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Stop-motion animation with EyeCreate

We're expecting some pretty good stop motion animation to hit the web when the PlayStation Eye and Eye Create are released by Sony. Eye Create is a free application, downloadable on the PSN, that allows users to edit their captured videos directly on the PS3. A new post on the PlayStation.blog focuses on stop-motion animation, where a series of still images can be strung together to create the illusion of movement. This is similar to PSP's Go!Cam and Go!Edit program (downloadable from PSP Fanboy). PSP fans took the liberty of create their own pieces of animation, and we expect a similar following from PS3 fans.

European MGS4 rumble bundle planned "before Easter"

If we were to ask you what games you associate the most with rumble the chances are that a high percentage of you would mention Metal Gear Solid. We know Kojima Productions has a dedicated "Rumble Guy", so it seems only right that Metal Gear Solid 4 is bundled with the PS3 and the Dualshock 3 "before Easter". SCEE VP James Armstrong made public the company's desire to do so when speaking with Meristation.com, a Spanish website.

Better than a new bundle announcement is the hint that both MGS4 and DualShock 3s will be out in Europe before Easter, separately. While this is all still very vague and "before Easter" could range from a month to a day before the holiday, we're going to remain optimistic that both will be released as soon as possible. Seeing as MGS4 is slated for a first quarter release, we're looking to see it hit the shelves by the end of March, at the latest. Seriously, Konami - March at the latest.

PS3 Fanboy review: Folklore

Of all of Sony's titles this year, Folklore may have received the least attention from the gaming community. That's a shame, considering it's one of the most original and fascinating games of the year. The team at Game Republic has crafted a game filled with ephemeral beauty, mystery and intrigue. Yes, it has its share of flaws. However, the thought-provoking story, unique combat system and fantastic art style combine for an experience that no PS3 owner should miss.

The game's protagonist, Ellen, finds herself in the town of Doolin to meet her long-lost mother. However, all she sees is her mother, dead, for a few seconds before her lifeless body is seemingly spirited away. Keats, an investigative reporter of the paranormal, joins Ellen in Doolin, and finds his destiny is closely tied with Ellen's. Unfortunately, the game's opening moments seem to do everything possible to dissuade players from pressing onward. The murder of Ellen's mom is certainly intriguing, but the decidedly drab palette of Doolin and uninspired music make the game feel lifeless. Navigating the town at first feels like a chore, and the confusing pace of the comic book-esque cinematics do little to help invigorate the player. But, the Netherworld beckons, and it's there that the game starts showing off its true potential.

Ellen (and Keats) can both see the dead and journey into the Netherworld. When the player first steps into the Faery Realm, they're greeted by a lush, vivid dream-like world that stands in stark contrast to Doolin. Ironically, the world of the dead is far more alive. Here, players will utilize Folklore's unique combat system.

Gallery: Folklore

Continue reading PS3 Fanboy review: Folklore

Sony dished out £16 million for Motorstorm devs

While it may not be the most exciting news to grace your face (so to speak), it's still something that a lot of curious minds want to know. Ever since the announcement of Sony buying out Evolution and BigBig Studios, something in the back of our minds asked "how much? Those studios are relatively small, right?" but we weren't told anything at all, until now.

Turns out the deal was made for around £16 million, which equates to roughly $33 million. In addition to the deal, we've come to learn that, as is natural with development studios, they're hard at work on other titles. Evolution has undoubtedly started work on Motorstorm 2. We're just glad Sony brought these guys under their wing -- maybe their next installment will fix whatever was broken in the original.

Why is Red Octane giving PS3 a wireless dongle?

All of us PS3 owners know that our sexy console sports Bluetooth technology -- real awesome stuff, being able to attempt to play Warhawk while cooking in the kitchen and the TV is upstairs in a bedroom. Anyway, Red Octane doesn't seem to think Bluetooth is all it's cracked up to be. It's been revealed that the PS3 version of Guitar Hero 3 will force PS3 owners to attach a wireless USB dongle to their consoles instead of using the Bluetooth technology. Well, that might not be true. Red Octane is blaming Sony for this USB device. Let's investigate!

1UP contacted Red Octane for comment and they replied: "Our products require considerable time for certification and testing to perfect both our software & hardware, so this was the most effective way for us to bring a high quality wireless solution for PS3 this holiday." Since that didn't adequately answer why, they pried further, since the Wii uses Bluetooth but won't require such a crazy USB device. Apparently the Bluetooth technology only works with the Sixaxis and Sony doesn't have the technology set up to allow third-parties to use it. That's a little strange sounding.

Sony gave vague answers, using the word consider many, many times: "Many factors were in play regarding the decision to go USB wireless vs Bluetooth for GH3. However, we are considering Bluetooth for future consideration." Everything else is classified! This is a minor issue, but speculation seems to surround the PS3's strange de-sync with the Sixaxis. Surely that would be a horrifying situation while strumming your axe, so perhaps Red Octane decided not to risk that problem on the PS3. Who knows. Does anyone really care? Wireless is wireless, right?

American PSN updates for October 11th

So the European PSN update may not have been up to snuff, but today's American updates have finally been listed on the PlayStation.Blog. This week we're happy to see Everyday Shooter finally being released alongside the Ratchet and Clank demo. Best update ever? This is certainly a contender for the title. The full release list is as follows:
  • Everyday Shooter full game ($9.99)
  • Ratchet and Clank demo (free)
  • Conan demo (free)
  • NHL 2K8 demo (free)
  • Uncharted behind the scenes video (free)
  • Folklore trailer (free)
  • Fallout 3 trailer (free)
  • Ratchet and Clank wallpaper (free)
  • Everyday Shooter wallpaper (free)
  • The Assassination of Jesse James movie trailer (free)
  • Spiderwick Chronicles movie trailer (free)
  • Walk Hard movie trailer (free)

Gallery: Everyday Shooter

Gallery: Ratchet and Clank Future

Capcom hints at PS3 news by the end of next week

You may have heard about a little game called Monster Hunter 3. It's the next game in a pretty popular series (especially in Japan) that was expected to be released on the PS3. Well you might also have heard that Monster Hunter 3 isn't coming to the PS3 after all. Cue a thread on the official Capcom forums full of angry PS3 owners moaning that Capcom is ignoring the PS3 and its fans.

Enter Christian Svensson, Senior Director of Strategic Planning and Development, who posted a cryptic message which has us feeling a mixture of excitement, curiosity and confusion. "Let's see how they feel at the end of next week about us." "They," in this case, refers to PS3 fans. So, until the end of next week we're going to wait optimistically for any and all announcements that Capcom have to make. What could it be? Ready, set - speculate!

[Via PS3Forums]

European PSN updates for October 11th

The European PSN has been updated. There are no signs of a Ratchet and Clank demo (looks like another week of sneaking over to the US store and pinching their stuff), or anything else particularly interesting for that matter. Here's the full release list:
  • Tiger Woods 08 demo (free)
  • The Simpsons demo (free)
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma Weapon Master add-on pack (£2.99)
  • Pixel Junk Racers trailer (free)
  • Fallout 3 teaser trailer (free)
  • Lair trailers (free)
  • Pixel Junk Racers wallpaper (free)
  • Lair wallpaper (free)
  • Folklore wallpaper (free)
  • Men of Honor Blu-Ray trailer
  • Planet of the Apes Blu-Ray trailer
The Ninja Gaiden Sigma add-ons keep coming this week with the Weapon Master pack. Other that there's very little else that hasn't already been available on the US store for at least a week. The Fallout 3 trailer may be the most worthwhile download here. For those of you more excited about interactive content, sit tight and wait for the US update. The Ratchet and Clank demo is on its way.

Fanswag: Win a new Darth Vader PSP-2000 (Day 4)

Click for high-resolution image.

Day 3 is over (we're busy picking our third winner) and Day 4 of our Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron PSP-2000 bundle is ready to kick off. Along with our friends at Joystiq and PSP Fanboy, we're giving away the fourth of five brand-new limited-edition Darth Vader PSP-2000 systems this week. These Ceramic White systems feature Darth Vader's menacing profile on the back, and are a must-have for the dedicated Star Wars nerdcore. Not only that, the package includes the brand new PSP-exclusive Star Wars Battlefront game.

So, how do you enter? First, find out what the PSP Fanboy team thinks about Star Wars Battlefront (Andrew, Jem, Nick, and Colin and ) and then leave a comment settling this once and for all: Does Han hurt nerves or herd nerfs, cause he can't do both? Be sure to leave your comment on the corresponding giveaway posts at Joystiq and PSP Fanboy, for a total of three entries today. We'll select one comment from all three sites at random tomorrow morning before we give away another PSP-2000.

Of course, there are rules. You must be a US resident, 18 years or older. Limit 1 entry per person per site ... or else (that means three entries spread out, no more)! This entry period ends at 11:59am ET tomorrow, so get your entries in before then. For complete rules you can shared with your loved ones, click here. And much thanks to the fine people at LucasArts for the great prizes.

Gabe Newell calls PS3 'waste of everybody's time'

Gabe Newell really hates the PS3. In a recent interview with Next-Gen, he blasted Sony's system due to its frustrating architecture, calling the system "a waste of everybody's time. Investing in the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There's nothing there that you're going to apply to anything else. You're not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they've created."

Because of his distaste for PS3, the critically acclaimed Orange Box is not being ported to PS3 by Valve. Rather, EA is handling the port and he's confident that "they'll make the PS3 version a good product; EA got the job done in putting a lot of people with PS3 experience on the project." He does note that "it's harder to get it to the same standard as the 360 and PC versions."

Hopefully, EA's treatment of The Orange Box will be better than the sloppy PS3 version of Madden, which was slammed by the gaming media for its sluggish framerate on PS3.

[Via CVG]

EyeCreate will be available as free download on PSN

What we should say before anything else is that EyeCreate isn't a game, necessarily, but an application that will essentially turn your PS3 into a media center that can edit audio, video, and image files so you can sort 'em and send 'em to friends. You will, of course, need the PlayStation Eye peripheral to make use of this application. Don't worry, the PS Eye is available as a standalone peripheral, so you don't have to worry about getting the Eye of Judgment pack if you aren't into that sort of thing.

This is only the beginning of a slew of applications and games that will support the new PS Eye, but the best part of EyeCreate is that it is completely free! Yep, you get some software that'll let you tweak a multitude of files for free. That's pretty awesome. There will be more about this application on the official PlayStation Blog later on, so keep an "eye" on that, or just wait and we'll let you know what's up when we learn more. Yes, that was incredibly lame, but we don't care ... so long as you rolled your eyes.

Haze weaponry revealed, detailed, explained

Free Radical have recently updated their blog over on IGN, deciding to enlighten us to some of the weapons available in the upcoming, hotly-anticipated shooter Haze. Since there's a lot to say about each weapon, we're going to give you the shorthand version here and leave it up to you to research further.
  • Diplomat pistol -- standard Mantel weaponry, seems most useful in short-range situations.
  • Blacksaw assault rifle -- depleted uranium are the bullets, pain is the result. Also available: silenced version.
  • Donkey Puncher shotgun -- " ... this high-end shotgun is more than enough to kick any ass presented to you." Enough said.
  • Hard Candy rocket launcher -- apparently makes Sloppy Joes out of the enemy.
  • Pinpointer sniper rifle -- it's a sniper rifle. Need we say more?
  • Heavy Gun -- uh, we're not sure, but it sounds extremely useful. Seems to be a stationary weapon of mass destruction.
  • Razor Tongue knife -- standard Promise Hand melee weapon. You can smear it with Nectar, which causes Mantel soldiers to overdose on Nectar if you slice 'em. Nice way to make a knife useful without being ridiculously overpowered (Warhawk).
  • Lobo -- the assault rifle of choice for Promise Hand soldiers.
  • Oso -- shotgun! Notice the trend of Spanish names for Promise Hand weaponry.
  • Mano del Dios -- the "Hand of God" is essentially a minigun you really don't want to see from the wrong end.
  • Dragon de la Gente -- take a guess! It's a flamethrower for the people, by the people.
There are more sniper rifles and grenades to be had, but we think you get the point. All of these weapons are, admittedly, standard FPS necessities, but we can't believe this is all there will be offered. Maybe it is. But if not, we're sure there will be quite a few interesting ways to lace Nectar into more weaponry. We're excited for this one to come out, so we'll wait for November with bated breath.

Japan now getting two PS1 updates a month - where's ours?

Another Japanese PSN update consisting of PS1 games occurred today. While we don't normally report on this, some interesting/annoying/enviable news has also slipped out alongside it. Since the PS3's launch the Japanese PSN Store has been updated once a month with large additions of PS1 games playable on both the PS3 and the PSP. From now on, however, the PS1 updates will be coming twice a month.

So where's ours? The EU and US PSN Stores have had very few PS1 game releases. Europe got a few more games added a couple of months ago, but most of those were taken down due to glaring glitches and errors. If the recent list of rumored PSN releases is to believed, then we've got a few more to look forward to this week. Even so, the Japan store has many times more than Europe and the US added together. When is Sony going to realize we want to pay money for old games we never bought the first time around? Seriously Sony, you're missing out on free money here.

Time Crisis 4 trailer assures us they still suck at voice acting

Giorgio, Evan, and William. Those are your main characters for Time Crisis 4 and your mission is to battle terrorists -- wait, no, they're not terrorists. But they are! Insert cheesy voice-over and explosion. This trailer is bad. Not bad as in "this game sucks" but it's hilariously bad like Zero Wing. But, as they say at the end of the trailer, at least it won't be boring. These games are a lot of fun to play and have eaten our quarters for over ten years. We're excited to test it out in our homes!

Oblivion: Shivering Isles may become DLC on PSN

Currently, to play Shivering Isles, the only option PS3 owners have is to buy the full-priced Game of the Year Edition, which releases next week. Obviously, that won't sit well with current Oblivion fans. No worries, says Pete Hines from Bethesda. The company says its "very close to working something out," although it's not fully confirmed quite yet.

"[The expansion] may be in downloadable form via PSN, or as a standalone retail disc, or both. I can't say definitively yet that it will happen, and I definitely can't say when. But it's looking good, and hopefully we'll have good news soon."
A downloadable expansion will guarantee that PS3 owners won't be missing out on any of the content delivered to Xbox 360 owners. Hey, Bethesda -- all of us have hard drives and free access to the PSN. Let's get it rolling!

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Win the Ultimate Halo 3 setup from Xbox 360 Fanboy!!!Check out the PlayStation Fancast podcast!PS3 Fanboy interviews Everyday Shooter's Jon Mak


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