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Watch new Halo 3 ad: "Two Soldiers Reminisce" - Joystiq
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071011183235/http://www.joystiq.com:80/2007/09/22/watch-new-halo-3-ad-two-soldiers-reminisce/
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Watch new Halo 3 ad: "Two Soldiers Reminisce"

You've already seen the first two ads of the Halo 3 "Believe" campaign from The Museum of Humanity (P.S. Anyone else unnerved by the fact that humanity is going to need a museum?). The first featured an old vet talking about the war, the second, creepy living dolls. Though those were cool, and just a little sad, we have to say that the newest ad is our favorite so far.

"Two Soldiers Reminisce" seems like something that could have been pulled straight from The History Channel, were the History Channel more focused on things that didn't happen. Two vets talk about the weapons they used during the war with the Covenant and the intricacies of the Brute Spiker. Then things get a little teary when the old soldier alludes to the sacrifice the Master Chief may or may not have made. We're not sure if it makes us want to rush out and buy the game (we were probably going to do that anyway), but it is nice to see video game lore treated with this kind of reverence.

Tags: ads, halo3, microsoft

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Sep 22nd 2007
Pretentious? Moi?
Sep 22nd 2007
i like it.
it's subtle, yet interesting.
Sep 22nd 2007
Come on, just make the halo movie already. Those props looked amazing.
Sep 22nd 2007
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
wow best one yet
Sep 22nd 2007
I liked it. I think a talking-head format, like a chair-to-chair interview, would have been more realistic, with cuts to footage of them at the museum here and there, to focus on the things they talk about, with the interview dubbed over the cuts. But it's still good.

I personally really, really liked that video on the Marketplace, about the creation of the Diorama from the second ad. I thought it was going to be, like, just Bungie making it and that's it, but it was actually part of the lore and everything, saying it was being built in 2607 or whatever. I was so surprised, and honestly, I think it's one of the most effective of the promotional videos. The narration of it is really touching.
I think killploki finished that nicely.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
Even though I'm not at all into Halo, I have to admit this is one really good commercial.
Sep 22nd 2007
Oh boy, only a few more days until I can continue having no interest at all and never playing the Halo franchise. People who play FPSs on analog joysticks need to seek help.
Sep 22nd 2007
People who complain about how other people enjoy themselves need to get a life....
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
Even though the keyboard and mouse are the preferred option for most pc games, not everyone is comfortable with that setup. I am 32 years of age and I have been gaming for a long time and even though k/m was/is better I have always found using analog sticks to be more comfortable. I have been pwned by keyboard and mouse as well doing the pwning using analog sticks on a pc.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
People who avoid games because of their input need to seek more help.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
good for you, enjoy not playing halo. while your at it why dont you try not watching halo related videos and posting comments for anything halo related.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
to Kazi:

And why is that so? Input is a key component in games or human-computer interaction, if the input is flawed, so is the whole interaction itself. Not saying that it is flawed in this case, but a game which input fails to satisfy the user can cause the game to be unsatisfactory in it's entirety.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
are you near a roof by any chance?
do us all a favor and jump off.

i find controller gaming much more comfortable,
i have had many cases of Mousehand/ keyboard wrist before i retired from PC gaming.
I have never managed to get controller claw.
You be the judge, but i choose comfort/not having carpal tunnel long before i choose precision.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 24th 2007
Congrats - being a jackass got you some replies.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
Was it Roger Ebert who said that video games don't qualify as art? These believe commercials are excellent all around. The visuals, writing, props, and most definitely the acting are top notch. Does anyone know which ad company is doing these for Bungie? They deserve an award.
Sep 22nd 2007
To be slightly fair to Ebert, what you watched was not a video game, it was an ad, a short film, for a video game. I think he would agree that short films can be art.

That's not to say that I don't think he's wrong for saying that, but it's just this ad has nothing to do with it.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Well, that's a fair point to make, but why are you defending Ebert? Christ, it's bad enough that he half flip-flopped on the "games as art" debate and came out saying "games are art, just not 'high art'". But, in this context, the ad is designed solely to allude to the experience of the game. For example, the weight of the Brute Spiker, i knew it was heavy, as this information is useful to know in a gaming-input context (ie, it's something which mirrors reality, altering experience). And that's looking at games purely as something to be played. What about the visuals and the music? Both of which, on their own, fall into art. Why shouldn't an amalgamation of the 3 be art? Sorry, i know you're not an Ebert proponent, but i the thought of someone flat-out denying the artistic value of games is just painful.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 24th 2007
I wasn't defending Ebert, or his ideas. I'm sorry if that didn't come across. I was just saying that there is a difference between ads and the games they promote. The above user was calling a live-action ad proof that video games are art, which is a non sequitur. An artful ad for deodorant does not confirm that deodorant is artful. The onus lies in the deodorant itself to prove its artistic qualities.

That said, I do think videogames are art, and I think the High Art versus Low Art debate (videogames aside) is asinine, and is merely masturbatory discussion for egotistical intellectuals.

I hope I cleared things up.

If someone creates, and calls it art, then I believe it is art.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Well...if memory serves me right,the sniper in this video is the one who take out that gold-class brute in the Diorama?
Sep 22nd 2007
Pretty cool commercial for sure. Subtle and well done.
Ska Oreo
Ska Oreo
Sep 22nd 2007
Wow. That was a really great Halo Ad.
Sep 22nd 2007
I really don't want to know anything about the campain until I start playing it, but does anyone else get the feeling that the master chief is going to die?
Ska Oreo
Ska Oreo
Sep 22nd 2007
mhmm. If you read the ads in magazine (and I really like this one), they read, A Hero does not need to speak, for when he is gone the world will speak for him. That ad right there implies that Master Chief isn't going to make it. It would make sense, and I think people would prefer it if MC (or John), sacrificed his life to save humanity.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
The time line if I'm rember these dates right and looking at the vets. Probly what? 40-60 years after Halo 30? John is about 30 something. So by this time he would be 70-90?

By this time he could of easily died of old age. I could imagen that the Spartan'ing process would shorten your life span to boot. Not to mention the stress being a life time solider and enhanced senses would put on you and your body.

*Bricked for being Halo nerd*
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
It could just be that he survived whatever happend, but is dead now?

Also remeber he is around 40 during the events or Halo 1 & 2, although, he has the physical body of a much younger man due to being in Cryo sleep during long trips on spacecraft months would go by without little change.

These ads are set in the early 27th century, around 40-50 years after the events of the games, the cheif would be around 100, so therefore coukd have died of natural causes.

Who knows, i just cant wait to play the game and find out! :D :D
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Yes I get the feeling he's going to die as well.
It's kinda ruined the ending for me now though.

We all know he ends it with a grenade and humanity survives.

I wonder what that E3 commercial was talking about when it says "This is how humanity ends"?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
No doesn't end that way. Remember they said the moments in the commercials are completely unrelated to the game. This whole situation to the people in it were made by a marketing team...
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
we are all dying.
everyones time will come, even if you live most of your life in some badass neuro/muscle enhancing armor.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
cryogenics mebe?

el o el
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
All these ads make me think the Chief is going to die.
Sep 22nd 2007
LOL, I beat you to that comment by 1 minute.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
I like it
I like it
Sep 22nd 2007
Its just that all these commercials seem to be on such a sad note.
Ska Oreo
Ska Oreo
Sep 22nd 2007
That's why they pack such a punch. It's better than a bunch of japanese school girls screaming, "BUY TEH HALOZ BUY TEH HALOZ BUY TEH HALOZ!!!"
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
Well, I mean, the Allies won World War II, but all the memoirs about it are all still sad, and there was no Master Chief at the time to make the Noble Sacrifice(TM).

I think it could go either way, really.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
I really like this ad. The Halo marketing is almost perfect. If they made a movie with this type of story telling I would go see it.
Sep 22nd 2007
The shotgun guy said like 7 words (including the repeated "I"). Nice speaking part. :)
Sep 22nd 2007
That's all we shotgunners need to do.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
This is true. Lead has a tendency to speak for itself.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
ill trooper
ill trooper
Sep 22nd 2007
Silly. I'll buy the game, but I'm not buying into this overly-reverent cornball drivel. Some of you took that last 'Believe' kicker as an order. Digg me down.
Sep 22nd 2007
This isn't digg. OR is it?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Sep 22nd 2007
Holy cow. This makes the first Museum interview piece look even WORSE (it was already pretty crummy). These actors are great, and it really brings the Halo series to a whole new level.

Gonna have to update the blog just to include this..

I think they could be a bit more technical, a soldier knows exactly what weapon he used the rest of his life, he wouldn't just call it a "sniper rifle"

it'd sound more authentic
Sep 22nd 2007
Personally, I am really impressed with the route they are taking on the advertising. On one hand, they have major brand recognition in all of their endorsements -- Mountain Dew, 7-11, etc.

On the other hand, they've made some really poignant ads that make something real out of fiction. If any of you watched the last Ken Burns doc on WWII, the veterans behaved very similarly to these actors. They reluctantly recall what went on, and their part in the whole story of the battles and war.

Maybe I'm buying into the hype, but I'd much rather see something different like these ads, than the typical vids of headshots and flying limbs.
Sep 22nd 2007
Master Chief: An Army of One.
KsE 79
KsE 79
Sep 22nd 2007
This one sucked. I think they are over doing these type of commercials for this game. They should mix it up and perhaps have a commercial with something close to game play. Show something has a little bit of excitement at least.
Ska Oreo
Ska Oreo
Sep 22nd 2007
Oh, You know what I'm not even going to waste my sarcasm on you, so I'll just say this: No.
3 hearts vote downvote upReport

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