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Kirby Super Star coming to DS

Before mini-game compilations were crazy ubiquitous, there was Kirby Super Star. Released at the tail-end of the SNES's lifetime, Super Star advertised "8 Games In One!", one of which being a graphically enhanced version of the Game Boy original, and four more being full-fledged platformers in their own right.

Now, HAL Laboratories are bringing the Kirby party to the DS, with a remake of the SNES classic tentatively called Hoshi no Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe. No details yet on any additional features, but our buddies over at DS Fanboy have aptly observed that a wireless icon in one of the screens means that the game will at least have local wireless play, and additional screenshots show cutscenes in the same style as HAL's fighting phenomenon Super Smash Bros. Brawl. More details as they become available. For now, though, color us excited.

Update: Additional screens found at Jeux France show that this game is a remake, and not a true sequel. Thanks to reader Sonicandtails for the tip.

Gallery: Kirby Super Star DS

[Via DS Fanboy]

Metareview: The Orange Box (PC, Xbox 360)

Valve may have the most deficient understanding of episodic gaming EVAR(!), but they are masters of smoke and mirrors marketing. Valve made us completely lose focus on Half-Life 2: Episode 2 being in The Orange Box (YAY!) by bundling so much gaming goodness in the package, that instead of us cracking jokes about their episodic incompetence, we end up calling The Orange Box the gaming value of the year -- 'cause it is with Half-Life 2, Episodes 1 and 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. Sure, if you've played Half-Life 2 on your PC it might not be such a fantastic value, but for console owners (minus those that played Half-Life 2 on the original Xbox) this is their first go at HL2 and its episodes.
  • GameTap (100/100): "If your PC isn't quite up to snuff, the Xbox 360 version is a good substitute. Occasional framerate hitches, plus one minor gaffe with the gamepad (weapon selection) are the only things dragging down the 360 version. That, and it has freaking 99 Achievements spread across all five games. Due to the delay of the PS3 version, we haven't played it yet, but we'll update you when we do."
  • Team Xbox (96/100): "So, is The Orange Box the best bargain in gaming? While there might be longer games (Oblivion, for example) or games that pack more titles onto a single disc (any of the 'classic' compilations), this is a near-perfect blend of varied games. ... Although this is undeniably one of the must-own games for the Xbox 360, we have a few questions. Will we be getting Episode Three over Xbox Live? And where's our Counter-Strike: Source?"
  • IGN (95/100): "There's nothing else available on any console like The Orange Box. Though you could argue that Half-Life 2 is old news by now, there are still four components of the Box brand new to consoles. That so much great content is offered at the standard single-game price is astonishing ... And all on one disc. While Portal and TF2 may not be strong enough to stand on their own, coupled with the Half-Life titles, The Orange Box really is one of the best games ever released."

Rumor: Team ICO project explores The Last Canyon

Though we haven't been able to obtain a copy and confirm, the latest issue of Game Informer is rumored to have a feature piece on Shadow of the Colossus developer Team Ico's latest PS3 title. The game, reportedly called The Last Canyon, will have you exploring a desert similar to Death Valley, searching for "something" (that part not revealed yet).

The protagonist's method of transportation will consist of a simple, non-motorized glider that you can mount and dismount. From the alleged excerpt: "From what we've seen there's never before been that feeling of flying around in the sky, combined with this scale of environment."

Clever rumor or legitimate clipping? We won't know until the next GI hits newsstands.

Update: The original source of the rumor doesn't lend it much credibility. We'll just go back to begging Ueda to hurry up then.

Castlevania pre-orders escorted by 8-bit Belmont

At least 4 times more powerful than your average, two-bit vampire slayer, the pixelated protagonist of early Castlevania adventures will accompany Gamestop and EB pre-orders of Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles. An "8-bit Simon Belmont figure" not only makes the PSP's Rondo of Blood remake more desirable, but also illustrates how far the series has come, shifting from side-scrolling vampire killer to... prettier, side-scrolling vampire killer.

Oh well, if $30 doesn't net you any change on October 23rd, at least it grants you access to Dracula X Chronicles' bonus game, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Fang you very much, Konami.

[Via PSP Fanboy]

Too Human clip gives us best idea of game in years

We really haven't seen much of Too Human's combat since the "flipbook presentation" during E3 2006. Now GameTrailers/Game Head have a "world exclusive" Too Human trailer. The cutscene stuff is mundane at this point, we've seen that before. The real meat in this Too Human trailer is getting a good look at the combat footage.

The combat appears to be Devil May Cry meets God of War, with that still-nagging frame rate hiccup in there. Legal entanglement questions regarding the Unreal Engine 3 aside, we're hoping to speak with Silicon Knights and finally get some hands-on time with Too Human by GDC in February. If we can actually play it this time around, we'll know it's close to being released.

Codemasters bringing pirates, wizards, and dragons to Wii, DS

Codemasters has announced a deal with Templar Publishing to release a series of games based on the multi-million selling 'Ology series of faux encyclopedias for the Wii and Nintendo DS late next year. The agreement includes the first three books in the series, Dragonology, Wizardology and Pirateology, with the former expected to ship first in the second half of 2008.

While details are scarce, we know that the Wii version of each title will take a more action-oriented approach to the source material, while the DS will get more 'explorative' games, described by Codemasters as 'interactive books.'

The latter certainly makes sense, though does it strike anyone else as odd that encyclopedias, even fantasy encyclopedias, are being made into action games? The books themselves are really amazing works, but it's anyone's guess how this material will be translated into an interactive format.

Uncharted developer discusses PSN demo, HD support

Over at Sony's developer and corporate soapbox Official PlayStation.Blog, Naughty Dog's Co-President Evans Wells scribed up an update on the PlayStation 3 exclusive, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. He stated that they hit beta back in mid-September, and they "received the data [they] need to make sure the gameplay is finely tuned for [their] final release" from last week's focus testing. However, the more important bits of information came from Wells' comments to the initial post.

Wells stated that they're working on a demo for the PlayStation Network, and it "will be up before [its] release date." After treading the waters, he addressed letters – consonants and vowels – in a Sesame Street fashion, specifically I, P, and HDTV. The game supports 720p, and after many people requested via the comments for 1080 support, Wells filled the community in: 1080i won't a problem, 1080p will be scaled from 1080i via software. Now you can experience the game as it was meant to be, according to Wells, "in glorious high definition." Yay?

Joystiq hands-on: Tomb Raider Anniversary (Wii)

Some things are obvious about Lara Croft. But Crystal Dynamics's Morgan Gray wants you to focus on Lara's more subtle assets, like her intelligence. The late-coming Wii version of Tomb Raider Anniversary focuses on Lara's actual career: babe, er, 'archaeologist'.

There's "over three hours" of Wii-specific content promised, and the majority of it comes in the form of motion-sensitive mini-games. There's Lara with a pick axe unearthing clues; Lara digging for buried treasures; and Lara taking charcoal rubbings for her journal. All use the Wiimote's pointer, mimicking what you'd normally find in a DS game (think: psuedo-archeology game Spectrobes). It's gimmicky, yes -- but there are times where the physicality adds an appreciable amount of depth to the experience. In one segment of the game, we had to uncover symbols, hidden away under some dust. With those symbols in mind, we had to draw them in sand to unlock a door. Drawing with the Wiimote added a whole new layer to what was originally a very simple puzzle. Thankfully, the system is forgiving enough to recognize even the shakiest of gestures.

Not only has Lara's "intelligence" been expanded upon for Wii, combat has received a major overhaul as well. For the first time in the franchise, players will aim and shoot freely while moving. Players will have to use the pointer to manually aim at the various enemies on the screen while performing Lara's signature dodges. It can be awkward at first, but Crystal Dynamics is so confident in their battle system that they won't give players the option to switch to more traditional controls. "All or nothing," as we were told by Gray. To ease away potential frustrations, there is an overly generous hit detection system that requires only a marginal amount of accuracy. Harder difficulties, we're told, will require a much steadier shot.

Gallery: Tomb Raider Anniversary (Wii)

Continue reading Joystiq hands-on: Tomb Raider Anniversary (Wii)

Design a Fallout 3 perk, win notoriety and gaming gear

In celebration of Fallout's 10th anniversary, new IP owner Bethesda Softworks have opened a contest for the aspiring Vault Dweller to design their own perk to be included in the upcoming Fallout 3. The winner will also receive a bunch of gear for either PC or Console gamers (there are separate packages for each, listed on the contest page).

You don't have to possess artistic talent to enter, opting instead to use one of Bethesda's 15 pre-made sketches. However, if you want to submit your own art work, photo or whatever, you're more than welcome to. Contest ends 11:59 p.m. ET on October 31.

N'Gai Croal redesigns the Wiimote for Metroid Prime 3

Of course, you may want to substitute the word "redesigns" for "fixes," depending on how compulsive your scanning was. In his Level Up blog, Newsweek's N'Gai Croal has posted a visual illustration of a special Wii remote he would have liked to find in the Metroid Prime 3 box. Unhappy with the placement of the plus and minus buttons -- both of which are frequently used in the game -- Croal proposes that the above kidney shaped configuration would add up to less limited controls. As he tells MTV's Stephen Totilo following their lengthy dissection of the game, "I know you'll agree with me."

We certainly do. We reckon the design change would also benefit the games that don't involve intergalactic bounty hunters, eliminating the trek our thumbs embark on every time they leave the safety and security of the A-button. We like the idea so much, we're inclined to forgive Mr. Croal for calling his design the "Metroid Pwiime" remote.

Joystiq interviews Jade Raymond of Assassin's Creed

Oh, Jade. You surely are Ubisoft's finest asset, with your playful and inquisitive eyes inviting us to relive the many adventures we had after our first and far too brief meeting. If only we could be reunited and take some more pictures of our escapades. If only mere images could capture your boldness, allure and glistening green lips! Where is Beyond Good & Evil 2?

Putting our reminiscing aside, we can talk about the other Jade at Ubisoft -- Jade Raymond, producer of big budget bump-off epic, Assassin's Creed. More specifically, we can talk about us talking to her about sandboxes, flower boxes, pushy crowds and Star Trek's Holodeck in a brief Tokyo Game Show chat. Find it after the break.

Continue reading Joystiq interviews Jade Raymond of Assassin's Creed

Kojima Productions is done with MGS4 trailers, for now

Counting nine trailers since the original at Tokyo Game Show 2005, Kojima Productions assistant producer Ryan Payton has told MTV Games' Stephen Totilo that their latest video, from this year's TGS (embedded above), "could be the last trailer [for the game]."

"The pressure is really on to finish work on the game, and we have decided not to be sidetracked by any more promotional work," he said. That doesn't rule out making more cinema once the game is completed, but don't expect that anytime soon.

The nine trailers, for those keeping track, encompass three E3 Expos, three Tokyo Game Shows, two Leipzig Games Conventions and a Metal Gear 20th Anniversary Party. It should be noted, as Totilo observes, that one of the videos wasn't a trailer so much as it was 15 minutes of Hideo Kojima playing the in-progress game.

Phantom Hourglass is unintentional Zelda remake

According to Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma, players who delve into the upcoming Phantom Hourglass on DS may find it somewhat familiar. In speaking with MTV Multiplayer, Aonuma said that in his quest to return the series' roots he unintentionally remade the very first version of the game, which just passed 20 years since its NES release here in North America.

Honestly, the Zelda series has been so impressive under his leadership, we'd trust the guy if he said Phantom Hourglass was an unintentional remake of Kabuki Quantum Fighter. ... Come to think of it, we'd totally buy that game. But if you're looking for something more traditional, you can get that old Zelda feeling for yourself when the portable Wind Waker sequel drops next week.

GOW:COO-SE:BOADD now shipping

god of war
The wait is finally over ... for your demo. As promised, God of War: Chains of Olympus - Special Edition: Battle of Attica Demo Disc -- or simply, 'GoWCoOSEBoADD' -- has been pressed, printed, and popped in the mail. In just a matter of days you'll be tearing off the plastic seal and enjoying a full fifteen minutes of gameplay! But don't rush it -- you gotta make this one last. March 4th is still 158 days away.

Joystiq impressions: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (DS)

LucasArts recently showed off the in-development DS version of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. The company tried to remain positive -- or at the very least, civil -- about the previous DS bomb, Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. But this showing was clearly to prove to journalists that the DS version of the new game won't follow the murky fate of its predecessor.

Lego Star Wars creator, Traveller's Tales redeveloped the game for the DS instead of re-using the old DS engine, and it shows. The new game more closely resembles LSW on other consoles. In my brief play session, I was impressed with the top-screen 3D graphics; LSW Complete could be the graphical leader for 3D DS games with its November 6 launch.

Gallery: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (DS)

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