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New Quantum Dot Transistor Counts Individual Photons (October 11, 2007) -- Researchers have designed and demonstrated a transistor containing quantum dots that can count individual photons. The semiconductor device could be integrated easily into electronics for ... > full story

What Makes Quantum Dots Blink? (October 7, 2007) -- In order to learn more about the origins of quantum dot blinking, researchers have developed a method to characterize it on faster time scales than have previously been accessed. Nanocrystals of ... > full story

Physicist Defends Einstein's Theory And 'Speed Of Gravity' Measurement (October 4, 2007) -- Scientists have attempted to disprove Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity for the better part of a century. After testing and confirming Einstein's prediction in 2002 that gravity moves at ... > full story

New Particles Get A Mass Boost (October 3, 2007) -- A sophisticated, new analysis has revealed that the next frontier in particle physics is farther away than once thought. New forms of matter not predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics ... > full story

'Dead Time' Limits Quantum Cryptography Speeds (October 2, 2007) -- According to a new article, technological and security issues will stall maximum transmission rates at levels comparable to that of a single broadband connection, such as a cable modem, unless ... > full story

Quantum Device Traps, Detects And Manipulates The Spin Of Single Electrons (September 28, 2007) -- Engineers have made a novel device that simply and conveniently traps, detects and manipulates the single spin of an electron, overcoming some major obstacles that have prevented progress toward ... > full story

Understanding The Big Bang: Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Aids Search For Quark-gluon Plasma (September 28, 2007) -- A large scale STAR experiment is currently under way at Brookhaven National Laboratory, with the Sun Grid Compute Utility delivering large-scale computing power and related resources on a utility ... > full story

Superconducting Quantum Computing Cable Created (September 27, 2007) -- Physicists have transferred information between two 'artificial atoms' by way of electronic vibrations on a micro-fabricated aluminum cable, demonstrating a new component for potential ultra-powerful ... > full story

A New Look At The Proton (September 27, 2007) -- A young scientist has investigated more than three million collisions between electrons and protons. In his PhD thesis he demonstrates -- for the first time -- that the spin contribution of quarks to ... > full story

Two Giant Steps In Advancement Of Quantum Computing Achieved (September 27, 2007) -- Two major steps toward putting quantum computers into real practice -- sending a photon signal on demand from a qubit onto wires and transmitting the signal to a second, distant qubit -- have been ... > full story

New Record For Brightness Of Quantum Dots Set (September 26, 2007) -- By placing quantum dots on a specially designed photonic crystal, researchers have demonstrated enhanced fluorescence intensity by a factor of up to 108. Potential applications include ... > full story

Imaging Quantum Entanglement (September 25, 2007) -- Scientists have demonstrated the dramatic effects of quantum mechanics in a simple magnet. The importance of the work lies in establishing how a conventional tool of material science -- neutron beams ... > full story

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List of phases of matter -- This is a list of the different phases of matter including the more exotic ones. Generally phases of matter are distinguished by the pressure and temperature, transforming into other phases as ... > full article

Subatomic particle -- A subatomic particle is a particle smaller than an atom: it may be elementary or composite. Particle physics and nuclear physics concern themselves with the study of these particles, their ... > full article

Mechanics -- Mechanics can be seen as the prime, and even as the original, discipline of physics. It is a huge body of knowledge about the natural world. It also constitutes a central part of ... > full article

Particle physics -- Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the elementary constituents of matter and radiation, and the interactions between them. It is also called "high energy physics", because many ... > full article

Proton -- The proton is a subatomic particle with an electric charge of one positive fundamental unit and a mass of 938.3 MeV/c2, or about 1836 times the mass of an electron. The proton is observed to be ... > full article

Quark -- Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics. (The others are leptons.) Antiparticles of quarks are called antiquarks. Quarks and antiquarks are ... > full article

Electron -- The Electron is a fundamental subatomic particle that carries an electric charge. It is a spin-half lepton that participates in electromagnetic interactions, and its mass is less than one thousandth ... > full article

Spin (physics) -- In physics, spin refers to the angular momentum intrinsic to a body, as opposed to orbital angular momentum, which is generated by the motion of its center of mass about an external ... > full article

Quantum number -- A quantum number describes the energies of electrons in atoms. Each quantum number specifies the value of a conserved quantity in the dynamics of the quantum system. Since any quantum system can have ... > full article

Neutrino -- The neutrino is an elementary particle. It has half-integer spin and is therefore a fermion. All neutrinos observed to date have left-handed chirality. Although they had been considered massless for ... > full article

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
There is an ill-concealed skeleton in the closet of physics: "As they are currently formulated, general relativity and quantum mechanics cannot both be right." Each is exceedingly accurate in its ... > read more

Programming the Universe : A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes On the Cosmos
Is the universe actually a giant quantum computer? According to Seth Lloyd—Professor of Quantum-Mechanical Engineering at MIT and originator of the first technologically feasible design for a ... > read more

Warped Passages : Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions
The universe has its secrets. It may even hide extra dimensions, different from anything ever imagined. A whole raft of remarkable concepts now rides atop the scientific firmament, including parallel ... > read more

Decoding the Universe: How the New Science of Information Is Explaining Everything in the Cosmos, from Our Brains to Black Holes
As Charles Seife reveals in this energetic new book, information theory, once the province of philosophers and linguists, has emerged as the crucial science of our time, shedding new light on the ... > read more

Quantum Mechanics (2 vol. set)
Beginning students of quantum mechanics frequently experience difficulties separating essential underlying principles from the specific examples to which these principles have been historically ... > read more

A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy Of Godel And Einstein
It is a widely known but insufficiently appreciated fact that Albert Einstein and Kurt Goedel were best friends for the last decade and a half of Einstein's life. They walked home together from ... > read more

Genius : A Photobiography of Albert Einstein (Photobiographies)
This photobiography of Albert Einstein publishes to coincide with the year that marks the 100th anniversary of what has been described as Einstein's "miraculous year" and the 50th anniversary of his ... > read more

Hiding in the Mirror : The Mysterious Allure of Extra Dimensions, from Plato to String Theory and Beyond
Beginning well before Plato’s allegory of the cave and continuing to modern scientific breakthroughs from relativity to quantum mechanics, as well as to pop cultural icons like Twilight Zone ... > read more

The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles
The Biology of Belief is a groundbreaking work in the field of New Biology. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton is a former medical school professor and research scientist. His experiments, and those of other ... > read more

What the Bleep Do We Know!?™ : Discovering the Endless Possibilities for Altering Your Everyday Reality
Gravity sometimes doesn't work. Some things are both waves and particles. . .at the same time. Electrons simply disappear . . . all the time.If the universe is this wild and unpredictable, so ... > read more

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