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Episode 6 of the WoW Insider Show available for download!

For those of you who missed episode 6 of the WoW Insider Show live on WoW Radio over the weekend, the show archive is now available for listening at your convenience. In it, you can catch Elizabeth Harper, Amanda Rivera, and Turpster discussing all of the most interesting topics of the last week. And, yes, before you comment, we do apologize for the sound quality -- a software crash left us with only the live recording to offer you this week. As usual, you may address any questions or concerns about this week's show -- or suggestions for improvement for next week's show! -- to theshow@wowinsider.com. Thanks for listening and we hope to catch you back on WoW Radio next week, at 3:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM GMT.

WoW Insider Show live today!

As usual, WoW Insider kicks off the weekend by hosting a live show on WoW Radio where we cover all of the most interesting stories of the past week. For episode 6, catch Amanda Rivera, Elizabeth Harper, and WoW Radio's colorful Turpster discussing patch 2.2.2, the continued news on patch 2.3, how voice chat is working out for everyone, and other big topics of the week.

So head over to WoW Radio at 3:30 PM EST (that's 8:30 PM GMT) to catch up on the latest news in convenient audio format. And if you want to be sure you get your say, join us on IRC (on irc.mmoirc.org in #wowradio) to chat during the show or email us at theshow@wowinsider.com. We're always listening to your feedback, on air or off!

Episode 5 of the WoW Insider Show now online

Just in case you missed it on Saturday, Episode 5 of the WoW Insider show is now online and in iTunes, ready for your listening pleasure. Robin, Turpster and I took to the airwaves (and if you had problems with the quality of our show, check again, as we've come up with a brand new way to record it that sounds a lot better) to talk in depth about patch 2.2, everything coming in patch 2.3, and all the other stuff you read on WoW Insider last week. It's just like reading this blog-- but it's in audio form!

As always, if you've got feedback about the show, compliments, questions, complaints, or anything else at all, toss us a line at theshow@wowinsider.com-- we'd love to hear it. We do the show every week, so if you like it this week and want to listen live, meet back up with us on Saturday at 3:30pm over at WoW Radio. Thanks for listening, enjoy the show.

Listen in live to the WoW Insider Show tomorrow

WoW Insider once again takes to the virtual airwaves of WoW Radio tomorrow. On Episode 5 of our podcast, we'll chat once again about everything that's happened in the World (of Warcraft) this past week, and boy howdy is that a lot. There's voice chat and the new sound engine in 2.2, the rebirth of Alterac Valley, lots of patch 2.3 to discuss (I'm especially thrilled that Shaman shields are getting some much-needed love), and we'll also hit on progressive content, as well as those required Arena ratings you folks are so interested in.

Should be fun as always, and remember you're invited to join us both via email at theshow@wowinsider.com, and on IRC live during the show-- hit up irc.mmoirc.org in channel #wowradio, or just jump on at the WoW Radio site.

I'll be there, WoW Insider's Robin Torres will be along for the ride, and we'll have some folks from WoW Radio on as well (my guess is that Turpster will be on board as usual). Check it out tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 pm EST, or 8:30 pm GMT. Because if you like our site, you'll love the live audio version of it.

Episode 4 of the WoW Insider Show available for download!

For those of you who have been holding your breath in anticipation of the latest WoW Insider Show (and I know there are at least some of you out there, hitting our mailbox with requests), it's now available to listen to on WoW Radio and for download on iTunes. As usual, the crew (myself, Eric Vice, Duncor, and Turpster) covered some of the most popular topics on WoW Insider this week, including erotic roleplaying, the rogue who sold his account for nearly $10,000 (and the poor schmuck who bought it), how gold farmers are doing business lately, whether faction affiliation really matters, how death knights and warriors will get along, whether Blizzard intends for no class to be necessary in an instance, and our guesses on the patch 2.2 release date. (Hey, I guessed right!)

For those of you who missed the live broadcast, be sure to tune back in this coming Saturday at 3:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM GMT on WoW Radio for more of the latest news from the World of Warcraft!

Reminder! The WoW Insider Show live tomorrow afternoon

If you haven't had a chance to tune in to the WoW Insider Show on WoW Radio, tomorrow could be your lucky day, because at 3:30 PM EST (that's 8:30 PM GMT for those of you in Europe) we'll be broadcasting live. This week, meet WoW Insider bloggers Elizabeth Harper (that's me!) and Eric Vice while we chat about Blizzard's recent disbandment of an erotic roleplaying guild, selling your account for $10,000, the trouble with gold farmers, and all of the other hot topics of the week.

So come over to WoW Radio tomorrow afternoon (3:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM GMT!) and take a listen -- and be sure to join us on IRC during the show at irc.mmoirc.com in channel #wowradio! Questions or concerns about the WoW Insider Show? Think there's something we need to talk about? Send your thoughts to theshow@wowinsider.com!

Captain Dan's Deadmines Battle

You may have already heard this one, but I figured it would be a good thing to post on Talk Like a Pirate Day. Our friends over at WoW Radio recently dropped a new track from Captain Dan, "rising star in the field of Pirate Hip-Hop," called "Deadmines Battle." You can listen to it over on their website-- it features some trippy beats, a little Casio jamming, and rhymes all about everyone's favorite pirate instance. My favorite part of the song, just like the instance, is Mr. Smite, of course.

WoW Radio also says Captain Dan's new album hits today (it's called Rime of the Hip-Hop Mariners, which I, being a Coleridge fan, find very funny)-- there's more tunes and information about that over on their Myspace page.

Avast ye maties, thar be some good rapping off starboard side! Now get back to yer deck-scrubbing, ye scurvy dogs, afore I keelhaul the lot of ya! Yarrrrrr!

Second episode of the WoW Insider Show available for download

In case you missed out on listening to this past weekend's episode of the WoW Insider Show live on WoW Radio, it's now available for streaming. If you missed out, check our page on WoW Radio to hear myself and Krystalle Voecks as well as WoW Radio's TotalBiscuit and Turpster talking about the hottest stories in World of Warcraft this week. And I hope you'll join us next live next Saturday, September 15th at 3:30 PM EST for more of the WoW Insider and WoW Radio crew!

As always, questions, concerns, and suggestions about the show may be directed to us at theshow@wowinsider.com.

The WoW Insider Show tomorrow!

Last week we brought you the first episode of the WoW Insider Show on WCRadio (if you missed it, you can still catch the archive), but this Saturday we're back for Episode 2! Be sure to tune in to listen at 3:30 PM EST (that's 8:30 PM GMT) this Saturday, September 8th to catch Elizabeth Harper and Krystalle Voecks talking about Dragon*Con and all of the happenings from the past week in the World of Warcraft. We'll also be taking your questions and comments by e-mail, so if you have something you'd like us to talk about, before our during the show, drop us a note!

WoW Insider and WoW Radio present: The WoW Insider Show

You've asked us for a podcast, we've considered our options, and now it's time to do it up right. WoW Insider has teamed up with none other than Totalbiscuit and the folks at WoW Radio to create The WoW Insider Show, a weekly audio podcast featuring news and views about World of Warcraft and its community. Every Saturday afternoon at 3:30 EST, WoW Insider will appear live on WoW Radio to talk about the most popular posts of the last week, and what's happening in the World of Warcraft.

We want your insight and your comments, too: our show email will be theshow@wowinsider.com, and that's where you'll be able to send insights both during and after the show. And we'll hook you up for your input-- while you're listening live, you'll be given the chance to win swag as well. For our first show, going down this Saturday, September 1st, we'll be giving away one of our biggest prizes yet: an ingame Murloc suit from BlizzCon. Listen in to learn how to win your chance to wear one of these!

WoW Insider. WoW Radio. Two of the biggest names in the World of Warcraft community have teamed up to bring you the ultimate World of Warcraft podcast. Stay tuned to WoW Insider and our show site at WoW Radio to learn more, and get ready to listen in on Saturday, as WoW Insider's Mike Schramm and Dan O'Halloran take to the air with WoW Radio's Mark 'Turpster' Turpin and Kyle 'Mickey-C' McCarley. Be there!

WoW comic podcast with Chris Metzen from Comicon

The weekend before BlizzCon, Chris Metzen (Blizzard's Vice President of Creative Development), Jim Lee and DC Comics were at Comicon discussing the new World of Warcraft Comic Book.

Blizzplanet has an excellent synopsis of the panel, but DC Comics has the hourlong podcast available as well in case you want to hear about lore and the comic book straight from Chris Metzen's mouth.

Pictured here is Valeera Sanguinar, a Blood Elf Rogue Action Figure that is not available until October 24th. She is a character that is introduced in the comic book along with the other Action Figures: Thargas Anvilmar, Rehgar Earthfury and Meryl Felstorm.

The thing I find most interesting is that the comic book is a way that Blizzard is introducing new lore to be added to the game in future patches/expansions.

Chris Metzen is highly entertaining and passionate about the wonderful lore he has created. I highly recommend giving the podcast a listen, if you have the chance.

Thank you Dark Yoshi and Onnix for the tip!

WoW Radio interviews Nihilum

World of Raids has the story on WoW Radio's interview with Nihilum, WoW EU's leading guild in terms of PVE content. Awake and Ekke represent Nihilum and take us on a 90-minute audio insight into a top-tier raiding guild.

Covering topics from adjusting to TBC raiding, the recent nerfs to Gruul and Magtheridon, rogues and girls and raiding guilds, and even their bad taste in music (Justin Timberlake, anyone?), it's well worth the time spent listening to it.

My favorite part is when they discuss their preferred healer setup for a 25-man raid. Woo hoo!

Click on through to download the MP3 from World of Raids, then come back and share what you found interesting and insightful from the interview.

iTunes controls for Mac not working as intended

If you're running WoW on a Mac and trying to listen to iTunes while playing, you've probably hit the same problem Timi over on Kirin Tor has: the controls ain't just workin' quite right.

Sure, crossrealm BGs are cool, but for a few people, ingame iTunes controls were an even more awaited feature. The dev team didn't get it exactly right, however-- Tigerclaw tries to explain why over on the forums, but I couldn't get much farther than "a Plan-B version was shipped using 'osascript'... to solve the blocking/deadlock issue" before I gave up and reached the same conclusion you probably will: Blizzard shipped something out that didn't work the way they wanted it to (that snickering you're hearing right now is people who played Hunters right after WoW's release, when the class wasn't even close to done).

Even if it isn't working right, however, it still seems to be working, as Timi finds a solution after a little tweaking. Tigerclaw, of course, promises the next major patch will bring relief (have we heard that before?), but if you want help, you can probably find it on the support forums. Meanwhile, Rollak offers us another program that does something even Blizzard hasn't done yet-- control iTunes while playing WoW in Windows. Pretty slick-- maybe that's the guy Blizz should hired to implement this feature next patch.

New WoW Podcast Online

The latest edition of The Battlegrounds, a World of Warcraft podcast, is now available to listen to on their website. The host Jimmy always puts together a fun show, and it's definitely one of the better-produced WoW podcasts out there.

This week features discussion of level 60 content & an interview with an end-gamer who offers some interesting insights into life at the end of the grind. You can check out the latest show & all the previous archived ones right here.

New WoW Podcast Available

The latest edition of Taverncast, a semi-weekly WoW podcast, is available now for download. I've been listening since the end of January, and the guys over there (Cromley, Kirnkaterre, Eloysius and Asros) do a pretty good show; they have a good amount of varied content & they always seem to have a lot of fun while doing it.

This weeks show features an overview of the Horde quest 'Inside the Scarlet Monastery', and a segment on tuning your PC for the optimal WoW experience, among other things. Head over to their site & check it out...

Next Page >

Brewfest event coverage at WoW Insider!All the Patch 2.3 news you need to know.


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