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Jerry Buss: We'd Consider Trading Kobe - FanHouse - AOL Sports Blog
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Jerry Buss: We'd Consider Trading Kobe - FanHouse - AOL Sports Blog

The Word:

Jerry Buss: We'd Consider Trading Kobe

Good lord. The Lakers' frequently off-key owner spoke to the press for the first time since this summer, and had to get in the last word. From the Lost Angeles Times:
Buss, 74, also said Bryant was not necessarily off the table now that the new season had started ... "I would certainly listen," Buss said. "At any time, I think you have to do that with anybody. It's just part of the game, to listen to somebody who has a dissatisfied player that you think is going to fit. You can't keep too many loyalties. You've got to look at it as a business. He looks at it the same way I look at it."
Technically, everything Buss says makes sense. And I know that he bore the brunt of Kobe-gate as much as anyone; he even interrupted a vacation to try and talk the man down. But from the "Cleveland, leave LeBron alone" files, here's another case of when the athlete gets different treatment. Players yap about wanting trades, we write about it a bunch, and it usually blows over.

But when an owner explicitly says "maybe" on a guy, it create a vacuum in his heart and, if you're Kobe Bryant, in the entire team and city. I'm not saying that this makes sense, just that any smart owner would be at least somewhat cognizant of convention. Buss can try and change the game all he wants, but creating a rift between himself and the NBA's best player is hardly the smartest way to run a pro team.

Reader Comments ( Page 1 of 1)

1. Shoals, you took one paragraph in a 2 page article and tried to create drama out of it.

Through out the article Buss explains step by step why they haven't been able to make a trade, how important Kobe is to the city and what his plans are for the Lakers.

An owner would be insane if he didn't see what he could get in return for a player that has all but declared he is leaving as soon as he can. Buss hasn't hidden anything with his mind set on this issue.

He says he will do whatever he can to keep Kobe as long as it doesn't destroy the franchise in the process. He is even willing to listen to a sign and trade in order to resolve the issue.

He was more than willing to accomoidate Kobe with a trade, but no one would offer anything to him in return.

He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

Buss is a class act in my book and just because Shoals can't think of anything better to write for the day, picks the lowest hanging fruit from this news article and tries to create something out of nothing.

Link to the ENTIRE article below:


Posted at 12:16PM on Oct 11th 2007 by GUS

2. Thank you Gus for reminding why sports writers are pathetic. Lets take things out of context and create some drama. There is nothing new here and we are finally hearing straight from Buss. Buss is the best.

Posted at 12:21PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Jeremy

3. How about Kobe , for Vince Carter, Marcus Williams , and on more throw in guy that is not J Kidd or Nenad Kristic or RJ. Would assure a championship for NJ.

Posted at 12:26PM on Oct 11th 2007 by glfr22

4. As much as you want to say this is making something out of nothing, I guarantee Buss would've called Kobe an untradeable franchise player last summer. Now for him to say he's listening to offers? It's a calculated strike on Buss' part.

Whether it's Kobe, LeBron, D-Wade or even Durant, of course every owner listens to what other teams offer you for your star. You have to. But to publicly admit that you do? It's a slap in Kobe's face. Not that I blame Buss, but I guarantee you that none of the owners/GMs of the other three players would've admitted as much to a newspaper writer.


Posted at 3:10PM on Oct 11th 2007 by RandallKim07

5. Hard to say a guy with this much talent(Kobe) is overrated but he is. He has kept the Lakers in a state of flux,he has stabbed teammatesa,management and coaches in the back. He pouts when given a game plan. He wants to be traded,but what team with a shot at a titles is going to trade two starters for him when he doesn't seem to get along with teammates as it is?
The guy is a prima donna out only for Kobe. Frankly the Lakers are his best option and showing some leadership by getting down in the trenches with them especially on defense would be a big step toward having this team go places and move forward,something they haven't done in 3 seasons now.
He likes to think he is a winner but all we've seen since Shaq left is a big whiner. At this point I'm almost willing to say anything you can get for him as long as heyt are team players would be a big improvement. Stabbing teammates in the back and blaming everyone in sight is not the signm of a winner.

Posted at 4:18PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Bruce Broer

6. Bruce Broer,

Your entire post is a whine, maybe you are not so different from Kobe after all.

Posted at 6:18PM on Oct 11th 2007 by Dead Weight

7. RandallKim07,

With all due respect, I totally disagree with your logic.

Any player, be it Jordan, Magic, Bird, Shaq, James or Wade is tradeable under certain circumstances.

If any one of the players listed above declared they were leaving their present team when their contract allows them to, a owner would be a poor businessman if he didn't try to get compensation for that player.

If he allows Kobe to finish his contract and simply leave, Buss would get nothing in return.
The closer to the end of the contract becomes, the less Buss gets in return.

It's the law of diminishing returns.
If a player says he is finished with that team but still has years left on his contract, you find a suitable trade before the contract expires because if Kobe is traded with only one year left, a team would not give up as much to acquire him if they didnt think he would stay with them.

Buss said he is willing to do a sign in trade, which helps everyone. It helps the team getting Kobe by locking in the looney bird and it helps Kobe, cause "a dog gotsta get paid", and it helps the Lakers by cementing some determined value for trade equality.

Anyone who read Buss's statements in the article has to admit that Buss states he wants Kobe to stay, he begged him to. He also kept Kobe in the loop with regards to trade offers as a sign of good will so Kobe wouldn't think that Buss wasn't trying to grant Kobe his wishes. If that is not going above and beyond, then I don't know what is.

What is Buss suppose to do? Kobe has trashed the front office, his teammates and the owner. How would any of you navigate those waters?

He wants Kobe to stay, but if he is not going to, Buss has his loyalty with his team, exactly where it should be.

Posted at 6:49PM on Oct 11th 2007 by GUS

8. Bruce Broer,

Well said

Posted at 7:03PM on Oct 11th 2007 by GUS

9. Yo GUS, the thing I was addressing was the fact that you said Shoals was making a non-story out of this by twisting Buss' words. Hardly. If you've been following the story closely, which I'm sure you have, then you know admitting Kobe's up for grabs is a big development. Even though Buss was spouting all of this "I

Posted at 10:45PM on Oct 11th 2007 by RandallKim07

10. Nightowl seems to be talking out of complete ignorance - magnafied by prejudice and hatred. Kobe was accused and charged with a crime - those charges were dropped. To put him in the same mold as OJ and Vick are ludicrous at best. Hey everyone.. GET OVER IT!

Bottom line is this... as an owner... Buss would be stupid NOT to listen to offers... equally stupid to make a trade resulting in no equal return... let me think... he went down that road once already... don't think he will do it again without receiving fair value in return (see Brian Grant and Vlade Divac and what those moves did to their Salary cap and flexibilty to make a move). Does Kobe have the right to be frustrated by the recently under-acheiving team? Absolutely. Does he have the right to want to play for a team that has a legitimate chance to win another ring? Absolutely. In fact, if I were an owner, I would want someone who is as obsessed with winning as he is. Does anyone in the Laker organization seem to be handling the situation correctly? Nope! Teams are like families... don't air out your dirty laundry for everyone else to see. SHAQ did it when he was here... the team reacted poorly, but I don't see anyone here recalling those instances. Is loyalty "dead" in Pro sports? IT HAS BEEN FOR YEARS.... to the point that it has permeated collegiate athletics as well.

That being said, for those of you who think Kobe is over rated.... go back to his 81 pt. game -- do you really think that the opposing team was just letting him score? Go back a few years against San Antonio when SHAQ got hurt and Kobe took the team on his back to win. Go back to the trips back and forth from Denver trials when Kobe would "light up and lock down" the Laker opponents for that night. Check out his stats and see how many times he has been named 1st or 2nd team all NBA for defense. Does he have an over-inflated ego? Of course.... few are the STAR PRO athletes who don't. Through November of last year, the Lakers were the talk of the NBA... playing well, playing as a team. Injuries occurred and they began to slip. Struggles led to frustration.. players seemed to quit at times (a sign that they don't have the intestinal fortitude to do what it takes to rise to the challenge). One thing however has remained a constant.... Kobe has NEVER quit. He comes ready to play game in game out... his training regimen is awed even by his Superstar peers.

Let me ask you... if you, in your job were being held under the microscope for the performance of your team / peers, and they seemed to be happy wallowing in mediocraty, wouldn't you get a bit ticked off? Wouldn't you want something to be done about the problem? And if it didn't get fixed, wouldn't you start the process of a) ratcheting up the pressure for your superiors to help fix the problem, or b) begin the process of moving to a company that embraces the same winning philosopy that you take with you to work everday? I think so.

Finally, to Kobe and the Laker organization. "Grow up"! Quit airing you crap out for the ever zealous media to turn into some reality show circus.
Dr. Buss - if you are truly commited to winning, and not just ticket sales - you better be ready to open up the pocket book - otherwise, admit what you are... a team in flux that is capable of making the playoffs... maybe even going deep into them, but incapable of rising to the ultimate challenge of going above and beyond.

Mr. Kupchack, you have the unfortunate job of being the next guy after Jerry West (legendary as a player, coach, and GM). If you don't reign the team in and get them focused on winning together... you won't have it much longer. The next GM will automatically have an easier job and be more successful because he will be the lucky one who replaces .... let me think .... you.

Kobe... just shut up and play. That will speak volumes.

To the rest of the team... STEP UP! When Kobe started spouting off at the end of the season, I didn't take it as petulance, I took it as a challenge of your manhood and sense of professionalism... so .... STEP UP!

To D-Fish.... welcome home. Hopefully, you can help right a flowundering ship with your class and attitude!

Posted at 1:18PM on Oct 12th 2007 by lakers4ever

11. Things are just shaping up so quickly. Most Lakers fans are not aware of this, Jerry Buss is about to close shop. He is no longer interested continuing the team's existence. Look, what happened to the Sparks managed by Johnny it's now sold. From the moment Jerry West left it was a sure indication that the organization will fold-up. Shaq left thereafter, now it will be Kobe's turn. See how they played against the Warriors, no D again. That's why Kupchak is running the team like the way he looks like, confused. Jerry Buss does'nt pay more money to players now because he has a different lifestyle. Playing poker and dating younger women is his priority at this time. Laker fans start turning to your right now and just switch your simpathy to the Clips. I hope Kobe will just demand a trade to that organiztion so that we real LA Lakers fans can still continue enjoying Kobe' game. Kobe should start his acts now before it's too late. It's true that Jerry B has the right how to run his team but we fans determine if the team is attactive or not. We are the milking cow of team owners so we have the last word to say.I think Mitch K can start at power forward for this team to make it better. What kind of players the will have after Kobe. Dr. Buss shame on you.

Posted at 6:26PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Gary

12. Has Jery Buss been not listening? Is His brain working these days or is he still driving down the wrong side of the street? Trade Kobe who you said was like a son and you had the greatest respect and would be a Laker for life. Kobe is best player in league period. Why doesn't the Laker mgm't surround him with some talent all he wants to do is win. What has the GM Mitch who done since he's been in charge. Sure Jerry or Johnny run the show don't blame Kobe for speaking his mind, sure he is off base a lot of times and should shut up be he is a very competitive player. Ask any player in the league. Kobe needs help Fisher is a big help but you need more than one big time player. Do something now or continue your losing ways.

Posted at 7:10PM on Oct 12th 2007 by richi

13. You are still missing the main points. Kobe is an excellent talent in the basketball sense but several things:
1. Where could Kobe possibly go where the team trading for him wouldn't have lost two or three starters? The end result would be Kobe would be right back where he started,a team with no chance to win very probably not any better than the current Lakers.
2. For those who think Kobe is a "winner",what playoff series has he ever won without Shaquille? What is the team record without Shaquille(121-125). What was the team record without Shaquille back when Shaquille played(and was injured) for the Lakers and Kobe played(about .500). What was the record during the Shaq era when Shaq played and Kobe sat?(over.700).
3. 81 points in one game. Very impressive feat,but oddly enough,if you look at it closely a symptom of the very reason why the team will seemingly never go anywhere with Kobe leading. Phil recognizes it now(7 second rule). Tex recognizes it(pointed remarks about how Kobe needs to quit saving his energy on defense and take some leadership on that end). Note also Phil's remarks about that. If the Lakers are going to make much progress it has to start at the defensive end. Kobe can score points but most of the time a good team can score more.
4. Players can mimic all of the Jordan gestures like Kobe does but the gestures,grimaces,head shaking etc. purely show this is a guy who wants to be like Mike but apparently doesn't have the character. How many losing seasons did Mike face yet continue to get beat around by the Pistons and other physical teams(and with the wimpy handcheck rules today Kobe never had to face any of that?) You seldom heard Mike blaming those around him even when the Bulls were losing.
5. Kobe's career is Mike's in reverse if you think about it. Kobe had the biggest force in the game(Shaq) and he came in winning as soon as Phil got there. Mike had a team somewhat like Kobe's now and he suffered a couple seasons of losing before Phil got there. He stuck it out and BEGAN winning his titles when he was the age Kobe is now(just slightly younger).Mike led the team and was a winner. Kobe whines louder every year and does not work with teammates,the key to building a team.
6. This will be a very telling year for the Lakers. Buss,Phil and Tex obviously recognize the problems and know where the leadership has to come from. Thus the seven second rule,the emphasis on defense and finally the remarks about Kobe being tradeable. To this point(and even in the Shaq era) Kobe has chosen to remain aloof from teammates,to blame them,management and everyone else but not to actually work WITH them to BUILD a team like Chicago had to do. That requires team play and Kobe is an entity unto himself and in many respects that is his personality. It frustrated Phil once because Phil is a team coach if there ever was one. His philosophy is to build teams where players provide their own leadership,but on this team due to ability Kobe was appointed leader and the problem with that is Kobe is too self centered and involved with himself to be the leader others need him to be and as long as Kobe is there other players can't build a leaderhip base. Teams are and should be a brotherhood(San Antonio) and a true leader is one of the guys not putting himself on a different plane from teammates(Tim Duncan). Average players worshipping (standing around watching) a God (Kobe) do not make for a winning team.
7. The Lakers have two of the greatest coaches of all time(Phil and Tex and Tex was great before he and Phil hooked up). Kobe is a guy who for all his talent wants to do what Kobe does(put on a show for the crowd). He is box office all the way,but the problem with that is that sometimes box office gets in the way of winning(Pistol Pete and there are similarities that are undeniable). The greatest of coaches can become frustrated when the players rebel against or can't follow a game plan or in some ways undermine the plan by playing less than their best when presented with a plan theyt don't like. We've seen all that from Kobe at various times and the truth needs to be faced, that unless the leading player(or leading prima donna) will follow the plan the best of coaching can't get it done.
At some point a lot of the Kobe worshippers need to face the truth. Are they really Laker fans or merely victims of the Kobe media hype? Watch the other 9 players and understand how Kobe often makes it easier for the opponents by holding and overdribbling the ball no matter how many points he scores. Watch Kobe's teammates while he does his act on offense and you'll understand why things are made easier for the defense by what Kobe does(or doesn't do) with the ball. Watch especially the seven second rule this year and how Kobe reacts to it because it is Phil's way of getting through the obstacle(Wasted clock time on offense and
players uninvolved other than Kobe,no ball movement).
Time to face the facts,Lakers may stagnate where they are for years unless players are obtained who can form a team and those who aren't amenable to growig and changing might help by their leaving.

Posted at 8:30AM on Oct 13th 2007 by Bruce Broer

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