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Drizzly Mornings On Xanadu -- Saturn's Moon Titan (October 12, 2007) -- A nearly global cloud covers high elevations on Saturn's moon Titan and a widespread and persistent morning drizzle of methane on the flanks of Titan's major continent, Xanadu. Near-infrared images ... > full story

Jules Verne Dry Cargo Prepared In Turin (October 12, 2007) -- Around 180 kilograms of dry cargo which is to be carried into space on board Jules Verne, the first Automated Transfer Vehicle, is currently undergoing final preparation in Turin, Italy, ahead of ... > full story

Origin Of Cosmic Rays Illuminated (October 11, 2007) -- Recent observations from NASA and Japanese X-ray observatories have helped clarify one of the long-standing mysteries in astronomy -- the origin of cosmic rays. Outer space is a vast shooting gallery ... > full story

New Isotope Molecule May Add To Venus' Greenhouse Effect (October 11, 2007) -- Planetary scientists on both sides of the Atlantic have tracked down a rare molecule in the atmospheres of both Mars and Venus. The molecule, an exotic form of carbon dioxide, could affect the way ... > full story

Dusty Winds Bursting Out Of Black Holes May Have Seeded Planets, Life (October 11, 2007) -- The hit song that proclaimed, "All we are is dust in the wind," may have some cosmic truth to it. New findings from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope suggest that space dust -- the same stuff that makes ... > full story

NIST Light Source Illuminates Plasma Of Experimental Reactor (October 11, 2007) -- Using a device that can turn a tiny piece of laboratory space into an ion cloud as hot as those found in a nuclear fusion reactor, physicists are helping to develop one of the most exotic ... > full story

Pluto-bound Spacecraft Sees Changes In Jupiter System (October 10, 2007) -- The voyage of NASA's Pluto-bound New Horizons spacecraft through the Jupiter system earlier this year provided a bird's-eye view of a dynamic planet that has changed since the last close-up looks by ... > full story

Cassini Is On The Trail Of A Runaway Mystery (October 9, 2007) -- NASA scientists are on the trail of Iapetus' mysterious dark side, which seems to be home to a bizarre "runaway" process that is transporting vaporized water ice from the dark areas to the white ... > full story

Astronauts To Ride 'Roller Coaster' Rails In Emergency (October 8, 2007) -- As NASA revamps Launch Complex 39B to host the new Orion spacecraft and Ares I rocket of the Constellation Program, engineers are preparing to install a new kind of departure system to evacuate ... > full story

Scientists 'Weigh' Tiny Galaxy Halfway Across Universe (October 8, 2007) -- A tiny galaxy, nearly halfway across the universe, the smallest in size and mass known to exist at that distance, has been identified. The galaxy is about half the size, and approximately one-tenth ... > full story

Multiwavelength Images Of Distant Universe Now Available On Google Sky (October 8, 2007) -- A massive project to map a distant region of the Universe in multiple wavelengths--from x-rays through ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and radio waves--is releasing its data this week to both fellow ... > full story

New Technology Quickly Finds Leaks In Spacecraft (October 6, 2007) -- Tiny meteors flash through space. There's spacecraft debris flying around, too. And so there's a risk that objects just a few millimeters across could pierce the thin aluminum skin of spacecraft such ... > full story

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Astrophysics -- Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that deals with the physics of the universe, including the physical properties (luminosity, density, temperature and chemical composition) of astronomical ... > full article

Space observatory -- A space observatory is any instrument in outer space which is used for observation of distant planets, galaxies, and other outer space objects. A large number of observatories have been launched into ... > full article

Supergiant -- Supergiants are the most massive stars. Supergiants can have masses from 10 to 70 solar masses and brightness from 30,000 up to hundreds of thousands times the solar luminosity. They vary greatly in ... > full article

Spitzer space telescope -- Spitzer Space Telescope (formerly the Space Infrared Telescope Facility [SIRTF]) is an infrared space observatory, the fourth and final of NASA's Great Observatories. The first images taken by SST ... > full article

Light-year -- A light-year or lightyear (symbol: ly) is a unit of measurement of length, specifically the distance light travels in a vacuum in one year. While there is no authoritative decision on which year is ... > full article

Star cluster -- Star clusters are groups of stars which are gravitationally bound. Two distinct types of star cluster can be distinguished: globular clusters are tight groups of hundreds of thousands of very old ... > full article

Galaxy formation and evolution -- The formation of galaxies is still one of the most active research areas in astrophysics; and, to some extent, this is also true for galaxy evolution. Some ideas, however, are now widely accepted. ... > full article

Chandra X-ray Observatory -- Chandra X-ray Observatory is a satellite launched on STS-93 by NASA on July 23, 1999. It was named in honor of Indian-American physicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar who is known for determining the ... > full article

Comet Hale-Bopp -- Comet Hale-Bopp was probably the most widely observed comet of the 20th century, and one of the brightest seen for many decades. It was visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months, twice as long ... > full article

Stellar evolution -- In astronomy, stellar evolution is the sequence of changes that a star undergoes during its lifetime; the hundreds of thousands, millions or billions of years during which it emits light and heat. ... > full article

Modern Cosmology
Modern Cosmology begins with an introduction to the smooth, homogeneous universe described by a Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric, including careful treatments of dark energy, big bang ... > read more

The Cosmic Perspective, Third Edition
The enhanced pedagogy, streamlined presentation, and integrated media of The Cosmic Perspective, Third Edition makes it easier than ever for readers to successfully navigate their way through ... > read more

An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics
Topics include: the tools of astronomy, the nature of stars, and galaxies and the universe. Textbook. DLC: ... > read more

Essential Cosmic Perspective, The (3rd Edition)
The Essential Cosmic Perspective, Third Edition, built from the ground up on our new understanding of the universe, has been revised and streamlined to make it easier for readers to navigate and ... > read more

Riding Rockets : The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut
On February 1, 1978, the first group of space shuttle astronauts, twenty-nine men and six women, were introduced to the world. Among them would be history makers, including the first American woman ... > read more

Space Mission Analysis and Design, 3rd edition (Space Technology Library) (Space Technology Library)
This practical handbook for Space Mission Engineering draws on leading aerospace experts to carry readers through mission design, from orbit selection to ground ops. SMAD III updates the technology, ... > read more

Decoding the Universe: How the New Science of Information Is Explaining Everything in the Cosmos, from Our Brains to Black Holes
As Charles Seife reveals in this energetic new book, information theory, once the province of philosophers and linguists, has emerged as the crucial science of our time, shedding new light on the ... > read more

Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe, Fourth Edition
Astronomy Today 4/e (ISBN 0-13-091542-4) is the more comprehensive text by this: proven team of authors. This twenty-eight chapter text begins with the foundations of the history of science and ... > read more

Continuing in the bestselling tradition of Animal and Earth, DK brings you Universe - a truly definitive guide that takes you on a tour from the Solar System to the farthest limits of ... > read more

The Production of Space
Henri Lefebvre has considerable claims to be the greatest living philosopher. His work spans some sixty years and includes original work on a diverse range of subjects, from dialectical materialism ... > read more

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