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Coheed and Cambria join Rock Band - Joystiq
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071012001753/http://www.joystiq.com:80/2007/10/11/coheed-and-cambria-join-rock-band/
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Coheed and Cambria join Rock Band

A little bit of non-dongle related Rock Band news for you today: Apparently Coheed and Cambria will be joining the line-up with "Welcome Home." As we're not terribly familiar with the band, we sought out Dr. David Thorpe for his take: "They have deliberately combined all of rock and roll's worst traits, all of its most horrible, nauseating excess, and turned it into something so patently awful that, of course, every nerd on the internet loves it." ... Ouch.

In case you're also unfamiliar with the band, you don't have to judge from Thorpe's vitriol or this brief IGN clip. We're delighted to bring you the full song played the way God intended: Over clips of Dragon Ball Z.

Tags: activision, coheedandcambria, rockband

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Oct 11th 2007
i will now not buy this game.

unless i dont have to play through every song, that is.
Oct 11th 2007
ok, I gotta say it: Your band sucks.

Yes, this band is so awful I cant believe this story is true.
Oct 11th 2007
OMFG, I could not agree with u more. I have nightmares about their one music video with the freaking unicorn (and the dude with the high pitched voice and bad hair)- yes, nightmare and unicorn are in the same sentence b/c of these tools. PAH!
1 heart vote downvote upReport
Ska Oreo
Ska Oreo
Oct 11th 2007
agreed. god I can't stand the pitch of that guys voice. When I first heard them I thought he was a girl.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
Nowadays they're pretty bad, but their first 2 albums weren't completely horrible.
yeaaaaah, rock band just pulled a kurt cobain for me. definitely not getting it now, another shitty song on its already weak track list.
Oct 11th 2007
wow. way to have absolutely no fun playing the game. someone just wants to get his achievements....
Shitty, wannabe prog-rockers.
Oct 11th 2007
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
Yah, I downloaded the song for a listen and it was a Dream Theater cover band singing about killing their girlfriend.

That's real fresh.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
also the funny thing is, that guy singing is actually better than the band's horrible singer
Oct 11th 2007
...it's true, it's damn true.

But hey, maybe we'll only have to play it once(if at all)to unlock whatever the hell we need to get more shiznit in the game.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
oh...my...god.. are you fucking kidding me!? if youve ever even listened to the song once you would know that these kids are no talent assclowns with no rythm or sense of pitch. horrible.
Aaaaaaaaaaand here come the fans to defend this awful cock rock!
Oct 11th 2007
Their fanbase is as real as the unicorns in their videos.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Jesus, they're working to get shit like this on Rock Band, while ignoring music gods like Iron Maiden, Rush, Dream Theater, etc.
I believe Maiden didn't want their music in the game, and that Harmonix have been trying since GH1 to get their music in there.

I don't have a source, it's just something I "remember hearing."
Oct 11th 2007
I love Coheed & Cambria, they put on a great live show. But I'm not buying this game, so I will just have to go to their shows and listen to their albums.
I found one! I found one!

Now grant me a wish!
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
Holy shit - Fullmetal Salchemist has won the day!! Consider me corrected.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
The guy on your right strums like a gaylord.....this band is sad.....working for IGN I would think there's tons of guys who play Guitar Hero on a daliy basis...I guess not.
Oct 11th 2007
Love 'em or hate 'em, they're guitar parts rock. I personally love 'em, but they could've chosen a better song for Rock Band.
baby sea tuna
baby sea tuna
Oct 11th 2007
Youtube and this band both need to be burned, and the earth salted so that nothing may ever grow again.
Oct 11th 2007
"I hate you and i hate the band you like!"
Oct 11th 2007
Coheed kicks ass, and David Thorpe should take their lyrical advice:
"pull the trigger and the nightmare stops"
Oct 11th 2007
The only thing worse than this band's music are their album titles.
Oct 11th 2007
if you removed anything remotely good or entertaining from the music of Queensryche and Styx (there's not much) and combined what was left over with the rejected nonsense lyrics of Neil Peart you just might get something that's almost as bad as C&C...; almost
Oct 11th 2007
Feel free to not like coheed, but at least have some ideal of what talent is.. Can you play the solos.. Can you even play the rhythm part at that.. And the singer has quite a range which is difficult in its self.. Before you bash anything ask your self if you even compare. K?
Oct 11th 2007
someones ability to play the solo, or lack thereof doesn't preclude them from being able to make a judgment on if they think it sucks.

a four year old can't drive a car but if he sees you crash he knows you're a bad driver.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
Maybe I wasn't clear on how I stated it the first time, sure you can judge and judge freely but is it really required to bash some one when you have no real point of view on their situation.

Sure a 4 year old can say a person is a bad driver, but until they get into that driver seat and see how difficult it is for them selves they should have no reason to point out others flaws.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Can you write, direct, or produce movies? Can you work a camera keeping in mind details like exposure, shutter speed, aperture, and composition?

If not, you have no right to criticize the works of Uwe Boll.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
Coheed is an AMAZING band. Saying that they suck is just plain ignorant. Their music might not appeal to everyone, but there is no denying that they are all incredibly talented musicians. I personally love just about everything they've done.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
wow, you guys are tools. i'm pretty sure that if the talking head was quoted saying "coheed represents everything that is great about the underground, post emo, progressive rock movement", that all of you would be singing their praises right now.

coheed rules. GDIAF nubs
no i'm pretty damn sure i'd still be saying how gay they sound and how they are a perfect example of how far rock has fallen
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
Ouch my ears.
Don't hold the mic so close to your mouth.
Hey Apples
Hey Apples
Oct 11th 2007
After reading the comments in this thread, is anyone else having flashbacks to when My Chemical Romance was announced in GH2?

For those who don't, there was a huge rush to judgement pre-launch, and most of it turned out to be uninformed and unfounded.

Speaking of uninformed, Iron Maiden has songs in GH2, GH2:80s, and are confirmed for GH3... not sure where you "remember hearing" your comment.

Oct 11th 2007
Wow, I can't believe you guys. I bet you're the kind of people who think A7X has talent
Oct 11th 2007
C&C; have some good songs. Very good songs. Songs that I would love to belt out my falsetto with in this game.

... this is not one of them... (-_-)
Oct 11th 2007
My GOD! This is the first BAD news I have heard about rockband. I have been riding a wave of building anticipation and then this.

I mean I will still get and love the game, but what a godawful song, jesus god...

More maiden, less shit
Oct 11th 2007
I like C&C; and their guitar parts are pretty insane... .BUUTT!!! I dont like it as part of rock band's line up... C&C; isnt really THAT great to party to when you have a bunch of friends over rocking out...

Very Disappointed... I think i lost my 4 month long chubby i had from really wanting this!! I hope its a "Bonus Track" lool
Oct 11th 2007
Ouch, not much love in this thread, is there?

Personally, I'm excited to play it, but not excited to hear people try to imitate Claudio Sanchez's voice. Same goes for people trying to do Geddy Lee on Tom Sawyer (that's on there, right?).

For those that don't like Coheed and Cambria (nearly everyone who has commented so far?), follow these three easy steps and you might be able to at least tolerate playing through the song:
1) Ignore their fanbase of mostly musically challenged emos who probably haven't even heard their older, better stuff.
2) Remember that Claudio isn't the first rock singer to have a crazy voice.
3) Keep in mind that their lyrics are part of some (overly complex and completely retarded) story, so the murdered girlfriend is the imaginary girlfriend of an imaginary character, and therefore the song is a little less lyrically emo.

Or, you could just keep hating them, play the song once, and never touch it again. It's not like I care if you like it or not. I'm just trying to help you tolerate it.
Oct 11th 2007
So which is worse? Guitar Hero 3's Bret Michaels Band or Rock Band's Coheed & Cambria?

I have to go with C&C.;

At least there's now one or more absolutely shit songs on each game's song list. I was starting to think Rock Band was going to be relatively flawless.
Ska Oreo
Ska Oreo
Oct 11th 2007
While I hate the band, those who aren't getting the game just because of one song are fucking idiots.
Oct 11th 2007
Are all you 12-yr olds serious? Coheed are the best band out there right now. I must be too old (26) and out of the loop. These guys are one of the very few bands making anything worth listening to right now. I can't wait for the new album. I wasn't even going to bother with rock band until i read this. It's a sorry state when today's youth hate quality music. may i ask, what do you clowns listen to? I need to know what you all consider "good" if you think Coheed sucks.
Oct 11th 2007
Why, good sir, I will answer your questions.

I am sixteen years old. Coheed is normally listened to by 12-year-olds, you fool. I know this from personal experience!

Their new song that keeps getting played on my local alt-rock station? Killed any chance of me ever listening to them anymore! It's so bad I won't even think of the title, which I kinda know!

I do agree with your point about children thinking quality music sucks, but Coheed is one of those bands those kids listen to!

As for my favorite bands, I'll give you a few:
David Bowie, Arcade Fire, TV On The Radio, Muse, LCD Soundsystem, Foo Fighters, Dropkick Murphys, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins (old and new), Stone Temple Pilots, White Stripes, The Shins, Peter Bjorn and John, and The Strokes.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
Uh, I thought we already covered the fact that Bret Michaels Band was less worse music than Coheed's music.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
You must be waaaaaaaaay out of the loop if you think that:

A) C&C;'s music is "worth listening to right now"


B) they're one of the few bands to do so.

Also, I'm 22. You're not that much older than I am. So, I can hardly be called "today's youth" by you, and I still think C&C; play shitty cock rock.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
@ Joe:

Dude, I like all those bands too (well, except one or two that I don't really listen to so I can't really say I "like" them). This is crazy. I mean, I can see why there's people that don't like Coheed - they're not for everyone. But I thought video game nerds, especially the kind that post comments on video game blogs all day, would like Coheed. I guess I was surprised by how much actual hate there was for them. Oh well, I'm going back to listen to the new song they put on their myspace yesterday! later, all you 16 yr old haters!
Oct 11th 2007
Hell yeah, thanks for the heads up on the new song! listening to it now, can't wait for the new album...
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 11th 2007
I honestly think that everyone here is batshit insane. Coheed and Cambria is truly one of the more talented bands working today, not only musically, but in other facets as well. It's obvious to me that nobody here has actually even LISTENED to any of their music other than what gets radio play.

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