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TV Squad picks their choices for Emmy nominees and winners

Nominations for the 59th Emmy awards are announced on July 19thLet me take a look at my trusty calendar. Okay, tomorrow I take the kids to the doctor. On Thursday I get that bikini wax. Friday? Well, I do the same think as I do every Friday -- try to take over the world (Snarf!). Now, for next week . . .

Sweet Niblets! Next week (July 19th, to be exact) they announce the nominees for the 59th Emmy awards to honor achievements for what has gone on previously rather than what is going on now. Which is opposite of the Golden Globes or the SAG awards, which honor achievements that are going on both presently and in the past. Wait, let me read that again . . . yep, that makes sense!

So, in preparation for the television wonk's biggest night of the year I have asked the humongous staff over here at TV Squad to give me a hand in picking out who will be the likely nominees and winners in the Best Actor/Actress/Drama/Comedy categories. Of course, your opinions may differ. But, hey, what fun would it be if we picked the same things you did?

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What I'm watching this summer: Kevin's list

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
First I thought this would be a summer filled with possibly watching one or two summer series, and then catching up on the growing stack of books in my "to be read" pile ... but somehow it's morphed into the "DVR + TV shows on DVD Summer of Rock " *fanfare*. It's actually not that dramatic, but I like to stick fanfare in whenever I can. Theme songs are one thing, but fanfare can pepper mundane events with joy. "Here's your latte, sir." *fanfare* See what I mean?

Continue reading What I'm watching this summer: Kevin's list

Now on iTunes: Great Shows You May Have Missed

friday night lightsThe folks over at iTunes have created this handy list for people who want to spend some time this summer catching up on the television shows that don't get as much buzz (anything that's not Lost, Grey's Anatomy, 24). The list includes full seasons of Friday Night Lights, Jericho, 30 Rock, The Shield, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, The Riches, Dirt and Eureka. Also? You can bask in the glory of hastily canceled shows like Andy Barker, P.I., Veronica Mars, and The Black Donnellys. Oh, and Studio 60 is on there, but I wouldn't call that a "hastily" canceled show. (The current--and final--season of The Loop is also on iTunes, though it's not on the 'Missed' list)

This is a great idea. Many of the shows listed get a lot of buzz on sites like ours (because our readers know good television), but the general population doesn't seem to catch on. If only How I Met Your Mother would get on iTunes... it could definitely use some more fans as it heads into season 3.

The Shield: Spanish Practices (season finale)

Aceveda and Vic make a shocking discovery.

(S06E10) "...but understand, you are nothing more than a fly on one of my many shits." - Pezuela

The beginning of the end. We've got one more season of The Shield to go and I have to say that I'm pretty excited for what's been set up. It's going to be a lot to cover with only thirteen episodes remaining in life of the series. Then again, this season only had ten installments and look how many different stories came out of it. From the aftermath of Lem's death to the biggest conspiracy the Farmington district has ever seen, we got it all in season six.

Continue reading The Shield: Spanish Practices (season finale)

Stump the King - Michael Chiklis

A very young Ryan GoslingI got another letter from an eager TV fan looking for information last week,

Tracy writes:
"In the late ninties their was a tv show on (upn?) about a bunch of high school students who attended highschool on a cruise ship while traveling the world.
I thought Kathrine Hiegl and or Ryan Gosling (possibly Ben Foster) were on it but none of their IMDB credits list it. Any clue what the show was called or who really was on it?"

Well, Tracy, I'm not sure about Katherine Heigl but Ryan Gosling was definitely on a show you described called Breaker High.

On to this week's question...

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The Shield: Recoil

The Shield (S06E09)

(S06E09) "Too many shit-heads. Not enough pillows." - Vic

Despite the fact that I love Vic Mackey, I still laugh a little any time he makes some comment about people in jail. The luck this guy has had! He could just as easily be behind bars. But as this episode taught us, it more often than not just falls into his lap. You'd think karma would have come and bit him in the ass by now, but his good fortune never seems to cease.

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The Shield: The Math of the Wrath

Shane and Ronnie

(S06E08) "We're not clean in this either. And I'm not spending the rest of my life wearing state property." -Ronnie

I'm gonna make a bold statement that'll probably insult some readers: If you don't watch this show, you're dumb. Plain and simple. Nothing else on TV is as well-written, layered, and intricate as The Shield. There's another well-known cable drama with a prominent anti-hero about to end its run. Something about the Jersey mob and its high strung boss. You know that guy I'm talking about? Well, he can't hold a candle to Vic Mackey.

Continue reading The Shield: The Math of the Wrath

The Shield: Exiled

The Shield - S06E07 - Exiled(S06E07) "He's not going to say anything to anybody because I know everything he's done." -Shane

There it is folks. The one thing that can actually make Vic Mackey look terrified. The knowledge in Shane's (apparently not so small) brain. We knew this was coming though. It's almost like watching an episode of Survivor. An alliance has been broken and now it's every man for himself. Who knows what and how they can use it to gain leverage.

I'll be honest though. Shane is proving to be far more effective in covering his tracks than I would have ever imagined. It almost makes you wonder how many times he's gone over this type of scenario in his head, even before the incident with Lem. The guy has put plenty of thought into his actions and it seems like Vic may have a legitimate reason to worry. How do you stop a guy that knows exactly what you know?

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The Shield: Chasing Ghosts

(S06E06) This was the last episode sent out as a screener to us months ago. I've said before that having episodes of these shows ahead of time is a double-edged sword. It's great to have them so early, but it sucks to have to wait so long for the next episode. I know, your heart bleeds for me.

The last few episodes were clearly leading up to the final scene in this episode and, no surprise, it was a doozy.

Continue reading The Shield: Chasing Ghosts

The Shield stars threatened by street gangs

Reality gets too close for The Shield cast and crewYou've probably heard or read stories in the past of how real life can break into shows like Law & Order, Homicide: Life on the Street, and Rescue Me. What usually happens is some type of real emergency occurs while the actors are filming a made-up one for the television viewers. Or, someone will come up to an actor who portrays some kind of 'First Response' character on a show and demand that they arrest a neighbor or help them get their pet down from a tree.

Another example of this type of incident recently occurred with the cast of The Shield. This time, though, their interaction with real life was closer and a bit frightening.

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The Shield: Haunts

Claudette hands off the San Marcos murders to the Strike Team.(S06E05) "You ever think about just coming clean? About everything?" -Shane

I suppose I should be used to it by now, but with the ups and downs that most great shows go through, it's weird to watch something and never be disappointed at the end of it. The Shield is just always good and I think it's remarkable.

So if that didn't spell it out, I liked this episode - a lot. Just solid from all points. Plenty of vintage Dutch, a blast from the past with the return of Vic's old partner, and a gut-wrenching confession from Shane made for one hell of an hour.

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The Shield: The New Guy

the shield kevin hyatt
To say the Strike Team experienced a shakeup in tonight's episode would be an understatement to say the least.

Claudette once again shows her brilliance by leading Vic along into thinking he's got a chance to stick around at The Barn. Somewhat surprisingly it works like a charm. Vic chums right up to his new replacement of all people, and Julien being added to the team is met with no fuss. Vic is one well-behaved little puppy.

Continue reading The Shield: The New Guy

The Shield: Back to One

Vic and Shane(S06E03) "This thing's gonna get a lot uglier before it gets better." -Vic

Well... it's official. I'm fairly certain I can't say a bad thing about this show. It's too good. Period. I'll even go as far as saying that it might be one of the finest cop dramas ever to be made and there's still 20 episodes (7 this season and 13 in the final) left before it's over for good.

There's just so many layers and subtle things that make this show so great (this episode in particular), that I know I won't recall all of them. That's how you know a show's good.

So we picked up with last week's kidnapping of Nadia (Guardo's girl) and Vic was forced to go to some extreme lengths to find the peace he's been looking for.

Continue reading The Shield: Back to One

The Shield: Baptism By Fire

the shield kavanaugh
(S06E02) As I was watching this episode I couldn't help but think how ironic it was how Kavanaugh went out of his way to make Mackey look sloppy, when I think Kavanaugh was being the sloppy one all along. How long could he keep up that charade? How long could he keep Amoya under his control and not looking incredibly suspicious?

Meanwhile, as Kavanaugh continues his witch hunt against Mackey (it does feel like a witch hunt, doesn't it?), Vic continued a witch hunt of his own. Though Vic was into being the judge and jury, Kavanaugh was just playing judge.

Continue reading The Shield: Baptism By Fire

Remember to enter The Shield season five DVD giveaway

the shield dvdRemember everyone, you've got until 5:00 PM Eastern today to enter our giveaway of five copies of The Shield season five! Any comments we get after 5PM won't be counted, and only enter once or we'll have to disqualify you. Make sure you comment on the original post -- no comments on this one.

We'll contact the winners later in the week. Good luck!

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