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Rumored hunter pet abilities - WOW Insider
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Rumored hunter pet abilities

These new pet abilities on the Curse Gaming forums, if accurate, sound pretty darned awesome. As to their accuracy, several posters have noted that some of these abilities have been in the game (not available to players, but in the game) since beta, but never usable -- and that the final release of pet skills gave pets completely new abilities. To this, original poster Celebrimor notes that, in the Alpha release, these abilities now scale up to level 70, meaning they've at least been updated. (And why update them if not to make use of them in-game?) So are they real or just someone's idea of a bad joke? Read on and see what you think.


  • Enraging Bite: reduces an enemy's resistance to physical attacks as well as drawing its attention. Angers a target, drawing its attention and lowering its armor value by 40.(Probably is a % armor reduction) (This is also a taunt effect)
  • Growl of Fortitude: increases the maximum health of the bear. Grants the user 252+12.5/level(852 at level 70) additional hitpoints for 5 minutes, 7 minutes cooldown. Starts at level 22.
  • Roar of Fortitude: increases the maximum health of everyone in your party. Increases max hitpoints of allies in your party by 200+10/level for 2 minutes(540 at level 70), 3 minutes cooldown. starts at level 36.
  • Eye Peck: causes an enemy to miss more often in combat. 5% chance to Eye Peck, which lowers a target's chance to hit by 47% (it has -1 duration so i belive that it only works for 1 hit)
  • Flight of the Peregrine: increase the movement speed of the bird. Increases movement speed by 100% for 15 seconds, 5 min cooldown.
  • Pester: greatly increases the attack speed of the bird at the cost of dealing less damage. Every successful attack while in this mode renders the target unable to cast spells for a short time. Decreases damage done while granting a chance to silence on hit, lasts 15 seconds, 30 seconds cooldown.
  • Gore: deals physical damage over time to an enemy. Deals 15+5.5/level(205 damage at level 48) damage to a target over 15 seconds. Starts at level 13, stops at level 48. 30 seconds cooldown.
  • Toughen Hide ability: increases resistance to physical attacks. Increases armor value by 118+5.2/level(367 at level 70) for 10 seconds, 45 seconds cooldown. Starts at level 22. Probably is a % armor increase.
  • Vital Wound: slows the attack speed of an enemy. Adds a 5% chance to do extra damage and slow attack rate of a target on a successful hit.
  • Ferocity: increases attack speed of the cat at the cost of receiving more damage when hit by phsical attacks. Cat goes into a ferocious rage granting 50% haste but takes 60 more damage from attacks for 8 secons. 1 minute cooldown.
  • Open Wound: deals physical damage over time to an enemy as well as increasing damage received by physical attacks for a short time. Adds a 5% chance to open a wound on a target causing damage over time and increased damage taken by 10%.
  • Survival Instinct: stuns an enemy and attempts to run away causing the enemy to lose interest in attacking the cat. Stuns an enemy and attempts to run away causing the enemy to lose interest in attacking the cat. 2 second stun, 10 second cooldown.
  • Clenched Pinchers: holds an enemy in place while dealing physical damage over time to it. While holding the enemy, the crab will be unable to attack or perform any other actions. Grabs a target, holding them in place for 15 seconds while doing 150+5/level (270 at max level) damage in that time. 60 second cooldown. (Note: crab looses channeling time when hit.)
  • Tight Pinch: deals additional damage on the crab's next hit as well as stunning the enemy. Pinches down hard causing 18+1/level(64 at max level) damage and stunning a target for 5 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.
  • Tough Shell: gives your crab a chance to increase it's armor value when hit. Adds a 8% chance to temporarily increase armor when successfully hit. Adds 196 armor. (Probably is a % value)
  • Consume Flesh: gives your crocilisk a chance to steal health from an enemy when attacking. Adds a 5% chance to drain 50 life from a target during combat.
  • Pierce Ankle: knocks down an enemy and reduces it's movement speed.Knocks down an enemy and reduces it's movement speed by 35% for 6 sec. 30 seconds cooldown.
  • Quick Snap: gives your crocilisk a chance to counterattack when hit. Adds 20% chance to counter attack when hit.
  • Quickness: an attack that can hit multiple enemies. Adds 41-45 damage and hits one additional target, 1 minute cooldown.
  • Throw Rock: a ranged attack. Throws a rock for 40-46 damage. 1.5 sec casting time.
  • Bruise: gives your gorilla a chance to reduce the armor value of an enemy when attacking. Adds 11% chance to Bruise a target, which lowers the targets armor value by 176.
Tall Strider
  • Distracting Spit: increases physical damage dealt to an enemy. Adds 5+0.2/level(15 at level 70) damage taken on a target. 15 sec duration, 3 min cooldown.
  • Strider Presence: helps regenerate health and mana. Increases health regeneration by 5+0.5/level(17 at max level) and mana regeneration by 10+0.5/level(22 at max level) of all allies in the party.
  • Healing Tongue: heals friendly targets from a short range. Heals a friendly target for 62-72+7.7/level(431-441 at max level). 1 sec cast time, 15 sec cooldown.
  • Poisonous Spit: ranged attack that deals damage over time to an enemy. Spits out poison at target which causes 150+5/level(320 at max level) damage over 15 seconds. 2 sec cast 2 min cooldown.
  • Spider Poison: deals damage over time to an enemy. Adds a 5% chance to poison on a successful hit. Poison deals 390 damage over 30 seconds at max level.
  • Web: Renders an enemy unable to move. Casts a web over an enemy, immobilizing it for 12 seconds. I think that you cant net the same target again for 20 seconds.
  • Hand Snap: disarms a target for 8 seconds as well as dealing 36 damage over 8 seconds. 5% chance on hit.
  • Thick Skin: gives your turtle a chance to increase it's armor value when hit. Adds a 15% chance to temporarily increase armor by 63 for 20 seconds when successfully hit.
  • Enraged Howl: increases your party's strength and agility. Adds 12 strength and 12 agility to party members in a $a1 yard radius for 30 seconds. 1 min cooldown.
  • Intimidating Growl: causes an enemy to run away in fear at an increased movement speed. Target creature becomes frightened and runs away at an increased speed for 5 seconds.
  • Rabid Maw: reduces strength by 23 and agility by 23 for 30 seconds, 5% chance on hit.

  • Feast of Prey: allows your raptor to recover health every time it kills an enemy. Steals 3 life/ level from a target after delivering a fatal blow.
  • Tendon Slice: deals damage over time as well as slowing the enemies movement speed. Adds a 5% chance to slow a targets movement by 33% as well as do 60 damage over 8 seconds on a successful hit.
  • Vulnerable: increases all physical damage done to an enemy for a short time. Finds a weak spot which causes the target to take 65(At highest level) more damage from physical hits for 3 seconds, 30 seconds cooldown.
  • Claw Cover: increase chance to parry by 60% for 20 seconds, 1.5 minutes cooldown.
  • Dig Trap: allows your scorpion to go into stealth, but it cannot move and it's sight range will be reduced. If it attacks from this position it will deal 169 additional damage. 90 seconds cooldown.
  • Minor Scorpion Venom: deals damage over time to an enemy. Adds a 5% chance to poison on a successful hit. Poison deals 580 damage over 60 seconds.

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Reader Comments

(Page 1)

1. Somehow I seem to get the feeling that some my guildies are going to want me to level up a Tall Strider for the health/mana regen and the healing tongue....Just a guess though.

Posted at 1:39PM on Oct 6th 2006 by Prauche

2. Cool.

Crab,Cat, and Wolf looking great for pvp.

Posted at 1:47PM on Oct 6th 2006 by warforge

3. I call shenanigans on all of these!

I don't doubt that the expansion will bring new pets and new abilities, but these are way overpowered. Sounds like some hunter is dreaming. "Eye Peck"? Sorry, no.

Posted at 1:50PM on Oct 6th 2006 by Mike Schramm

4. And sadly, Hiena is missing from the list :(

My poor friend Frend just gets no love :( :(

Posted at 2:19PM on Oct 6th 2006 by Mat

5. Oh, come on, Mike. :) I am absolutely taming a bird if these turn out true, entirely for the satisfaction of pecking out the eyes of my enemies. You remember that Hitchcock movie, don't you?!

Posted at 2:22PM on Oct 6th 2006 by elizabeth

6. Hey man I love hunters, and I think Blizzard sees the expansion as a great way to pay them back for the rough going they had early on in the game (which is why the talents are taking so long). I think the talents and spells will be great (and probably released today, if not early next week).

But a spider dropping a 12-second root, which a hunter can then frost trap for even more time out of combat? AOE healing tall striders? That's overpowered. I'd love to be proven wrong, hunters, but it hasn't happened yet :)

Posted at 2:38PM on Oct 6th 2006 by Mike Schramm

7. I'm with Mike. A beast mastery hunter is already easymode against most classes; these pet abilities (and the recent rumored talents) would be beyond silly. Cats stunning for 2 seconds of every 10? Crabs stunning for 5 seconds of every 30? And, yeah, birds interrupting casters somewhere around half the time. Please.

The sad thing is, when we see the actual talents there will be a bunch of fifteen year old hunters crying about how weak they are compared to the rumors.

Footnote: My first 60 was a hunter. He was never specced beast mastery, and was always fun to play.

Posted at 2:56PM on Oct 6th 2006 by stapleboy

8. no self respecting hunter would ever embarres himself or his guild by speccing beast master. those rumored pet abilities are without a doubt overpowered. i know this because i can already beat everyone i know except warlocks and priest/shadow priests.

i'd take a shit if my old bear could buff my hp. and i'd take a shit while laughing as my gorilla was throwing rocks at people.

but stapleboy is right, all the 15 yearolds are gonna QQ about their beast masters getting nerfed when these rumors turn out to be, in fact, rumors.

Posted at 3:58PM on Oct 6th 2006 by Mannoroth > u

9. Overpowered ? I can see this as overkill if a marks/survivalist has pet skills like that.

Maybe put something VERy high on the Beast tree that unlocks these additional pet skills. That would balance things out.

making beast spec something to be feared.... and keeping old Marks/Survival boys from getting too much power. I believe those two trees have been super tweaked as it is.

Beast SPec love god damnit!? =p Where is it!

Posted at 4:01PM on Oct 6th 2006 by warforge

10. ack what the heck it reposted an old post!

musta selected the wrong confirmation bah

Posted at 4:02PM on Oct 6th 2006 by warforge

11. You are a dickhead pure and simple. Your blatant insults towards myself and other Beast spec hunters is bullshit i n this blog and dont belong here.

Im way older than 15 you piece of crap. And I play my hunter how I want to play it. Beast spec is there to be a part of the variations of talents to play. So I chose to play it.

Im a 15 year old non self respecting hunter now cause of you half ass remarks? Who the fuck are you?

Another piece of garbage that needs to keep his trap shut since you have nothing constructive to say besides being an ass to myself and others who play beast master.

Posted at 4:06PM on Oct 6th 2006 by warforge

12. These talents are already in the client builds you asshats, they've been in there for a while, anyone can datamine them out. Blizz has just simply expanded them to work up to lvl 70, which gives us hope that they will finally give us access to these abilities.

Posted at 4:14PM on Oct 6th 2006 by lego_

13. Im with Mannoroth, i'd take a shit if my gorilla could throw rocks at people. All of these pet abilitys sound to good to be true,i dont want to get my hopes up any higher then they are, but if they are true not only would 15yr old boys be crying, but alot of other classes would be crying as well, yellin OVERPOWERED!!! I love my hunter and cant wait to see what Blizz really dose.Hopefully they change some stats on weapons,seeing as all the really good 1 handers in raids go to rogues.Then we dont have to wait for that one polearm that never drops.

Posted at 4:32PM on Oct 6th 2006 by BlackFire

14. Mannoroth neds to l2play. Some of you are failing to cool downs and many other factors into account. These might be a tad overpowered, but that's what testing is for.

Beast mastery might become a viable raiding spec and I hope it does. Blizzard is supposedly making pets immune to some, or all, AOE damage so our pets might actually live through boss fights without being micro managed.

It is not hunters will have all these pets out at once.

Posted at 4:36PM on Oct 6th 2006 by Elon

15. I can hardly believe these pet skills are true...

BUT if they are, I'm sure glad I have a lvl 60 tallstrider in my stable...the regen and a heal would be amazing.

Hunters, if you read these talents...don't get your hopes too high, they won't happen

Posted at 6:10PM on Oct 6th 2006 by Scott

16. These are much mroe acceptable than the supposed Hunter 'Talents'.

Posted at 12:12AM on Oct 7th 2006 by spooty

17. This can not be true.
Wouldnt be fair a pet hitting every0.3.5 seconds,for 8 seconds.
Doing about 100 damage a hit. can not be stopped unless killed.
cause a full Beast Master hunter would have that with a Broken Tooth lvl 70
It is simply Much to overpowered to be true.

Posted at 12:25AM on Oct 8th 2006 by jos van dam

18. This can not be true.
Wouldnt be fair a full Beast Master Hunter
with a lvl 70 Broken Tooth hitting every 0.3.5 seconds
for 8 second,doing about 100 damage a hit on low armor targets...Thats normal hits only no Bite-Claw included.
And the pet can not be stopped unless killed.

Simply to Overpowered.. ^^

Posted at 12:36AM on Oct 8th 2006 by Dolfy

19. Yeah, this sound dumb. Strider medics? Gorilla trebuchets? This crap is beyond the mind of a drunk gnome. Keep dreamin' guys.
Outland? More like Wonderland.
"If it seems to good to be true, you're gettin' screwed over, pal." -- Trollmojo

Posted at 5:38PM on Oct 18th 2006 by Trollmojo

20. Well, Blizzard said these pet talent ruours were to be ignored as they were old and overpowered BUT blizzard never said they weren't true. Really, most of them are common sense (eg. Spider has venom and web)however I think blizzard meant to say that those stats were overpowered and were being redone. Tweaking takes time and time is money for Blizzard so I'm sure that if the skills have been done up to level 70 they have at least been tested or considered. Giving a spider web makes more sense that giving a spider a goblin sapper charge however just realise that numbers can be adjusted so the talents will be balanced.

WOW has many OP areas that get fixed in time so don't expect a balanced game from day one of TBC. I still laugh at fraps videos of me riding my raptor while my cat ate paladins and warriors 10 levels higher than me because of the mount exploit where pets could be sent to attack, you mount up, your pet continues to attack. Yeah it's OP until they fixed it. My point is expect OP areas for a little while.

Posted at 9:47PM on Oct 23rd 2006 by Makaaka

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