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Blizzard should focus on more Patch 2.3s, not on new mid-level zones - WOW Insider
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Blizzard should focus on more Patch 2.3s, not on new mid-level zones

By now you've heard the news: Patch 2.3 will lower the XP requirements needed to level from 20-60 by 15% per-level. As an extra bonus, Blizzard is adding 60-odd new quests to Dustwallow Marsh. I would prefer they do this than add more zones specifically for mid-level content .

New mid-level content is always a hot topic, especially by people who are on their third or fourth trip to the well. We've all got those "If I never, ever, see this zone again, it's too soon" zones. The solution often bandied about is to create alternate progression paths so we never, ever, go back to Stranglethorn Vale. I'm going to put forth a different idea: Fix what is broken. This will help minimize unused zones, and maybe not spread out the lower-levels so new players can actually find groups.

Which seems to be the step Blizzard is taking with 2.3. In terms of quest progression and rewards, Blizzard hit it out of the park with TBC. You've got quest-givers nicely clumped together and often they all send you in the same direction. The cash, XP, and item rewards for completing the quests are excellent. When you compare the expansion quests against original Azeroth it becomes apparent how frustrating quests could be. It seemed like completing most of them involved long griffon rides for mediocre rewards. Quests felt like they were, well, I was going that way anyway...

I was originally disappointed TBC wasn't a true 1-70 expansion. I still am, actually; I'm not a big fan of developers tossing in a few low-level starting areas so they can put "fun for all levels" on the box. I'm not disappointed Wrath has no mid-levels -- this expansion is solely for high-leveled players. But the next expansion with new starting areas damn well better have new zones for all levels. In between expansions, though, I'd rather Blizzard focus their efforts on moving the game forward. Yes, I'm saying if Blizzard is going to spend time creating new areas, I want them to be for high levels.

Now, I'm not a raider. Not even close. Embarrassingly, the only raids I've gone on are "sympathy" raids where my guild felt bad I've never seen a given zone and we raid it. I've never set foot in Kara. So, yes, I'm proposing Blizzard spend time developing content I'm about likely to see as the Pope is to bless my keyboard. I feel the lack of new 20-60 content is a faux hot topic, and Blizzard needs keep some carrots ahead of the crowd that's chewing through them as fast as they can put them down. You have to keep the size of Blizzard's subscribers in mind – that "small number of subscribers" if counted on their own is a subscriber base most MMOs would kill to have. To date, no North American MMO has boasted a subscriber base even close to WoW's 10% mark of 900,000 -- at its highest EverQuest topped a little over 500k.

I will leave you to prove me wrong that the dearth of new mid-level zones is a faux hot topic. Be honest with me -- how likely are you to run an alt through new lowbie zones more than once or twice. How about through the new instances? Would you rather they put in new mid-level zones, or revamp old zones with new quests?

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1. Well, some of the old zones could use a bit of a redo, fill in those big blank areas that are counted as part of the zone (That weird bay on the other side of Redridge, attached to Swamp of Sorrows). And a few new zones would be cool, those big expanses of emptiness would be nice new places for mid-level leveling and pvp.

Though, I'm all for new high level content too. Personally, I'm all for just seeing new land. Blizzard does a good job with it's landscapes, and when every little empty "filler" area is filled with a zone, you truly have a world you can actually immerse yourself in.

Besides, new zones = new lore. And it'd be nice to get some new lore (even if it's old recycled lore, like maybe Tel'Abim or Balor), specially since we are headed back to the gothic Drama and Danger way of storytelling.

Posted at 4:11PM on Oct 11th 2007 by WendellGrave

2. Personally, I am stoked with the changes Blizzard is making to experience, dungeons, and quests for the mid-range players.

I am - admittedly - an alt-aholic.
The extra 15% to level faster is exciting, and will help see my lowbies through the Dark Portal that much faster.

The nerfing of dungeon levels is a huge step forward as well, though I don't really think it will see an increase of people looking to group with others of their own level. We will still likely see people getting help from their level 70 guildies. But for those who are new to the game, and don't HAVE those 70s to run them through; at least the dungeons wont have to be PUG'd a million times.

As for mid-level content itself. From an Alliance point-of-view, I'm almost beside myself with giddiness that Blizz has added a new hub for quests in Dustwallow. Anyone who has played an Ally character knows there is a HUGE dead-zone for quest XP between 35-45 (save for parking yourself in STV).
I'm not one to run a dungeon more then a couple of times, to complete quests or get new gear; so the idea of having to run Scarlet Monestary over and over again for XP at that level was something not appetizing to me.
The changes to Dustwallow will help alleviate the need to run back and forth between zones/continents endlessly just for a couple of quests here and there.

Should Blizz create all-new content from level 1-70(80), or beyond? Absolutely!!
However, in that, we're bordering a topic that could very well debate whether it would still be World of Warcraft, or a completely different game altogether.

As someone who likes to experience everything the game has to offer, from each class/race's perspective, something like that would ensure Blizzard would be cashing in off me for ages to come, but might result in something unmanageable between the old and the new.

I believe Blizzard is on the right track with Patch 2.3, and I agree with the Blogger's idea that they should continue to add new game content 1-60 in the old world, while continuing to appease the masses of max-level players with new expansions.

There are a TON of open areas left undeveloped in Azeroth. There is no doubt in my mind that Blizzard didn't just put it there for no good reason.
We'll see new stuff yet. Its just a matter of time.

Posted at 4:26PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Kujo

3. I still wouldn't mind reasons to go back to old dungeons if these had a heroic mode. Imagine a heroic mode of MC which requires a raid of only 10 people. The loot better be specific. However, what if the reason to go was more for a farming or quest objective. Something requires forging that can only be done at the foot of Ragnaros, and only on heroic.

Perhaps I'm dreaming and not being realistic enough. I never minded these dungeons, and I'm all for finding a way to recycle their value.

Posted at 4:26PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Todd

4. I would really like them to rework the old end game encounters. I started after TBC so I'm likely to never experience those zones. I feel that blizzard could spend time and rework them for some serious mid level content that would actually encourage them to be run.

Other than that I'm always down for new high level content and lore expanding content.

Posted at 4:31PM on Oct 11th 2007 by shoots18

5. They should make rep like the be starting area has but for 20-60, possible spend that rep on honor items. Possibly get tokens or something. The rewards for such endeavors would likely be 15% of the levels.

Taking the 10 spirit off the SKF robes and putting 12 spell damage ... gross.

Posted at 5:00PM on Oct 11th 2007 by hpavc

6. Think you're wrong. of the 9 million they've supposedly got, how many are actually at the end game now...and how many of those are also working on a second (or third) character? add in the fact that blizzard understands that folks (even the devoted) will run through the game more than once, it's nice that they're thinking about making that 2nd or 3rd time through the game as compelling as the first.

Posted at 5:26PM on Oct 11th 2007 by DrTraitor

7. Blizz needs to spend more time catering to my needs and only my needs.

Posted at 5:30PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Freehugz

8. Especially in the 30-40s, I'm really glad they put in a new zone instead of just new quests. STV really was the only viable option around.

Posted at 5:32PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Girl Meets WoW

9. Yup!

It's odd that the people most excited about the increased leveling speed are the same ones who are excited about more mid-level content.

Can't figure that out: so there's new content you'll blow through more quickly, to again ditch a character and make another to...see the no longer new content again sooner?

I'd say the sweet spot for content is currently level 70 five mans. [This from, by inclination, a strict soloer.] 70 is easy to reach, even wearing healing gear and no pants on your warlock. Even the gear matters, unlike a level 26 drop you'll use for roughly ten times it took you to run to get it (hours, not days).

Posted at 5:41PM on Oct 11th 2007 by ErsatzPotato

10. 7, haha- awesome

Posted at 6:18PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Paul

11. You're misreading the statement on new quests. They're not adding 60 new quests to Dustwallow Marsh; they're adding 60 new quests to the old world, PLUS a city in Dustwallow Marsh.

So that's 60 quests total. 60 quests in DWM would be downright silly...

Posted at 6:22PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Philo

12. I did my warlock (level 64 and stagnant), ran a Hunter to 19 (hit the Barrens and got bored) and did a Belf Priest to 17 (Ghostlands suck.)

Posted at 6:22PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Erron Kelly

13. Honestly - if I don't see new mid-level content soon, I'm probably going to leave WoW.

The real fun of this game for me is not end-game raiding (I don't have the time) but quests, and I like variety in doing so. Playing one character becomes tiresome, and the design of the game means I should be able to jump to another class and lay there.

I have a 65 Druid, a 32 Hunter, 29 Mage and 35 Shaman. There is a serious perceived slowdown of progression in the 30-40, then 45-58 levels (hence why the majority of my chars sit there), and grinding drives me crazy. I want more quests like the bombing run from TBC - clever, inventive, fun quests that change the way I have to kill 3000 beasts.

XP gain speedup is great, but make me want to go and do the quests, or do new ones.

I think this is also one of the only ways Blizzard is going to be able to get players that have left WoW to come back and stay. If they just focus on end game content then over time, the only people left playing are the die-hard fans that would have stayed anyway.

Let me state though - with the sheer amount of cash they have coming in every month from subscribers - why can't they have two teams? One for end game and high level game progression, and one for filling out the current world with more (and therefore making it like a living breathing world?).


Posted at 6:31PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Shane

14. "The real fun of this game for me is not end-game raiding (I don't have the time) but quests, and I like variety in doing so."

A large chunk of quests (not counting instance and raid quests at all) are over the level of your highest character Shane. There's plenty of single player content you've yet to see. Though what you're really asking for is a single player game. I'd second that; pity single-player Western RPGs are pretty much dead.

Posted at 7:02PM on Oct 11th 2007 by ErsatzPotato

15. I have to say when BC came out I rather enjoyed the new 1-20 areas. They were fun and rich and would even do them on a new character that didnt start in those areas just for a change. I have rolled so many characters so I have done all the starting areas tons some more than others. But the faction rewards etc and better quest loot and awesome quest (lady sylvana singing anyone) made it much more pleasant. I do agree there is too much unused space to justify too many new zones one here and again is nice ( I look forward to the quest honestly it may be too little to late for some(there are people with one of everything I can say I have got all but 2 character classes to at least around level 40) till they add some new starting classes. But even reworking some areas just to change it up a little would be nice. My vote is for Heroics in all the old dungeons scaled of course so they can be enjoyed by all from appropriate level to 70 and beyond.

Posted at 8:22PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Konchu

16. @ErsatzPotato

"A large chunk of quests (not counting instance and raid quests at all) are over the level of your highest character Shane. There's plenty of single player content you've yet to see. Though what you're really asking for is a single player game. I'd second that; pity single-player Western RPGs are pretty much dead."

Yep - I am still enjoying the quests my 65 druid is experiencing, no doubt about that. It's just my lower level characters - I have very little incentive to play them as the quests are mostly the same (except for the few class specific ones).

As for single player - no I don't want that. I enjoy questing in groups, and the inbuilt voice chat (whilst still not fantastic quality) makes this alot more approachable.

WoW is a social game and I enjoy that, but I've always been a fan of co-operative multiplayer and at the moment the World of Azeroth hasn't changed much since I started playing - all of the NPC's still have the same issues and problems, and still need you to do the same things to save them or help them.

More quests for the low to mid level (and high level) will make this game continue to be enjoyable. Once that all becomes fixed it loses most of its enjoyment.


Posted at 10:29PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Shane

17. I've found it difficult to feel any progression once I hit 70. Sure, a few quests were soloable or with a 2nd person. But most of the game is geared towards forced grouping and end-raiding. You try to find a group to do many of the quests or 5-man dungeons and you wait for hours.

As to better quest rewards in TBC - I've not found that to be the case. I've gotten better drops. Yes, there are a few items with a better stat, but one has to give up way too much to make it a viable alternative.

They tell you that anyone can get great gear - PvP for it, run instances for it or raid for it. Whoop-de-do. I hate PvP and it's difficult to get into the instances or one is not sufficiently geared for the big raids so can't go there either.

Been a lack of new games and I'm awaiting something else that might perhaps give new experiences. Pity Gods & Heroes got canned to please the Star Trek fans.

Posted at 11:47PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Erica Olson

18. I leveled my horde paladin without ever questing in Tarren Mill or Stranglethorn Vale. Both are warzones on a PvP server. In fact, I quested almost exclusively on Kalimidor once I exhausted all the quests in the blood elf and undead starting areas (including ghostlands and silverpine forest). The only time I traveled to the Eastern Kingdoms was when I had a quick delivery quest that was part of a larger Kalimdor quest chain.

I only did wailing caverns, shadowfang keep, and scarlet monastery once each, just to complete the quests, then skipped all the other instances until I hit Outland.

I had plenty of XP and I spent ZERO time grinding. Just pure back to back questing.


Posted at 1:48AM on Oct 12th 2007 by Krick

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