert. You know, rugby? It's like american football, but good.

Ties in with the currently-on Rugby World Cup (take note, Americans, this World cup involves teams from around the world, unlike the 'world series').

In rugby, you get 3 points for a drop goal. And you don't wear padding.

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Daniel @ Oct 11th 2007 8:13PM

Three anti-America jokes in one post! Good job!

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Nick @ Oct 11th 2007 12:10PM

Don't want to rain on the american ethnocentric flavor of the post, but as the URL spells out at the end of the clip: QASHQAI DROP , and the actual references on that website, point away from "American Football" fans in Europe...

Actually, the "drop" refers a drop kick, and those posts are rugby union posts...

So the ad appeals to Rugby Union fans.. which .. we magically happen to be in the middle of the World Cup .. so very targeted, and very a propos..

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XJ X-traordinaire

XJ X-traordinaire @ Oct 11th 2007 1:37PM


Rugby is played very little in the U.S., so most people would have no frame of reference for this ad outside American Football. In fact, in American Football, a kick through the goal posts also counts as three, so it is an understandable mistake to make.

When I walked around Europe with my Lacrosse stick, people had no idea what the hell it was either, but you didnt see me screaming at Czechs for being ethnocentric.

Pull your cricket bats out of your asses and get a grip.

Cool ad though, Rugby is awesome.

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Nick @ Oct 11th 2007 1:54PM

Thank you for the lesson.. but I'm not European.. I'm Canadian, and I understand football quite well.. even the enhanced Canadian league flavour!

Just because I know about Rugby doesn't mean I don't know about American football.. and the Cricket reference is actually funny... thanks!

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nissanfreak87 @ Oct 11th 2007 12:59PM

Well, that was certainly, odd. Kinda cool I guess

and to the Europeans bashing "American" Football, it's a great sport, play it, you'll love it. No need to hate it because the players are smart enough to put on padding and a helmet.

and as far as the world series is concerned, put any international team against the MLB champs, and I bet the result would be the same, baseball just isn't as big in other countries as it is in the U.S.

nice targeted ad though, even though I've never heard of a car company called "visitors" haha.

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Nick @ Oct 11th 2007 1:11PM

Toronto put the World in World Series !

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nissanfreak87 @ Oct 11th 2007 1:37PM

true that!! haha, kinda how my hometown airport is "international" I think we have a pigeon that flies to Canada or something

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john riley

john riley @ Oct 11th 2007 2:50PM

The guy almost didn't make it to the landing pad!

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