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2.3 PTR screenshots rolling in

2.3 is up on the PTR, and both MMO Champion and World of Raids have broken out the Model Viewer and are ripping the new patch to pieces. Man, that bear mount looks awesome. And the engineering mount! And Zul'jin!

Spoilers ahead, as well-- these guys are pulling out all the weapons from Zul'Aman, so if you don't want to see what all the new drops look like yet, don't look now. If you want to know what I think, I'd rather see this stuff in-game rather than diving in with the Model Viewer-- it's like reading the last page of a brand new novel, in that you might not know exactly how you get there, but you'll already know just what it looks like. The bear mount above isn't that big of a spoiler-- we already know it drops from. But the weapons and armor-- a big part of me wants to wait and see them in Zul'Aman itself.

Still, if seeing the patch laid out in screenshots is your thing, both MMO Champion and World of Raids are going at it, and I'm told we'll be diving in later this evening. 2.3 ahoy! Go test those bugs on the PTR so those of us on the live realms can get it quick!

Thanks, Atryd!

Wrath of the Lich King Alpha in the wild?

Take this with a gigantic shaker full of salt, but a sketchy guild site host named Ejeet Networks claims to have received screenshots of the downloader for the Wrath of the Lich King alpha (watch out for the automatic music player on their site, too). Again, this means almost nothing-- even if the downloader is really out there in the wild, it hardly means the game is anywhere near done, or that anyone but Blizzard employees are still playing it at this point. But Ejeet says the DNS server for the WotLK beta is online and answering DNS resolution, and they claim that a "Swedish contact" sent them screenshots of the alpha downloader.

Personally, I call shenanigans-- their first screenshot says version .1, and then the Properties screen they have says version, so which is it? They also claim that since the Properties screen says "{c} 2004-2008 Blizzard Entertainment," that's proof that we'll see Wrath in 2008, but that's hardly true as well. I have no doubt that we'll see the beta in 2008, but I'd bet money we won't see the expansion itself until January 2009. I'd love to be wrong, but them's the breaks.

But I leave it up to you-- as much as I disagree, these could be proof that Blizzard has an expansion alpha up and running. Anyone else spot any other weirdness that could rule these out as fakes?

Thanks, Dan!

Updated Patch 2.3 Test notes with more class changes

The PTR isn't up for another hour, but changes are already happening for Patch 2.3. First, the Guild Banks will not be active yet and will be turned on later in the Testing process.

Also, many new class changes have been added to the notes. Here are all the class notes with the new changes in bold:


* Barkskin: It is no longer possible to cast this spell while Cycloned.
* Cure Poison and Abolish Poison are now usable in Tree of Life Form.
* Cure Poison, Abolish Poison and Remove Curse range increased to 40 yards.
* Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible for multiple Druids to have Entangling Roots on the same target. In addition, it will now always be removed correctly if multiple Druids overwrite each other's Entangling Roots.
* Feral Attack Power: Items that granted bonus attack power in Cat, Bear, Dire Bear, and Moonkin forms have been re-evaluated. In almost all cases, the attack power on the item has been increased. This change corrects an issue where feral weapon damage was not keeping up with other classes in its rate of increase.

Druid notes (and all other classes) continued in full after the jump!

Continue reading Updated Patch 2.3 Test notes with more class changes

Big surprises in Patch 2.3 on the PTR

Many of the Patch 2.3 changes were pre-announced over the last two weeks by Blizzard. But today when the patch hit the Test server, many additional changes were discovered. And some of them are very interesting.

A new Expertise Skill has shown up in the notes. Based on the description given the meat of it seems to be that Weapon Skill Rating is out and Expertise Skill Rating is in. Weapon Skill Rating on an item used to decrease your chance to miss, increase your chance to crit and decrease your opponents chance to block, parry or dodge. Now that's been eliminated in favor of this new stat that simply reduces the chance for your attacks to be parried or dodged.

It looks like you're losing out, but the effects of Weapon Skill Rating were small (0.04% per point) where as the Expertise Skill rating has more impact (0.25% per point.) How this affects your overall dps I leave to the mathemagicians.

Weapon Skill Ratings on ranged items have not been replaced with Expertise Skill, but with additional +crit and/or +hit. Check individual items for exact changes. Also, some talents haven been altered to accommodate this new skill but what those talents are and how they were changed isn't clear yet.

Details have finally surfaced about the Guild Bank. We knew there were going to be 6 tabs and some permissions and a tracking function for transactions, but now we know the specifics. The 6 tabs will each contain 98 item slots for a total of 588 slots. Permissions to view, deposit and withdraw can be changed for every tab. Also every tab will show the last fifty transactions. So new recruits can't raid the good stuff.

Continue reading Big surprises in Patch 2.3 on the PTR

2.3 PTR patch notes

It looks like Blizzard really did mean it about putting a rush on patch 2.3: I'm told it's up on the PTRs (thanks, Addie), and here are the patch notes! Edit: PTR not live until after 6 PM PST, apparently (thanks, Basic). There's a lot of sizable changes in there, many of which we haven't seen yet, so it's definitely worth taking a look. Keep an eye out for specific subject analyses; for now I just want to get this information out to you all as fast as possible.

World of Warcraft Test Patch 2.3.0

The latest patch notes can always be found at


Zul'Aman is a 10-player, level 70 outdoor instance located in the
Ghostlands. Players will be able to confront six new bosses including
the Forest Troll Warlord Zul'jin.

Guild Banks Introduced

The Guild Bank is a shared repository for an entire guild and will be
accessible through new NPC's called guild bankers. The Guild Bank will
allow players with the appropriate permissions to store items and money
for use by the rest of the guild. Permissions to withdraw and deposit
money and items are controlled by the guild leader through the guild
controls menu. The Guild Bank is divided up into separate tabs so that
the guild leader may restrict access or group items into distinct
- Up to 6 purchasable tabs each containing 98 item slots
- Permissions to view/deposit/withdraw per tab
- You may use your Guild Bank withdraw limits to pay for item repairs
(now enabled on all merchants)
- Transaction logs of the last 50 actions in the bank viewable on a per
tab basis

Continue reading 2.3 PTR patch notes

Blizzard should focus on more Patch 2.3s, not on new mid-level zones

By now you've heard the news: Patch 2.3 will lower the XP requirements needed to level from 20-60 by 15% per-level. As an extra bonus, Blizzard is adding 60-odd new quests to Dustwallow Marsh. I would prefer they do this than add more zones specifically for mid-level content .

New mid-level content is always a hot topic, especially by people who are on their third or fourth trip to the well. We've all got those "If I never, ever, see this zone again, it's too soon" zones. The solution often bandied about is to create alternate progression paths so we never, ever, go back to Stranglethorn Vale. I'm going to put forth a different idea: Fix what is broken. This will help minimize unused zones, and maybe not spread out the lower-levels so new players can actually find groups.

Which seems to be the step Blizzard is taking with 2.3. In terms of quest progression and rewards, Blizzard hit it out of the park with TBC. You've got quest-givers nicely clumped together and often they all send you in the same direction. The cash, XP, and item rewards for completing the quests are excellent. When you compare the expansion quests against original Azeroth it becomes apparent how frustrating quests could be. It seemed like completing most of them involved long griffon rides for mediocre rewards. Quests felt like they were, well, I was going that way anyway...

Continue reading Blizzard should focus on more Patch 2.3s, not on new mid-level zones

Got your ram yet?

Did you get your Brewfest ram yet? I have to say, ashamedly, that I haven't-- I moved to a new apartment last week and was without internet long enough that I wasn't able to start Brewfest right away, and now I fear I'm too far behind to even get started. You need 600 Brewfest tickets to get the ram, and with all the quests (despite the bugs), you are supposed to be able to pick up around 100 tickets a day (30, if you're good, from the two keg runs you can do every 12 hours, and 40 from the Bark for the brewery quests). Add the tickets from the one-time quests for that, and you're looking at just under a week of grinding to get the Racing Ram for yourself.

Unfortunately, Brewfest is shutting down on Tuesday, which means even if I worked like mad until then, odds are I wouldn't be able to get 600 tickets in time (not to mention I need some training-- I just did another keg delivery run, and only picked up a little over 20 tickets). So if, like me, you're starting late, you're probably out of luck this year.

However, Aeus has good news-- Brewfest (and the ram racing) will be back again next year, and you can save all your tickets until then. Of course, next year, considering the popularity, they'll probably have even cooler prizes to spend tickets on, but still-- if you're left in the lurch with Brewfest tickets, stick 'em in your bank and wait until next Brewfest. Hallow's End is next!

Hidden Panda on SSC floor

Astela on Maelstrom sent us this shot of the floor in Morogrim Tidewalker's room in Serpentshrine Cavern. It took me a second to see it, but right there in the designs on the floor, you can see a Panda, calling card of one Samwise Didier, one of Blizzard's lead developers (and lead singer of L70ETC).

He's also the creators of the fan favorite Azerothian race we haven't seen in Azeroth yet, the Pandaren (I'm a little disappointed that they didn't show up during Brewfest, actually). Obviously, this is just a hidden Easter Egg done by one of the artists, right? Clearly, this isn't proof that the Pandaren helped build the Coilfang Reservoir or anything like that. Right?

Thanks, Astela!

Totem Talk: Two Fists of Fury! (or axes or maces)

Totem Talk this week is about beating your enemies to death, or hacking them up. It's time for our Shamans to call the wind down upon their weapons and deliver death up close and personal, with the help of some theorycrafting and a smile. Matthew Rossi plays resto a lot, but he's always down with a few well-placed Stormstrikes.

Before I even start talking this week, I figured I'd link this excellent compilation of theorycrafting for Enhancement Shamans from Elitist Jerks. I significantly improved my currently level 62 Draenei's DPS by making use of it and went through several group quests solo by dint of the damage increase. The shaman's combination of DPS and emergency heals (especially a Draenei's Gift of the Naaru) makes these quests a lot easier for my Shammy than they were for my warriors coming up. What also helps is an addon in the WoWAce suite called Enhancer that keeps track of the hidden Windfury cooldown that's at the heart of why my DPS was lower before I read that thread.

Basically, the issue is that Windfury weapon has a cooldown that, if you don't compensate for it by selecting the proper main and off hand weapons, will end up lowering your DPS considerably.

Continue reading Totem Talk: Two Fists of Fury! (or axes or maces)

WoW Moviewatch: A Beginner's Guide To WoW

A player decided to take a school assignment and turn it into a World of Warcraft machinima piece. In it, he explains what an MMOG is, as well as various aspects of WoW. Just like the title of the film states, it's a good introduction to Warcraft.

It's very well done with lots of music, humor, good editing and beautiful 1 minute intro showcasing various zones in Azeroth. Don't miss the Leeroy Jenkins reference, the examples of the perils of Voice Chat or the Village People music under the credits.

Final Grade: A+!

Previously on Moviewatch...

The return of Varian Wrynn

Did Samwise draw the King of Stormwind on this cover?Is that him in the WoW comic book, or is he going to be in Northrend?

The answer, according to Stormgaard of Se7en Samurai, may be 'both'. And to be honest, I agree with him. Not because of the strength of his evidence, good as it is, but because his argument makes sense. One of the things we've seen with World of Warcraft tie-in media like the manga series and novels is that they all flow back into the MMO, help develop and direct the lore forward. As much as players like to chant 'lorelol' it is clearly important to the folks at Blizzard, and Stormgaard's argument that the comics and movie may well be setting up a new age of hostility between the horde and the alliance centered around a new lore figure who is connected to, if not the 'star' of the Missing Diplomat quest makes a lot of sense to me.

Plus, having the comic star a human who washed up without his memory on the coasts of Durotar... well, if you look at the map you'll see why that could well lead to the exact scenario Stormgaard posits. It makes sense to me. What do you guys think?

Blue Notes: STV Rebel Camp getting flight path in patch 2.3

The Rebel Camp in northern Stranglethorn Vale will be getting a flight path in patch 2.3, according to Eyonix.

Currently, the Alliance's closest flight path to their first quest area in STV is Darkshire or Sentinel Hill.

This change along with the leveling improvements will make Alliance questing in the 30s and early 40s much easier once the patch is released.

Hopefully, Eyonix wasn't just teasing as he was here:

Hogger is becoming a level 73 outdoor raid boss. His loot will remain the same, I'm afraid.

That would make Elwynn Forest just a little bit more interesting.

If you are anxious to play with all of the new goodies, Bornakk says that patch 2.3 will be coming soon to the Public Test Realms.

Poll: Do you use a game card or a credit card?

I'm very interested in seeing the answer to this one-- I have always used a credit card to pay for my account, just because it's all automatically done between Blizzard and my bank, and I don't ever have to worry if my account is all paid up. But I'm sure there are tons of people out there, like popsixx, who play from game card to game card, buying them one after another, or hoarding them up (from gifts or elsewhere), and putting them in when necessary.

For the life of me, though, I can't guess which one would be more popular. There are definitely a lot of kids playing the game, and they'd use game cards for sure. But then again, most of the folks I play with are a little older and financially more stable, and more likely to use credit cards (or PayPal for that matter)

So which is it? Game cards or credit cards? And feel free to tell us in the comments why you do what you do-- maybe there's some huge benefit to using only game cards that I haven't noticed yet.

Credit cards or game cards?

Around Azeroth: Inside Darnassus

Reader Claypool of Norgannon sends in this shot taken in the Night Elf capital of Darnassus. Though it's not the traditional Darnassus shot of the bridge through the center of town (or the nearly-as-iconic shot of the bank), it's exactly the type of shot I'm interested in -- a new angle on a familiar location.

Do you have a unique shot of Azeroth or Outland that you'd like to show off to the rest of the world? Tell us about it by e-mailing a copy to aroundazeroth@wowinsider.com, with as much or as little detail as you'd like to share with the world!

Gallery: Around Azeroth

A list of Shaman tricks and tips

I love finding resources like this list of Shaman tricks on the EU forums. It's little tips like these that separate the good players from the great players. You know the players I'm talking about. They're the ones who make you want to roll one of their class because they're doing such a great job. Yeah, I think they all posted on this thread.

The post is divided into three sections: general, PvP and PvE. The PvE section is further divided by raid zone. And it never hurts to show off how good you are at playing your class during a raid.

Some highlights after the jump.

Continue reading A list of Shaman tricks and tips

Next Page >

Brewfest event coverage at WoW Insider!All the Patch 2.3 news you need to know.


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