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ScienceDaily: Herding dog
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Herding dog

A herding dog or pastoral breed is a dog that either has been trained in herding or that is a member of a breed developed for herding. Dogs can herd other animals in a variety of ways. Some breeds, such as the Australian Cattle Dog, typically nip at the animals' heels. Others, notably the Border Collie, get in front of the animals and use what is called eye to stare down the animals; they are known as headers. The Koolie has been observed to use both these methods and to jump on the backs of their charges. All herding behavior is modified predatory behavior. Commonly herded animals include cattle, sheep, and reindeer, although it is not unusual for poultry to be handled by dogs.
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Dog Genome Yields Information That May Benefit Human Health (May 21, 2004) -- A new genetic analysis of man's best friend could help scientists explain why a border collie has knack for herding or why poodles sport a curly ... > full story

Life As A Dog Means Faster Mutations (May 10, 2007) -- It may be hard to see that the Chinese crested dog is descended from the wolf, but it's easier to grasp that two poodles of different sizes are related. Now there is reason to believe that dogs of ... > full story

A Quality Dog-Owner Relationship No Help To Storm-phobic Canines (December 17, 2005) -- Having a sympathetic owner did not lower the stress reaction of dogs that become anxious or fearful during noisy thunderstorms but living in a multi-dog household did, a Penn State study has ... > full story

Dogs That Bite Children Have Often Not Bitten Kids Before (October 4, 2007) -- Dogs that bite children have often not bitten kids before, but they tend to have underlying behavioral or medical problems, indicates new research. Young children were much more likely to be bitten ... > full story

Bernese Mountain Dogs Prone To Infection By Lyme Disease-related Bacteria (July 16, 2007) -- Borrelia burgdorferi seem to be particularly successful at infecting Bernese Mountain Dogs, according to recent research. Swiss researchers found that more than half of the dogs they tested were ... > full story

Children Should Not Be Left Unsupervised With Dogs, Say Experts (February 24, 2007) -- Children should not be left unsupervised to play with a dog, say experts in this week's British Medical Journal. Their advice is part of a review aimed at doctors who deal with dog ... > full story

Herding With Hockey Sticks: Elk Trained To Stay Away From Tourists (December 17, 2004) -- There are no hockey sticks waving around on NHL ice this holiday season, but travel to Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada, and you'll see plenty of them. The game? Keeping elk at a safe distance ... > full story

New Study To Save Dobermanns From Fatal Heart Disease (April 2, 2005) -- Vets at the University of Liverpool are looking for Dobermann volunteers to participate in a research project to combat canine heart ... > full story

Dogs On The Scent Of Better Behaviour (April 23, 2004) -- Dogs in animal shelters can be helped to behave better by wafting special scents throughout their kennels and corridors, animal behaviour experts from the University of Edinburgh have ... > full story

Dogs May Be Responding To Psychological Seizures, Not Epilepsy Seizures (January 23, 2007) -- Reports of dogs that can predict their owners' epilepsy seizures have been anecdotal and not objectively confirmed by doctors and researchers. Some people obtain service dogs trained specifically for ... > full story

Dog Owners Hide The Truth From Shelters About Their Pets' Behavioral Problems (January 30, 2006) -- Many dog owners who relinquish their pets to animal shelters are not entirely honest about their dogs' behavioral problems -- probably for fear that their pets will be put to sleep, according to a ... > full story

Herding dog -- A herding dog or pastoral breed is a dog that either has been trained in herding or that is a member of a breed developed for herding. Dogs can herd other animals in a variety of ways. Some breeds, ... > full article

Companion dog -- Companion dog usually describes a dog that does not work, providing only companionship as a pet, rather than usefulness by doing specific tasks. Many of the toy dog breeds are used only for the ... > full article

Dog intelligence -- Dog intelligence is the ability of a dog to learn, think, and solve problems. Dog trainers, owners, and researchers have as much difficulty agreeing on a method for testing canine intelligence, as ... > full article

Dog breed -- A dog breed is a group of dogs that have very similar or nearly identical characteristics of appearance or behavior or, usually, both, primarily because they come from a select set of ancestors who ... > full article

Hypoallergenic dog breeds -- Hypoallergenic dog breeds are those touted as being hypoallergenic; that is, provoking fewer allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. These breeds usually shed less dander and hair and are, ... > full article

Therapy dog -- Therapy Dog refers to a dog trained to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, mental institutions, schools, and stressful situations such as disaster ... > full article

Dog training -- In the wild as pack animals, canines have natural instincts that favor training. These instincts are manifested when the dog lives with humans as a desire to please a handler, as a dog would please ... > full article

Service dog -- A service dog is a type of assistance dog that is specially trained to help people who have disabilities other than visual or hearing impairment. Examples of these include Psychiatric service dogs, ... > full article

Sled dog -- Sled dogs, known also as sleigh dogs, sledge dogs or sleddogs are a group of dogs that are used to pull a wheel-less vehicle on runners (a sled or sleigh) over snow or ice, by means of harnesses and ... > full article

Gun dog -- Gundogs, also called bird dogs, are a category of dog breeds developed to assist hunters to find and retrieve game, usually birds. Gundogs are divided into three primary classes: Retrievers, flushing ... > full article


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