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Rockstar appeals second Manhunt 2 rejection

Developer announces it will contest the BBFC's latest decision to ban the edited version of its controversial title, says extra changes requested were "unacceptable."
By Emma Boyes, GameSpot UK
Posted Oct 8, 2007 8:38 am PT

This morning, Rockstar Games got the latest in a string of bad news for its controversial horror game Manhunt 2. After presenting an edited version of the game to the British Board of Film Classification, Rockstar learnt that the new version was also refused a rating, meaning that both it and the original are still banned in the UK.

The company has had better luck across the pond, where the Entertainment Software Ratings Board granted the edited version of the game an M for Mature rating, meaning that it could be sold to anyone aged 17 and over. Manhunt 2 is now due for release in North America on October 31.

As for why the edits weren't to the BBFC's liking, the board stated that the "reduction in visual detail in some of the execution kills" was still not enough to bring the title in line with an 18 rating. The director of the BBFC, David Cooke, also said the organisation had suggested further changes to the game be made, although some requests were ignored.

Rockstar responded with a statement shortly after the announcement, stating that it would also be appealing this decision, and that the extra changes it was requested to make were "unacceptable." The statement is as follows, "We are continuing to appeal the BBFC's decision to deny the edited version of Manhunt 2 an 18 certificate and thereby ban its release in the United Kingdom."

Rockstar slammed what it painted as BBFC hypocrisy regarding video games and movies, focusing on the argument that many consider the game to be no worse than recently 18-rated "torture" movies, including Hostel and Saw III. Its statement said, "The changes necessary in order to publish the game in Britain are unacceptable to us and represent a setback for video games. The BBFC allows adults the freedom to decide for themselves when it comes to horror in movies and we think adults should be similarly allowed to decide for themselves when it comes to horror in video games, such as Manhunt 2."

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All I can say is they better not tone the game down further for us in North America. I am so set for its release and I can't wait to play it.

Posted Oct 10, 2007 7:59 pm PT
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as far as im concerned FORGET bbfc and just release the game in the u.k. becuas it should be up to the parents to decide wether or not their child should get it and if you are 18+ who cares you can legally get it.

Posted Oct 10, 2007 6:04 pm PT
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I´m from venezuela and the manhunt 2 videogame is already here (in spanish, not audio but subtitled) although i can't pass level 3...='(, I've been looking for walkthroughs but it looks like the game is too new for having one, i wish i could just pass that level, hey if u can give me any help w/ this e-mail me at hitman_47_666@hotmail.com, please i need help... btw, THE GAME ROCKS!!!

Posted Oct 10, 2007 3:19 pm PT
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mier2003 says-
(While I do see your point JackBurton, You have to have played games as long as I have to see where I am coming from. I come from way back before Atari. I grew up with gaming and have been around it since it's formation into what it is today.)

I too, have been around since the early incarnation of the videogame. Remember when we stood in line, with a pocket full of quarters, waiting to play a little game called Space Invaders? I was also going to the movies, alone, as a 6 year old child, before the Film Ratings System existed as we know it today! Who would let their 6yr old go anywhere unsupervised in this society?!
It was just G and M back-in-the-day, as there wasn't even an NC-17 or X rating, until "Last Tango In Paris" and "Clockwork Orange", if my memory serves me correctly. Ah but back then we were hearing about the evils and need for censorship of lyrics in 60's & 70's music, which was FAR more timid than today's, eh?

mier2003 says-
(If I were to shelter my children the way they should be in today's society, people would start screaming about me cutting them off from the world and censoring their very lives. I wouldn't be letting them experience life in all of it's atrocities. I would be told, "they have to experience the good with the bad.".

You see to blame just parents or any single group for that matter is just wrong. If we parents followed the course of action that most gamers suggest then the very gamers who suggested it would be ready to string us up for censorship. We just can't win. I can't be there at every friend's house when they go over. I can't sit with them every day at school to make sure they don't hear or say anything they shouldn't. I also can't be there every time they go to the mall to make sure some crazed moron doesn't hurt them.)

I guess my point in an earlier post was- It is EVERY parent's responsibility to know their child and to govern their movies and games accordingly. Sure it's easier said than done these days, as there are few stay-at-home mothers/fathers. That said, now we have Government entities who feel as though they must act as "Society's Parent's" and censure as much content as they can b4 it reaches the masses for consumption. Quite a thinly veiled excuse to justify Big Brother's forms of censorship, imho.
You say you have children, and so let's assume you watch sports with your child. Are you not outraged by the sheer volume of ads for alcohol you and your child are bombarded with during a 3hr broadcast? Does this temptation by the almighty powerful beverage Lobby to attach your child to a beverage-brand at the earliest possible age not worry you more, or at least as much, than the content of a videogame?
If you agree with game-content censorship, surely you must want Guinness with their cutesy ads or any other alcohol ads restricted to non-family viewing hours then, right? Isn't early addiction to alcohol not a more clear & present danger to your child than content in a game?

If we can limit access to tobacco, alcohol, film, pornography, etc, with a Rating system or age restriction, then why can we not do the same for games?

Well, i know I'm ranting and should wrap this up. You make valid points in your post and I cannot say I wholely disagree with any of them.

I stand by my statement that it's a parent's job to parent, not a Government run or funded entity, and that Censorship in any form is just unacceptable, IMHO.

BTW, you're the first to comment on the movie connection of my UserName. I guess we are old. heheh

Posted Oct 10, 2007 2:41 pm PT
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FFS! it will be some snobby faced rats in the BBFC thats didn't let this game release, i mean who the hell are they protecting? they arn't protecting anyone, there just dissapointing people. They clearly are just being stubborn retards that probably want to ban every game, but they actually ban this game becuase of the freaks that murdered people and said they were copying manhunt 1 so they know they won't get it bad for banning this game. Well thats what i think anyway, the only people i can amagine banning a game which is said to be no worse than some horror films are humerless lifeless weirdo's that only like games like viva piniata "OOOh! yuck! bloods in this game i hate it,..ooh look in THIS game you get to water flowers WOW! this game gets a pass!"

Posted Oct 10, 2007 2:27 pm PT
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It is a shame that in the UK, they have heavier monitering of what is traded in the country. Personally, I hope this doesnt catch on with the rest of the world.

Posted Oct 10, 2007 1:40 pm PT
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well i'm mad cause it got pushed back further now...but hey i'm at least glad that i would get the game here in north america. But its really unfortunate that the United Kingdom still wont accept.

Posted Oct 10, 2007 10:50 am PT
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I know why there is a descrepentcy in the ratings world. Movies can show the raters how they made the gruesome scenes, "Look its only Catsup, not real blood" while video game developers can only show bits of code, it's this disassocation and some bribe money that makes video games always in the sights of the ratings board. It's a cruel world we live in.

Posted Oct 10, 2007 6:36 am PT
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"losers". They are scared of that funny game. I liked the movies but in Belgium (i live there) it is uncertain of Manhunt 2 will be available. (read blog)

Posted Oct 10, 2007 5:49 am PT
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What a load of rubbish. someone need to tell BBFC off. There lets violence films like saw 3 out, but o no, we can't let a game out. thats it, i'll still be playing this game at the end of the day as i will just get it from another European country is is letting the game come out, so up yours BBFC!!!

Posted Oct 10, 2007 4:31 am PT
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I hope all the fuzz about this game doesn't affect its release back here in good ole Mexico, but then again, since it's no longer banned in the States, i bet it'll make it to these shores...

By the way, I hope they release a double pack including the first game and this one, I've been looking for it for months. I can't even find it in the States.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 6:01 pm PT
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Our worst nightmare has come true, the govornment are launching a study into violent games, look for yourselves.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7034179.stm

As for not being rated, That would leave them open to Being Sued by anyone, people would say, "My 2 year old kid played manhunt and he killed someone Yet the box says nothing about violence"

Posted Oct 9, 2007 4:04 pm PT
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When could too much fake violence in a game earn itself an A rating? We have already seen decapitations, stabbing in the eyes, throat, crotch, etc... I mean is it really any gorier than Soldier of Fortune ll?

Posted Oct 9, 2007 3:56 pm PT
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Anyone know if it is possible for a game to come out and just go "unrated" like what they do with movies? They just put them out on DVD dont bother to get them rated by whoever rates movies, and call it an unrated edition. That way it's like a "buy at your own risk" type thing, bypassing the ESRB, or BBFC.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 3:35 pm PT
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@lil_d_mack.........Manhunt 2 is going through this because of the first Manhunt. It has been blamed for a few murders here in the UK. Quite a lot of negative press has surrounded the first Manhunt since it came out.

I think the BBFC is scared of public opinion if the second one is released. I also think that's what the government meant when they responded to the online petition.

This is how our government deals with major problems like murder. They don't get to the root of the problem, they just go the easy route that grabs the most headlines......VIOLENT GAME BANNED........

Posted Oct 9, 2007 2:55 pm PT
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I agree with Jackanderson

Posted Oct 9, 2007 1:56 pm PT
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wow these people are just nit picking now...how the hell was the 1st one released with out all this? some plz tell me...i under stand that some consols done except AO rated games but come on this is getting stupid. just slap a M on the front and call it a day. its still coming out in america rite?

Posted Oct 9, 2007 1:53 pm PT
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It is truly stupid that they won release the game till even more get edited but is also funny because if you look at some of the movies that are out id say a hell of a lot of killing torture but yet the movies seem to allways get realeased uncut.director cut...................Just approve the game allready

Posted Oct 9, 2007 1:03 pm PT
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OK, so how about we change the game a bit. There are two ways. 1] Change nothing except the object which is to kill the BBFC. Or 2] Make it "Super Happy Kill No-one Game." I know which I prefer.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 12:17 pm PT
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I was a staunch supporter of the BBFC, but even I fail to understand why it is still unrated when the ESRB passed it with a M rating. Do they have higher moral and ethical standards than the US? We shall see...

Posted Oct 9, 2007 11:47 am PT
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Hate the ratings system sometimes Rockstar likes to push it to limit of gameplay b/c obviously people like games like that. Manhunt 2 AO should be released despite what the ratings people say screw them. Only good news now is that the release date is pushed back two days early. Hate people tellin us gamers what we can and cant play b/c of the violence

Posted Oct 9, 2007 11:44 am PT
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rockstar keep appealing you put all that effort in a horror game so you should go till you can get it on shelves

Posted Oct 9, 2007 11:37 am PT
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I think that it is obvious noone on this panel of critics plays computer games. Isn't it about time that they had an internal investigation into the workings of the BBFC? Has this ever been done before? 'Course not, this kind of thing would never happen otherwise.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 10:25 am PT
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hahaha poor rockstar... cant they just let them release that game?!?! im sure resident evil is worse than manhunt!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 8:41 am PT
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Posted Oct 9, 2007 8:09 am PT
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Oh come on, this is just pathetic, in America it gets an M. not an adult rating, an M.... And over here they will refuse to even rate the game? Come on, if it is safe for 17+ over there surely they could give it an 18+ or something!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 7:49 am PT
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ESRB and BBFC are the modern day Nazi's. This is the new form of Book Burning!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 7:25 am PT
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I am not a big fan of the Manhunt games but I completely agree with Rockstar, the game is no worse than some films. There are different games for different age groups, I think the BBFC just want games like Viva pinata on the market.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 7:05 am PT
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I live in the UK but I own an NTSC Wii. It's just a matter of importing the US version of the game.

Oh yeah, and SSBB in 2007 instead of 2008.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 7:02 am PT
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You go rockstar!!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 6:55 am PT
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What about the rest of Europe??? Who cares about UK, they always whine there. I still want a PAL-release before xmas!!!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 6:53 am PT
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Adults dont need molly coddlled. Give me back my right to choose what I want to do and see!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 6:43 am PT
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Why can't games just get a movie type rating on the box, would make everyones life alittle easier. Then cut out all this ban buisness.


Posted Oct 9, 2007 6:12 am PT
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Britain is being far too nannyed in recent years, this game (like many things are we having the choice taken out of our hands about) is a matter of social responsility and I am sure we can make our own descisions where media is concerned. If we are banning things that may cause violence I move for the outlawing of religion....

Posted Oct 9, 2007 6:04 am PT
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The UK has very different attitudes about media content. If instead of killing you victims, you simply violently fornicated with them, odds are good this situation would be reversed.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 5:56 am PT
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Once again we're being told what we can and can't watch / read / play. This decision by the bbfc is incredibly nonsensical, and confirms my suspisions that we are heading to a time when we as a community should be vocal about what we stand for. If any regulatory commision, government or not, had tried to ban a recent piece of modern art then the country would be up in arms, but as its just a childish game it doesn't matter.

Anyone read V for Vendetta? Anyone notice things getting unnervingly close to the world portrayed in that?

Posted Oct 9, 2007 5:56 am PT
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Movie raters do their jobs well. Game raters are f**king retards. Just look at what's happening to Germany; it's going totally downhill because of 50 year old tards who think that they're making people crazy just becuase they weren't around in their day.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 5:54 am PT
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Adult choices. BBFC are stuffy, removed, rose-tinted viewing idiots !!!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 5:02 am PT
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Let the consumers decide. I think they would know what game they are ready for and old for.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 4:46 am PT
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Censorship in this country is an inconsistent mess anyway. Try listening to the music channels like scuzz and youll see/hear such utter stupidity as banning/removal of the words "whore" and "cocaine" in songs, while other channels freely use words like "bullsh*t" on non PIN protected channels during the daytime, its a joke. Its ironic that the people who need to grow up and act more like mature adults are the ones actually dishing out the censorship, not the rest of us.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 4:34 am PT
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I'm sick of reading comments about how the USA has better attitudes towards games than Britain. Have you all forgot about the Hot Coffee scandal? Hot Coffee caused nation wide outrage in the states that was level with hysteria and for what? A bit of stupid simulated sex that could only be accessed through manipulation of the games code.

NEWSFLASH; Nobody here in the UK gave a crap. The game wasn't taken off shelves and it certainly wasn't amended and re-rated. What Americans now consider the 'AO' version is still on sale here in the UK. The sex scenes were removed from Indigo Prophecy so the game was allowed to go on sale in America. It's called Fahrenheit here in the UK and it shipped with the sex scenes still in the game.

Are you all forgetting that the original version of Manhunt 2 WAS banned in your "land of freedom"? Same as the original version of GTA:SA. The ESRB knows there is no way an AO version will ever go on sale. The result is the same, it's just called something different.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 4:29 am PT
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For those saying that the original manhunt sucked, go check the GS reviews. PS2 version got 8.4 so shut up.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 3:55 am PT
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i'm sick of this nanny state in england. ah well i wasn't going to get it anyway since my second ps2 bricked and i'm not getting a wii

Posted Oct 9, 2007 3:18 am PT
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i live in the uk,and i got a copy few weeks ago,played through it and didnt think of going to kill anyone,maybe if it had photo real people in high defination enviroments,instead of N64 graphics..id see the point in banning it,

Posted Oct 9, 2007 3:01 am PT
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I live in Britain am just about getting sick of how things are going were storming towards a mummy state or something similar we kicked the hell out of in the 1940's everything the media is producing is being questioned i love it how games and music are taking the brunt of it when as said in article sick films like Hostel and Saw are allowed. Its my right to buy and play this game the only reason they're stopping it being released is because children can get their mits on it and its wrong. Kids should'nt play this game but they will because an older family member could have it the PS2 has a massive user base from kids to adults and i suppose only way to stop it is through a ban so i dont know who is right or wrong.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 2:52 am PT
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Just plain stupid. I'll just order mine from abroad. If you have a disposition or mental disorder which leans towards violent psychosis then that's likely to be the real cause for violent, unprovoked assault! Not a bloody computer game. Watch the bloody news there's real horror happening in the real world every day!!

Posted Oct 9, 2007 2:27 am PT
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what the @#$%^ are they thinking..

Posted Oct 9, 2007 2:17 am PT
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As a 29 year old gamer from England I resent being treated like a child by the BBFC and I hope Rockstar will not re-edit the game further as I would rather not play the game then have a watered down version.

Posted Oct 9, 2007 2:08 am PT
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