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New iPod nano, classic ship with three games, no Parachute - Joystiq
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071011041847/http://www.joystiq.com:80/2007/09/05/new-ipod-nano-classic-ship-with-three-games-no-parachute/
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New iPod nano, classic ship with three games, no Parachute

Apple just made a whole slew of iPod-related announcements, with just the faintest hint of gamer love. Revealed during Steve Jobs' special iPod event, both the revamped iPod nano and the iPod classic will ship with three games: Vortex, iQuiz, and Klondike.

Klondike is just a fancy name for that Solitaire card game we all know and love, so nothing new there, and iQuiz is a remixed version of the older iPod "guess which song this is" game. Vortex, meanwhile, is a circular, three-dimensional brick-busting game in the style of arcade classics Breakout and Arkanoid. All three titles were developed in-house by Apple, and both Vortex and iQuiz can also currently be purchased on the iTunes store.

Even if the new nano is the Gimli to the old nano's Legolas, it's nice to see both it and the classic getting more into games. Jobs also promises more iPod games coming to the iTunes Store (Hey! You know what would be awesome on the iPod? Peggle!)

Although not addressed during the event, it's assumed that the brand new iPod touch will join the iPhone in being unable to play any games purchased from the iTunes Music Store.

Tags: apple, arkanoid, breakout, iphone, ipod, itunes

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Ska Oreo
Ska Oreo
Sep 5th 2007
iPod Touch only comes in 8GB and 16GB. THAT SUCKS!!

Why should I go from a 30GB 5G to an 8GB Touch?

What a mistake...they should have gone with 1.8 inch drives.
Actually, Frank, this is not Engadget.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Had to post my frustration somewhere. Posts on Engadget get buried real quick. Especially when your talking Apple.
1 heart vote downvote upReport
Had to post my frustration somewhere. Posts on Engadget get buried real quick. Especially when your talking Apple hardware.
Half a heart vote downvote upReport
Yes, I know. I was disappointed too.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
8GB nano to a 8GB touch is a fine strategy to me. Especially when I'm using a BB replacement plan on the defective headphone port in order to only pay the difference in price ($50) to get a touch. Same thing I did to get an Elite.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
or you could be like me and, you know, not own an ipod already.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 6th 2007
At first I thought they sacrificed storage space for physical size, which would be kind of silly. The thing is so thin they could afford to add a few mm. Now I'm thinking they went with flash memory to conserve battery life. Remember the thing has a huge screen and WiFi, which both suck power. Flash memory is expensive so they went with a gimped size.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
I really didn't like the old Nano. This one looks much better.

Peggle on iPod... Peggle on DS... both are good.
Sep 5th 2007
Are you kidding me? The new one looks like a short fat kid. It's ugly.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
I didn't like the 2G. I loved the 1G, and this one is O.K. Flow is a mistake IMO, but well...I miss the fingerprint-magnet stylish iPods, the 6G is SO ugly...and the Touch is nice but it's retarded, flash based on that size? and touch screen on a DAP?! come on...
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 6th 2007
Actually, it's more like the Paper Mario of iPods. Yeah, it's wide and short, but it's quite flat.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
What the shiz.

Instead of developing games for the HUGE all touch screen of the iPhone or iPod Touch, they decide to develop for this tiny shit!

What were they thinking? Let's get some games on that iPhone!
Sep 5th 2007
God dang... I hate the iPod... Joystiq was my one safe haven to never see them... *sigh*

Atleast you guys don't go around blatantly attacking the Zune.
Sep 5th 2007
It doesn't need to be attacked...
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
No use in beating a dead horse.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
ill trooper
ill trooper
Sep 5th 2007
Attacking the Zune is like picking on a 3-legged mangy dog... It's just too pathetic and has no purpose.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
"Hey! You know what would be awesome on the iPod? Peggle!"

Couldn't have said it better. Harcode peggle fanatics are all about that portable peggle.
Sep 5th 2007

Maxwell Ash
Maxwell Ash
Sep 6th 2007
I bet my record is better than your record. On my iPod Mini I got 100 points, at which point the game stops, and no more men come.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
I have a 4GB Nano, so I would be glad to update to an 8GB Touch.

Plus portable internet device = yes.
Sep 5th 2007
um yeah im definitely getting the 16gb touch. Its exactly what i'm looking for. 16gb is how much space of music i have on my computer, and most of it i don't listen to anyways. I'm not the type that keeps a huge collection of music, i delete old shit that i dont like anymore. Ive always thought 4 and 8 was kind of limiting though. 16 is perfect...no need for an iphone and a stupid AT&T; contract anymore...i'm stoked
Sep 5th 2007
iPod Touch...

Too big to be an mp3 player .. get any other iPod
Not enough GB for a video player .. get the Classic
Not a phone .. get the iPhone
Gimped communications .. get the iPhone
Sep 5th 2007
Go buy a Zune for $199, it is hands down the best portable media player, plus no itunes clogging your system. I game my ipod away after getting my doo doo brown zune.
But does a ZUNE come with Vortex?!?! Huh?!?! Well, DOES IT?!?!?!?!?!
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
How is iTunes clogging your system any different than Zune software clogging it? Especially since Zune is just a rehash of Media Player. I guess I just don't understand.

And Zune for $199 reminds me of 60GB PS3 for $499. No wait, 80GB?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
I'll probably buy an iPod Touch. I've been holding out on buying a decent MP3 player for YEARS while waiting for a full screen iPod.

I wish the iPhone wasn't exclusive to AT&T;, because I'll be needin' a new phone soon, too...being to the fact that my phone now gets about...oh, say, 90 minutes of battery life at this point.
Sep 5th 2007
Eh. The nice thing about real buttons on a Media player is that you can operate it through your pocket, or in a jacker and such.

And, I've heard the iPhone's screen is waring away. The chemicals kind of just... die.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
i would never buy an apple product, overpriced and they usually lack features that other companys provide for less money, guess im not in the hip crowd
Apple doesn't go for the policy that you have to throw all available technology into a product to make it worth while. People like the iPod because it is simple and elegant.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
agreed with nimblewick. I wasn't a fan of ipods for the longest time. But you can't argue the beauty of the UI, especially for the iphone/touch. It's streamlined and pretty looking. And with safari and youtube videoing, can't ask for much more than that in the features department...screw the radio.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
Cool, I didn't know I could buy another 160gb MP3 player for ยฃ230 and last 30 hours off a single charge.

Don't be a twunt.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
ill trooper
ill trooper
Sep 5th 2007
Spoken like a true "feature-list" purist, buying and deciding without any concern for USABILITY.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
I agree. Nearly every feature the 5G iPod has is somehow flawed in one way or another.

At least they fixed SOME THINGS with the touch. For example, no click wheel. Big screen........ um... I think that's it.

And yet, nearly any other PMP out there has no click wheel, and a big screen.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
The new nano/shuffle colors are ugly as sin. But I'm looking for my Best Week Ever the week of the 23rd:
Halo 3 and the iPod touch come out.

A hybrid MS/Apple fanboy? That's impossible!
Sep 5th 2007
*forward. Sorry, too excited.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
You're a hybrid Apple/MS fanboy? If MS is matter (normal, functional) to Apple's antimatter (much cooler sounding), then I wouldn't touch yourself if I were you. You might rip a hole in the fabric of spacetime and bring about the end of the universe.

Wait a minute... I use a mac... and I own an XBox360!? Oh, SHI-%^&[NO CARRIER]
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 6th 2007
Error: Divide by zero
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
I've owned a 3G, still have a 2G mini, 2G shuffle, 80gb 5.5G iPod and to me this new Nano is fugly. I can't believe designers as good as Apple made this.
I have that iQuiz. It's not bad. I don't want to play DS or phone wannabe games on the go. But something that uses my iPod library? awesome.

they messed up big time with the HDD-less iPod Touch. 160gb drive in that and I would have bought one NOW.
Sep 5th 2007
how much would that cost? like seriously...be realistic. Oh and it's not a freaking portable HDD, it's an mp3 player, 160 gigs? is that seriously necessary?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
Yes. Audiophiles who encode in lossless, people who buy and/or rip films and TV shows (in my case I'm up to 81gb of TV shows and 46gb of films. 22gb music. 4gb photos). If Video on iPods never came along I wouldn't bother. But it did and takes up a lot of room. I want to carry my library since I travel away from a computer.

And useful as a portable HDD...
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
ill trooper
ill trooper
Sep 5th 2007
I think it's a trade-off for battery life... The large screen ipods/iphone all use flash memory, while the smaller-screened iPod Classic has a hard-drive. Maybe combining the hard-drive with the large screen would have dipped the battery life far below the 24 hours of audio they claim.

As for the looks, I don't mind the new nano - except for those weak new colors. I'm guessing when people see it in person the bad attitudes will melt away and the haters will fall in love again. I would have to opt for the black one. That looks like a good iPod. I have the 8gig nano and a 30gig iPod video and the 8gig is amazing, excellent battery life, light as a feather, and by stepping down to a smaller iPod, I put more thought into what I'm putting on it, versus dragging everything I own on to a larger iPod, which for me has translated to hearing more music that I like, more often (when I put it on shuffle).
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
Apple is doing the gaming thing all wrong. Truth is, the games are overpriced. If they opened the gaming up to everyone so that everyone can create games for ipods they would sell more. People would consider the ipod to also be a gaming device. Imagine hundreds of games, all free. Apple would recommend ones that work well so you know what to choose.
Hmmm... been holding out on buying an Ipod, might get the new Nano though.
Sep 5th 2007
It's just a shame the new Nano is so fugly. May have to upgrade to a touch from my 4GB Nano though. (Will really miss the beautiful electric blue of my Nano though)
Sep 5th 2007
That fattie is ugly as sin, what the hell were they thinking?!!!! I was holding out for the 3G Nano so I didn't feel screwed when it came out, but looking at this hideous piece of shit I'll be getting a 2G Nano...

And why an iPod over the other brands that offer better value? The design just kicks ass!
Sep 5th 2007
Admit it, you really like them for the DRM ;)
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 5th 2007
Oh, I'm pissed....

I just bought my dad an Ipod 30GB a week ago, and I've barely had mine a year, then they release a new one.

Screw you, Apple.
ill trooper
ill trooper
Sep 5th 2007
And did yours stop working or become any less effective than it was when you bought it? No? Then really, you can't blame a company for adding more features, changing prices, etc.

Sure it's a bummer (I mean, I bought the iPhone on launch day and it dropped $200 in price today!) but I can't say I'd want to wait and wait until 'the next thing' comes out... I'd be waiting forever! You need to learn to see the value in your usage for the last year. As for buying your dad a new iPod last week, well... It's been all over the internet for TWO weeks or more that Apple was having a big music-related event today. You might have waited if it was really going to bother you so much after the fact.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport

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