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Cheap iPhone amplifier will work just about anywhere

We don't have an iPhone in our home, although my children do dream of the day when we will have one (or two, if they have their way). If iPhones are anything like iPods, the accessories are numerous and expensive. However, here is a pretty cool addition that will only end up costing you the price of a toilet paper roll. Instead of shelling out the money for a set of speakers just recycle a toilet paper roll and get a similar affect.

This approach to an amplifier is not pretty or uber-hip like so many of the iPhone accessories, but it's ultra eco-friendly and in this day and age that counts for quite a lot. One of our staff writers suggested using a Pringles can to get a better boost of sound. You could also use a paper towel roll or maybe even an orange highway cone. The possibilities are fairly endless.

The amazing puking pumpkin Halloween decoration.

It's difficult these days to come up with unique Halloween jack-o-lantern decoration ideas. I mean, there are only so many ways to carve a pumpkin, right? After all, they've been carving pumpkins since before Ichabod Crane had his run-in with the headless horseman on that covered bridge, and that was at least a couple Halloweens ago.

My challenge was to come up with a jack-o-lantern idea that no one had tried yet. While I'm not sure that I accomplished that goal, I have come up with something which is at least...unusual. The amazing puking pumpkin that you are about to witness was actually quite easy to accomplish. In truth, it's more of a rabid pumpkin than it is a puking one, but I still like the way the whole thing worked out.

Continue reading to see how it's done.

Continue reading The amazing puking pumpkin Halloween decoration.

Cake frosting perfection

Sadly, the traditional homemaking craft of baking does not come naturally to me. If I can get the goods out of the oven without setting fire to anything, I'm pretty happy. As for my last homemade cake, the rounded top and slightly too-soft frosting both contributed to an unenviable "cow pattie" look. Oops.

But friends, the time has come for me to aim a little higher than that. You see, I will be baking a cake for my daughter's first birthday in a couple of weeks. I feel it's my motherly duty to do better this time. I was surfing the web today, trying to educate myself, and I discovered a bunch of great tips.

With a little practice, even lost causes like myself can learn to frost a cake like a pro, according to the site SheKnows.

Continue reading Cake frosting perfection

Give your toilet lid an ultra cool tattoo!

One of the great things about art is that it is all in the eye of the beholder. One person's eyesore is another person's haven of beauty. Another great thing about art is that is can be just about anywhere and in any medium. Take for instance the toilet lid. While many of us see it as merely a functional aspect of the bathroom, a few view it as a canvas awaiting a vision.

Toilet tattoos are exactly what many a plain toilet lid might be needing to go from plain ole blah to cool and artsy. Created by a woman with a vision for her plain white bathroom, the appliques come in a variety of styles and colors. You can choose everything from florals to holiday themes to cool retro squares. There is a design for nearly any taste. Toilet tattoos use electrostatic energy to adhere the sticker to the lid, this means that if they're properly stored they can be used over and over. This also means you can have enough different designs to suit just about any toilet lid whim you might have.

Cute as a bumpkin Halloween crafts

Ivillage has a cool collection of Halloween craft ideas that are quick and easy to make, as well as super cool and cute. In this photo gallery you will find easy to make Halloween crafts with easy as pie instructions that any DIY'er can follow.

With a super cute button pumpkin (I named it the bumpkin) and scary soda pop you can find ideas to fit any type of Halloween party. So, haunt your way over to the Ivillage crafts page and start filling up your house with these cute projects. Can't wait for Halloween to use them? Make these countdown bags to fill up your time.

Create a custom ottoman

Sometimes it's the little pieces -- like a perfectly coordinated ottoman/footstool/pouf thingy -- that bring a room together. Unfortunately, those little pieces can sometimes come with a hefty price tag, especially if you want a piece that matches just so. Here are 3 ways to create a custom ottoman for your living room, so you get that perfectly coordinated look without paying too much.

If You're Feeling Really Ambitious
Curbly user ModHomeEcTeacher, has a great step-by-step tutorial for making an ottoman from a wooden spool. In addition to the spool and fabric, you'll need batting, foam, cardboard, upholstery fabric, a sewing machine, sewing supplies, a staple gun, spare wood, legs, screws, an electric knife, and a little bit of confidence (unless you're already a maven at this).

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New uses for old phone books

Phone book fort

Even though it's easy to look up local phone numbers online, sometimes it's just as quick to check a dead-tree version of the phone book. It seems like I get a new version of my neighborhood Yellow Pages every month, so I guess a lot of people are still using them. Updated phone books are great to have on hand, but what do you do with the old ones? In the last year, I've acquired enough to start a small landfill of my own, so here's what I do with the leftovers:

Continue reading New uses for old phone books

Dice caps for bike tires

Dice tire valve caps for bicycles, by Instructables user Supersaddy.

I used to have the coolest tire caps for my old bike. They were just a pair of dice, but at least 95% more awesome than the standard caps that came on the bike (the bike store also had similarly cool skull-shaped caps, but those seemed like they'd be tempting fate). If I hadn't lost the dice caps in a move, I'd definitely be using them on my new bike: a pearl-pink retro cruiser with white pinstriping!

So, I know that you can buy dice tire caps from some bike shops, if they carry them.

But if you have dice and some common equipment around, why not try making your own dice tire valve caps with this tutorial by Instructables user Supersaddy? It's a very simple procedure, even easier if you own a drill press: clamp down a die, drill a hole in it that's big enough to allow for insertion of the valve cap, glue the valve cap into the hole, let them dry... and ride off into the sunset with your rockin' new tire caps. You've got style, my friend.

However, be aware that there are two nearly identical tutorials for dice tire caps on Instructables. The other one recommends using Gorilla Glue, but Gorilla Glue may be inappropriate for the project, because it expands as it dries. That means that it can push the valve cap out of the hole that was drilled for it.

DIY spa treatments - Deep conditioner

homemade deep conditionerI love coming out of the spa, feeling so relaxed and refreshed. It's like I'm a whole new person. Honestly though, aside from the luxury of a good massage, I'm not really a fan of the spa experience. I like what I get out of it, but I don't particularly like the pretentious environment or the pressure sales at the end. I'm not very good at the soft whisper and light movement that seem to match the tranquil music and mild mannered estheticians.

Spa treatments aren't something I indulge in often, but you can achieve some pretty close results at home. I've collected some DIY spa treatments. I'll try things out as we go and let you know what I think. Today, we'll start with your head (well, actually your hair) with a deep condition, and in the coming days work our way down to that perfect pedicure.

Deep conditioning
The occasional deep condition can go a long way toward healthier hair, especially if yours is exposed to color, straightening, or perm treatments. Most regular conditioners add moisture. This is very important for your hair, but it isn't the only thing it needs. You'll want to add protein if your hair is in need of a little reconstruction. Today I tried this homemade deep conditioner recipe. After the break I'll let you know how it went.

Continue reading DIY spa treatments - Deep conditioner

The care and feeding of fine china

china in hutchLike many of you I have some old China dishes that were my grandmother's. I want to take care of them but am not always sure how. How do I wash them? How often do I wash them? How do I get those ugly stains out, and how should I store them?

Tipnut.com has compiled a list that answers those questions as well as others. There are answers to all your burning question as well as suggestions on what soap to use to wash them. Thanks to tipnut we can now do our best to take care of those precious heirlooms.

The many ways to help prevent colds and flu

smile facesWell, just about everyone across the country is limp and wilted from the excessive heat we've been having, and Halloween marks the beginning of the stressful year end holiday crush. It's no wonder so many people begin to feel truly flattened and wrung out this time of year. This situation is the precursor to the flu season, with colds and sinus infections beginning to raise their ugly heads as well. If you're like me though, you have one of those iron-plated immune systems which seem to rarely let any of the nasty stuff get through. However, if you're like most people, some time within the next 90 days a little unseen bug is going to make a serious mess out of you.

There are, however, several defense strategies you can employ which will help raise your body's defenses prior to any of the attacks from these annual health marauders. Please follow with me as I outline a seasonal battle strategy of health for you. These are low cost and no cost ways that you can easily take better care of yourself and make your body a little less likely to suffer the ravages of colds and the flu.

Continue reading The many ways to help prevent colds and flu

Make a milk jug skeleton for Halloween fun!

milk jug sketeton pictureWith inspiration from a recent blog post about ways to recycle empty milk jugs, I went in search of the instructions for making milk jug skeleton Halloween decorations. This craft project is just fantastic for keeping a couple kids busy for a few hours, but an adult absolutely must oversee all cutting operations.

You'll need as many as ten jugs to make one full size skeleton (about 3 feet tall), so start saving them now. We'd hate for you to have to chug three gallons of milk on Halloween night just to complete the project, especially if you're lactose intolerant. Although I guess that would give a realistic touch to your whoopie cushion costume.

Continue reading Make a milk jug skeleton for Halloween fun!

Vote for your favorite DIY lighting project

globe lightVote for your favorite DIY lighting project or just take inspiration from them and make your own. We've brought you the silverwear chandelier, and the wine glass chandelier, and we're back with more. These inventive lighting projects use everything from latex gloves to measuring tape to the infamous Slinky.

My vote goes to the globe lamp (pictured here). I think this would look great in a home office. Picture this one over a child's desk. I'd like to try it out with an antiqued globe for a bit of a different effect. The current leader is the latex glove lamp. It looks great too. You'll have some trouble keeping them inflated, but if you have an event in mind they would make great decorations.

There are 19 projects in total, go vote for the one that you like best.

How to be prepared for a blackout or other emergency

flame of a candle used in a blackoutSince we don't have many disaster or bomb shelters anymore, it's best to be personally prepared for the day something disastrous could happen. Before you call me a pessimist, think about it for a second; are you really prepared for a natural disaster, or even a blackout?

Chrisjob on Curbly.com tells us how to be prepared in a blackout or other emergency. He gives a list of items to have on hand should an emergency occur. Matches, candles, a flashlight, water, food, a phone, and cash are essential to have in an emergency. It is also best to keep all of these items in one place so that you can access them easily and not stumble around in the dark looking for them when they are needed. An extra flashlight should be kept in a place apart from the essential supplies though, so you can light your way in the dark. Make a plan with your family so that everyone knows what to do and where to meet should an emergency situation occur.

I also think that it's essential to have a battery powered radio so you know what is happening with rescue and repair efforts. You should also have extra blankets for each family member. If a disaster happens in the dead of winter, you sure don't want to freeze to death. I am in Northern Wisconsin, so it gets super cold, and I happen to get chilled very easily, so I stay warm and cozy wrapped up in blankets when we lose power. Whatever you do to get ready for a blackout or other emergency, it is always important to remember that too much is never enough. You just don't know how long you might have to be in the dark, so make sure you have enough supplies to sustain you for the long haul.

Speed carving a Halloween pumpkin (a.k.a SAW Part 711: The Jack-O-Lantern)

Let's say that Halloween crept up on you. You never saw it coming, and suddenly, there it is, staring you right in the face. You haven't purchased any candy, you haven't bought a costume, and worst of all, you haven't carved your pumpkin yet.

DIY Life has the solution for you. It's called speed pumpkin carving and it'll get you out of a Halloween bind every time. Just grab your reciprocating saw from the tool box, strap down that pumpkin, and you can quickly create the next sequel to the latest Hollywood slasher movie series. Watch the video below to see how it's done!

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