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iPod touch now running Mail, Google Maps, and more - Engadget
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iPod touch now running Mail, Google Maps, and more

We're not looking at general availability yet, but those happy hacking cats unravelling the iPod touch have decrypted the ramdisk and are now busy installing applications. Already, Mail, Maps, and other 3rd party apps are up and running on their jailbreaked touches. The race is on between the cat and the mouse to see who will release their wares first. Maps screenshot after the break.

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Dante @ Oct 11th 2007 5:57AM

Um, where is the freaking bluetooth that we are suppose to have?

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schipor @ Oct 11th 2007 6:07AM

The bluetooth would really help when you don't have WiFi.

Damn their marketing!

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Wes Joyce @ Oct 11th 2007 10:34AM

There may be bluetooth, but you can't just make it work...it has to go through the FCC before it can use bluetooth technology.

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Matt H @ Oct 11th 2007 6:08AM

Um, you can't just freaking add bluetooth.

Nowhere did it say the iPt was supposed to have bluetooth.

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Matt @ Oct 11th 2007 6:15AM

Wasn't there talk of someone opening up an iPod touch and there being a 802.11a chip, and a Bluetooth setting in a (somehow) unfinished configuration menu?

What I want to know is what of the chances of bricking the touch by jailbreaking it and installing these apps, and Apple updating the firmware which is bound to happen soon?

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Matt H @ Oct 11th 2007 6:20AM

Yes, but that doesn't prove anything.

People on MacRumors are reporting that they can restore after jailbreak, so there shouldn't be any problems with it bricking.

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Matt H @ Oct 11th 2007 6:24AM

There were also reports that this wasn't the case though.

I would love to chuck these apps on my iPt but I'm always expecting the worst, too. However, if it bricks, there are ways to unbrick it (combination of buttons).

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Philip Hofstetter @ Oct 11th 2007 6:37AM

Concerning bricking of the iPods:

I tried the TIFF exploit earlier.

It worked. I could access the device ith IPHUC, but neither the touch, nor iTunes recognized any music on it. Worse: iTunes only recognized around 200 MBytes of memory which already was 75% full.

Preferring music over an unfinished hack, I wanted to restore the touch, but I got nothing but error -18 from iTunes.

The trick is to do this:

1) Connect the touch
2) Press and hold sleep+home until the device reboots.
3) Keep holding until that "please connect me to itunes"-screen appears
4) iTunes says something about having detected a touch in recovery mode. Allow it to do its thing.

Now here, I got another error -18, so

5) Disconnect the touch
6) Close iTunes
7) Reconnect the touch
8) iTunes launches and shows message as in step 4, but this time, the recovery will work *phew*

So while the TIFF explout makes the touch pretty useless for its intended purpose, at least, you don't have to fear bricking it.


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Matt H @ Oct 11th 2007 6:43AM

Awesome news. I'll be attempting this when I get home. :)


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Kirk @ Oct 11th 2007 12:28PM

Philip, that is a known issue and is a part of the jailbreak. That simply means the exploit succeeded. Once you gain SSH access and can FTP to your device, you simply have to rename a couple folders and you get all of your music and storage back instantly.

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Bistro88 @ Oct 11th 2007 2:22PM

so many cool features, its a shame its still restricted to the same good damm lame formats - even Chinese players can handle more!!!


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Sneakz @ Oct 11th 2007 6:11AM

But iFixit never said it did not have bluetooth. I doubt it does but, just sayin'. ANyway, will this work for 1.0.2 iPod touches or just 1.1.1? I haven't updated mine just yet.

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Russ @ Oct 11th 2007 9:37AM

They never specifically said it didn't have a Marguerita mixer in it either, but I doubt I'll be blendin' drinks with it later. ;)

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Katanoki @ Oct 11th 2007 6:33PM

But will it blend?

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Tim @ Oct 11th 2007 5:23PM

You're not blending drinks with the iPt? Sounds like you got a bum device. I put mine in the blender and it pureed just fine. Warning: doing so will permanently brick the device... damn Apple always stopping me from unintended uses.

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shaun @ Oct 11th 2007 6:12AM

sweet I want it for my iPod!

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Richard @ Oct 11th 2007 6:22AM

meh, wake me up when it plays xvid,avi files

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Matt H @ Oct 11th 2007 6:24AM

Wake me up when safari has flash and the above. ;)

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Ireland @ Oct 11th 2007 8:01AM

If you are waiting for flash, I don't think you're getting an iPhone for a few years then. As of right now Apple says it's a power drain.

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Namarrgon @ Oct 11th 2007 8:29AM

That's their excuse for all the useful features that didn't make the cut. It's wearing a bit thin.

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Leonard Nimrod @ Oct 11th 2007 8:59AM

@ Matt H,

Exactly what version of Flash does Adobe have for OS X on an ARM CPU? Adobe Flash 7 for ARM CPU is practically worthless. Adobe Flash 9 for Mac OS X is highly un-optimized. Adobe is the one who needs to get Flash working properly, but shouldn't they stat by optimizing Mac OS X Flash and getting a decent version of Flash for the billion Symbian based phones out there?

My suggestion to Adobe is to create a chpset that takes Flash from being a slow, powersucking software solution to a faster, less power hungry chipset solution.

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Nick @ Oct 11th 2007 9:05AM

other than gamming on the web.. why do you want flash?!?! the world has gone flash crazy.. it'll drain power and takes a while to load when its not optimized (which is about 50% of all flash on the web).

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Matt H @ Oct 11th 2007 9:54AM

Err, I said wake me up when it has Flash, not it needs flash now.

Flash may use a lot of battery, but who cares.. that's what a charger is for. Why Flash? Not because of the 100% flash websites, but because of flash games, flash interfaces and videos.

Exactly what version of Flash does Adobe have for OS X on an ARM CPU? Ok none, but that's what I'm saying - Wake me up WHEN they get around to doing it.


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Ireland @ Oct 11th 2007 1:23PM

Should be a long sleep then Matt.

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bugmat @ Oct 11th 2007 6:33AM

Meh...Wake me up when ti has a comic and eBook reader. No seriously this baby is now really on my Christmas shopping list - great work by all the hack...errr I mean software development teams out there!

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ssuk @ Oct 11th 2007 7:58AM

I promise you this hack will be fixed before christmas, so best to put that christmas list on the 'maybe' pile.

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Stephen Lang @ Oct 11th 2007 5:12PM

bugmat- you can wake up now, at least for an ebook reader-

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yacoub @ Oct 11th 2007 6:42AM

OMG!!! I can't wait to get Notes and full-Calendar on my touch! Looking forward to a nice compiled crack for the touch that doesn't require doing lots of convoluted things to get it working.

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yacoub @ Oct 11th 2007 6:49AM

oh and supposedly this one only works if you have a Mac :(

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Timbuckto @ Oct 11th 2007 12:15PM

So what, just shrink one of your partitions with GParted (defrag in windows first) and then install JaS OSX 10.4.8 ;-). Once installed checkout insanelymac.com to get help on upgrading to 10.4.10 so you can install iTunes and manage your iPod Touch.

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homer @ Oct 11th 2007 7:11AM

with all that icons now it look a Microsoft Product. It's ugly!
Do you remember the Microsoft ipod parody?

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Richard John @ Oct 11th 2007 9:05AM

That parody was made by Microsoft before they had an MP3 player. The Zune box is so clean, it makes that video kind of irrelevant.

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laurie @ Oct 11th 2007 7:58AM

Wake me up when Apple stop trying to lock down a FREAKING MP3 PLAYER. I'd love a touch but I WILL NOT PAY for one until its a device that APPLE allow me to install software of MY CHOICE on.

I understand the locking on the iPhone, that is a completely different product and sales model. This is a portable computer/mp3 player, with no contract and no subsidy. I cannot understand why Apple will not let consumers get the most out of THEIR hardware. And yes the hardware DOES BELONG to the consumer once purchased. Apple IP/Copyright is completely IRRELEVENT.

Are Apply really trying to become hated like MS, because they are well on their way...

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Kareem Halfawi @ Oct 11th 2007 9:38AM

They don't want the iTouch to cannibalize iPhone sales, it's perfectly understandable.

Just like you said, it's a "freaking mp3 player" and it already does a whole lot more than any other "freaking mp3 player".

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rawhead @ Oct 11th 2007 11:36AM

Yeah, if you buy it (which you haven't yet, apparently, so I don't understand your frustration), it is your hardware. Do what you like with it! Apply this new hack! Have a blast!

Just don't expect Apple to fuckin' support it. Seriously. Actually you could make a better argument for phones because there are phones out there that are more open to 3rd party app development (like Nokias). But pray tell, where's another MP3 player that does what the iPod touch does out of the box, LET ALONE one that has the manufacturer supporting 3rd party app development on it?

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nb @ Oct 11th 2007 1:43PM

Why do you expect they would release the iPod Touch any different then the old iPods? Locked down with little to no wiggle room.

This is Apple remember. The company that thrives on limiting your choices.

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Up2Late @ Oct 11th 2007 2:20PM

Ditto. I got all excited to buy a touch when it was announced, but quickly soured on the idea after I heard about the calendar and notes issues.

Maybe, just maybe, these "bugs" will be fixed with Leopard.

And BTW, will Leopard finally allow two way syncing with GCal and iCal.

This is really all it will take to get me to buy a Touch. I'm one of the few who really wanted the flash drive.

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Sparks @ Oct 12th 2007 4:22AM

Yeah, the iPod touch needs to be open, like all other MP3 player hardware! You should be able to install NES emulators and stuff like that just like on the Zune!

More seriously, Apple's being short-sighted and foolish in how they deal with the lockdown on the iPhone in particular, though perhaps they still have an SDK up their sleeves (or third-party dev partnerships planned down the road).

But the iPod touch... I can't think of many MP3 players which allow you to install your own third-party software without hackery. (Other than 'embedded Linux devices' which tend to be more a small and somewhat anemic computer which happens to play MP3s than an actual dedicated MP3 player.) Which isn't to say Apple's not being blind to possibilities here; if the iPod touch was open to third-party development, I think it could quickly become a phenomenally popular MP3 player. (Though would cannibalize the iPhone sales somewhat, yes.)

But saying 'call me when they don't lock third-party software off their MP3 player' seems a little silly when, frankly, most other MP3 players don't either. When was the last time someone installed Google Maps on their Creative Zen? A libpurple-driven IM program on their Zune?

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Chriso89 @ Oct 11th 2007 7:58AM

I need a guide to jailbreak my ipod touch. sombody`?

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Eugene @ Oct 11th 2007 9:41AM

uhhh.. If I say yes will you leave me alone :)

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tits @ Oct 11th 2007 8:01AM

I am so happy this is happening! I hope Apple is not too serious about breaking the effort of the open community cause it will obviously help to sell more ipod... I will wait 2-3 days for see if its working well and buy one.

is there only a nes emulator? cant we have some other stuff like starcraft and warcraft??? maybe psx!!!

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bob @ Oct 11th 2007 8:22AM

they are not trying to break 3rd party apps at all, there is simply as yet no proper dev kit so when apple does its updates (which are system wide - remember this is a new version of osx) it breaks code the 3rd party apps rely on. Apple will however try to stop network unlocking because the iphone is an exclusive on att and apple has to fulfill its side of the deal. Apple care about end user experience (we are not talking the likes of people that come on these blogs - who should know better than to run any official update after hacking anything) and the end user experience is boosted by web access (which most people have not yet used and without being pushed to do so would not enjoy a lot of the iphones features.

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Mitch @ Oct 11th 2007 10:24AM

@bob: Apple just cant do anything wrong can they? Changing springboard to only display a specified locked (well, it was..) list of programs, how is that a 'feature'? They are trying to restrict us.

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ThePengwin @ Oct 11th 2007 8:32AM

Hey, its finally catching up to my now outdated iPAQ rw6828, wow!
Seriously, windows smart phones and windows mobile PDAs have the same functionality, and its been like that for a good 5 years now why weren't they revolutionary devices?

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Dap @ Oct 11th 2007 9:35AM

MultiTouch Interface? - This is the biggie!!! How you actually navigate, interact with the device. Easy and Beautiful.

I watched a crowd of around 100 people fighting just to demo one of these products at the Regent St Apple store. The older generation couldn't believe how easy it was, they were somewhat scared by the MultiTouch voodoo. I cannot remember many products getting that kind of reaction from the general public. It's ashame they couldn't purchase one though as the morning shipment sold out within 2 hours.

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JD @ Oct 11th 2007 8:50AM

Great. Now, can someone please grab the wifi music store, Contacts app and double click for music controls so we can port them back to our 1.0.2 iPhones?

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